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Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. ###################################################
  2. # #
  3. # UHC Simulator #
  4. # Created by Josn3r #
  5. # #
  6. ###################################################
  7. #
  9. # Don't touch!
  10. config-version: 4.1
  13. ###################################################
  14. # Configuration Section #
  15. ###################################################
  17. Bungee:
  18. hubName: hub
  20. MySQL:
  21. enable: false
  22. host:
  23. port: 3306
  24. database: databaseUHC
  25. username: root
  26. password: admin
  28. MOTD:
  29. enable: true
  30. loading: '&7Loading... &a<percent>'
  31. lobby: '&2&lWAITING'
  32. pregame: '&a&lPRE-GAME'
  33. ingame: '&4&lIN-GAME'
  34. finish: '&6&lRESTARTING'
  36. game:
  37. minPlayers: 2
  38. maxPlayers: 24
  40. task:
  41. lobbycount: 30
  42. pregamecount: 15
  43. restartcount: 10
  45. border:
  46. start: 125
  47. shrinks:
  48. - 100
  49. - 50
  50. - 25
  51. - 10
  52. shrinkEvery: 5
  54. blocked-cmds:
  55. - 'fly'
  56. - 'gamemode'
  57. - 'gm'
  58. - 'god'
  59. - 'heal'
  60. - 'feed'
  62. lobbyItems:
  63. slots:
  64. scenarios: 0
  65. teamSelector: 1
  66. leave: 8
  68. ###################################################
  69. # Messages Section #
  70. ###################################################
  72. prefix: '&6&l[&3UHCSimulator&6&l] &6'
  74. broadcast:
  75. onDeath: '&c<player> &ehas died!'
  76. onDeathByPlayer: '&c<player> &ewas slain by &c<killer>'
  77. borderShrink: '&6Border shrinking to &b<border>&6x&b<border> &6in &b<timer> &6<timeFormat>!'
  78. borderStop: '&6Border is now at &b<border>&6x&b<border>&6!'
  80. items:
  81. backToLobbyItem: '&cBack to Lobby'
  82. scenarios: '&eScenarios'
  83. teamSelector: '&eTeam Selector'
  85. chat:
  86. format-SOLO: '&7[&b<rank>&7]&r <player> &f<message>'
  87. format-SPEC: '&8[SPEC]&r <player> &7<message>'
  88. format-TEAM: <team> &r<player> &f<message>
  90. messages:
  91. onLogging:
  92. gameFull: |-
  93. &f
  94. &7The game is currently &c&lFULL&7!
  95. &7Buy &6&lVIP &7rank to enter
  96. &7To games that are full!
  97. &eStore: &b& &7(Click the link)
  98. &b
  99. loadingGame: |-
  100. &f
  101. &7The arena is loading, please wait a moment...
  102. &b
  103. isInGame: |-
  104. &f
  105. &7The game is currently &c&lIN GAME&7!
  106. &7Buy &6&lVIP &7range to be able to speculate
  107. &7To the games that are in play!
  108. &eStore: &b& &7(Click the link)
  109. &b
  110. onJoin: '&b<player> &6has join the game.'
  111. onLeave: '&b<player> &6has left the game.'
  112. deathKill:
  113. eloKill: '&3You have killed someone and you have won &b<wonElo> &3from ELO.'
  114. eloDeath: '&3You are dead and you have lost &c<lostElo> &3from ELO.'
  115. killer:
  116. - '&b<death>&e''s is rank <rank>'
  117. death:
  118. - '&b<killer>&e''s is rank <rank>'
  119. - '&a<killer> had &c<health>[<3] &awhen you died!'
  120. onPlayerDeathMessage: '&cYou are dead, use the &4/leave &ccommand to go to the lobby.'
  121. playersNeeded: '&6missing &b<playersNeeded> &6players to start the game!'
  122. gameStarting: '&6Starting in &b<timer> &6seconds!'
  123. onHit: '&6<player> &3is now at &6<health>&c&l<heart>&6!'
  124. rerolling: '&6Rerolling kit...'
  125. randomKitReceiver: '&3You receive kit number &b<number>'
  126. teleporting: '&7Teleporting players, please wait...'
  127. gameRelease: '&6Will be released in &b<timer> &6seconds.'
  128. useCmdBlockInGame: '&cYou can not use this command once you start the game.'
  129. scenarios-noperm:
  130. - ' '
  131. - '&cYou do not have permissions to enable or disable scenarios.'
  132. - '&7Acquire &6&lVIP &7range to use this option.'
  133. - '&bStore: &'
  134. - ' '
  135. backToLobby:
  136. - ' '
  137. - '&eYou will be taken to the lobby in &c&l<time> &eseconds.'
  138. - ' '
  139. mlgComplete:
  140. - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
  141. - ' '
  142. - '&aCongratulations!'
  143. - '&bYou have completed the MLG challenge as a professional'
  144. - ' '
  145. - '&6+1 Reroll (Bonus per MLG Challenge Complete!)'
  146. - '&6+50 Elo (Bonus per MLG Challenge Complete!)'
  147. - ' '
  148. - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
  149. mlgFailed:
  150. - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
  151. - '&cYou have failed in the MLG challenge'
  152. - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
  153. team:
  154. isFull: '&cThe team you are trying to enter is full!'
  155. joinTeam: '&7You joined the team &e<team>&7.'
  156. startedGame: |-
  157. &a
  158. &7The UHCSimulator game started
  159. &a&lGOOD LUCK!
  160. &c
  161. scenarios-enable: |-
  162. &a
  163. &7The following scenarios have been activated: &c<scenariosList>
  164. &b
  165. not-scenarios-enable: |-
  166. &a
  167. &7No active scenario detected!
  168. finishGame: |-
  169. &7&m-------------------------------------
  170. &7Game is over
  171. &7&m--------------------------------
  172. &b-----
  173. &f&lFinal score
  174. &a
  175. &7Winner: &a<player>
  176. &b
  177. &7The server will restart on <timer> seconds!
  178. &7&m-------------------------------------
  179. finishGameTeam: |-
  180. &7&m-------------------------------------
  181. &7Game is over
  182. &7&m-------------------------------------
  183. &f&lFinal score
  184. &a
  185. &7Winning Team&7: &a<teamWinner>
  186. &b
  187. &7The server will restart on <timer> seconds!
  188. &7&m-------------------------------------
  190. scenarios-menu:
  191. title: '&eScenarios'
  192. noMoreVotes: '&cYou can not vote for the same scenario more than twice!'
  193. onVoteNotify: false
  194. onVote: '&fThe player &e<player> &fhas voted for the scenario &e<scenario> &f(&a<votes> votes&f).'
  195. lores:
  196. timebomb:
  197. - '&7Inventory of death players in a chest'
  198. - '&7This chest explode in 30 seconds!'
  199. - ' '
  200. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  201. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  202. nofall:
  203. - '&7This scenario will disable'
  204. - '&7all fall damage!'
  205. - ' '
  206. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  207. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  208. fireless:
  209. - '&7This scenario will disable'
  210. - '&7all fire damage!'
  211. - ' '
  212. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  213. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  214. nocleanup:
  215. - '&7When you kill a player,'
  216. - '&7you will be healed to 10 hearts!'
  217. - ' '
  218. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  219. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  220. bowless:
  221. - '&7This scenario will'
  222. - '&7disable all bows!'
  223. - ' '
  224. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  225. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  226. rodless:
  227. - '&7This scenario will'
  228. - '&7disable all fishing rods!'
  229. - ' '
  230. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  231. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  232. horseless:
  233. - '&7This scenario will'
  234. - '&7disable horse spawn and mount!'
  235. - ' '
  236. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  237. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  238. absorptionless:
  239. - '&7This scenario will'
  240. - '&7disable absorption effect!'
  241. - ' '
  242. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  243. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  244. webless:
  245. - '&7This scenario will'
  246. - '&7disable spider web!'
  247. - ' '
  248. - '&cThis scenario has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  249. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  250. noscenarios:
  251. - '&7Vote this option for'
  252. - '&7disable all scenarios!'
  253. - ' '
  254. - '&cThis option has &e<votes> &cvotes!'
  255. - '&a> Click for vote!'
  257. scoreboard:
  258. animatedTitle: false
  259. titleFrames:
  260. - '&fUHCSimulator'
  261. - '&bU&fHCSimulator'
  262. - '&3U&bH&fCSimulator'
  263. - '&bU&3H&bC&fSimulator'
  264. - '&fU&bH&3C&bS&fimulator'
  265. - '&fUH&bC&3S&bi&fmulator'
  266. - '&fUHC&bS&3i&bm&fulator'
  267. - '&fUHCS&bi&3m&bu&flator'
  268. - '&fUHCSi&bm&3u&bl&fator'
  269. - '&fUHCSim&bu&3l&ba&ftor'
  270. - '&fUHCSimu&bl&3a&bt&for'
  271. - '&fUHCSimul&ba&3t&bo&fr'
  272. - '&fUHCSimula&bt&3o&br'
  273. - '&fUHCSimulat&bo&3r'
  274. - '&fUHCSimulato&br'
  275. title: '&bUHCSimulator'
  276. waiting:
  277. - '&7&m------------------'
  278. - ' '
  279. - '&aPlayers: &f<players>'
  280. - ' '
  281. - '&aType: &f<type>'
  282. - ' '
  283. - '&7&m------------------'
  284. - '&'
  285. pregame:
  286. - '&7&m------------------'
  287. - ' '
  288. - '&aPlayers: &f<players>'
  289. - ' '
  290. - '&aCountdown: &f<count>&es'
  291. - ' '
  292. - '&aBorder: &f<border>'
  293. - ' '
  294. - '&7&m------------------'
  295. - '&'
  296. ingame-solo:
  297. - '&7&m------------------'
  298. - '&aYour Kills: &f<kills>'
  299. - ' '
  300. - '&aPlayers: &f<players>'
  301. - '&aSpectators: &f<spectators>'
  302. - ' '
  303. - '&aBorder: &f<border>'
  304. - ' '
  305. - '&aRating:'
  306. - ' &f<rank>'
  307. - '&aPoints:'
  308. - ' &f<points>&7/&7<needPoints>'
  309. - '&7&m------------------'
  310. - '&'
  311. ingame-team:
  312. - '&7&m------------------'
  313. - '&aYour Kills: &f<kills>'
  314. - ' '
  315. - '&aPlayers: &f<players>'
  316. - '&Teams Left: &f<teamsAlive>'
  317. - '&aSpectators: &f<spectators>'
  318. - ' '
  319. - '&aBorde: &f<border>'
  320. - ' '
  321. - '&aRating:'
  322. - ' &f<rank>'
  323. - '&aPoints:'
  324. - ' &f<points>&7/&7<needPoints>'
  325. - '&7&m------------------'
  326. - '&'
  329. ###################################################
  330. # Team Configuration Section #
  331. ###################################################
  333. teamEnable: false
  334. PlayersPerTeams: 2
  335. teamList:
  336. team1: '&a&l[A]'
  337. team2: '&b&l[B]'
  338. team3: '&c&l[C]'
  339. team4: '&d&l[D]'
  340. team5: '&e&l[E]'
  341. team6: '&f&l[F]'
  342. team7: '&1&l[G]'
  343. team8: '&2&l[H]'
  344. team9: '&3&l[I]'
  345. team10: '&4&l[J]'
  346. team11: '&5&l[K]'
  347. team12: '&6&l[L]'
  348. team13: '&7&l[M]'
  349. team14: '&8&l[N]'
  350. team15: '&9&l[O]'
  351. team16: '&a&l[P]'
  352. team17: '&b&l[Q]'
  353. team18: '&c&l[R]'
  354. team19: '&d&l[S]'
  355. team20: '&e&l[T]'
  356. team21: '&f&l[V]'
  357. team22: '&1&l[X]'
  358. team23: '&2&l[Y]'
  359. team24: '&3&l[Z]'
  360. team25: '&4&l[OOO]'
  361. team26: '&5&l[III]'
  362. team27: '&6&l[SSJ]'
  363. team28: '&7&l[XPG]'
  364. team29: '&8&l[TG]'
  365. team30: '&9&l[FFS]'
  366. team31: '&a&l[FZ]'
  367. team32: '&b&l[BMW]'
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