
Alexis Havock

May 11th, 2013
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  1. Has a cold aura around her. She's got a tall, quite slender figure, like she hasn't had a particularly filling diet in a while. Her skin has adopted a light tinge of blue to it, due to blood not delivering as much oxygen to her skin. It isn't very vibrant, in fact she looks more sick than anything, the blue just being a slight tinge on her incredibly pale skin. Her eyes seem to have to adjust to the light of the room, the irises being a light soft blue. Her current apparel is a white suit with a light blue snowflake upon the jacket pocket. Her undershirt is a soft babyblue and her bowtie is a deeper blue. She's got hair that is snowy white in a long, curly mess, though she doesn't look a day over 20. Her face is covered by a scarf, and her ears by earmuffs, obscuring all but her eyes and forehead. She has a blue gemmed crown upon her head, and a frosty mist eminating from her mouth each time she breathes. Upon removing her scarf she'd reveal a perfect smile upon her face. She's quite pretty in the face, though most of her features quite subtle.
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