
karmic phenomena table

Nov 24th, 2020
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  1. Karmic Phenomena
  3. The Karmic Phenomena Table is a set of random magical effects, and unlikely plot events. They are styled into a classic deck of Tarot. These effects, drawn from the physical deck of Tarot, or using the table below, are not created equal: They increase in severity and change in themes depending on what area of the deck the effect comes from. If your character has the option to subtract from their Karmic Phenomena roll, they must declare so before rolling. Doing so suggests that they are trying to avoid the Suit of the Blessed Lady, and the Suit of the Herald, which can have some fairly negative consequences. If they are instead rolling with a bonus, the bonus is mandatory. Results of more than 140 will always result in downturned version of The Crone.
  5. Some basic things that affect the roll:
  6. - +1 per each point of soft corruption on part of caster and target
  7. - +3 per each point of Akashic Realm Influence on part of caster and target
  8. - +5 if only one between the caster and the target is a Witch-like being
  9. - +10 instead, if the original power targeted a proper Witch, and the caster is not one
  10. - +10 per each additional roll on the table in direct succession, with the exception of /\ Wheel of Fortune
  11. - voluntary -20 if the caster or the target has Calm Medium, up to -40 if both do.
  13. Karmic Phenomena are brought about in two ways: Firstly, when a power or an effect directly asks to roll on the Karmic Phenomena Table. In that case, it is rather a negative thing: The GM rolls or pulls out the card, and makes the appropriate effect happen in a way that makes sense. In this case, events are being warped by the Immaterium: Characters may hear voices that are not actually there, or see things that convince them to act in certain ways.
  15. Secondly, Karmic Phenomena occur when a player or the GM uses a Divination Card. These cards, drawn from the physical deck of Tarot, or using the table below, have great power: they allow the player to influence the game mechanically, as well as to influence the story. Depending on which way the effect is pointed, they may simply cause something random to the player character (the User) or anyone else (a character). They may allow someone to perform a spur of the moment action that's not on their sheet, which they won't be able to reproduce later. They can cause things to happen to the character, helpful non-player characters to appear, or make it so that a character will have retroactively done something off-screen, despite the player having never mentioned so.
  17. These cards, to a large degree, separate Player Character Magical Girls from the rest of the crowd. They represent their special, tangled karma which drives them to end up in all those odd and dangerous situations. Allied NPCs and Cohorts who spend some time around the party may eventually be given a Divination Card limit (of one or two), by the GM. It is also possible for all the cohorts to share one deck, which they may use among themselves. Great majority of enemies won't naturally have access to these effects, but those proficient at Karmic Magic, or ones bearing especially weighty fates, might have a hand of cards of their own, rolled up beforehand.
  19. By default, a player can keep a stack of divination cards equal one for each 100 Karma their character has. Depending on taste, a GM may houserule the limit to be more, or less, at the start of the game, as well as determine static income of divination cards, like one every month, or none at all. It is also possible to use this mechanic as a shared deck of larger size, wherin any player may decide to use a card held by the group, and more cards are drawn now and then. Finally, the GM may choose not to reveal to the players what the cards actually are, and only give them vague labels that don't specify the effects, such as what exactly a Seer told the party when they read their fate, and Weave Fate was used on them, or clues from a possibly prophetic dream a character has had.
  21. If a player's or party's hand is full, they may first discard (or use) one of their cards, to make space for the new one. Cards which are discarded go to the GM, whose hand has the capacity of half the party's total, with a minimum of one. The GM may use the cards on NPCs and any other creatures, to hinder the party. Therefore, a player is encouraged to use up their cards. When used in combat, using them takes no actions, and may be used even if a character is unconscious - but the event happening will, in such a case, still be tied to them in story. Each owner of a deck can only use one of their cards every round.
  23. Cards are split into Greater Arcana, and the Lesser Arcana. The Lesser Arcana are themed 'suits' of Wands, Coins, Swords, and Cups. Suit cards typically influence the story, or provide a smaller mechanical effect. Greater Arcana offer powerful effects which affect the plot, or significantly alter an encounter. If using a physical deck of tarot, downturned simply means that the card is drawn face down to the dealer. When using upturned Greater Arcana, characters increase their Emotion by one. When using downturned ones, decrease it by one. If they happen as a simple random effect, nobody's emotion is affected.
  28. 1-24
  29. The Suit of the Shieldmaiden concerns mainly plot-related effects. It may affect character development, or manipulate their sheet in a more longterm way.
  31. 25-48
  32. The Suit of the Blood Knight concerns effects which empower the character directly, usually in combat. If a player is using them, they happen to the player's own character, almost always.
  34. 49-74
  35. The Suit of the First Knight concerns dramatic and violent events, usually in combat. If a player is using them, they do not need to refer to themselves when using them, instead placing them as the GM would.
  37. 75-100
  38. The Suit of the Blessed Lady is dangerous and powerful. It contains effects which a player will be hard-pressed finding use for.
  40. 101+
  41. The Suit of the Herald can only be reached by characters taking a bonus on their roll. It is the system's equivalent to Perils of the Warp, containing dangerous and deadly effects.
  45. (plot related, sheet manipulation)
  47. 1 - Ace of Wands (Beginning of Spiritual Development; New Idea)
  48. [A character gains a bonus on any one Knowledge check for one week, as long as they lack Knowledge of the topic on their sheet, equal to Knowledge 3. They have recently been exposed to a pop-educational source of information about the topic, and can temporarily treat themselves as knowledgeable in the area.]
  50. 2 - Two of Wands (Choice, Planning, Discovery)
  51. [If a character's path is clear, they gain a strong hunch about what comes next. They may ask the GM about the number of enemies, the shape of an area, the nature of whoever they're about to talk to, or something of the sort. The GM will tell them of what a reasonable first assumption would be, and it will also be correct. New factors may be introduced into the situation, should the character be in for a surprise, to make sure they won't be surprised.]
  53. 3 - Three of Wands (Preparations; Commitment)
  54. [A character temporarily gains Ritual Magic for any power the user wishes. For the one use of it that they have, its effect is doubled.]
  56. 4 - /\The Fool
  57. [User chooses Magic Powers on their sheet up to 20 Karma. They may remove them from your sheet, are refunded the karma in full, and may spend it on other powers instantly. This card can be used to purchase powers mid-battle, after combat, the Karma can be used for anything else.]
  59. 5 - \/The Fool
  60. [User chooses a Drawback up to 15 Karma. You may use this card to bestow this drawback onto a non-player character, which has freshly appeared in the story. If the NPC is a cohort of the party, it should be able to surpass its usual limits for Drawbacks. This card may even be used to bestow a drawback such as Fat or Crippled on someone in combat, as long as they aren't an established character.]
  62. 6 - Four of Wands (Refuge, Peace, Rest; Community)
  63. [A character finds peace of mind. When a character would lose a point of soft corruption, they lose two instead. This card may be used on the Player's own character, as a result of them being in good care, or it may be bestowed onto another character, by having the Player's character take care of them.]
  65. 7 - Five of Wands (Conflict, Disagreement, Strife)
  66. [User chooses one non-player character. Their disposition towards a certain character or group will be temporarily worsened, and their Fellowship lowered by one towards them, as a result of a recent bad experience. This effect may or may not last, depending on GM's decision.]
  68. 8 - /\ The Magician
  69. [A wild Witch appears. It does not seem to want to be here, and the Barrier will disappear soon if left alone.]
  71. 9 - \/ The Magician
  72. [A wild Witch appears. It appears to be emaciated. The Barrier will stay for a day, or until it can catch some prey.]
  74. 10 - Six of Wands (Triumph, Recognition, Confidence)
  75. [A character is treated by any character as having succeeded on their latest task (long or short-term), even if they did not. Any stigma of failure is shrugged off for this particular NPC, unless Loose Cannon is in effect.]
  77. 11 - Seven of Wands (Challenge, Perseverance, Defense)
  78. [If a character is making an impossible or nearly impossible check, an attack roll incapable of hitting without a natural ten or at all, it becomes possible by two degrees: at two and below, or at nine and ten. If used on any sort of other impossible roll, the chance of success should become similarly 20%]
  80. 12 - Eight of Wands (Speed, Action, Travel)
  81. [Out of combat, the character and whoever they are traveling with are going to make their journey in the minimum amount of time reasonably possible, never having to wait for the next train/plane, perhaps being picked up by someone. If this card is used in combat, you may gain an additional movement action, worth half your usual movement.]
  83. 13 - /\ The High Priestess
  84. [User encounters an inspiring person: an old and knowledgeable Vanus, possibly a Librarian.]
  86. 14 - \/ The High Priestess
  87. [User encounters a scary person: a Culexus radiating strength, possibly the local Rank Leader.]
  89. 15 - Nine of Wands (Persistence, Courage, Final Test)
  90. [If the GM determines a short-term task to be tasking, physically or mentally, perhaps requiring an arbitary check with at least 30% success, a character is guaranteed to succeed at it one time, without suffering exhaustion. This generally does not refer to checks actualy described in the rulebook, only those that the GM came up with.]
  92. 16 - Ten of Wands (Accomplishment; Responsibility; Burden, Stress)
  93. [A character is contacted by their superior remembering something, perhaps by phone. If they're a Player Character, they gain an additional minor task to do in addition to what they are doing. If used for an NPC, they may become busy, and leave the party alone.]
  95. 17 - /\ The Empress
  96. [User encounters an inspiring person: a powerful and experienced Vindicare, of Rank Leader strength or above.]
  98. 18 - \/ The Empress
  99. [User encounters a scary person: a savvy and seasoned Callidus, of Rank Leader strength or above.]
  101. 19 - Jack of Wands (Freedom; Exploration; Enthusiasm)
  102. [Upon asking, a character is allowed into a place they normally would not be allowed to. This card bypasses a single social or physical Barrier that would usually prevent this, but not more, letting a character go one step above their rank, or deal with a mundane social issue.]
  104. 20 - Knight of Wands (Energy, Adventure; An Impulsive Person)
  105. [A freshly introduced NPC escalates conflict, possibly starting combat. In battle, this card may bring reinforcements, creating a new unit, or several.]
  107. 21 - Queen of Wands (Temperament; Instinct; Magic; Warm and Encouraging Woman)
  108. [A character may use a power they could take next from their disciplines and prerequisites, but do not actually have. They may not use Peak Magic with this card, unless they have an unused slot.]
  110. 22 - /\ The Emperor
  111. [User encounters an inspiring person: a powerful and experienced Eversor, of Rank Leader strength or above.]
  113. 23 - \/ The Emperor
  114. [User encounters a scary person: a creepy but very knowledgeable Venenum, possibly the local Rank Leader.]
  116. 24 - King of Wands (Leadership, Vision, Infinity; Eccentric Man, Mage)
  117. [A character gives a heartfelt speech, rising or lowering the Emotion of everyone present by one. A character may try to roll against their Emotion+(1/100K of the speaker), in order to resist this effect.]
  119. unused:
  125. (strengthening in combat, favoring PCs)
  127. 25 - Ace of Coins (Beginning of Material Prosperity)
  128. [For the next 24 hours after using this card, the character counts as if they have the Cash Money asset. If they already have it, they find an unclaimed Grief Seed free for taking.]
  130. 26 - Two of Coins (A Struggle for Balance)
  131. [ ]
  133. 27 - /\ The Hierophant
  134. [Roll 1d100 on this table again. Pick a deity which presides over any Suit - for this roll, and 24 hours, a character gains their Blessing, and a bit of their attention. Adjust the roll so that that the Suit is the highest one rollable, and completely in the range. Then, in addition to the Blessing, ignore all results from suits lower than one below the target.
  135. For example, if the Blood Knight is chosen, roll 1d100-52. A roll of 1-52 will have no result, and 53 will be Ace of Wands. If the Golden Herald is chosen, roll 1d100+40. a roll of 1-34 will have no result, while 35 will be Ace of Cups. Both may be rerolled once, in line with the Blessing.]
  137. 28 - \/ The Hierophant
  138. [For the next 24 hours, a deity's influence on the situation is severed. Characters won't be able to profit from their blessing, and won't be affected by their curse, when Weaving Fate.]
  140. 29 - Three of Coins (Mastery of Menial Skill)
  141. [For the next 24 hours, the character gains +4 to checks of a Competence of their choosing, or +2 to a Complex Competence.]
  143. 30 - Four of Coins (Hoarding)
  144. [For a scene, the character counts as if they have the Seed Hoarder asset. If it is triggered and they don't act against it, they lose a point of soft corruption, but if they act against it, they gain it instead. If the character does not require Grief Seeds, they instead hunger for Witch Flesh for the duration.]
  146. 31 - /\ The Lovers
  148. 32 - \/ The Lovers
  150. 33 - Five of Coins (Great Material Trouble, Destitution)
  151. [ ]
  153. 34 - Six of Coins (Careful Charity)
  154. [ ]
  156. 35 - Seven of Coins (Commitment issues, Movement, Change)
  157. [ ]
  159. 36 - /\ The Chariot
  160. [For three turns, a character experiences a surge of confidence. When using a power with a base cost of 5G+E, it only costs 1G, and Emotion does not affect the cost. A power costing 10+2E can be made to cost 5+E, and a power costing 20+4E can be made to cost 10+2E.]
  162. 37 - \/ The Chariot
  163. [A character is unfettered. For three turns, when taking Blast damage, reduce it by 2d10+2E, and the caster takes an additional 1G per each die removed.]
  165. 38 - Eight of Coins (Employment, Comission, Working at the right place)
  166. 39 - Nine of Coins (Luxury and Independence)
  168. 40 - /\ Strength
  169. [For the next 24 hours, the character gains +1x Grit to their Hit Points. They are considered to be permanently under the effect of Strings, even if they do not have the power.]
  171. 41 - \/ Strength
  172. [For the next 24 hours, the character gains +20 Defensive Mental Strength, +4 to Grit Checks, and all damage that would be multiplied against them is reduced by 1x less each time it would be multiplied.]
  174. 42 - Ten of Coins (Family Financial Matters, Wealth)
  175. [A member of the character's family appears, offering material support: Money, a ride somewhere, or a contact. It does not need to be their literal blood relation, just someone they consider family.]
  177. 43 - Jack of Coins (Apprenticeship, Foundation, Ingenuity; Entrepreneurship)
  178. [A character with the Teacher or the Therapist Training, appears, offering help in this direction, or a character's direct superior appears to provide help. This card bypasses the Loose Cannon drawback, if it would be applicable.]
  180. 44 - Knight of Coins (Material Defensiveness, Stubbornness)
  181. [ ]
  183. 45 - /\ The Hermit
  185. 46 - \/ The Hermit
  188. 47 - Queen of Coins (Fertility; Rich, Sensual and Charitable Woman)
  189. [ ]
  191. 48 - King of Coins (Politics; Man of Earthly Power, Merchant)
  192. [A wealthy man, businessman or a crime lord, becomes involved, perhaps through a proxy.]
  199. (combat effects, including negative, affecting enemies)
  200. (self-sacrifice, curses)
  202. 49 - /\ Wheel of Fortune
  203. [Draw two additional Divination cards, or one if your hand is full. This card then counts as used, and you do not have to discard it.]
  205. 50 - \/ Wheel of Fortune
  206. [Immediately upon drawing this card, user discards their whole hand including this card, and redraw that many Divination Cards from the deck. This card counts as used, and does not count towards the total. If it happens as an effect, it affects all the players simultaneously.]
  208. 51 - Ace of Swords (New Decision; Unveiling)
  209. [A character switches targets in combat for no apparent reason. If they can attack someone else by moving away from who they are attacking now, they will. They become affected by Taunt or Intimidate, making it difficult to return to their original target.]
  211. 52 - Two of Swords (Doubtful Decision, Powerlessness)
  212. [A character can use anything within Acting as a free action. When they do, they don't roll anything, and the target instead rolls a hard Emotion check to see if they are affected. If Witches are targeted by this, they can be affected even if they are immune, as long as there is a way to get the message across. Complex ideas require Witch letters.]
  214. 53 - Three of Swords (Depression, Overanalyzing, Mental Scar)
  215. [A character gains Fear Drawback relating to something or someone present at a horrendous scene (can be any battlefield). This Drawback grants Karma as normal.]
  217. 54 - /\ Justice
  218. For a duration of an entire combat encounter, a character gains Justified: Winning. If they are already Justified, and the two Assets don't conflict, the effect is increased to 4G reduction. When affecting an NPC, this may cause them to start using expensive powers very liberally.
  220. 55 - \/ Justice
  221. For a duration of an encounter, if no character has Cutthroat, a character gains Cutthroat. Two other characters in the encounter will gain either Samaritan or Civilian, if they don't have them already - the point is that a conflict over violence occurs.
  223. 56 - Four of Swords (Avoidance, Surrender, Pacifism)
  224. For a duration of an encounter, every character that does not take an offensive action on their round gains an additional rank of Posture, to a maximum of three above the norm. When they take an offensive action, they lose a rank instead. These bonus ranks last between turns but are not regained upon being lost, wheras lost original ranks are regained normally.
  226. 57 - Five of Swords (Betrayal)
  227. [Choose a non-player character. Their fellowship with their own faction temporarily lowers by one, as a result of recent experience. This effect may or may not last, at GM's discretion.]
  229. 58 - Six of Swords (Dangerous Journey; Responsibility for Others)
  230. [The character immediately moves adjectant to another allied character, as long as they are within the range of twice their maximum movement. If the allied character would take damage, the user of the card may choose to take their damage instead. This will prevent area-of effect damage, though in that case, the 'savior' will suffer it twice.]
  232. 59 - /\ The Hanged Man
  233. [For 24 hours after using this card, the character does not face witch-out checks, if they would be 'easy' - under their Emotion.]
  235. 60 - \/ The Hanged Man
  236. [For 24 hours after using this card, 'hard' Emotion checks count as 'easy', including Witch-out checks.]
  238. 61 - Seven of Swords (Covertness, Dishonesty, Poor Stealth; Greed)
  239. [For 24 hours, or a particular situation determined at the time of using the card, target character will make double amount of Noise, but gains +1x damage multiplier when using Sneak Attack or Sniper.]
  241. 62 - Eight of Swords (No-Win Situation, Need to Go Through With Painful Actions)
  243. 63 - /\ Death
  245. 64 - \/ Death
  247. 65 - Nine of Swords (Fears, Pain, Suffering; Nightmare)
  248. [Play this card when someone is affected by Intimidation or Taunt. They are automatically affected by the other, with the offender choosing the effect. Additionally, they face an easy roll against Trauma.]
  250. 66 - Ten of Swords (Destruction, Desolation, Hopelessness; End of Suffering)
  251. [A character that is 20G within the treshold of a Witch-out roll will find themselves gaining enough Grief to be 1G away from it instead, usually at 59G, 89G, or 99G. This effect does not count as Trauma or Grief Gain of any sort, but rather has been a miscalculation on part of the character.]
  253. 67 - Jack of Swords (Secret-Keeping, Subtlety)
  255. 68 - /\ Temperance
  256. [A character may use this card to spend 5 Grief and impulsively create 15G worth of Tools of any nature except Masterwork/Made with Love, using the usual rules. They will not know how to repeat this process. If they are already a Toolmaker, they can spend 5G to create 30G worth of tools, profiting from any discount they would have.]
  258. 69 - \/ Temperance
  259. [A character may use this card to create a Masterwork. If they are already a Toolmaker, they can make it worth 50G more. If they are already an Artist, they can make it worth 100G more.]
  261. 70 - Knight of Swords (Wrath, Action, Impatience; A Fanatical Warrior)
  262. [A character in combat, or about to fight, becomes angry, and expels enough energy from their body to hurt somebody. Unless it would make them face a Witch-out roll, the User pays 5G+E to casts Wide Blast of 25m width, centered on themselves, as a free action. They do it if they don't have the power, or even if they are Inept in Basic Blast. They are automatically hit by their own damage doing this, unable to evade it.]
  264. 71 - Queen of Swords (Independence, Intelligence, Problem-Solving; A Strong Woman)
  266. 72 - /\ The Devil
  267. [A character gains a +2 universal bonus to Act for the next 24 hours. However, all attempts to use Act against them gain +1 to their check.]
  269. 73 - \/ The Devil
  270. [A character chooses a social skill within Act. As a free action hey may automatically affect another character with it without a check, but in turn, the character they affected can choose a social skill and affect the affecter. If the first chosen effect has been Inspire, the second cannot be that.]
  272. 74 - King of Swords (Discipline and Passion; Martial Strength; A Decisive Man, Warlord)
  278. (bad things, volatile effects. global effects which hit both sides)
  280. 75 - Ace of Cups (Beginning of New Feelings)
  281. [Every character in a scene gains a single use of the Hypocrite Asset for its duration, treating their Emotion in any facet of a single roll as +2E higher or lower than it is, whichever helps. They gain this use in addition to actual Hypocrite, if they have it.]
  283. 76 - Two of Cups (Two Cooperating as One)
  284. [Two characters gain Back to Back affecting an Attribute of their choosing for the next 24 hours. If used actively, the user cannot determine themselves as one of the two.]
  286. 77 - /\ The Tower
  287. [A character ruminates over a traumatic experience from the past, gains 2d10G, and may shift their Emotion one point up or down. If User is the character, the use of this Major Arcana thus either gives +2E or nothing, unlike the usual +1E.]
  289. 78 - \/ The Tower
  290. [As the upturned version, but Emotion is substracted instead. Therefore, this Arcana always gives 2d10G, and -2E.]
  292. 79 - Three of Cups (Merriment, Celebration, Banquet)
  293. [All characters in a scene becomes hungry for Witch Flesh, even if they may not know the taste. If they satisfy this hunger, they gain +1E, and lose a point of soft corruption. If they don't, they gain -1E.]
  295. 80 - Four of Cups (Boredom; Dissatisfaction, Contemplation, Self-Reflection)
  297. 81 - /\ The Star
  298. [A powerful Magical Girl appears on the scene, and becomes involved with the situation - powerful enough to have the Topless asset. Likely, a Warmaster. Whatever is happening will be seriously looked into.]
  300. 82 - \/ The Star
  302. 83 - Five of Cups (Sorrow, Loss; Cutting Losses)
  303. 84 - Six of Cups (Happy Memories, Remembrance; Dwelling on Past)
  304. 85 - Seven of Cups (Dreaming, Being Unrealistic, Over-Imagination, Wishful Thinking)
  305. (something illusion related. turns out somebody was an illusionist the entire time)
  307. 86 - /\ The Moon
  308. 87 - \/ The Moon
  309. 88 - Eight of Cups (Wanderlust; Ignorance of Good in One's Life)
  310. 89 - Nine of Cups (Plenty, Satisfaction, Wish-Fullfillment)
  311. 90 - /\ The Sun
  312. 91 - \/ The Sun
  313. 92 - Ten of Cups (Happiness, Wholeness; Family)
  314. 93 - Jack of Cups (Intuition, Arts, Beauty)
  315. 94 - Knight of Cups (Elegance; A Dreamy Person, Thrill-Seeker)
  316. 95 - /\ Judgement
  317. 96 - \/ Judgement
  318. 97 - Queen of Cups (Purity; Clairvoyance; A Wise Woman)
  319. [A character immediately has a vision of something plot-related. Treat this vision as if they were prognosticating and scrying using the Wild Medium trait. This consumes no Grief on their part, but if this card is the result of a Clairvoyance roll, the cost is added to the original Prognostication.]
  321. 98 - King of Cups (Emotional Maturity; A Wise Man, Teacher, Priest)
  322. 99 - /\ The World
  323. 100- \/ The World
  325. GOLDEN HERALD (Perils of the Warp)
  326. 101-102 Ace of Ribbons
  327. [A Drawback worth 3-8 Karma is chosen, and added to a character's sheet. It adds Karma as normal. A character that has +30 Karma or more from Drawbacks cannot be affected by this.]
  329. 103-104 One of Ribbons
  330. [A character spots a red ribbon at the edge of their vision, and feels a low-pitched, permeating, cosmic sadness. They gain +1d10 Grief. If they are a Seer in the middle of a vision, they face a Complication and roll it immediatelly.]
  332. 105-106 Two of Ribbons
  333. [A character is weakened by the Warp, and forgets the last 5-10G Karma they have invested into their last Training. The Karma is refunded, but they cannot reinvest it until the next Downtime.]
  335. 107-108 Three of Ribbons
  336. [A character in combat or a is overtaken by uncertainty, and immediately loses any Inspirations they have. The GM rolls Intimidation and Taunt at +5 each against them - with the goal of Intimidate preventing them from moving towards an enemy, and Taunt preventing them from moving away. If one succeeds, the character cannot speak for a round. If both succeed, the character cannot take their movement this turn.]
  338. 109-110 Four of Ribbons
  339. [A spatial distortion occurs. A character becomes the center of a Spatial Rend.]
  341. 111-112 /\ The Virgin
  342. 113-114 \/ The Virgin
  344. 115-116 Five of Ribbons
  345. [A character is weakened by the Warp, and forgets the last Power they bought. The karma is refunded, but it cannot be reinvested until the next Downtime. Additionally, if they had any Magic Pattern, it is lost until that power is regained.]
  347. 117-118 Six of Ribbons
  348. [A character's body is mildly affected by the Warp, twisting itself into odd shapes. They gain the Inferior Prostethic drawback, until the bodypart is replaced, or their body is remade.
  350. 119-120 Seven of Ribbons
  351. 121-122 Eight of Ribbons
  352. 123-124 Nine of Ribbons
  354. 125-126 /\ The Mother
  355. [A character's body is twisted by the wild energies of the Warp. They gain an Augmented Bodypart, and a Malmutation. A Malmutation acts as an Inferior Prostethic, except the penalty is doubled. The mutation is permanently tied to their soul, and any future attempts to remake their body will cause them to grow it again.]
  357. 127-128 \/ The Mother
  358. [A character gains two Inferior Prostethics via mutation, one of which is permanently tied to their soul.]
  360. 129-130 Ten of Ribbons
  361. 131-132 Jack of Ribbons
  362. A character gains one rank of Culexus Affinity. This typically happens to righteous and kind persons, the exemplars of what it means to be a Magical Girl. While it's meant to affect Magical Girls, in can in thoery affect regular humans or other soul-bearing species. It can in theory happen to a Surgical Maerorus, with troublesome results. It will never happen to Familiars, Pseudo-Witches, Witches and Natural Maerorus, or other beings native to the Akashic Realm.
  364. 133-134 Queen of Ribbons
  365. 135-136 King of Ribbons
  367. 137-138 /\ The Crone
  368. A character becomes the focus of ambient misfortune, enough to overtake their Soul Gem's system. They instantly gain 60G. Any witnesses to their potential Witch-out must make a difficult roll against Trauma due to the situation.
  370. 139-140+ \/ The Crone
  371. As above, but the character instantly becomes a Witch. Any witnesses to their Witch-out suffer Trauma without a check, just for being caught in the flux. Afterward, they may still face a roll against Trauma for in-character reasons, depending on the situation.
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