

Mar 14th, 2015
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  3. DanyalAngelWarrior: O.O
  4. DanyalAngelWarrior: HARPER!
  5. demonicperfection: o.0
  6. DanyalAngelWarrior: oil your bed!
  7. HarperRayneCreed: rofl
  9. xXMissHeartlessXx: and when I asked they said it makes noises when they are happy
  10. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  11. demonicperfection: dies
  12. DanyalAngelWarrior: HARPER!
  13. demonicperfection: -looks at haha funny-
  14. demonicperfection: did u or alal tell her that
  15. HarperRayneCreed: not me
  16. HarperRayneCreed: rofl
  17. DanyalAngelWarrior: uhuh
  18. xXMissHeartlessXx: -clings to Dany's leg- o3o
  19. DanyalAngelWarrior: -ish clung to-
  20. DanyalAngelWarrior: it ok lil one umm their bed needs to be fixed its old so when they turn in their sleep it creaks
  21. demonicperfection: dies
  22. DanyalAngelWarrior: >.>
  23. xXMissHeartlessXx: nu uh.
  24. DanyalAngelWarrior: o.0
  25. xXMissHeartlessXx: I opened the door a wittle before and mommy was on daddy
  26. xXMissHeartlessXx: :O
  27. demonicperfection: alal has currupted her
  28. DanyalAngelWarrior: -dies-
  29. DanyalAngelWarrior: HARPER!
  30. demonicperfection: o goddess
  31. demonicperfection: lock the dooor
  33. DanyalAngelWarrior: checking alal for fleas again?were you
  34. HarperRayneCreed: mhmm
  35. DanyalAngelWarrior: put a flea collar on him
  36. xXMissHeartlessXx: I was looking for my panda cookies.......and all I see ish mommy and daddy.....and daddy seemed very excited by saying funny did mommy o3o
  37. DanyalAngelWarrior: -dies-
  38. DanyalAngelWarrior: yes umm daddy likes being checked for fleas
  39. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  40. xXMissHeartlessXx: why
  41. demonicperfection: kinda like a monkey does
  42. DanyalAngelWarrior: uhuh
  43. xXMissHeartlessXx: Then why was mommymaking hig pitched sounds
  44. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  45. xXMissHeartlessXx: high*
  46. xXMissHeartlessXx: mommy* making*
  47. xXMissHeartlessXx: xD
  48. xXMissHeartlessXx: and mommy said go faster!
  49. demonicperfection: its a monkey noise they make when they find a flea
  50. demonicperfection: dies
  51. SassyAnnaWarrior: back
  52. DanyalAngelWarrior: and she was taunting the flies to run faster from her
  54. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : rofl
  55. xXMissHeartlessXxxXMissHeartlessXx Whisper: that doesn't explain why they were naked o3o
  56. DanyalAngelWarrior: fps
  57. demonicperfection: because it was hot
  58. demonicperfection: and they couldnt find a window
  59. DanyalAngelWarrior: well see fleas go everywhere so umm they have to be naked so the fleas cant hide so easily
  60. demonicperfection: that too
  61. xXMissHeartlessXx: if he had fleas then why didn't they tell me
  62. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  63. DanyalAngelWarrior: cause their ashamed to have fleas
  64. SassyAnnaWarrior: ty u all
  65. SassyAnnaWarrior: omg
  66. SassyAnnaWarrior: covers emis ears
  67. xXMissHeartlessXx: I ish going to tell daddy to get checked more often den
  68. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  69. DanyalAngelWarrior: -dies-
  70. demonicperfection: dies
  71. DanyalAngelWarrior: he just needs a good flea dip in the tub
  72. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  73. demonicperfection: -looks at haha- ur daughter is giving u promission to look for fleas more
  74. demonicperfection: dies
  75. HarperRayneCreed: ikr hehe
  76. LunaLuxEverLight has joined the chat
  77. demonicperfection: ello lulu
  78. DanyalAngelWarrior: LULU
  79. xXMissHeartlessXx: Do you get checked for fleas Dany?
  80. DanyalAngelWarriorDanyalAngelWarrior Whisper: THANK GOD YOUR HERE!
  81. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  82. HarperRayneCreed: hey sis
  83. DanyalAngelWarrior: -runs n hides behind lulu
  84. demonicperfection: dies
  85. LunaLuxEverLight: hii demy
  86. LunaLuxEverLight: hii uncle
  87. demonicperfection: ya broder do u check twinny for fleas
  88. LunaLuxEverLight: hii sis
  89. SassyAnnaWarrior: 0.o
  90. DanyalAngelWarrior: help
  91. LunaLuxEverLight: hii aunty
  92. SassyAnnaWarrior: hi lulu
  93. HarperRayneCreed: rofl
  94. LunaLuxEverLight: hii eden
  95. LunaLuxEverLight: hii emi
  96. DanyalAngelWarrior: -pushes lulu to eden
  97. xXMissHeartlessXx: Sassy checks I think
  98. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  99. LunaLuxEverLight: -hides uncle-
  100. LunaLuxEverLight: o.O
  101. xXMissHeartlessXx: -huggles auntie-
  102. xXMissHeartlessXx: :D
  103. demonicperfection: dies
  104. LunaLuxEverLight: -huggles you back-
  105. DanyalAngelWarrior: idk but umm
  106. SassyAnnaWarrior: hides omg
  107. DanyalAngelWarrior: Harper checks alal for fleas naked
  109. demonicperfection: dies
  110. demonicperfection: dies
  111. demonicperfection: dies
  112. LunaLuxEverLight: rofl
  113. DanyalAngelWarrior: i didnt do uit
  114. DanyalAngelWarrior: i swear
  115. xXMissHeartlessXx: but dany do yous have fleas
  116. xXMissHeartlessXx: :o
  117. SassyAnnaWarrior: umm
  118. xXMissHeartlessXx: do you get checked?
  119. xXMissHeartlessXx: :o
  120. DanyalAngelWarrior: o.0
  121. demonicperfection: dies
  122. DanyalAngelWarrior: ummm no i dont have flies
  123. DanyalAngelWarrior: i just get itchy wings
  124. xXMissHeartlessXx: Does Tarien have fleas?
  125. DanyalAngelWarrior: XD
  126. xXMissHeartlessXx: :o
  127. DanyalAngelWarrior: tarien dont have fleas
  128. xXMissHeartlessXx: brb ^^
  129. demonicperfection: tyt
  130. LunaLuxEverLight: tyt
  131. HarperRayneCreed: tyt bbg
  132. TarienSoulEverLight: tyt eden
  133. DanyalAngelWarrior: hes got a pixie dust rash
  134. demonicperfection: dies
  135. TarienSoulEverLight: smh
  136. DanyalAngelWarrior: elves and pixies dont get along well
  137. SassyAnnaWarrior: lol not according to ben and holly they best friends hehe
  138. demonicperfection: dies
  139. DanyalAngelWarrior: who n who
  140. SassyAnnaWarrior: a show cas watches
  141. SassyAnnaWarrior: hehe
  142. LunaLuxEverLight: its an english kids cartoon
  143. DanyalAngelWarrior: your gonna confuss her!
  144. SassyAnnaWarrior: its based
  145. SassyAnnaWarrior: yea
  146. SassyAnnaWarrior: sowwy
  147. DanyalAngelWarrior: im going for a COFFEEEEEE
  148. DanyalAngelWarrior: your stuck with it :P
  149. demonicperfection: i think she is already comfused
  150. DanyalAngelWarrior: brb
  151. demonicperfection: tyt
  152. SassyAnnaWarriorSassyAnnaWarrior Whisper: me too
  153. SassyAnnaWarrior: hehe
  154. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  155. LunaLuxEverLight: tyt
  156. xXMissHeartlessXx: wait....
  157. SassyAnnaWarrior: well off subject a lil but can i be honest about something
  158. xXMissHeartlessXx: Dany has itchy wings....
  159. xXMissHeartlessXx: right..?
  160. demonicperfection: ya
  161. xXMissHeartlessXx: Does he make the bed squeak when they get scratched?
  162. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  163. demonicperfection: -looks at twinny- does he make the bed squeak when he scratches his ich
  164. demonicperfectiondemonicperfection Whisper: dies
  165. HarperRayneCreedHarperRayneCreed : rofl
  166. xXMissHeartlessXx: ^^
  167. demonicperfection: i think they r both brb panda
  168. xXMissHeartlessXx: They will come back
  169. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  170. xXMissHeartlessXx: I ish going to tell daddy he needs to stop cheaking for fleas when I ish asleep
  171. demonicperfection: dies
  172. xXMissHeartlessXx: It ish too loud
  173. demonicperfection: dies
  174. HarperRayneCreed: dont worry bbg i'll sound proof ur room
  175. xXMissHeartlessXx: Dany still didn't explain the handcuffs .-.
  176. demonicperfection: dies
  177. demonicperfection: who was wearing the handcuffs
  178. xXMissHeartlessXx: daddy o3o
  179. demonicperfection: so he wouldnt move to much when he felt the fleas moving
  180. xXMissHeartlessXx: really?
  181. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  182. demonicperfection: yep
  184. xXMissHeartlessXx: :O
  185. demonicperfection: -looks at haha before winking- to tame the fleas when they tried to move away to much
  186. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  187. HarperRayneCreed: -dies-
  188. DanyalAngelWarrior: back
  189. DanyalAngelWarrior: >.>
  190. demonicperfection: weba
  191. DanyalAngelWarrior: <.<
  192. LunaLuxEverLight: wbs
  193. TarienSoulEverLight: wb dada
  194. HarperRayneCreed: wb
  195. DanyalAngelWarrior: tytyty
  196. SassyAnnaWarrior: hides behind daddy
  197. LunaLuxEverLight: yws
  198. DanyalAngelWarrior whispers to hahah "you owe me"
  199. TarienSoulEverLight: wb.
  200. DanyalAngelWarrior: ty
  201. TarienSoulEverLight: yw.
  202. HarperRayneCreed: uh huh
  203. HarperRayneCreed: ikr
  204. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  205. TarienSoulEverLight: brb.
  206. HarperRayneCreed: tyt
  207. demonicperfection: tyt
  208. DanyalAngelWarrior: tyt
  209. SassyAnnaWarrior: tyt
  210. LunaLuxEverLight: hb.
  211. demonicperfection: u dont owe me im having alot of fun with this one
  212. DanyalAngelWarrior: -dies-
  213. SassyAnnaWarrior: hehe
  214. demonicperfection: this is better then the birds and the bees talk we had with lue
  215. DanyalAngelWarrior: -dies-
  216. xXMissHeartlessXx: What ish birds and bees
  217. xXMissHeartlessXx: o3o
  218. DanyalAngelWarrior: fps
  219. demonicperfection: lmao
  220. demonicperfection: im sorry
  221. SassyAnnaWarrior: oh my really twinny
  222. demonicperfection: sorry
  223. demonicperfection: didnt mean too
  224. SassyAnnaWarrior: :P
  225. DanyalAngelWarrior: the birds n bees help make baby flowers
  226. HarperRayneCreed: lol im gonns get ur daddy to explain that to u bbg
  227. xXMissHeartlessXx: o.0
  228. demonicperfection: :p
  229. DanyalAngelWarrior: see the bees pollinate the flower and birds carry away the seeds to be found and planted
  230. SassyAnnaWarrior: fps
  231. SassyAnnaWarrior: oh my
  232. DanyalAngelWarrior: sometimes it more than one bee
  233. demonicperfection: -sits down listening to broder-
  234. DanyalAngelWarrior: damn it
  235. demonicperfection: dies
  236. xXMissHeartlessXx: ......
  237. SassyAnnaWarrior: hides behind the trees
  238. DanyalAngelWarrior: lulu is an elfie can explaine it better
  239. demonicperfection: lmao
  240. HarperRayneCreed: lol her daddy can do it as he not here atm
  241. DanyalAngelWarrior: ikr
  242. DanyalAngelWarrior: blasted flea bag
  243. demonicperfection: dies
  244. SassyAnnaWarrior: lol
  245. HarperRayneCreed: rof
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