
gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.2.0

Jun 14th, 2016
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  1. gitlab-runner --debug run
  2. Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux revision=3a4fcd4 version=1.2.0
  3. Starting multi-runner from /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml ... builds=0
  4. Checking runtime mode GOOS=linux uid=0
  5. Running in system-mode.
  7. Config loaded: concurrent: 1
  8. user: ""
  9. runners:
  10. - name: test1
  11. limit: 0
  12. outputlimit: 0
  13. runnercredentials:
  14. url:
  15. token: cac148c61d1**c5b416b84cc6****
  16. tlscafile: ""
  17. runnersettings:
  18. executor: ssh
  19. buildsdir: ""
  20. cachedir: ""
  21. environment: []
  22. shell: ""
  23. ssh:
  24. user: root
  25. password: ****************
  26. host: *.*.*.*
  27. port: "22"
  28. identityfile: ""
  29. docker: null
  30. parallels: null
  31. virtualbox: null
  32. cache:
  33. type: ""
  34. serveraddress: ""
  35. accesskey: ""
  36. secretkey: ""
  37. bucketname: ""
  38. bucketlocation: ""
  39. insecure: false
  40. machine: null
  41. modtime: {}
  42. loaded: true
  43. builds=0
  44. Waiting for stop signal builds=0
  45. Starting worker 0 builds=0
  46. Feeding runners to channel builds=0
  47. Trying to load /etc/gitlab-runner/certs/ ...
  48. Dialing: tcp ...
  49. Checking for builds... nothing runner=cac148c6
  50. Feeding runners to channel builds=0
  51. Checking for builds... received runner=cac148c6
  52. gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.2.0 (3a4fcd4) build=20 runner=cac148c6
  53. Shell script: environment: []
  54. dockercommand:
  55. - sh
  56. - -c
  57. - "if [ -x /usr/local/bin/bash ]; then\n\texec /usr/local/bin/bash --login\nelif [
  58. -x /usr/bin/bash ]; then\n\texec /usr/bin/bash --login\nelif [ -x /bin/bash ]; then\n\texec
  59. /bin/bash --login\nelif [ -x /usr/local/bin/sh ]; then\n\texec /usr/local/bin/sh
  60. --login\nelif [ -x /usr/bin/sh ]; then\n\texec /usr/bin/sh --login\nelif [ -x /bin/sh
  61. ]; then\n\texec /bin/sh --login\nelse\n\techo shell not found\n\texit 1\nfi\n\n"
  62. prescript: |
  63. set -eo pipefail
  64. set +o noclobber
  65. : | eval $'echo "Running on $(hostname) via ss152..."\nexport CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF=$\'09c0ea47056e6267d53120c9715759457554171d\'\nexport CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA=$\'09c0ea47056e6267d53120c9715759457554171d\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=$\'master\'\nexport CI_BUILD_ID=20\nexport CI_BUILD_REPO=$\'\'\nexport CI_BUILD_TOKEN=$\'z93csq3RWSz-Rk12x5eX\'\nexport CI_PROJECT_ID=969\nexport CI_PROJECT_DIR=$\'builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid\'\nexport CI_SERVER=$\'yes\'\nexport CI_SERVER_NAME=$\'GitLab CI\'\nexport CI_SERVER_VERSION=\'\'\nexport CI_SERVER_REVISION=\'\'\nexport GITLAB_CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_NAME=$\'dev\'\nexport CI_BUILD_STAGE=$\'test\'\n$\'git\' "config" "--global" "fetch.recurseSubmodules" "false"\nif [[ -d "builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid/.git" ]]; then\n echo $\'\\x1b[32;1mFetching changes...\\x1b[0;m\'\n $\'cd\' "builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid"\n $\'git\' "clean" "-ffdx"\n $\'git\' "reset" "--hard"\n $\'git\' "remote" "set-url" "origin" ""\n $\'git\' "fetch" "origin" "--prune" "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"\nelse\n echo $\'\\x1b[32;1mCloning repository...\\x1b[0;m\'\n $\'rm\' "-r" "-f" "builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid"\n $\'git\' "clone" "" "builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid"\n $\'cd\' "builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid"\nfi\necho $\'\\x1b[32;1mChecking out 09c0ea47 as master...\\x1b[0;m\'\n$\'rm\' "-f" ".git/index.lock"\n$\'git\' "checkout" "-q" "09c0ea47056e6267d53120c9715759457554171d"\n'
  66. buildscript: |
  67. set -eo pipefail
  68. set +o noclobber
  69. : | eval $'export CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF=$\'09c0ea47056e6267d53120c9715759457554171d\'\nexport CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA=$\'09c0ea47056e6267d53120c9715759457554171d\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=$\'master\'\nexport CI_BUILD_ID=20\nexport CI_BUILD_REPO=$\'\'\nexport CI_BUILD_TOKEN=$\'z93csq3RWSz-Rk12x5eX\'\nexport CI_PROJECT_ID=969\nexport CI_PROJECT_DIR=$\'builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid\'\nexport CI_SERVER=$\'yes\'\nexport CI_SERVER_NAME=$\'GitLab CI\'\nexport CI_SERVER_VERSION=\'\'\nexport CI_SERVER_REVISION=\'\'\nexport GITLAB_CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_NAME=$\'dev\'\nexport CI_BUILD_STAGE=$\'test\'\n$\'cd\' "builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid"\necho $\'\\x1b[32;1m$ export ANDROID_HOME="/opt/android-sdk"\\x1b[0;m\'\nexport ANDROID_HOME="/opt/android-sdk"\necho $\'\\x1b[32;1m$ ./gradlew assembleDebug\\x1b[0;m\'\n./gradlew assembleDebug\n'
  70. afterscript: |
  71. set -eo pipefail
  72. set +o noclobber
  73. : | eval ''
  74. postscript: |
  75. set -eo pipefail
  76. set +o noclobber
  77. : | eval $'export CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF=$\'09c0ea47056e6267d53120c9715759457554171d\'\nexport CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA=$\'09c0ea47056e6267d53120c9715759457554171d\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=$\'master\'\nexport CI_BUILD_ID=20\nexport CI_BUILD_REPO=$\'\'\nexport CI_BUILD_TOKEN=$\'z93csq3RWSz-Rk12x5eX\'\nexport CI_PROJECT_ID=969\nexport CI_PROJECT_DIR=$\'builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid\'\nexport CI_SERVER=$\'yes\'\nexport CI_SERVER_NAME=$\'GitLab CI\'\nexport CI_SERVER_VERSION=\'\'\nexport CI_SERVER_REVISION=\'\'\nexport GITLAB_CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_NAME=$\'dev\'\nexport CI_BUILD_STAGE=$\'test\'\n$\'cd\' "builds/cac148c6/0/systems/TestRunnerAndroid"\n'
  78. command: bash
  79. arguments:
  80. - --login
  81. passfile: false
  82. extension: ""
  83. build=20 runner=cac148c6
  84. Using SSH executor... build=20 runner=cac148c6
  85. Starting SSH command... build=20 runner=cac148c6
  86. Connecting to SSH server... build=20 runner=cac148c6
  87. Waiting for signals... build=20 runner=cac148c6
  88. ERROR: Build failed: wait: remote command exited without exit status or exit signal build=20 runner=cac148c6
  89. 20 Submitting build to coordinator... ok runner=cac148c6
  90. Feeding runners to channel builds=0
  91. Checking for builds... nothing runner=cac148c6
  92. Feeding runners to channel builds=0
  93. Checking for builds... nothing runner=cac148c6
  94. Feeding runners to channel builds=0
  95. Checking for builds... nothing runner=cac148c6
  96. ^CWARNING: Requested service stop: interrupt builds=0
  97. All workers stopped. Can exit now builds=0
  98. Stopping worker 0 builds=0
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