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Sep 18th, 2018
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  29. <h1 itemprop="logo" class="logo thumb"><a href="/">A/B TEST COMPANY <em>COME TRY THIS NEW PAGE HERE</em></a></h1>
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  31. <li class="address">1700 Tech Centre Parkway #100, <br>Clearwater, FL 33742<br>
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  33. <li>Phone: <a href="tel:+18553137364" title="Phone Number" itemprop="telephone" class="phone">1-855-313-7364</a>
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  42. <h2>Our Mission Statement<br></h2>
  43. <p>To provide our public &amp; private sector clients with the necessary tools to handle all of their compliance needs throught our exceptional training and consulting, and our extensive unparalleled industry experience.<br>
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  48. <h2 class="section-header">Looking for the best Solution for your Project?</h2>
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  50. <p>The Premium Group is committed to provide excellent service to our customer base is now offering products and/or services to Government agencies at the federal, state, city, county and municipal levels. By completing our registrations we are eligible to be paid for products and/or services rendered, to receive Grant disbursements, to be eligible for no bid contracts, and to be chosen in a time of crisis by the Federal Government for relief. We have taken these steps for our customers and the Government to show proof of qualifications and to set our company apart from competitors. <br><br>While registering for (SAM/WOSB/GSA) we have taken all steps to provide business documents, licenses, insurance information, core competencies, differentiators, and past performance to show timeliness, quality, and positive delivery of products and/or services. <br><br>Through our research and preparation we are now able to field proposals, evaluate our current market position, and resource allocations. We also now have a full understanding on how to search, field, allocate, develop, draft, edit, and summarize a formal response to attain Government contracts and/or Government grants. <br><br>With the help of <a href="" target="_blank">Select GCR</a> our SAM registration is complete and our DUNS #, CAGE code, NAICS codes, POC's and business information is listed below for your viewing.</p>
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  59. <h3>A/B TEST COMPANY<br></h3>
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  61. <p>1700 Tech Centre Parkway #100,<br>Arlington, Texas 76014<br>
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  63. <p>Phone: 1-855-313-7364 <br>Fax: 727-409-8272 <br></p>
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  69. <h3>VERIFIED VENDOR</h3>
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  77. <h3>CODES</h3>
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  80. <tr>
  81. <td class="col1">DUNS#</td>
  82. <td class="col2">08-0338246</td>
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  84. <tr>
  85. <td class="col1">CAGE</td>
  86. <td class="col2">7PCZ7</td>
  87. </tr>
  88. <tr>
  89. <td class="col1">NAICS</td>
  90. <td class="col2">236220, 115112, 115310, 221310, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 237310, 237990, 238110</td>
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