

Mar 31st, 2018
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  1. command /dailyreward:
  2. trigger:
  3. open chest with 6 rows named "Daily Reward" to player
  4. wait 2 ticks
  5. format slot 20 of player with ender chest named "&c普通物資箱" with lore "&7未実装…" to be unstealable
  6. format slot 21 of player with ender chest named "&a[Lv.10 ~]&c格安物資箱" with lore "&7未実装…" to be unstealable
  7. format slot 22 of player with ender chest named "&a[Lv.20 ~]&c普通物資箱" with lore "&7未実装…" to be unstealable
  8. format slot 23 of player with ender chest named "&a[Lv.30 ~]&c高級物資箱" with lore "&7未実装…" to be unstealable
  9. format slot 24 of player with ender chest named "&a[Lv.50 ~]&c軍隊特別物資箱" with lore "&7未実装…" to be unstealable
  10. if {vote::%player%} is true:
  11. format slot 29 of player with minecart named "&aホームページ閲覧" with lore "&c受け取り済み" to be unstealable
  12. else:
  13. format slot 29 of player with jukebox named "&aホームページ閲覧" with lore "&b訪問できます。||&92,000 XP &62 kills" to close then run [execute player command "prhomepage %player% 17613n1273l1203bc8103tt49n1274"]
  14. format slot 31 of player with 116 named "&a毎日報酬" with lore "&7未実装…" to be unstealable
  15. format slot 33 of player with anvil named "&a毎週クエスト" with lore "&7未実装…" to be unstealable
  17. command /prhomepage [<player>] [<text>]:
  18. trigger:
  19. if arg-2 is "17613n1273l1203bc8103tt49n1274":
  20. if arg-1 is set:
  21. set {vote::%arg-1%} to true
  22. send "&" to arg-1
  23. wait 10 seconds
  24. send "&6Thanks for visiting! You purchased &92,000 XP &6and 2 kills!" to arg-1
  26. command /resetvote [<text>]:
  27. trigger:
  28. if arg-1 is "17613n1273l1203bc8103tt49n1274":
  29. set {vote::*} to false
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