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Dec 16th, 2018
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  137. var I18N_LANG_MAP = {"1":"1","no videos yet":"no videos yet","Cannot find this Live":"Cannot find this Live","online":"online","Unknown Error":"Unknown Error","TRENDING":"TRENDING","More videos from this user":"More videos from this user","Live now":"Live now","Follow":"Follow","Following":"Following","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videos","Fan":"Fan","Fans":"Fans","Heart":"Heart","Hearts":"Hearts","View {commentNumber} comments":"View {commentNumber} comments","author":"author","more":"more","Say something nice.":"Say something nice.","This video does not exit":"This video does not exit","This video is temporarily unavailable in your region due to some platform regulations":"This video is temporarily unavailable in your region due to some platform regulations","Share":"Share","Original Audio":"Original Audio","TikTok":"TikTok","is using TikTok. Join us now!":"is using TikTok. Join us now!","Open App":"Open App","Global Video Community":"Global Video Community","Create your own videos!":"Create your own videos!","Download the App":"Download the App","Please enter the verification code":"Please enter the verification code","Incorrect verification code, please try again":"Incorrect verification code, please try again","Confirmation":"Confirmation","You are about to delete the account":"You are about to delete the account","Are you sure you want to continue?":"Are you sure you want to continue?","Delete Account":"Delete Account","Cancel":"Cancel","Delete Failed":"Delete Failed","TikTok Creator Reward Program (India Pilot Version) Guideline":"TikTok Creator Reward Program (India Pilot Version) Guideline","What is the TikTok Creator Reward Program?":"What is the TikTok Creator Reward Program?","How do I participate in the program?":"How do I participate in the program?","be at least 16 years old, you will required to submit your personal information and proof of identity via information form.":"be at least 16 years old, you will required to submit your personal information and proof of identity via information form.","post at least 1 video within 7 days.":"post at least 1 video within 7 days.","post original content: posting time cannot be later than the same content in other social platform.":"post original content: posting time cannot be later than the same content in other social platform.","post diversified content (ie. comedy, style, food, animals, tricks, special effects, sports, vlog, gaming, visual art, singing/instrument and DIY).":"post diversified content (ie. comedy, style, food, animals, tricks, special effects, sports, vlog, gaming, visual art, singing/instrument and DIY).","What happens after I submit the information?":"What happens after I submit the information?","If you're approved: You'll start earning on TikTok next Monday if you post valid videos after that;":"If you're approved: You'll start earning on TikTok next Monday if you post valid videos after that;","If you're not approved: If you are not approved to join the program, it's likely because we cannot determine whether your activity complies with our community guidelines, terms of use, privacy policy and copyright policy. You can keep uploading original content and building your audience on TikTok even if you're not in the Creator Reward Program. You can re-apply to the program 30 days after suspension.":"If you're not approved: If you are not approved to join the program, it's likely because we cannot determine whether your activity complies with our community guidelines, terms of use, privacy policy and copyright policy. You can keep uploading original content and building your audience on TikTok even if you're not in the Creator Reward Program. You can re-apply to the program 30 days after suspension.","What makes a video valid?":"What makes a video valid?","high resolution with good lighting and clean background.":"high resolution with good lighting and clean background.","original content.":"original content.","posting time cannot be later than the same content in other social platforms.":"posting time cannot be later than the same content in other social platforms.","diversified content, such as comedy, style, food, animals, tricks, special effects, sports, Vlog, gaming, visual art, singing, instrument and DIY.":"diversified content, such as comedy, style, food, animals, tricks, special effects, sports, Vlog, gaming, visual art, singing, instrument and DIY.","How can you improve earning potential?":"How can you improve earning potential?","post original videos.":"post original videos.","post new videos continuously.":"post new videos continuously.","create interesting, creative, talented contents, and have your own style.":"create interesting, creative, talented contents, and have your own style.","make high-definition, vertical videos.":"make high-definition, vertical videos.","interact more with your fans.":"interact more with your fans.","use the in-app camera.":"use the in-app camera.","What happens if I drop below the program threshold?":"What happens if I drop below the program threshold?","keep inactive for over 30 days.":"keep inactive for over 30 days.","post less than 2 valid videos within a month.":"post less than 2 valid videos within a month.","repost 1 video or post 1 unoriginal content from other users and platforms.":"repost 1 video or post 1 unoriginal content from other users and platforms.","What's the reward?":"What's the reward?","Creators will earn Gift Points. We will evaluate daily videos and sent the reward to "My Wallet" in; at the same time, rewarded creator can receive push notification about how much gift point received that week on each Monday. 200 gift points are equivalent to 1 USD. When the account reaches $100 worth of Gift Points, the account holder can withdraw the earnings to his or her personal account.":"Creators will earn Gift Points. We will evaluate daily videos and sent the reward to "My Wallet" in; at the same time, rewarded creator can receive push notification about how much gift point received that week on each Monday. 200 gift points are equivalent to 1 USD. When the account reaches $100 worth of Gift Points, the account holder can withdraw the earnings to his or her personal account.","This program threshold allows us to significantly improve our ability to identify creators who contribute positively to the community and help drive more ad revenue to them (and away from bad actors). These standards also help us prevent potentially inappropriate videos from monetizing, which can hurt revenue for everyone.":"This program threshold allows us to significantly improve our ability to identify creators who contribute positively to the community and help drive more ad revenue to them (and away from bad actors). These standards also help us prevent potentially inappropriate videos from monetizing, which can hurt revenue for everyone.","The program rewards can be withdrawn via PayPal, and the minimum age requirement to use PayPal Services is 18 years old. If you are not yet 18 but want to monetize your videos on TikTok, your parent or guardian send us the application using their e-mail address registered on PayPal. If the application is approved, we will notify you and all payments will be made to the adult responsible for the account.":"The program rewards can be withdrawn via PayPal, and the minimum age requirement to use PayPal Services is 18 years old. If you are not yet 18 but want to monetize your videos on TikTok, your parent or guardian send us the application using their e-mail address registered on PayPal. If the application is approved, we will notify you and all payments will be made to the adult responsible for the account.","How can I withdraw money to my Paypal?":"How can I withdraw money to my Paypal?","Step 1: Download and log in App with your own TikTok account, and link your PayPal account in app.":"Step 1: Download and log in App with your own TikTok account, and link your PayPal account in app.","Step 2: When the account reaches 100 USD worth gift points, then can withdrew from "my wallet"":"Step 2: When the account reaches 100 USD worth gift points, then can withdrew from "my wallet"","Step 3: After withdraw successfully, you'll be paid your full balance within 15 weekdays.":"Step 3: After withdraw successfully, you'll be paid your full balance within 15 weekdays.","Accounts that are established to impersonate another individual.":"Accounts that are established to impersonate another individual.","Irrelevant titles and thumbnail pictures on videos that don't reflect its content.":"Irrelevant titles and thumbnail pictures on videos that don't reflect its content.","Repost old videos for regaining similar rewards.":"Repost old videos for regaining similar rewards.","Register multiple accounts in attempt to get more rewards.":"Register multiple accounts in attempt to get more rewards.","Post unoriginal contents from other users and platforms.":"Post unoriginal contents from other users and platforms.","Post other people's personal information without consent.":"Post other people's personal information without consent.","Inappropriate content, such as sexually suggestive, gory, hateful threat, harassment, cyberbullying, scam, excessive profanity, and dangerous ones.":"Inappropriate content, such as sexually suggestive, gory, hateful threat, harassment, cyberbullying, scam, excessive profanity, and dangerous ones.","I agree to this guideline":"I agree to this guideline","Next":"Next","Submit":"Submit","Report a Problem":"Report a Problem","Live on Tik Tok":"Live on Tik Tok","Choose a reason":"Choose a reason","Report":"Report","Report Success":"Report Success","Report Fail":"Report Fail","Fail":"Fail","Your feedback is important in helping us keep the TikTok community safe.":"Your feedback is important in helping us keep the TikTok community safe.","Thanks for reporting!":"Thanks for reporting!","Network issue. Please try again.":"Network issue. Please try again.","How do I report a post, comment or chat for abuse or spam?":"How do I report a post, comment or chat for abuse or spam?","How do I report a post, comment for abuse or spam?":"How do I report a post, comment for abuse or spam?","How do I report a chat for abuse or spam?":"How do I report a chat for abuse or spam?","You can report abuse, spam or anything else that doesn't follow our {link} from within the app":"You can report abuse, spam or anything else that doesn't follow our {link} from within the app","Community Guidelines":"Community Guidelines","To report a chat:":"To report a chat:","Open the conversation you want to report":"Open the conversation you want to report","Tap the person's name / group name (iOS) or {icon} (Android)":"Tap the person's name / group name (iOS) or {icon} (Android)","Tap Report":"Tap Report","Follow the on-screen instructions":"Follow the on-screen instructions","To report a video:":"To report a video:","Tap {icon} on the video screen":"Tap {icon} on the video screen","Tap {icon} (Report)":"Tap {icon} (Report)","To report a comment:":"To report a comment:","Tap the comment you'd like to report":"Tap the comment you'd like to report","Choose a reason:":"Choose a reason:","Why are you reporting this account?":"Why are you reporting this account?","Reporting this profile page?":"Reporting this profile page?","Your feedback is very important in helping us keep the TikTok community safe.":"Your feedback is very important in helping us keep the TikTok community safe.","Why are you reporting this profile?":"Why are you reporting this profile?","Report as spam?":"Report as spam?","History":"History","Cash-out Instructions and Requirements":"Cash-out Instructions and Requirements","The diamonds points in your TikTok account can be converted into cash.":"The diamonds points in your TikTok account can be converted into cash.","To cash out, you will need a PayPal account, which will be linked directly to your TikTok account and serve as the destination for your money when you submit requests to convert diamonds into cash.":"To cash out, you will need a PayPal account, which will be linked directly to your TikTok account and serve as the destination for your money when you submit requests to convert diamonds into cash.","To cash out, your TikTok account must contain a minimum of $100.00 in it.":"To cash out, your TikTok account must contain a minimum of $100.00 in it.","The maximum daily cash out amount is $600.00":"The maximum daily cash out amount is $600.00","Please allow an estimated processing time of up to 15 days before cash out funds are available in your PayPal account.":"Please allow an estimated processing time of up to 15 days before cash out funds are available in your PayPal account.","Notice":"Notice","We reserve the right to determine the diamonds-cash exchange rate to be used at any time, without prior notice to you.":"We reserve the right to determine the diamonds-cash exchange rate to be used at any time, without prior notice to you.","By accessing or using the TikTok app and submitting a request to withdraw funds, you are also agreeing to our Diamonds Program and our Terms of Service, which can be found {linkStart}here{linkEnd}.":"By accessing or using the TikTok app and submitting a request to withdraw funds, you are also agreeing to our Diamonds Program and our Terms of Service, which can be found {linkStart}here{linkEnd}.","We are not responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of any and all account names, user IDs, passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs) and mobile unlock codes that you use to access your account, nor are we responsible for any lost or stolen diamonds points or their cash value. We shall not bear any liability and have no obligation to credit an account with diamonds Points that may have been lost, stolen, or forfeited due to damage or interruptions caused by any software malfunctions, fraud, inadvertent entry into your account, or any other circumstances.":"We are not responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of any and all account names, user IDs, passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs) and mobile unlock codes that you use to access your account, nor are we responsible for any lost or stolen diamonds points or their cash value. We shall not bear any liability and have no obligation to credit an account with diamonds Points that may have been lost, stolen, or forfeited due to damage or interruptions caused by any software malfunctions, fraud, inadvertent entry into your account, or any other circumstances.","If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at {mail}.":"If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at {mail}.","Agree and Continue":"Agree and Continue","Withdrawal Instructions":"Withdrawal Instructions","My Rewards":"My Rewards","Diamonds Balance":"Diamonds Balance","Cash Value":"Cash Value","SELECT CASH OUT OPTIONS":"SELECT CASH OUT OPTIONS","Cash Out":"Cash Out","there are some error you need try again!":"there are some error you need try again!","Not Enough Diamonds":"Not Enough Diamonds","Success!":"Success!","Type of Reward":"Type of Reward","Live":"Live","Gifts":"Gifts","Creator":"Creator","Total Amount":"Total Amount","Cash Out Type":"Cash Out Type","Paypal":"Paypal","Progress":"Progress","Entries":"Entries","Time":"Time","Number":"Number","Detail":"Detail","Total Cash Out":"Total Cash Out","You dont have any cash-out orders.":"You dont have any cash-out orders.","CASH-OUT HISTORY":"CASH-OUT HISTORY","My Wallet":"My Wallet","fetch user info failed!":"fetch user info failed!","If you have not linked a phone number to the account, please find the "Phone Number" option under the "Manage My Account" settings to add one.":"If you have not linked a phone number to the account, please find the "Phone Number" option under the "Manage My Account" settings to add one.","Total Coins":"Total Coins","In-app purchase is disabled on your device. Please check your iOS.":"In-app purchase is disabled on your device. Please check your iOS.","Your request was sent and is awaiting approval from a parent.":"Your request was sent and is awaiting approval from a parent.","There is a problem with your last purchase. Refresh to try again.":"There is a problem with your last purchase. Refresh to try again.","Refresh":"Refresh","My Transactions":"My Transactions","Buy coins":"Buy coins","live":"live","Cash out":"Cash out","No record of income":"No record of income","LIVE Rewards":"LIVE Rewards","Creator Rewards":"Creator Rewards","Total Diamonds":"Total Diamonds","What are diamonds?":"What are diamonds?","When viewers send gifts during your live broadcast, you will receive the same amount of diamonds equivalent to the value of the gifts.":"When viewers send gifts during your live broadcast, you will receive the same amount of diamonds equivalent to the value of the gifts."}; // ???????
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