
Industrial Perils: Suicide thread: Explorer Anon. CH 2

Jun 27th, 2014
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  1. >The lead minotaur begins to approach you, revolving rifle still raised.
  2. >You slowly put Flutters down and raise your hands, 8 targets all with sights on you.
  3. >There’s no way you can fight your way out of this. The minotaur gets about three paces
  4. >and swings his rifle
  5. *Crack*
  6. >It catches you on the chin, whipping your head around. You fall to the floor, before you can
  7. >bring your arms in front of you, the rifle butt comes down again, sending the world into
  8. >a spinning haze, but not darkness. Focus becomes hard, the voices around you,
  9. >incomprehensible. On the edge of your senses you can feel yourself being bound and
  10. >carried.
  12. >”What in the name of the republic are you?”
  13. >”He’s a human, and you better get your claws off of him if you know what’s good fer ya.”
  14. >Everything hurts. You try to open your eyes, but the left one remains shut.
  15. >”Oh, he’s awake.”
  16. >Your right eye opens, to the visage of a tan colored griffon. Skinny and emaciated but still a
  17. >griffon. You just sit there and blink, still trying to piece together the shattered elements of
  18. >your focus and concentration. It’s not very pleasant; everything is still swimming around in
  19. >your mind’s eye. Eventually you get enough of your mind back together to start observing
  20. >your surroundings. Grey cement walls, iron bars, plank beds, and a shit bucket.
  21. >Well, looks like you’re a prisoner of war, question is, what war?
  23. >You bring yourself upright. A little fast, black tendrils at the corner of your vision.
  24. >”Easy there big guy, ya took quite the beating.”
  25. >You look over, AJ is in the cell across from you, she’s got a few bruises on her body.
  26. “Wh- *groan*- Fuck. Where’s Rarity and Shy?”
  27. >”They got put in a cell a little further down.”
  28. >She points down to her right. As if on cue you hear Shy speak up.
  29. >”It’s alright… we’re okay.”
  30. >Well at least everyone’s accounted for.
  31. >You look over at the griffon you share the cell with, you put out a hand.
  32. “Anonymous, you are?”
  33. >The griffon looks down at your hand before realizing what to do.
  34. >”Gerard, commandant for the 37th Republican guard.”
  35. “Republic? I thought it was a Kingdom.”
  36. >Gerard shakes his head, and ruffles his wings.
  37. >”What you been under a rock? The kingdom fell about a year ago.”
  38. >Your surprise must show, despite your facial swelling.
  39. >”Well, ever since the water riots and revolution the cro-“
  40. “Water riots?”
  41. >”Geez, you guys are really out of the loop. What they don’t have newspapers in Equestria?”
  42. “Wouldn’t know, haven’t picked one up in about two years.”
  43. >Gerard lets out a squawking laugh. Before pulling himself back together.
  44. >”So I guess the stereotype of the ignorant Equestrian is true… Here let me get you up to
  45. >speed friend.”
  47. >You settle yourself in on your bed of plank, ready for a history lesson. AJ sits herself down
  48. >on her haunches to listen in as well.
  49. >”So after our agricultural boom, our population began to sky rocket. It became
  50. >normal for families to have five or six chicks. I myself come from a family of eight…however
  51. >the vast majority of this continent is desert. With only two oasis located between our land,
  52. >and the minotaur tribes… Now the minotaur coalition. Water shortages became riots, riots
  53. >became revolution… now obviously the revolution didn’t make more water, so the
  54. >problem remained. The minotaur’s also had a population explosion during our revolution.
  55. >Well, thetwin oasis became more and more cluttered, and things began to fall apart. The
  56. >minotaurs started stationing guards around the oasis, protection from banditry they said.
  57. >So we started putting some of our guys around there.”
  58. >At this point Gerard sighs and looks down for a second. You vaguely remember hearing
  59. >something about new rotation patterns when you first arrived in Equestria.
  60. >”We don’t know who fired first, but before we knew it border troops were reporting
  61. >skirmishes everywhere. That was almost a year ago, the lines have since been static.
  62. >The minotaurs control the western oasis, and we the east. Neither of us has enough
  63. >water to support our populations.”
  64. >You sit for a moment digesting this new information.
  65. “When we came in we hit a barricade of sea mines, also ho-“
  66. >”Yeah, we set those up. We heard that the minos were going to try to petition Canterlot
  67. >for martial aid, so we set them up to stop them. That didn’t work… obviously.”
  68. >Fantastic, you hit mines meant for an entirely different species.
  70. “Well what about these weapons, I’ve never seen anything like these.”
  71. >You were lying, but best to feign ignorance.
  72. >”The guns? Oh those were made around the start of the revolution. Once food was no
  73. >longer an issue the sciences really took off.”
  74. >Well that does sound like what happened back on earth. You look up a Gerard with a thin
  75. >smile as he begins to start preening himself.
  76. “So do you know the guard patrols of this here establishment?”
  77. >Gerard looks back up at you, his tan feathered face contorting into a rough smile.
  79. >It only took an hour to finalize the plan, since Gerard had been planning a breakout
  80. >since he got here, but was waiting for someone he could do it with. When the guards came
  81. >by to give you dinner, whatever stale bread was left over, you were going to have AJ get
  82. >their attention, while you and Gerard lift the keys and take care of the guards. According
  83. >to Gerard the prison was short staffed due to demands on the front, so this should be
  84. >relatively straight forward. You hear the gate at the end of the hall open, it’s go time.
  85. >The minotaurs may have taken your guns and knife, but you still had your belt, you wrap
  86. >it up in your hands, and wait. The guards come down the hall, lackadaisically tossing
  87. >random bits of bread into the cells. They come to AJ’s and she slams herself against the
  88. >bars she does it again while yelling.
  89. >”Ah got rights ya know! Ah’m I citizen of Equestria, you-“
  90. >Both the guards look over, turning their big bull heads with them. Now’s your chance!
  91. >You press yourself against the bars, and quickly wrap your belt around the minotaurs neck.
  92. >He’s big and muscled, but also terribly off balance.
  94. >You pull back with as much force as you can muster, placing your legs on the bars and
  95. >pressure as hard as you can, the strong leather of your belt serves as an acceptable garrote.
  96. >The minotaur flails about for a brief moment, before his hands immediately go to the belt
  97. >around his neck. It’s a losing battle, you spare a quick glance to Gerard, holy shit.
  98. >He whips out his retractable talons and grabs the minotaur by the back of the neck and
  99. >and pulls him against the bars as well, he immediately takes his right talon and goes for the
  100. >minotaurs neck. A trickle quickly turns to a flood, as Gerard tears into the minos throat.
  101. >Severing flesh, ligament, and eventually the larynx, he immediately releases letting the
  102. >soon to be corpse convulse on the floor. Gerard immediately turns to you and your quarry,
  103. >his eyes go wide. The minotaur seemed to wise up, his hand went for his submachine gun.
  104. >Gerard is already on it, running his claw up the minotaurs arm, rendering it inoperable. The
  105. >Guard slowly stops struggling, becoming more and more of a dead weight to you.
  106. >The guard is quite obviously dead, but you keep pulling, intent on even strangling it’s soul
  107. >before it can escape the body. Gerard on the other hand, calmly begins to take everything
  108. >of value off of the guards, including the keys.
  110. >He even strips the guard that you are still strangling.
  111. >”Anon… Anon!”
  112. >Your head snaps up looking square at AJ, she seems to shrink back a little at your gaze.
  113. >”H-he’s dead, you ca-can stop.”
  114. >You look down, only now becoming aware of how you’re acting. You slowly bring the body
  115. >down and lace your belt back through its loops, but not before attaching a pouch of
  116. >magazines that Gerard hands you. He looks up at you after checking his weapon.
  117. >”Now for the fun part.”
  118. >Christ this griffon seems to have a few loose ones in his head.
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