
Forbidden Feelings Ch. 8

Jan 17th, 2013
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  1. Pink Cloud reached underneath the desk and flew over the counter grasping a rather large keychain, then landed and started walking, making a deferential motion that Dash and Scootaloo should follow. They passed through the giant atrium, which was prettied up by the presence of several busts of Celestia on simple columns, and with various paintings dotting the walls. The weather factory was Cloudsdale's premier tourist attraction, so naturally the management would want to make it as impressive as possible.
  2. As they walked, Rainbow couldn't help but feel slightly resentful that Luna wasn't represented – she had just as much a right to be on those columns as her sister did... probably the fact she was once Nightmare Moon was still fresh in many of Cloudsdale's residents.
  3. They went through a door that raised automatically to let them through. The reception pony explained as they kept going, “We're now in the section not usually open to the public. These are the rooms generally used to house those pegasi that might have to work overtime for whatever reason, and might not be able to return home.” She shot Dash a snooty look. “As a result, the rooms are quite spartan, but functional and comfortable.”
  4. They stopped in front of room number 12, and Pink Cloud slowly selected the correct key from the chain, but before giving it to them said, “Miss Dash, I'd like to remind you that this isn't a hotel service. I hope you'll be understanding of the fact the weather factory needs the room back early tomorrow.” Only when Dash nodded in understanding did the pegasus hand the key over and turn to leave.
  5. Dash had half opened the door when Pink Cloud stopped, turned round and called to them, “Ah, Miss Dash, something I forgot. These are all single rooms, due to the emergency nature of the accommodation. I'm sure you and your daughter will be fine, though.” Rainbow stared at her as she went back to the atrium, while Scootaloo started giggling uncontrollably.
  6. Dash rolled her eyes, finished opening the door and went inside. Scootaloo followed, and once the door had closed completely burst into full-out laughter.
  7. “Ahahaha, did you hear that, Rainbow? Heehee! She thought that I was your daughter! Hahahaha! We couldn't be less alike!”
  8. “Heh. I guess so, kiddo,” she replied, as she explored the room. Pink Cloud was right: it really was spartan. The only objects in the room were a medium-sized bed, a desk and a table. Behind the door was a hook where the regulation lab coat and hard hat of the factory went, and to the side was a small alcove with a tiny shower. Scootaloo was rolling around on the floor practically in tears by the time Dash finished her cursory inspection of the place.
  9. She started undoing the harness that had remained on her, then sat down on the bed, and waited for Scootaloo to finish her fit. Eventually, the filly quieted down, and at Rainbow's beckoning jumped on the bed next to her. It was a bit of tight fit, seeing as the bed was originally meant for only one pegasus, but it wasn't overly uncomfortable.
  10. “We'd best get to sleep, Scoots.”
  11. “But I'm not really tired!”
  12. “You heard what the mare said, gotta be up early tomorrow,” and with that she lay down on the cloud. Scootaloo snuggled up next to Dash, kissed her goodnight and turned round so she could lie down next to her. The filly's breathing gradually became slower and more rhythmical, and soon she was fast asleep.
  13. Try as she might, Rainbow simply couldn't get to sleep. For hours, feelings of guilt washed over her as she thought of Thunder Flash and how she'd been so selfish towards him. A sudden wave of despair threatened to overwhelm her and she decided she needed to go outside to clear her head. Getting up from the bed, she trotted over to the door, quietly unlocked it and slipped out, walking towards the atrium. As she entered, with a beat of her powerful wings she launched into the air, aiming for the top of the tall space, and with a soft “phut” she burst into the cold night air through the cloud roof.
  14. The sudden change in temperature was a shock to her system, but she nevertheless pushed on, flying upwards with all her might, only leveling out when her wings began to ache once more. If Luna wouldn't grace her with sleep the normal way, then she'd fly until she was so exhausted that sleep was the only thing on her mind.
  15. From the height she was at she could see a great portion of Cloudsdale. The great cloud-city was sleeping in the beauty of the night: silent, bare, the white clouds glittering in the moonlit air. As she flew aimlessly through the skies, that sight helped to instil a deep calm in her, and she began to accept her situation. She had been arrogant and uncaring with respect to the pony whose help was instrumental in giving her a lifeline to rebuilding herself, that didn't mean she had to wallow in despair and self-loathing to punish herself: she could, and would, be a better mare in the future.
  16. With that thought, she wheeled round and started making her way back to the factory, at a slower pace. A few minutes later, she landed on the roof, squeezed her way through the hole she'd made earlier and zipped it shut. The years of weather experience managing clouds showed in her precise job: the repair was nigh invisible. She flitted down to land on the floor of the atrium, and made her way back to the room they'd been given for the night.
  17. She opened the door as quietly as possible, and padded over to the bed, where she lay down gently, trying not to wake the filly sleeping there. Her head lay on the pillow, with her prismatic mane spread haphazardly around it, and she was on the verge of sleep when she felt Scootaloo shifting round to face her.
  18. “You left,” she whispered softly. It wasn't an accusation, merely a statement of fact. “Where did you go?”
  19. Rainbow kept gazing at the ceiling as she replied quietly, “Out for a bit. I just needed to clear my head. I thought you were sleeping.”
  20. A light giggle came from the filly. “Aw Dash, you should know I'm a light sleeper by now. I caught you yesterday night after all.”
  21. “I still feel kinda horrible, kiddo.”
  22. “I know, Rainbow. It's OK. You can't do anything about it now.”
  23. “That doesn't really make me feel any better.”
  24. Scootaloo's voice went even lower. “Listen, Dash. About last night...” Rainbow finally turned over on her side to face the filly. “What you did for me felt great. I-I was wondering if I could do that to you too? To make you feel better?”
  25. Rainbow reached out a hoof to stroke Scootaloo's muzzle. “That's real nice of you, kid. But you don't owe me anything. I did that only for you.”
  26. “But I want to do it too! C'mon Dash...”
  27. Once more Dash felt her baser desires creep up on her. While it was true that last night she'd focused on Scootaloo, to make it the best experience she could, she'd been left somewhat unsatisfied – some release would be nice, she thought. As her nethers started to dampen, she capitulated.
  28. Shifting up towards the head of the bed, she gently pushed Scootaloo in the opposite direction. They ended up with Rainbow sitting up, her back supported by the headboard, legs spread wide, while Scootaloo was lying directly facing Rainbow's cyan privates. This was the first time Scootaloo had seen a cunt so close-up, so she took her sweet time, noting how the fur around the pink slit glistened with damp.
  29. She reached out a hoof and laid it gently on the 'clit', Rainbow had called it? A light gasp from Dash above her let her know that she was on the right track, and she slowly graduated to small circles. Rainbow started taking shorter and shorter breaths, and occasional whimpers escaped her as Scootaloo continued her stimulation.
  30. “Ah! ScooOOotaloo... harder!” came a strained whine from Dash.
  31. The filly obliged, and rubbed even faster, as Rainbow started spasming from the pleasure coursing through her. After only a few moments more the mare came with a low moan, covering Scootaloo's hoof with her sticky juices, arching her back and throwing her head back in a paroxysm of pleasure.
  32. Dash slowly came down from her orgasm, and pulled Scootaloo up towards her, giving her a quick kiss. “Thanks kid. I feel a lot better now.”
  33. Scootaloo smiled at her idol's thanks, and as they lay together, locked in a hug, they gently drifted off to sleep.
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