Guest User


a guest
May 25th, 2018
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  1. :coffee: __**Rules of The Right Cafe**__ :coffee:
  2. ```css
  3. Note that we will not have every rule written down, if a staff member tells you to stop doing something then stop doing that thing
  4. ```
  6. :one: No harassment is allowed in The Right Cafe (unless they have left of center views). You may be muted / deported immediately and without warning or recourse.
  7. :two: Do not post anything that is NSFW. If you are unsure if it is considered NSFW you shouldn't post it.
  8. :three: Do not advertise your bot or spam discord invites, any form of advertising will result in deportation.
  9. :four: Do not spam anyone with mentions or tag inactive users who aren't part of the present conversation.
  10. :five: Refrain from using special characters in your username/nickname.
  11. :six: Please be mindful of channels and their uses.
  12. :seven: If a Staff member instructs you to stop, comply and ask for clarification respectfully by messaging them or resolving the issue in chat.
  14. ```diff
  15. -Any behavior that is contrary to these rules is grounds for a mute or a kick at the discretion of the moderator who deals with it. The Right Cafe staff reserve the right to perform administrative actions deemed necessary outside of these rules on a case-by-case basis. For any concerns or clarification, you may message @Doctor Anon#6206.
  16. ```
  17. :scroll: ***The Right Cafe complies with all Discord Terms of Services, any violations by any users of the Discord ToS are not tolerated.***
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