
Draft Logs (Beginning Cut off)

Feb 6th, 2015
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  1. +Kaelcee: mlz =/= Kiper
  2. +TPPLA2 Proctor: no idea
  3. +Leag.Commish: SoHippy
  4. +liria10: idk iwa
  5. #BigFatMantis: ops wrong account
  6. @Poksonkirmar: 9th?
  7. @Iwamiger: remove it imo
  8. @xxHazorx: mlz = maybe hitler
  9. +Coryn: Plz no.
  10. @redwings1340: ok
  11. +Coryn: He not hitler
  12. @Poksonkirmar: lol
  13. +Leag.Commish: Is duplex alive?
  14. @Natsugan: did duplex send in a list?
  15. +boolerex: Plz plz
  16. @Iwamiger: no
  17. @Iwamiger: rip in peace
  18. +boolerex: He's my allie
  19. #BigFatMantis: Duplex plz
  20. +Leag.Commish: Duplex did send a list
  21. @Poksonkirmar: yay
  22. @Natsugan: Excellent
  23. @Iwamiger left
  24. @Griever1337: yay
  25. @Iwamiger joined
  26. +liria10: cool
  27. @Kelcius: ok
  28. #BigFatMantis: btw I can't release part 3 of TPPLA2 without Duplex being here
  29. #BigFatMantis: so Natsugan can blame whoever made him leave
  30. +boolerex: Duplex ragequitted?
  31. +Soma Ghost: regret
  32. +Kooma9: Let's do this circle-jerk again.
  33. @Iwamiger: natsugan already won TPPLA part 3 though
  34. @Griever1337: lol
  35. @Iwamiger: send TPPLA 4 imo
  36. @xxHazorx: ayyyyyyyyyyy
  37. @Kelcius: TPPLA2-3 was today?
  38. #BigFatMantis: yes
  39. @Griever1337: yu[
  40. @Leonys: /r/tppleaguecirclejerk
  41. @Kelcius: curious
  42. @Iwamiger: >yu
  43. +Xinc left
  44. @Iwamiger: ppppppppppppppppersona
  45. @Iwamiger: imo
  46. @darkfiregamer: welp no Doopliss it seems
  47. • @Natsugan blames iwa and poomph
  48. +Poomph: Sorry
  49. @Iwamiger: sorry
  50. @xxHazorx: leonys did you meant /r/privatecirclejerk?
  51. @redwings1340: so, Duplex pick?
  52. +liria10: nope duplax isn't in the irc
  53. #BigFatMantis: Duplex back2back picks
  54. @Iwamiger: duplex picks his alt imo
  55. @Poksonkirmar: kek
  56. @xxHazorx: hue
  57. +liria10: *duplex
  58. +Leag.Commish: With the 10th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Duplex_be_Great selects:
  59. +Xinc joined
  60. +slowpokeisagamer: No it's actually /r/TPPCircleJerk
  61. +Poomph: Hehe
  62. @Leonys: Duplex picks Unidanx
  63. +Kaelcee: Unidan !
  64. +Poomph: Pick hype
  65. +Xinc: Phone crashed. What I miss
  66. @Iwamiger: not much
  67. +boolerex: Pick
  68. @darkfiregamer: nothing
  69. +liria10: not mucj
  70. @Griever1337: nothin
  71. +Leag.Commish: HazorEX
  72. +liria10: *muvh
  73. +Poomph: Here's the thing, you said "Duplex picked Hazor"
  74. @xxHazorx: dang
  75. @Iwamiger: BrokeBack
  76. +liria10: muvh
  77. +liria10: much
  78. +boolerex: Also mega not being here and not making a list
  79. +liria10: nice
  80. +Xinc: Mountain
  81. @Natsugan: aaaaaaand?!
  82. +Kaelcee: the second turn is hype !
  83. +liria10: yay
  84. +Leag.Commish: Round 2 will start in 10 minutes
  85. @redwings1340: Wait
  86. #BigFatMantis: hype
  87. +Kaelcee: what
  88. @redwings1340: no
  89. @Griever1337: lolk
  90. @Cerebral Harlot: BOOOOO
  91. @Poksonkirmar: wtf
  92. #BigFatMantis: I can eat my sandwich
  93. +Coryn: lel
  94. @darkfiregamer: pls no
  95. @Poksonkirmar: wtf
  96. @redwings1340: lets just do this
  97. +Leag.Commish: Please stay for this commercial break
  98. +liria10: k ping me by then
  99. #BigFatMantis: pls yes
  100. +boolerex: Intermision hype
  101. @darkfiregamer: I want to get dinner
  102. +Chezmix joined
  103. +Coryn: Trolled imo
  105. @Leonys: INTERMISSION
  106. @Poksonkirmar: welp
  107. @redwings1340: I want to eat soon
  108. #BigFatMantis: I need to eat
  109. +liria10: i got a comic to end beofre ar
  110. #BigFatMantis: my sandwich
  111. @Poksonkirmar: I'm gonna go eat french toast crunch, then.
  112. #BigFatMantis: brb eating a sandwich for 10 min
  113. +liria10: and maybe sleep?
  114. +boolerex: Gonna get some water
  115. +Leag.Commish: imo I need to update list
  117. +Coryn: then eat your GD sandwich BFM :P
  118. @xxHazorx: wow this is the best commercial i have ever seen
  119. @Iwamiger: AQUA X MONADO
  120. +liria10: i'm not even sure i'll still be awake in 10 mins?
  121. @Iwamiger: liria plz
  122. +Coryn: MIHIRA X BFM
  123. @Iwamiger: it's only ten mins
  124. +Kooma9: Anyone get the feeling most of the team names are going to boil down to "Name I'd always wanted to use for a band"
  125. +liria10: fuck it anyway not like i matter here lol
  126. +simpleperson84: Imagine for if one of the rules for the tourney you would have to rap a verse from church of the helix choir every turn
  127. @darkfiregamer: Not really Kooma
  128. @Iwamiger: I already have my team name imo
  129. +Chezmix: KFC x POPCOYRN
  130. • +Kooma9 hugs liria
  131. +Coryn: But liria10 D:
  132. • @Leonys higs liria10
  133. @Iwamiger: Courageous Chukars OpieOP
  134. +Kooma9: just like always
  135. +Leag.Commish: http://www.reddit.com/r/TPPLeague/comments/2uul2j/kappa_cup_confederation_draft_order_unveil/
  136. +Coryn: We like youz being here
  137. • @redwings1340 hugs liria10
  138. +Leag.Commish: Updated!
  139. +liria10: wtf
  140. • +Coryn pokes liria10
  141. @darkfiregamer: didn't Mantis take Kooma?
  142. @xxHazorx: DUPLEX X UNIDAN X WINNARLY X ECHUA X NATU X GIMR X LEONYS OT1739270917891787878787!!1!!1!!
  143. • +Coryn with a stick
  144. +Xinc: #bangimr
  145. +Leag.Commish: oh right
  146. +liria10: i can't wtf to quickly failfish
  147. @Natsugan: BigFatMantis x TieSoul x Cerebral_Harlot x darkfiregamer x Griever1337 x Iwamiger x Kelcius x Leonys x Natsugan x Pokson x redwings x sohippy x Hazor x boolerex x Chezmix x Coryn x Kaelcee x Kooma x gunt x liria x Poomph x simple x slowpoke x Soma Ghost x Xinc
  148. @Natsugan: BigFatMantis x TieSoul x Cerebral_Harlot x darkfiregamer x Griever1337 x Iwamiger x Kelcius x Leonys x Natsugan x Pokson x redwings x sohippy x Hazor x boolerex x Chezmix x Coryn x Kaelcee x Kooma x gunt x liria x Poomph x simple x slowpoke x Soma Ghost x Xinc
  149. @darkfiregamer: mass pingerino pls
  150. +Kooma9: Commissioner! I am still on the list as being available. I'll have you know that me and Mantis are quite happy together.
  151. +Coryn: lel
  152. +liria10: damn that one hell of a ship
  153. +Leag.Commish: http://www.reddit.com/r/TPPLeague/comments/2uul2j/kappa_cup_confederation_draft_order_unveil/
  154. +Soma Ghost: best ship imo
  155. +Kooma9: That's better
  156. +slowpokeisagamer: I'm not even on that list, I was so bad I couldn't get on a College Pokemon Team let alone the Kappa Cup Confederation. Keepo
  157. +Coryn: Kelcius, TieSoul, and Pokson are still left? Sweet
  158. +Xinc: Son
  159. @xxHazorx: DAE tadpole is forgitten?
  160. @Kelcius: yep
  161. @Kelcius: I believe
  162. +Coryn: lol Slowpoke
  163. +Xinc: Why am i on bottom
  164. @redwings1340: lol, I bet most college pokemon teams could beat us
  165. @Iwamiger: because you're new
  166. +Chezmix: iM STILLIN
  167. @Kelcius: I'm RU
  168. +boolerex: Hue
  169. +boolerex: And NU and got the second pick lol
  170. @Natsugan: I'm Ubers PogChamp
  171. @Griever1337: he put them by list on the sidebar here
  172. +Leag.Commish: 4 minutes until Round 2
  173. +Kooma9: UU because I
  174. +Xinc: I used to be Pokemon Online UU star
  175. +Kooma9: 'm lazy
  176. +Coryn: Kooma9 is also most disappointing player :P
  177. +slowpokeisagamer: We need more Doot in here for more practice battling.
  178. +Kooma9: Yup
  179. • @Leonys pokes liria10
  180. +Kooma9: :D
  181. @xxHazorx: guise
  182. @Natsugan: BigFatMantis x TieSoul x Cerebral_Harlot x darkfiregamer x Griever1337 x Iwamiger x Kelcius x Leonys x Natsugan x Pokson x redwings x sohippy x Hazor x boolerex x Chezmix x Coryn x Kaelcee x most disappointing player x gunt x liria x Poomph x simple x slowpoke x Soma Ghost x Xinc
  183. @Natsugan: fixed
  184. @xxHazorx: shall we ban mantis to AG?
  185. +Xinc: Son lol
  186. +Coryn: Can somebody warn Natsu? geez
  187. +boolerex: Natsugan mass pinger comfirmed
  188. @Natsugan: Well
  189. @Natsugan: Mantis is eating a sandwich
  190. @Natsugan: so it's up to tie
  191. +Poomph: Huh?
  192. @xxHazorx: PROPOSITION MANTIS TOO OP : Ban Mantis to AG
  193. +Poomph: Oh
  194. @Iwamiger: you know what makes me mad about MLZ's post
  195. • +Chezmix best spamer
  196. @Iwamiger: is
  197. +boolerex: MAKE ME A SANDWITCH
  198. +Kooma9: Mantis taking me on the team is equivalent to having Primal-Quaza and putting Little Cup mon on the rest of the slots to make it balanced.
  199. @Iwamiger: he didn't take out the rayyy lmao band with ice shard gg
  200. • +Xinc love taps natsugan
  201. @Natsugan: Teehee~
  202. @Iwamiger: >primal quaza
  203. @Iwamiger: ok
  204. +Chezmix: Ban Mohira
  205. @Leonys: should have #
  206. +Chezmix: to AG
  207. • @Leonys shot and killed
  208. +Leag.Commish: 2 mintues
  209. @xxHazorx: s/Mohira/Mantis/
  210. +Coryn: by doofbot
  211. #BigFatMantis: I picked Kooma because he plays with shitmons
  212. #BigFatMantis: and I play with shitmons
  213. #BigFatMantis: and there's gonna be
  214. #BigFatMantis: a lot of shitmons
  215. #BigFatMantis: imo
  216. +Coryn: lol
  217. @xxHazorx: kek
  218. +Kooma9: Hooray for self-handicapping for fun and profit.
  219. @Iwamiger: press 1 if you feel bad for kooma
  220. @darkfiregamer: 2
  221. +Coryn: 1
  222. +slowpokeisagamer: I feel like i should play more online X battles. Buuuuttttt that would require me to have the same cookie cutter 6 'Mon as everyone else.
  223. @Leonys: 88
  224. +simpleperson84: just don't start throwing around shitmons kappa
  225. @xxHazorx: 0
  226. +Coryn: 1 imo
  227. +slowpokeisagamer: 69
  228. @Natsugan: 11
  229. +Chezmix: Im probably RU
  230. +Poomph: http://youtu.be/1baMKWSt2kc
  231. +simpleperson84: 14
  232. @Iwamiger: ru my mummy
  233. +slowpokeisagamer: no
  234. #BigFatMantis: 1 minute hype?
  235. @Iwamiger: k
  236. +Leag.Commish: Let Round 2 begin!
  237. +Leag.Commish: With the 11th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Duplex_be_Great selects:
  238. +boolerex: Mantis and Kooma are gonna make the best of generally bad pokemon,will would be interresing
  239. +Chezmix: hype
  240. @Leonys: Unidan
  241. @Iwamiger: lol
  242. @xxHazorx: 10/10 best commercial,would watch again
  243. #BigFatMantis: regret, didn't bold Duplex's name
  244. +Leag.Commish: Pokson
  245. +Coryn: You are Chezmix. It got updated
  246. @Iwamiger: rip pokson imo
  247. @Iwamiger: that's going to be a fun team to watch
  248. • +Xinc raises a flag
  249. #BigFatMantis: who is Pokson
  250. +slowpokeisagamer: Character problems with that one. Probably never going to play a full season.
  251. #BigFatMantis: I only see Poksonkirmar
  252. @Leonys: Pokson wants to be released
  253. @Iwamiger: duplex aka "gets mad at a word" and pokson aka "more PJSalt than Leonys and pigu combined"
  254. +Leag.Commish: Regret Mega is on the clock
  255. @Iwamiger: OpieOP
  256. #BigFatMantis: lol
  257. #BigFatMantis: what does Mel Kiper say
  258. +Poomph: TriHard Mega...
  259. #BigFatMantis: for Mega's next pick
  260. +Kaelcee: Mega's age is also on the clock, lol
  261. @Poksonkirmar: wat
  262. @Iwamiger: hue
  263. +Leag.Commish: lol
  264. @Poksonkirmar: o
  265. @Natsugan: lol
  266. +Poomph: Holy shit that's a nice one
  267. @xxHazorx: NICEMECHA
  268. @Poksonkirmar: thanks for pingerino
  269. @Poksonkirmar: OpieOP
  270. @Leonys: so team Duplex comfirmed for the seahawks
  271. @Poksonkirmar: also
  272. +Coryn: BigFatMantis: TieSoul
  273. @Poksonkirmar: iwa i'll hurt u
  274. +Xinc: Don't be a thief
  275. @Iwamiger: see imo
  276. #BigFatMantis: imo give him TieSoul then
  277. @Iwamiger: also nah
  278. +slowpokeisagamer: Yes Leonys
  279. @Iwamiger: the seahawks have OP defense OpieOP
  280. +slowpokeisagamer: Duplex is Pete Carrol.
  281. @redwings1340: lol
  282. #BigFatMantis: just pretend Mel Kiper made his list for him
  284. @Iwamiger: these guys just have OP (taking) offense OpieOP
  285. +Leag.Commish: With the 12th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Duplex_be_Great selects:
  286. #BigFatMantis: and Tiesoul is actually
  287. #BigFatMantis: around the same timezone
  288. +Poomph: >Duplex gets 3 picks
  289. +Leag.Commish: TieSoul <-- rip imo
  290. +Poomph: DansGame
  291. @darkfiregamer: 11th
  292. +Leag.Commish: dansgame
  293. @darkfiregamer: 11th pick
  294. #BigFatMantis: you mean
  295. +slowpokeisagamer: >3 picks....
  296. @Iwamiger: >three picks
  297. #BigFatMantis: Mega
  298. #BigFatMantis: not Duplex
  299. @Griever1337: >3 picks
  300. +Leag.Commish: With the 12th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Mega-Charizard selects:
  301. @Iwamiger: IMPEACH GUNT
  302. #BigFatMantis: lol
  303. +slowpokeisagamer: LEAGUE IS CORRUPT!
  304. +Xinc: Me
  305. +liria10: meh?
  306. +Kaelcee: TriHard Duplex
  307. +Leag.Commish: Tiesoul
  308. +Coryn: lol
  309. +liria10: it started again
  310. @Iwamiger: hue
  311. @darkfiregamer: hey now we're caught up
  312. +Xinc: Lol
  313. @redwings1340: haha
  314. @Natsugan: >not a capitalized S
  315. #BigFatMantis: Team Mega = Mega/sohippy/TieSoul = hardest team to fight because never online
  316. @Leonys: gunt confirmed for Goodell
  317. @Natsugan: do it again
  318. @Natsugan: imo
  319. +Leag.Commish: hue
  320. @Iwamiger: Team AFK
  321. +Poomph: Team lurker
  322. @darkfiregamer: Team Mega will never be seen again
  323. @Natsugan: RIP
  324. +boolerex: Team afk comfirmed
  325. +Leag.Commish: rip
  326. +liria10: lol
  327. @xxHazorx: right so im with Unidan and?
  328. +Kooma9: Almost ShadowNil, but not quite.
  329. @darkfiregamer: RIP all hopes of finishing league
  330. @Iwamiger: tiesoul
  331. +Leag.Commish: MBVKLC IS ON THE CLOCK
  332. +Poomph: Hazor you're with doopliss and Pokson
  333. @redwings1340: wait
  334. @Iwamiger: tick tock
  335. @redwings1340: who did Mega actually take?
  336. @Leonys: rip Hazor. With Salt 1 and Salt 2
  337. @Poksonkirmar: ech
  338. #BigFatMantis: TieSoul
  339. @redwings1340: who did Duplex take?
  340. @darkfiregamer: Mega didn't send a list so he got sohippy and tiesoul
  341. +boolerex: Random pick as he isn't here
  342. #BigFatMantis: Duplex took Pokson
  343. @darkfiregamer: duplex took hazor and pokson
  344. +boolerex: and no list
  345. @redwings1340: ah, ok
  346. +slowpokeisagamer: AFK teams should forfeit their pick that round.
  347. +slowpokeisagamer: Then at the end they get what's left.
  348. #BigFatMantis: it's too much of a handicap to do that tho
  349. @xxHazorx: press bsijodgubisuo to cry for me
  350. #BigFatMantis: because the season is long
  351. @Iwamiger: it's their own fault for not being here imo
  352. +liria10: yeah
  353. +slowpokeisagamer: Yeah it's punishment for not being here on time
  354. +Poomph: Iwa is pretty correct
  355. +liria10: how long is teh season btw
  356. +liria10: *teh
  357. +Coryn: can that go ahead and be their nickname? Team AFK?
  358. +liria10: *the
  359. #BigFatMantis: I don't think there's anything wrong with a random pick
  360. @Iwamiger: we didn't let leonys into the tourney when he showed up late either OpieOP
  361. @Leonys: When's playoffs?
  362. +Leag.Commish: Anyway, KAELCEE IS ON THE CLOCK
  363. @darkfiregamer: agreed on random pick
  364. +Kaelcee: I know, right ?
  365. +boolerex: To be fair,he could have send a list for pick
  366. +Poomph: yeah, he could've at least done that imo
  367. +slowpokeisagamer: I'll be Kyle Orton. I'll just be retired until somebody's like "I need a guy that sucks less than this other person." Kappa
  368. +Chezmix: RNG should choose his pick imo
  369. @xxHazorx: right
  370. @Iwamiger: !praiserng
  371. @Iwamiger: !curserng
  372. +Leag.Commish: Kyle Orton's Neckbeard = MVP
  373. @redwings1340: I like using the rng when in doubt
  374. @xxHazorx: so Mantis is Team Shitmons
  375. @Leonys: RNGod
  376. +Chezmix: No fun
  377. @Iwamiger: so do I redwings
  378. @Iwamiger: Kappa
  379. @xxHazorx: Mega is Team AFK
  380. +Chezmix: ^
  381. @Iwamiger: A F K B O Y S
  382. @xxHazorx: while DooplissTheUnidan is Team Salt?
  383. +Chezmix: sohippy
  384. @redwings1340: Well, you don't use the rng, Iwa. You just use loaded dice
  385. @Kelcius: hahah
  386. +Chezmix: is mostly AFK
  387. @Iwamiger: close enough imo
  388. +Soma Ghost: AFlaK
  389. @Natsugan: . . .
  390. +Soma Ghost: Koopa
  391. @darkfiregamer: Yep Team Salt
  392. +Kooma9: Mantis is Team PUnisher
  393. +Kaelcee: Allright ! My next pick will be a huge surprise !
  394. @xxHazorx: inb4 nicemecha
  395. +Chezmix: hmmmm
  396. @Iwamiger: inb4 stormcrow
  397. +Poomph: inb4 sirabudin
  398. +boolerex: Probably one of those random guy nobody know about
  399. +Chezmix: inb4 Unidian
  400. @xxHazorx: inb4 yourself
  401. +Leag.Commish: With the 13th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, KAELCEE selects:
  402. @Iwamiger: inb4 coryn
  403. @Natsugan: !bet 100 Kelcius
  404. +boolerex: inb4 kyurem
  405. @xxHazorx: KAELCEE
  406. +Leag.Commish: Coryn
  407. @darkfiregamer: selecting himself DansGame
  408. @Iwamiger: called it
  409. @Iwamiger: imo
  410. +Coryn: Plz no.
  411. @redwings1340: I wanted Coryn
  412. #BigFatMantis: 2bad
  413. +Poomph: Popcoryn
  414. #BigFatMantis: Coryn OP
  415. @redwings1340: oh well
  416. @darkfiregamer: RIP Redwings's dream
  417. @Iwamiger: and I wanted poomph
  418. @Iwamiger: OpieOP
  419. +boolerex: Lol gj iwa
  420. +Poomph: Hue
  421. #BigFatMantis: Coryn shouldn't slide too low imo
  422. @Iwamiger: R O C K B O T T O M B O Y S
  423. +Chezmix: Make tiers official or riot
  424. @xxHazorx: rip redchickenwings's popcoryn dream
  425. @darkfiregamer: Mantis picks next hype
  426. @Natsugan: BigFatMantis is on the cock
  427. @Iwamiger: red hot buffalo wings
  428. @Iwamiger: imo
  429. #BigFatMantis: am I on the clock?
  430. +liria10: k is this soon over?
  431. #BigFatMantis: o
  432. +slowpokeisagamer: Good solid pick.
  433. +Xinc: On the cock lol
  434. @darkfiregamer: NaCl don't take Gunts job
  436. @xxHazorx: no mantis
  437. @xxHazorx: you're on the cock
  438. +boolerex: MANTIS IN THE COCK
  439. +Leag.Commish: With the 14th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, BIGFATMANTIS selects:
  440. +Chezmix: s/clock/cock
  442. +Xinc: Cock
  443. +liria10: wtf
  445. +Coryn: idk Liria
  446. +Leag.Commish: Xincmars
  447. +boolerex: Wat
  448. +liria10: yay
  449. #BigFatMantis: hype
  450. +Chezmix: hype
  451. @Iwamiger: scrub team hype
  452. +Xinc: !
  453. @xxHazorx: team PU is OP plz
  454. @darkfiregamer: Team PU
  455. +Chezmix: team scrub
  456. +liria10: btw who xinc
  457. @Iwamiger: xinc is xfix's alt imo
  458. +Kooma9: ಠ‿ಠ
  459. #BigFatMantis: not gonna lie
  460. +boolerex: Team PU comfirmed
  461. +slowpokeisagamer: That's a reach of a pick, may pay off big, or may be a big bust.
  462. +Xinc: I'm from PO
  463. #BigFatMantis: I may have bumped up Xinc on my list
  464. +Chezmix: PU mons are good what are you talking about
  465. #BigFatMantis: after he said he plays UU
  466. +Leag.Commish: With the 15th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Redwings1340 selects:
  467. @Iwamiger: lol
  468. @redwings1340: ah
  469. @darkfiregamer: lol Mantis
  470. +liria10: lol
  471. @redwings1340: that makes sense
  472. +Leag.Commish: Kelcius
  473. +Kooma9: Scouting like a pro
  474. +Soma Ghost: saw that coming tbh
  475. +Chezmix: My PU team will wipe the
  476. +liria10: nice
  477. +Chezmix: fuck out of u
  478. +Coryn: Can I request a trade? Keepo
  479. @xxHazorx: mantis plz staph picking op people
  480. +slowpokeisagamer: Amazed that he fell this far in the draft.
  481. +Chezmix: with moves you have never seen
  482. #BigFatMantis: Coryn confirmed salt
  483. #BigFatMantis: imo go to Team Duplex Salt
  484. +Leag.Commish: DarkFireGamer is on the clock
  485. @xxHazorx: inb4 a team of splash users
  486. +Chezmix: s/clock/cock
  487. @darkfiregamer: hmmm, who to pick
  488. +slowpokeisagamer: DarkFire, the legendary People's Champion.
  489. +slowpokeisagamer: America's Team.
  490. @Leonys: Mantis already confirmed for Evil League of Evil
  491. @Iwamiger: hue
  492. #BigFatMantis: who was Kaelcee's first pick anyways
  493. #BigFatMantis: what's that team look like
  494. @Iwamiger: uh
  495. @darkfiregamer: "America's" Team
  496. @xxHazorx: trade popcoryn with me imo
  497. +Soma Ghost: League of Super Evil Kappa
  498. @Iwamiger: sohippy?
  499. @darkfiregamer: Mihira is from Mexico so RIP that
  500. +Soma Ghost: LOSE Keepo
  501. @xxHazorx: LEMONS
  502. +Poomph: Kaelcee's first pick was...
  503. @Kelcius: Wohhooo
  504. #Wavestorm joined
  505. @Kelcius: I saw my name who chose me?
  506. @Iwamiger: coryn
  507. +Leag.Commish: Cerebral harlot
  508. @Kelcius: Mantis?
  509. @Iwamiger: that was it
  510. +Poomph: Cerebral
  511. +slowpokeisagamer: Mihiras from Mexico~
  512. #BigFatMantis: oh
  513. +Chezmix: Tacos
  514. #BigFatMantis: Kelcius you got chosen by Redwings
  515. @redwings1340: I chose you, Kelcius
  516. @Kelcius: no redwins
  517. #Wavestorm: who is the second team member iwa
  518. @Kelcius: yay
  519. +boolerex: Redwind choose you kelcius
  520. @Iwamiger: not yet aqua
  521. @darkfiregamer: Uh oh, redwins
  522. #Wavestorm: oh yeah
  523. +Chezmix: hype
  524. #Wavestorm: reversed order
  525. @darkfiregamer: more dangerous than redwings
  526. #Wavestorm: ech
  527. +liria10: question who's choosing the last draftee
  528. +Leag.Commish: With the 16th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, DarkFireGamer selects:
  529. @Cerebral Harlot: what?
  530. @Griever1337: i
  531. @Cerebral Harlot: huh?
  532. @Iwamiger: I'm after dfg though
  533. @Iwamiger: so
  534. @Griever1337: i am the last to go
  535. +Leag.Commish: Liria10
  536. #Wavestorm: yeah
  537. +slowpokeisagamer: Kelcius already causing internal drama on the team. That's gonna bleed into their on-field performance if not tackled.
  538. @Iwamiger: hype
  539. +liria10: wat
  540. +boolerex: Hype
  541. #Wavestorm: just forgot about the reversed order
  542. #Wavestorm: so ech
  543. #BigFatMantis: DFG x Liria OTP
  544. @redwings1340: wait, what?
  545. @Kelcius: ;-; what?
  546. @Leonys: could be a worse otp ya know
  547. @darkfiregamer: Why does everyone sound confused
  548. @Griever1337: lolwut
  549. @xxHazorx: imo dfg is secretly cole
  550. +liria10: wait did i read that right
  551. +Coryn: lol
  552. +Chezmix: Fuck bunkershipping
  553. +Xinc: Are you a boy or a girl?
  554. +slowpokeisagamer: Darkfire chose you Liria.
  555. +Coryn: Yeah liria
  556. @redwings1340: Kelcius, are you causing internal drama on my team?
  557. +liria10: lol
  558. @redwings1340: without my knowledge?
  559. +liria10: so i'm with dfg and?
  560. +boolerex: rofl
  561. +Soma Ghost: Darkliria shipping PoogChimp
  562. +liria10: wtf
  563. @darkfiregamer: You're with me and Mohira
  564. +Chezmix: Cole x Liria x DFG
  565. +liria10: nice
  566. +Chezmix: OTP
  567. @Kelcius: no? not intentionally at least'
  568. @Iwamiger: my turn hype
  569. @darkfiregamer: I think this'll be a solid team
  570. +Leag.Commish: With the 17th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Iwamiger selects:
  571. +Chezmix: Cole x Liria x DFG
  572. @redwings1340: Yeah, I'm good with my team
  573. +Chezmix: OTP
  574. +liria10: well good luck with the rest of the draft i need a few hours of sleep before school bye
  575. @Leonys: kill Cole and DFG
  576. @Iwamiger: bye
  577. #Wavestorm: bye
  578. @darkfiregamer: bye
  579. @Leonys: bai
  580. +Coryn: o/
  581. #BigFatMantis: bye
  582. +liria10 left
  583. @redwings1340: good night!
  584. +Leag.Commish: Simpleperson84
  585. @redwings1340: aww
  586. @Iwamiger: hype
  587. +Soma Ghost: b y e
  588. @xxHazorx: team Cole DFG x Liria x wtf
  589. @xxHazorx: OT3
  590. +Chezmix: bye bae <3
  591. +slowpokeisagamer: A pretty simple pick that was. Expected him to go here.
  592. #BigFatMantis: Iwa confirmed teacher
  593. +Soma Ghost: B Y E B O Y S
  594. @Iwamiger: hue
  595. #Wavestorm: hue
  596. @Iwamiger: he's improving pretty quickly imo
  597. @Iwamiger: and that besides
  598. @Iwamiger: I've seen his matches
  599. +Leag.Commish: Natsugan is on the clock
  600. @Iwamiger: his luck seems on par with me
  601. @Iwamiger: can't go wrong with that
  602. #BigFatMantis: lol
  603. +boolerex: Hue
  604. +slowpokeisagamer: Iwam's team is all about luck over skill.
  605. +Chezmix: on the cock
  606. @redwings1340: lol
  607. @Iwamiger: just needs a good teambuilder to succeed
  608. @Iwamiger: imo
  609. +Chezmix: on Aqua's cock
  610. @redwings1340: Iwa will win a few matches from luck, but will it be enough?
  611. +Soma Ghost: lucky charms team imo
  612. @Iwamiger: redwings plz
  613. +Leag.Commish: With the 18th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Natsugan selects:
  614. Chezmix was warned by Wavestorm. (pls pls)
  615. @redwings1340: nah, you are one of the most skilled people here too, Iwa.
  616. +slowpokeisagamer: If his draft class can develop, Iwamiger could be a real contender.... in Season 2.
  617. @xxHazorx: team rng plz
  618. +Poomph: !dt honchkrow
  619. T-Rule UU
  620. HonchkrowDarkFlyingInsomnia
  621. Super LuckMoxieHP
  622. 100Atk
  623. 125Def
  624. 52SpA
  625. 105SpD
  626. 52Spe
  627. 71BST
  628. 505
  629. Dex#: 430 |  Height: 0.9 m |  Weight: 27.3 kg (60 BP) |  Dex Colour: Black |  Egg Group(s): Flying |  Does Not Evolve
  630. +Leag.Commish: StormCrow1770
  631. @Leonys: Chez, the OTP is over
  632. #BigFatMantis: Poomph called it imo
  633. @Iwamiger: wow zinzolin
  634. #Wavestorm: no it isnt
  635. +Chezmix: oh man
  636. @Natsugan: well, I told him
  637. @Kelcius: I Don't want to cause drama
  638. +Poomph: We're pm'ing lol
  639. #BigFatMantis: do we even know anything about StormCrow
  640. @Natsugan: nope
  641. +boolerex: No
  642. +Poomph: Nope
  643. +Leag.Commish: MLZ is on the clock
  644. +Poomph: Risky pick hype
  645. +Kooma9: He can use Reddit
  646. @Iwamiger: his real name is stormjackdaw
  647. +slowpokeisagamer: Not much. But I guess he performed well enough to shoot up someone's draft board.
  648. @darkfiregamer: Leo isn't here though
  649. +Poomph: …Mlz isn't here
  650. @Natsugan: refer to list
  651. @Natsugan: imo
  652. +Leag.Commish: With the 19th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, MasterLeoZangetsu selects:
  653. @xxHazorx: mlz pls choose Nicemecha for instant win
  654. +Soma Ghost: randohype
  655. +boolerex: Predeterminez pick hype
  656. @Iwamiger: well slowpoke
  657. +Chezmix: hype
  658. @Iwamiger: there's only like 3 scrubs to go around now
  659. @xxHazorx: WINNARLY
  660. @Iwamiger: lol
  661. @Griever1337: two i believe
  662. +Leag.Commish: KyuremTrainer
  663. @darkfiregamer: I wonder who Griever is going to pick
  664. +boolerex: Yay
  665. +TPPLA2 Proctor: I knew he would pick KyuremTrainer
  666. @Griever1337: who's left lol
  667. @Iwamiger: yeah but three before
  668. +DuplexBeGreat joined
  669. +Soma Ghost: dfg pls lol
  670. +DuplexBeGreat: here
  671. +TPPLA2 Proctor: becuase Kyurem is a dragon
  672. @Iwamiger: skittiesskittles
  673. @Natsugan: lol
  674. +Soma Ghost: duplex pls
  675. @Iwamiger: L A T E B O Y S
  676. @Griever1337: hi duplex
  677. @Leonys: play nice pls
  678. #BigFatMantis: hi Doopliss
  679. +Chezmix: Hype
  680. @redwings1340: We used your list, Duplex
  681. +DuplexBeGreat: I got here as soon as I could
  682. @darkfiregamer: Hi Doopliss
  683. +DuplexBeGreat: great
  684. @Iwamiger: hue
  685. +Soma Ghost: >soon
  686. +boolerex: I trought you ragequitted
  687. +Leag.Commish: With the 20th pick in the 2015 season one Kappa Cup Confederation, Griever selects:
  688. +DuplexBeGreat: no
  689. +Leag.Commish: Hype
  690. +DuplexBeGreat: I had to go
  691. #BigFatMantis: Doopliss you have Hazor + Pokson
  692. +Poomph: o
  693. @redwings1340: oh, lol
  694. +boolerex: Lol
  695. @Griever1337: ah k
  696. +DuplexBeGreat: yeah
  697. @Iwamiger: john imo
  698. +DuplexBeGreat: no
  699. +Leag.Commish: SkittysSkittles
  700. +Poomph: Then I take back mu apology Kappa
  701. @Eeveelutionlvr joined
  702. @Iwamiger: me too Kappa
  703. +Chezmix: YAY
  704. +slowpokeisagamer: Another surprise pick.
  705. +DuplexBeGreat: I was at a place doing something
  706. @Eeveelutionlvr: whoops
  708. @Iwamiger: bye
  709. +Poomph: Hi eevee
  710. @Griever1337: I GOT SOME CAT SKITTLE
  711. @Iwamiger left
  712. @redwings1340: all right. Good draft. That was fun. Wait, I need to go!
  713. +Kaelcee: g2g, see ya
  714. @Eeveelutionlvr: forgot this server doesn't autolog in
  715. +slowpokeisagamer: EVERYONE LEAVE NOW!
  716. @Iwamiger joined; +slowpokeisagamer left
  717. +Kaelcee: Kappa
  718. @Iwamiger: keepo
  719. +Soma Ghost: SKITTLES HYPE
  720. #BigFatMantis: inb4 everyone leaves
  721. +DuplexBeGreat left
  722. @Eeveelutionlvr: wait
  723. @Eeveelutionlvr: was i drafted
  724. +DuplexBeGreat joined
  725. +boolerex: Hue
  726. @Eeveelutionlvr: or not
  727. +slowpokeisagamer joined
  728. @redwings1340: make this quick, my parents are pressuring me to get off
  729. +Poomph: Just ban everyone Koopa
  730. @Iwamiger: no
  731. @Natsugan: inb4 xfix restarts the server
  732. +Noncreative Proc2 left
  733. +slowpokeisagamer: Kappa
  734. @Iwamiger: rip you imo
  735. #BigFatMantis: you didn't sign up Eevee
  736. +Noncreative Proc2 joined
  737. @Griever1337: lol what the hell
  738. #BigFatMantis: imo
  739. +Kooma9: Need to decide team names though.
  740. +DuplexBeGreat: .
  741. @Eeveelutionlvr: oh
  742. +Xinc: Wat
  743. @Eeveelutionlvr: whoops
  744. @Eeveelutionlvr: forgot about that
  745. +boolerex: Lol eevee
  746. @Natsugan: lol
  747. #BigFatMantis: Xinc do you get on the IRC
  749. • +Kooma9 plays a sad trombone for Eevee
  750. #BigFatMantis: we need to form a super secret team IRC room on freenode
  752. #BigFatMantis: JPEG DansGame
  753. @xxHazorx: doopliss pls find a picture for salt
  754. @darkfiregamer: ^
  755. +boolerex: Regret,none of my team member are here
  756. @darkfiregamer: Regret mine aren't either
  757. +slowpokeisagamer: Don't worry Eevee, you and I can be free agents. Kappa
  758. @xxHazorx: and name us team salt
  759. +Soma Ghost: >jpeg
  760. @Leonys: The Duplex Salties
  761. +Soma Ghost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEzhxP-pdos
  762. +Soma Ghost: pls
  763. @redwings1340: Kelcius, can you copy this down and send this to me in PMs? I can't stay on any longer.
  764. +DuplexBeGreat: Oh, this is going to be fun
  765. +slowpokeisagamer: Soma pls
  766. +Soma Ghost: goddang hotdog riot
  767. +Chezmix: Well I have to go
  768. +Chezmix: soon
  769. +Coryn: I can redwings1340
  770. @redwings1340: cool, thanks
  771. @redwings1340: bye!
  773. #BigFatMantis: inb4 redwings has best logo because of Kelcius
  774. @Kelcius: all the talk?
  775. @redwings1340: yesssss! Master plan!
  776. +Kooma9: Oh god the mon draft will be a mess.
  777. @Kelcius: Wait we make logos?
  778. @Natsugan: Inb4 I pay for commissioned art wor
  779. @Natsugan: k
  780. @Griever1337: how big can our logos be
  781. @Kelcius: Yes logos!
  782. +slowpokeisagamer: The 'Mon draft may need a private room.
  783. @Iwamiger: xbox huge
  784. +Chezmix: trades or riot
  785. +slowpokeisagamer: Just so it's not cluttered up.
  787. @redwings1340 left
  788. +Poomph: Natsugan don't be ridiculous, just hire aom Kappa
  789. @Natsugan: Keepo
  790. @xxHazorx: team fancy css logo imo
  791. +Chezmix: trades or rito
  793. +boolerex: Byeuh
  794. +Chezmix: pls Trades
  795. +Soma Ghost: s/fancy/goofy
  796. @darkfiregamer: I'm assuming you'll post the results now?
  797. +Leag.Commish: inb4 massive server clearout
  798. +DuplexBeGreat: bye
  799. +Kaelcee: TPPLA2PART3 HYPE HYPE HYPE ?
  800. +DuplexBeGreat: yes
  801. @Griever1337: alright soma, we're with SkittySkittles
  802. @Natsugan: brb gotta go do something
  803. +Poomph: Brb changing sidebar pic to goofy css memes pic
  804. @Kelcius: Yay!
  805. +Leag.Commish: Yes, I'll post teams
  806. +Soma Ghost: yee
  807. @darkfiregamer: cool
  808. +Captain Duplex: IN DA HOUSE
  809. +Captain Duplex: TPPLA PART 3 HYPE
  810. • +Kooma9 really needs to eat dinner but people keep doing things they need to pay attention to
  811. +boolerex: lol
  812. @Kelcius: Ok
  813. @darkfiregamer: alright dinner time for me
  814. +slowpokeisagamer: TPPLA2 Episode 3
  815. #BigFatMantis: TPPLA2 PART #
  816. #BigFatMantis: err
  817. #BigFatMantis: part 3
  818. #BigFatMantis: will be starting in
  819. #BigFatMantis: 10 minutes
  820. +Leag.Commish: ;-;
  821. +Kaelcee: :o
  822. +Leag.Commish: 2 people qualify
  823. +slowpokeisagamer: I didn't even finish Part 1 before it went out of style.
  824. @Kelcius: but you can
  825. @Kelcius: if you wish
  826. +Poomph: Oh well, I'll just get oLeague champ while MLZ is hooked on TPPLA2
  827. #MihiraTheTiger joined
  828. +Coryn: Wait, Mantis. TPPLA2 PART# is fro Twitter right?
  829. @xxHazorx: dang
  830. @xxHazorx: maybe
  831. #BigFatMantis: lol
  832. @xxHazorx: i shall
  833. #BigFatMantis: plz
  834. +Soma Ghost: brb
  835. @xxHazorx: fiterino eevee
  836. +slowpokeisagamer: lol why would I do that, Kelcius? I'd have to actually find somebody to proctor that.
  837. @Eeveelutionlvr: la or jim hazor
  838. #MihiraTheTiger: doot doot
  839. +RivalGunt: .
  840. +Poomph: Hi gunt
  841. +RivalGunt: hi
  842. +Poomph: You just missed drafts Kappa
  843. +RivalGunt: regret ;-;
  844. @xxHazorx: la
  845. @Kelcius: Hahaha
  846. @xxHazorx: i meant
  847. @Kelcius: post the teams
  848. @Kelcius: I wasn't paying attention:P
  849. @xxHazorx: twitch trolls pokemon : los angeles 2
  850. #MihiraTheTiger: post the teams or riot
  851. #BigFatMantis: btw RivalGunt: What's the format for the pokemon draft? As in what are we allowed to draft? Or is all that info coming later
  852. +RivalGunt: All the information will come out within 12-24 hours
  853. +Captain Duplex: By the way, I have a very important thing to be at in 1.5 hours, so I'll only be able to play my part for about 1.25 hours
  854. #BigFatMantis: oh ok
  855. #BigFatMantis: in that case
  856. #BigFatMantis left
  857. TPPLA battle started between xxHazorx and Eeveelutionlvr.
  858. #MihiraTheTiger: POST THE TEAMS OR RIOT
  859. +Captain Duplex: I'll be on again in another 1.5 hours after that
  860. +Captain Duplex: probably
  861. +RivalGunt: pls pls ill post
  862. +Captain Duplex: I'll try to be as active as possible this weekend, given the release
  863. +TPPLA2 Proctor: thanks
  864. +Chezmix: ^
  865. +TPPLA2 Proctor: although only Natsugan and MLZ are at the finale
  866. +Captain Duplex: lol
  867. +TPPLA2 Proctor: so if you battle those two, then it'll probably be a bit before you have to fight again
  868. +TPPLA2 Proctor: except Gunt is close
  869. +TPPLA2 Proctor: so maybe Gunt too
  870. +Chezmix left
  871. +TPPLA2 Proctor: 3 minutes until TPPLA2 Part 3
  872. +TPPLA2 Proctor: I hope Natsugan is ready
  873. +Chezmix joined
  874. @xxHazorx: time for spoilers
  875. @xxHazorx: much spoilers
  876. +TPPLA2 Proctor: regret, no response
  877. +Chezmix: when is poke draft
  878. Custom battle started between Iwamiger and simpleperson84.
  879. @Natsugan: back
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