

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. Top means I hate you the least, Bottom means you should go burn in hell
  2. [SPOILER]
  4. [ Inception ] : shit clan filled with scrubs, got trolled so badly by kody :3
  7. ^ this user also apparently didn't learn his lesson and tried to hit on me
  9. HC: (does not apply to Velvet Sky), lol its such an irony that a clan who calls themselves as scrub-free is actually the clan with the most number of scrubs. Continue being the pieces of shit you guys are and please learn how to troll instead of making tohjo even more cancerous than it already is. Also Finch 6: Rake:0 n _ n
  11. Beforedawn. : retarded fakegirl, thinks his gimmicks are great when they are absolute shit and turn into a liability. Best think is, you don't even dare to admit they are absolute shit and you are just a lucky haxing faggot. Also your BW2 OU "stall" isn't even good, a decent competent player can just set up and sweep your entire team with 0 fucks. Ass user learn to play and stop making tours look like shit everytime you win a tour
  13. (15:03:43) beforedawn.: dasd Surprised
  14. (15:03:49) Dasdardly: who
  15. (15:04:20) Dasdardly: are you actually philopath I've been trying to figure this out for like 8 months
  16. (15:05:15) Black Dress: i've been wanting to say that
  17. (15:05:17) Black Dress: for over a year
  18. (15:05:19) Dasdardly: looooooooool
  19. (15:05:30) Black Dress: i don't even know what philopath means, but it sounds like an insult
  20. (15:05:47) Dasdardly: philopath is the best shortcut for a nick I've ever thought of
  21. (15:06:30) Dasdardly: a philosophical psychopath
  23. TR and ESPECIALLY EXECUTIVE ARCHER: you guys fucking suck. EA how many dicks did you have to suck in order to get people like jeythegrey playing in the clanwar? You guys have the largest ego I have seen on PO, larger than CasedVictory and Finch's ego multiplied together. You guys are a shit clan and everytime I play against your members on the ladder, it's literally free points because that's how much you suck. Shit leader + shit players = shit clan
  25. (19:56:50) Noobzinator: what does TR stands for?
  26. (19:57:04) [TR]Ocean: The Retards iird.
  27. (19:57:07) [TR]Ocean: *iirc
  28. (19:57:45) [TR]Ocean: The Retards
  29. (19:57:49) [TR]Ocean: and Troop of Retards
  31. {VM}Thunderstruck : you really want to know why I hate you so much? You are a 13-year old stubborn bitchy attention whore that nobody seriously gives a fuck about. You really think you deserve to be my "friend"? You really think Diamondslight is also your "friend"? lmao I'm willing to bet that you don't even have a girlfriend, go get a life and stop being on the internet little boy. Cancerous aids piece of shit tryhard that begs to be my "friend" and pms me every single fucking day asking to be my friend.
  33. (10:51:28) {VM}ThunderStruck: \0/ I make sucky teams from scratch
  34. (10:52:08) {VM}ThunderStruck: \0/ People hate me on the forums (even though that's a really strong word it's all true)
  35. (10:52:29) {VM}ThunderStruck: and... that's all I have to say.. nothing else is interesting :/
  36. (10:52:36) Joeypals: And people call me an attention whore, shit o.o
  37. (10:52:59) {VM}ThunderStruck: I'm the definition of attention whore...
  38. (10:53:21) {VM}ThunderStruck: and a douche
  40. you don't even know what douche means how retarded and naive are you?
  42. Joeypals: no words can describe how large of an attention whore you are. You really think you contributed to the mafia and tours community? What you only did is just pick up some themes and try to make them yours and get credit for it, which is honestly a scumbag move. You don't even have a sense of orginality in your work and you don't deserve to get any cstaff position ever. You single handledly just killed mafia and now turning tours into a pile of shit that I don't even like to play anymore. You think you are good but you are one of the most overrated and terrible players I have yet to come across and it is my utmost displeasure to ever play against you. You aren't even good at anything. Apparently winning a few server tours that don't even mean shit gets your dick sucked, but that's okay because you openly admit you are gay anyway. Huge cancerous ebolaids piece of shit go die in hell please and stop redirecting toxic users to go to Tohjo or PS when you yourself should go there yourself. Also learn to use the report button properly, everytime you report someone on the forums, the auth just has a laugh because apparently you think somebody rejecting your idea means they are personally attacking you and is worth an infraction/warning. It's really difficult to piss me off, but you have done it. Congratulations gay faggot sir.
  44. (14:48:16) Joeypals: Can Black Dress be the god of a religion? I'd so join it Mad
  45. (14:52:05) Joeypals: I want you to preach Black Dress, I'm going "Mmmmmmmhm" to everything you're saying atm
  47. what a hypocritical faggot[/SPOILER]
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