
Domain with duplicate content - safe to use?

Jun 8th, 2020
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  1. Domain with duplicate content - safe to use?
  2. I have a domain with copied articles from another website, in the past I didn't care about traffic from google on this site. Now I want to try to get some traffic from google in this niche and remove all articles and add new. Is it safe? Or should I buy a brand new domain for these articles?
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  14. ? Full of Content Quality Web 2.0s - Up To 100 Articles - Affordable Prices ? ? [20% OFF] ?
  15. There are chances the domain has been penalized by Google for having duplicate content. You should buy a new one
  16. Yes. You should try with new one. It may already cached with google. So you need to buy new one for your new process.
  17. Using that is not a smart idea! If you are looking for making money..buy a new site and post unique good quality content. Build good quality backlinks.
  18. don't go with this domain new one will be your good option.
  19. Its not safe , you need to buy a new domain .
  20. Avoid using copied content . Use unique and quality content .
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  24. There are chances the domain has been penalized by Google for having duplicate content. You should buy a new one
  25. Please, please. Op, safe to use if you got no message in Webmaster tool or saw any significant drop in ranking for that domain, if you were doing SEO with duplicate content. If it was just laying around with content, then you are good to go.
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  30. The list of Web 2.0 Do-Follow Backlink site will be the life savior for your SEO growth. This will be the latest trend that the people used to do for boosting their website presence over online.
  31. Domain with duplicate content - safe to use?
  32. The list shown below will be most useful for the people in building effective backlink strategy without any issue. Some of the advantages and benefits of practicing the High PR Web 2.0 Do-Follow Backlinks are stated below.
  34. #1 It helps you attain a huge follower based traffic.
  36. #2 Your brand could be well exposed to this online world globally.
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  42. List of DoFollow Backlink Web 2.0 Submission Sites
  44. No Website Link PA DA Sample
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  51. #07 storeboard.com 63 57 View
  52. List of NoFollow Backlink Web 2.0 Submission Sites - Bonus
  54. No Website Link PA DA Sample
  55. #01 medium.com 94 94 View
  56. #02 wn.com 90 89 View
  57. #03 instructables.com 92 90 View
  58. #04 angelfire.com 84 92 View
  59. #05 sites.google.com 95 100 View
  60. #06 livejournal.com 95 94 View
  61. Pro Tip – If you’re about to do Web 2.0 Submission, don’t spin your content in any case. A quality Web 2.0 content could boost your SEO drastically.
  63. DoFollow Best Directory Submission Sites List
  65. Before getting started with any link building strategy, knowing its benefits is quite interesting. The same is applicable to high authority directory submission. Though directory submission is one of the earliest techniques, it has vast benefits over your link profile and SEO.
  66. For an instant, consider sentences as below:
  68. I love cooking my dear friend.
  69. I love cooking, my dear friend.
  70. Lets eat kids.
  71. Let’s eat, kids.
  72. I guess no explanations are required. Missing comma completely changes the meaning of a sentence. Similarly, you may be making apostrophe mistakes as below:
  74. Cant – Can’t
  75. Members – Member’s
  76. In the latter one, “Members” is not a wrong word (refers to plural) but it has different meanings rather than “Member’s” (refers to possession).
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