

Feb 11th, 2020
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  1. On the fourth swing, the Stone King stepped forward unexpectedly. A powerful backhand swipe sent the
  2. extinguisher flying from Batman's grasp. Then, before the vigilante could take evasive action, the
  3. creature followed through with a punch that almost took Batman's head dean off his shoulders.
  4. Batman staggered, the small of his back catching against the top of a low display case behind him.
  5. Then the Stone King was on him, hands clawing at his adversary's throat, fingers tightening with
  6. unbelievable pressure as they began to squeeze.
  7. Batman gasped for breath, sickened by the stench of decay, already beginning to feel light-headed,
  8. unable to breathe from lack of oxygen. In vain his hands struck at his opponent, seeking a pressure
  9. point or a weak spot. Whatever he did, the Stone King seemed invulnerable to it.
  10. With a sudden crack the glass display case shattered, and Batman seized what might be his last
  11. chance. He brought his legs up, positioning his feet against the Stone King's chest. Exerting all of his
  12. remaining strength, he straightened his knees, at the same time yanking hard at the creature's pelt.
  13. The Stone King howled with anger as he went sailing over Batman's head, impacting against the door
  14. frame with such force that the wood splintered.
  15. Batman leaned against the wreckage of the display case, massaging his rasping throat, striving to get
  16. his breathing back to normal. Scarecrow's fear gas was still in his Utility Belt, if he could only reach
  17. it in time.
  18. But the Stone King recovered first, a new hatred glinting in his red eyes as he prepared to renew their
  19. battle.
  20. Desperately, Batman flung himself aside as the Stone King lunged, sweeping his fist in a downward
  21. arc that disintegrated what remained of the cabinet.
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