
im 10 n grile

Aug 25th, 2014
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  1. *DEAD* Stabby stabby :D : who si grl here?
  2. Konkey : me
  3. Stabby stabby :D : D:
  4. Konkey : :-)
  5. Konkey : i dont have any hats for pyro :(
  6. Konkey : do u have hats for me stabby?
  7. Konkey : im a girll
  8. xC0braXz has earned the achievement Sentry Gunner
  9. YannaChan ❤ : congratz on your boobs girl
  10. Stabby stabby :D : no srry
  11. Stabby stabby :D : are u serious?
  12. Konkey : yes
  13. Stabby stabby :D : are u a girl?
  14. Stabby stabby :D : :O
  15. Konkey : you dont like me? :(
  16. Stabby stabby :D : nah
  17. Stabby stabby :D : why?
  18. Konkey : because im a girl
  19. (Voice) aldrit0205: Incoming
  20. Konkey : *cries*
  21. Stabby stabby :D : -_-
  22. Stabby stabby :D : im saaad
  23. *DEAD* Konkey : me too because you dont like my boobs
  24. Bergqvist has found: Natascha
  25. Konkey : are you gay stabby?
  26. undertakerboy9 : Im Accually a good spie
  27. Stabby stabby :D : nah
  28. undertakerboy9 : spy*
  29. Stabby stabby :D : what is gay?
  30. Konkey : your dad
  31. (Voice) Konkey: MEDIC!
  32. Stabby stabby :D : im a still child
  33. Stabby stabby :D : hwo old are u?
  34. Konkey : 11
  35. Stabby stabby :D : lol
  36. Stabby stabby :D : im 10
  37. Stabby stabby :D : :D
  38. Konkey : :)
  39. Konkey : wanna be my bf
  40. undertakerboy9 : Me?
  41. Konkey : yes
  42. sweggles : i keep thinking im on blue lol :D
  43. Stabby stabby :D : :D
  44. Stabby stabby :D : konkey wanna add?
  45. undertakerboy9 : Who? Me Or Stabby
  46. Konkey : u hav 2 give me somethin first
  47. Konkey : both of u
  48. Stabby stabby :D : wtf?!
  49. Stabby stabby :D : im not premium
  50. undertakerboy9 : Nah Friends Are True Not Fake
  51. Stabby stabby :D : but add im serious
  52. undertakerboy9 : Friend Request?
  53. undertakerboy9 : Nvm
  54. Konkey : give me hat first pls
  55. Konkey : im so poor
  56. Stabby stabby :D : i don't have!!
  57. YannaChan ❤ : you probably just want to get shit for your inventory, huh? pretending to be a girl too? good form.
  58. Konkey : undertakebonerboy have :(
  59. Stabby stabby :D : im the poorest in this hole game!
  60. undertakerboy9 : I Aint Givin No One Shit
  61. Konkey : but you cant type properly :(
  62. Konkey : he deserves the hats more than me
  63. undertakerboy9 : ill be friends but i aint selling my stuff to be friends
  64. Konkey : proof of concept yannachannowoman
  65. Stabby stabby :D : me too
  66. Stabby stabby :D : i won't seel
  67. *DEAD* Stabby stabby :D : lol
  68. Stabby stabby :D : konkey plz accept me
  69. Player ALI300 has joined the game
  70. Konkey : send me a pic of u irl with a banana in your hand pls
  71. Stabby stabby :D : wat?
  72. Konkey : so i know its u
  73. Konkey : :)
  74. Stabby stabby :D : im a child
  75. undertakerboy9 : gg
  76. YannaChan ❤ : don't worry about that. douche on the left. right there. congratz
  77. Stabby stabby :D : not a big boy
  78. Konkey : i know ur mom
  79. Stabby stabby :D : e?
  80. sweggles : konkey ure getting creepy
  81. (Voice) Eldritch: MEDIC!
  82. Konkey : girls r not crepy
  83. Konkey : reported to the nsa
  84. Jsw_ss : Instead of flirting, or whatever ou want to call it. Get on with the game. I don't want to see your cringy ass shit.
  85. Stabby stabby :D : yeeeeeeeee
  86. xC0braXz has earned the achievement Ghastly Gibus Grab
  87. YannaChan ❤ has found: The Eviction Notice
  88. undertakerboy9 : xD
  89. sweggles : wow,wuf,suchconflict
  90. Stabby stabby :D : is it u?
  91. Konkey : wow you got killed by me (a girl !) :D !
  92. Player Consueblo has joined the game
  93. Stabby stabby :D : don't kick her plz
  95. ~ voted kicked (4 bein grl :((()~
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