
Coming from a woman

Jan 7th, 2015
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  1. More and more female friends drop off as I make it clear that women deserve to be treated no differently than men.
  3. I don't cater to women's garbage like I did in the past.
  5. I'll call you out, as a woman, if I see you:
  7. -Using a man for his resourcefulness without at least AN OFFER of a kind gesture in return. Yes, this can mean sex, get over it. Yes, this can mean giving him money instead of having HIM pay for YOU for a change.
  9. -Using a relationship with a man as a shield from the world. Being with a man who puts up with all of your ridiculous, overemotional, picky, annoying garbage - standing behind that man when other people rightfully have a problem with your retarded child behavior, getting him to talk to people about how much they hurt your widdle woman feelings because you made a huge social faux pas and fucked up and lost a lot of friends. Using the man you supposedly love as a "yes" man.
  11. -Physically abusing a man and playing it off as a joke or saying its okay because YOU'RE ONLY A WOMAN. Making light of physical abuse towards males.
  13. -Attention whoring. Using your appearance as a way to attempt to gain favor and refuse accountability for shit behavior.
  15. - USING A MAN'S CHILDREN AGAINST HIM IN THE COURTS OR OTHERWISE. KEEPING HIS CHILD FROM HIM. I will ruin any life I see doing this. Fuck you. You couldnt have had that child without him.
  17. -Anything else I can think of because I'm the motherfucking boss and men love (not romantically, more like a sister or buddy) me for a reason. Because I do right by them.
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