
Part 1

May 24th, 2018
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  1. "Damn do they really have to make us wear our robes in here?" you thought to yourself, wiping the sweat off your brow following another Herbology lesson. Despite the sweltering heat you had to endure it was one of your favorite subjects at Hogwarts. After all, it was one of the few in which you had a reprieve from her. As you gathered your various belongings you hear a familiar voice calling out to you.
  3. "Hey is everything alright? You look like you've been spending the entire day being berated by Professor Snape!"
  5. You neatly stacked your textbooks into a pile and and turned to look at the blue eyed Hufflepuff next to you.
  7. "I'm fine, I've just had a lot on my mind today." You replied softly, not meeting her eyes as you spoke.
  9. "What's on your mind? Are you still trying to figure out where the next vault is? Oh its that upcoming Potions exam isn't it? I know everyone in my house has been stressing about it," she queried sounding peppy as ever.
  11. "Look Penny, I think you know what's on my mind." you responded trying your hardest not to sound irritated by the girl's prying questions.
  13. Her smile turned into a slight frown as she replies to you, "You got into another argument huh? I tried to warn you that this would happen often if you dated her."
  15. She was right. And you hated the fact that she was right. You've been dating Merula for nearly two months and spats between the two of you were more frequent than even before you were dating. Your arguments ranged from matters as trivial as who was responsible for cleaning the cauldron during Potions, to as heated over the feasibility of your relationship. Despite the warnings from your friends you couldn't escape the spell she put you under and you were determined to see this through. Still, there was no denying the emotional toll it was taking on you.
  17. "Just leave me alone," you muttered as you picked up your belongings and began to walk out of the greenhouse. You barely took a few steps outside before you felt a hand on your shoulder.
  19. "Can we talk please? I'm getting really worried about you. You really haven't been yourself these last two months," you heard the Hufflepuff's voice in your ear.
  21. With a sigh you responded, "You're not going to leave me alone unless I say yes huh? Fine lets talk."
  23. The two of you strolled down the corridor, sunlight beaming down on the stone path as scores of students filled out of their respective classrooms headed every which way. The popular girl walking by your side silently as your destination was soon in sight; the Great Hall. Looking around the room only a handful of students were seated, most by themselves studying while eating a mid-afternoon snack. Taking a seat at the lengthy wooden table reserved for Hufflepuffs you finally asked her what she wanted to talk to you about so badly.
  25. "I just want you to be honest with me and tell me whats on your mind. It's like every time I've seen you lately you've looked all wound up, glum, or even more bitter than Professor Snape is." she says with a concerned tone in her voice.
  27. You took a deep breath before answering. "Should I be honest with her? Is she going to gossip with all of her housemates if I do? Its not like its some big secret that theres trouble in paradise right? I mean, who hasn't seen one of your daily arguments in Hogwarts at this point?" You thought to yourself as you looked at the girl in front of you.
  29. "I guess its been more difficult than I thought it would be. I care about her and love her a lot, its just hard when it feels like I'm the only one trying to make it work," you admit to her, again failing to look her in the eyes as you look down at the tabletop before you. "And I guess a part of me has been living in constant fear that each day will be the last between the two of us. I'm just worried that trying keep us together is as helpless as trying to keep the sun from rising"
  31. Penny frowned as you felt her place her hand on your shoulder. "You know you really shouldn't keep giving away pieces of yourself to her like this, pretty soon you're not going to have anything to give. When was the last time you even had a day just for yourself?"
  33. Her question proved to be more difficult to answer than you expected. Along with having to be with Merula during the classes you shared together, she insisted on being around you during every opportunity. From dining together during each meal, to studying in the library, down to relaxing in the Slytherin common room, it was if every free moment of your life was consumed by her. It wasn't like you were doing it against your will however, you wanted to spend as much time as possible with the girl you loved. Even if more often than not it was littered with arguments and conflict.
  35. "I...I can't remember," you replied shamefully.
  37. "Well are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? I overheard Ben and Rowan saying they were going to get butterbeers tomorrow and I couldn't help but want to tag along. You should come with us!" Penny suggested smiling at you.
  39. "I have to go study for that potions exam with Merula tomorrow," you tell her. A part of you wished that wasn't the case however. A reprieve from Merula would be welcomed you reasoned with yourself. Plus you couldn't remember the last time you hung out with your friends that didn't involve searching for the next vault.
  41. "Well that's a shame. I'd really like for you to come with. Maybe you can meet us down there if you finish early?" she suggests.
  43. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll try and see if I'm able to meet you down in Hogsmeade," you tell her with a small smile.
  45. She smiles back and unexpectedly the blonde put her hand on yours. "You know I'm here for you if you ever want to talk right? I care about you and I hate seeing you all torn up like this,"
  47. Taken aback by her gesture, you looked into her eyes for the first time all conversation, at a loss for words all you could respond was with "thank you". Her hand felt soft and warm against yours, and for a brief moment, you realized why so many guys in your class fawned over her.
  49. "Well I gotta get going, all us Hufflepuffs usually do this team building exercise after classes and I'd hate to be the last one to show up" Penny says as she stood up and headed for the exit. "And hey, thanks for being honest with me. I hope you'll make it tomorrow," she adds with a warm smile as she faded from your sight.
  51. As you gathered your belongings once more you began to head towards the Slytherin common room. As you make your way to the room adjacent to the potions classroom you considered Penny's offer to hang out with everyone the following day. Opening the door to the dimly lit rim adorned in a shade of emerald you are quickly met with your girlfriend. You felt a feeling of instant dread wash over you as you see the familiar scowl on her face.
  53. "So Ismelda told me something pretty interesting today. Apparently she saw you hanging out with that Penny girl alone in the Great Hall," Merula says through clenched teeth. "Want to tell me why you were talking with Little Miss Popular?" she demanded.
  55. "Hey calm down, she was asking me about Herbology homework. You know that we're in that class together," you lied to her, trying to hide the anger and annoyance in your voice.
  57. "Is that so? Well you know how I feel about that girl," she replied scornfully.
  59. "I know. I promise you that you don't have to worry about her. Everyone knows my heart belongs to the strongest witch in all of Hogwarts," you tell her, desperately trying to avoid another fight. As if a switch inside of her flipped you see the look of disgust in her face fade away as she goes in for a hug.
  61. The rest of the day passed uneventfully, with the two of you spending the hours poring over notes over all of your classes. With the winter holidays coming up, end of term exams marked one final obstacle between you and a well needed break from school and every student in the room was absorbed in their textbooks as well. However, as you finally crawled into bed for the night, Penny's offer weighed on your mind. It had been far too long since you hung out with all of your friends, and a day of fun would be a welcome break from the stress of studying. You brushed your thoughts aside as you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
  63. As you groggily open your eyes the following morning, you stumble your way towards the restroom. Stepping into the shower, the streams of cold water jolts you awake as you prepared yourself for the day. If there was one thing you hated about being a Slytherin was how long it took to get a warm shower. Apparently this wasn't an issue with any of the other houses and you wondered if the restroom was taken straight out of Azkaban. As you finished getting dressed, you step out into the common room where you see that Merula was already beginning to study.
  65. "About time you woke up princess," the Slytherin girl says sarcastically as you take a seat next to her.
  67. "Can't help I like my sleep," you replied sleepily, cracking open one of your textbooks to begin your study session.
  69. Your morning was spent quizzing one another on the ingredients of various potions as you summoned up the courage to ask if she would be okay with letting you go down to Hogsmeade to see your friends. With the thought weighing on your mind, you realized it was either now or never.
  71. "So Rowan, Ben and Penny were going down to Hogsmeade this afternoon and she invited me to come with is that-" your sentence was cut off as you quickly understood what a grave mistake you just made.
  73. "Oh so Penny asked you if you wanted to hang out with her huh? I thought you said she asked you about Herbology homework," she questioned you. The anger in her voice rising with each subsequent word.
  75. "We were! She asked me during class!" You lie to her, desperately trying to avoid an argument despite the fact you knew it was hopeless.
  77. "So you want to hang out with that bitch is that it?" Merula replied glaring at you. You've seen her angry time and time before, but this time was different. You look down and see that her fists were clenched so tightly her entire hand was shaking. The students around you all paused their studies to watch the unfolding scene.
  79. "It's not like shes the only one who's going to be there! I'll be with Ben and Rowan as well!"
  81. "You know what? I don't care. You want to go see that preppy little bitch so badly? Then so be it!" Merula screamed, grabbing the textbook next to her and throwing it in your direction, striking you in the face.
  83. Her fury left you in a shock as a trickle of blood slid down your lip, standing there wide eyed looking directly at the girl with a murderous look in her eyes.
  85. "Realize this," Merula angrily states as she glares at you. "Nobody else will ever fall for someone as cursed as you."
  87. Feeling the piercing gaze of your housemates around you, all taken aback by the scene which just unfolded in front of all of them, you ran out of the common room without a single word, unable to give a response to your girlfriend.
  89. "What the fuck just happened" you thought to yourself as you wiped the blood off with your sleeve. Running down the corridor as you notice student after student looking at you with wide eyes. The only thought in your mind was to go down to Hogsmeade and see your friends. Seeking a sanctuary, you know you'd find one in their company. The faces around you became nothing but blurs as you made your way to the outskirts of the castle, still sprinting as if you were running away from a stampede of Boggarts.
  91. Once at Hogsmeade you looked around to search for your group of friends. Despite it being time for exams, scores of Hogwarts students wandered about, the suggestion of a reprieve from studying being more popular than you originally expected. As you headed for the Three Broomsticks you saw the blonde headed girl who caused the worst argument of your life by her lonesome.
  93. "Hey Penny, wheres Ben and Rowan?" you asked, still too shocked to give a proper introduction.
  95. "Oh hey! Well Ben got into a little accident while practicing his broom riding technique and Rowan was kind enough to accompany him to the hospital wing," the girl explained. "I headed down here still since I didn't want you to be all alone if you were able to make it."
  97. "An afternoon alone with Penny? Merula is going to absolutely kill me if anyone finds out about this," you thought to yourself. "As if it couldn't possibly get any worse than it is though."
  99. "Well, I'm glad you're here Penny. I could definitely use a few butterbeers," you responded as the two of you walk into the Three Broomsticks.
  101. The atmosphere in the building was a jovial as ever, with cheery holiday music playing in the background, and the scent of fresh pastries filling the air. Taking a seat in a corner table, you couldn't help but notice how attractive Penny looked. Dressed in a dark brown sweater and a scarf which matched her house colors, you could clearly see why she was considered one of the prettiest girls in Hogwarts.
  103. "So, why are you still dressed in your robes?" she questioned you. " that dried blood on your chin? What happened?"
  105. "I...we had another fight. Merula didn't like the idea of me coming down here this afternoon and I just had to get away from her," you admit to the Hufflepuff. "Right now its such a relief to be away from her for a bit and I'm really thankful you're here."
  107. "I'm really sorry to hear that," she sympathized as she took a sip of her drink. "I'm glad I can be here for you though," placing her hand on yours once more.
  109. Again you were taken aback by her gesture, but as her warm hand laid on yours you felt something you hadn't felt in weeks; warmth and comfort. Without a thought you instinctively maneuvered your hand to where your fingers could be intertwined with hers. You looked into her blue eyes and noticed a rosy tint beginning to form on her cheeks, and to your surprise she didn't pull her hand away.
  111. "Hey, theres a store here I want to show you that I think you'd like," Penny said, breaking the silence between the two of you.
  113. "Sure. I'd love to see it."
  115. The two of you finish you drinks as you walk back onto the street. Following her lead, Penny walked down an alleyway between the Three Broomsticks and another establishment as you found yourself in a secluded area by a grove of trees. The crisp winter air sending a bit of a chill down your spine as you looked around you in a bit of confusion.
  117. "What's all this about?"
  119. "I figured you would be better off if we were somewhere where our classmates couldn't see us alone together," the blonde explained to you.
  121. "Well, I do appreciate the gesture," you reply, looking into her eyes. You felt your heart beginning to race, similar to the way it had once before prior to the first kiss you shared with Merula. You were alone with one of the most popular and beautiful girl in Hogwarts, and you were awestruck by her beauty. You've always found her attractive before, but never more so than in this very moment.
  123. "Are you really happy with her?" she asks you.
  125. "I....don't know anymore. I love her, but its just so damn hard"
  127. "Do you really love her? Or are you just telling yourself that because you're dating her?"
  129. "Penny, what are you getting at?" you asked her. Your heart pounding to the point as if it will burst out of your chest at any moment.
  131. "I'm just saying a relationship shouldn't feel the way its feeling for you," she explained.
  133. "What is it supposed to feel like then?" You reply. Looking into her blue eyes knowing full well what was about to happen. The feeling of guilt washing over you as you know you're going to hate yourself afterwards.
  135. "Let me show you," Penny whispers, as the girl in front of you wraps her arms around you pulling you into an embrace. You can smell a hint of lavender in her hair and the scent of vanilla on her skin. You pull her closer to you as you whispered one request.
  137. "Please. Just don't ever tell anyone this happened."
  139. "Promise," replied the girl as she looked into your eyes and leans in for a kiss.
  141. You lock lips with the girl and instantly realize how different it felt from kissing Merula. Penny's lips were soft and warm, a far cry from the inexperienced lips of your girlfriend. Feelings of shame, pleasure and guilt overtook your body as you bit down on her lips gently. You felt your member grow erect from the gesture as the girl pulls you even closer to her. There was no doubt in your mind that she felt your body reacting to her kiss as the girl began to grind her body against yours. With your back up against one of the trees, you reached up her sweater feeling the soft, warm skin of the girl in front of you, cupping one of her breasts under her bra. You pinched one of her erect nipples as Penny sunk her teeth into your neck, a moan of pleasure escaping from your lips. Your moan was quickly muffled by her lips returning to yours once more, her feelings of pure desire revealing themselves with each subsequent kiss. Suddenly, reason returned to your consciousness as you softly pushed her away from you. The feeling of guilt becoming too overwhelming to handle.
  143. "I'm sorry...I made a huge mistake," you tell the girl, as you ran back down the alley and towards Hogwarts.
  145. "Anon, wait!" you hear the girl yelling at you in the distance, as she watches you sprint away from her.
  147. "Merula I'm so fucking sorry," you whisper to yourself as you made your way back to the girl you promised your heart to.
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