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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. Aberfeldy 12 2300
  2. Aberlour 12 Sherry Cask 1500
  3. Aberlour 15 Sherry Cask 2000
  4. Auchentoshan Select 1500
  5. Auchentoshan 12 1800
  6. Isle of Jura 10 1500
  7. Isle of Jura 16 2000
  8. Isle of Jura Superstition 1900 (под заказ, желательно бутылки 3)
  9. Ballantine's Finest 850
  10. Balvenie Doublewood 12 1450
  11. Balvenie Golgen Cask 14 1900
  12. Bowmore Surf Malt 1900
  13. Bowmore Enigma 12 2100
  14. Bowmore 15 Mariner 2600
  15. Bowmore 17 4300
  16. Bushmills Original 850
  17. Caol Ila 12 2000
  18. Cragganmore 1700
  19. Dalmore 12 2100
  20. Glenlivet 12 1650
  21. Glenlivet 15 2000
  22. Glenlivet Nadurra 16 2700
  23. Glenlivet 18 3000
  24. Glenlivet Archive 21 6000
  25. Glenmorangie Original 10 2000
  26. Glenmorangie nectar d'or 12 3000
  27. Glenmorangie Signet 6800
  28. Glenfiddich 12 1300
  29. Glenfiddich 15 1500
  30. Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve 18 2400
  31. Glenfiddich gran reserva 21 3700
  32. Glengoyne Burnfoot 1700
  33. Grants Family Reserve 900
  34. Wild Turkey 101 Proof 1200
  35. Jameson 1100
  36. Jack Daniels 1200
  37. Jim Beam 850
  38. Dewars White Label 950
  39. Dewars 12 Special Reserve 1500
  40. Johnnie Walker Red Label 900
  41. Johnnie Walker Black Label 1600
  42. Johnnie Walker Green Label 1900
  43. Laphroaig 10 1600
  44. Laphroaig Quater Cask 2200
  45. Macallan Select Oak 12 2200
  46. Strathisla 1600
  47. Scapa 2300
  48. Talisker 10 1700
  49. Tullamore Dew 7 850
  50. Chivas Regal 12 1800
  51. Chivas Regal 18 2500
  52. Chivas Regal Royal Salute 21 6900
  53. Cuantro 1200
  54. Baileys 1200
  55. Kahlua 1000
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