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Nov 24th, 2017
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  2. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 9:42 PM
  3. Hallo
  4. DatBerry - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
  5. are you ready for it?
  6. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
  7. I just woke up, so ye.
  8. DatBerry - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
  9. you can take your time if you want, but I'll be asleep in the next 2 or 3 hours
  10. you can take your time if you want, but I'll be asleep in the next 2 or 3 hours
  11. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
  12. Nah its good.
  13. DatBerry - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
  14. Alright
  15. so before we start I'll list some powers you'll have as a trial moderator (feel free to ask questions during the interview if you're not sure of something):
  16. you can PM people, you can wind (admin freeze), you can note, warn, temp jobban and temp ban
  17. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 9:55 PM
  18. Tbh all I knew was that I could answer Ahelps.
  19. DatBerry - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
  20. you can do that too, there's a "dibs" button that notifies other staff you're handling it, and the players too
  21. alright first question
  22. a new player joins the round with the name "BRAZILIAN NOOB" as his character's. you check the list of new players and his account is 0 days old, what do you do?
  23. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
  24. Well firstly I'd ask him to read the rules. As a HighRP server, names like that usually are a no go.
  25. DatBerry - Yesterday at 9:58 PM
  26. he doesn't seem to reply, continuing to loot primary tool storage for some tools
  27. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 9:59 PM
  28. Presuming grief, I'd ask in Msay if it would be fine to wind him, to see if I could get him to respond that way. If he still failed to respond, I'd ask an admin for what to do. Presumably kicking him from the server, but you never know.
  29. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:00 PM
  30. you wind him, and he finally replies but with "Olá eu sou noob brasileiro"
  31. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
  32. I'd state in the PM it's an english server, and that he needs to know english on at least a basic level to be able to play with the other players on the server. If he couldn't respond in english, as is one of the rules of the server, I'd still ask an admin for what he/she would like me to do, ranging from kicking to temp-ban, to warning.
  33. If they don't understand any english, I'd press my opinion that I believe kicking them would be the best route.
  34. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
  35. he replies with "por favor não me bane, sou novo jogador"
  36. but you notice while typing a log of a fuel tank being opened with a wrench by our brazilian noob
  37. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:04 PM
  38. Well firstly I'd make sure he wasn't antag. And if he wasn't, he was obviously griefing at this point. He's spreading welder fuel along the floor with an open welder fuel tank. Breaching two server rules, I'd kick them myself instead of asking an Admin for what to do, as he clearly both didn't read the rules and didn't understand english.
  39. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:06 PM
  40. you kick him, only for him to rejoin and start heating up the welder tank
  41. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:07 PM
  42. It's apparently this is definitely grief. So I'd wind, and ask for permission to ban him as that's semi permenant. If he wasn't griefing, which I doubt, he can appeal this on the forums.
  43. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:07 PM
  44. trial mods can't drop perma bans, so another moderator or admin does it for you.
  45. alright, so the next question:
  46. you had just logged in with no other staff online at deadhour, you get an ahelp from a regular you recognize, saying he got permabrigged in solitary for no reason
  47. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:11 PM
  48. Firstly I'd ghost around to check to make sure he was actually brigged. Then I'd start investigating after responding to him that I'd look into it. I'd ask the security officer(s) present in PM what happened, as well as his co-workers if he had any.
  49. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:12 PM
  50. there's two officers on the manifest, one of them is SSD, the other says the guy who ahelped earlier was found sneaking into the bar and resisted arrest, and then tried to break out of the brig so they were placed in solitary
  51. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:13 PM
  52. I'd ask this officer why he was Permabrigged, then. As infiltration&REsisting Arrest + Escape Attempt isn't a Hold until Transfer.
  53. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:14 PM
  54. the officer tells you his timer is running in one of the regular cells, and he placed him in solitary after the guy broke out of his cuffs, pulled a butterfly knife and stabbed the officer in processing
  55. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:17 PM
  56. I'd ask the person who Ahelped, why exactly he attacked the officer and attempted to break out of the brig.
  57. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:19 PM
  58. the guy says he was being brutalized by the officer, you can check logs but only attack logs of objects, (e.g attacks dealt by and on the mob you check), you see the brigged dude was flashed twice by the officer, two minutes between each flash, then 5minutes later he started stabbing the officer 3 times before getting flashed again
  59. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:20 PM
  60. I'd respond that I checked the logs, and he was not being brutalized.
  61. (Sorry was responding to something IC.)
  62. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:21 PM
  63. the officer starts getting angry in PMs, saying the officer flashed him for no reason repeatedly
  64. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:30 PM
  65. I'd ask him to calm down, for one, and for two I'd check if he was antag.
  66. If he wasn't, I'd give him a verbal warning not to randomly assault officers, and put a note on his account that he did so.
  67. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:30 PM
  68. he logs out before you can finish talking to them
  69. ah sorry
  70. ok next question
  71. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:37 PM
  72. Oh, I was dealing with IC stuff, my bad.
  73. I'd ask an admin to put an actual warning on his record the next one that comes on.
  74. Anyway.
  75. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:37 PM
  76. you can do warnings on your own, alright next question
  77. it's crossfire and you get an ahelp about a regular you know but haven't dealt with ICly before saying they are currently powergaming, you check their content to find they as an engineer have a stunprod, an improvised shotgun, improvised handgun and a butterfly plasteel knife and are patroling the hallways in their engineering voidsuit
  78. it is code blue and the mercs/heisters didn't engage with security yet
  79. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:40 PM
  80. I'd ask him what exactly he's planning on doing with that equipment, as he's not an antag. As well as warn him verbally making improvised firearms is Not okay unless you're an antag.
  81. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
  82. he replies saying he got PDA messages from the raiders saying they're going to kidnap him
  83. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
  84. Making improvised firearms is still not Okay. The knife, however, would be understandable. I'd also ask for proof of these PDA messages, and I'd PM the raiders asking if they'd done such.
  85. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:43 PM
  86. the raiders confirm the story that they sent the messages, but they only sent one tame message that was just one of the raiders messing with him
  87. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:45 PM
  88. I'd inform him that the message sent was definitely not enough to warrant making a makeshift arsenal and to try to valid the raiders before they would attempt to attack him.
  89. I'd either verbally warn him not to do this again, or put a warning on his account about powergaming, because he made an entire arsenal of makeshift weaponry to valid the raiders.
  90. I'd also make sure to jot it down in his notes.
  91. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:47 PM
  92. one of the mods online point out he has a note and warning about powergaming and validhunting on his record, the warning being recent
  93. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:49 PM
  94. I don't personally know the procedure for that, and would prefer a full moderator who does take over from that point. I might make a wrong decision, as my first go-to would be day-banning him for repeated offenses.
  95. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:50 PM
  96. alright
  97. you just login again to see a spam of attack logs of two non antags who are shooting each other with lethal ammunition
  98. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:52 PM
  99. I'd wind the both of them, asking them both to explain themselves
  100. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:53 PM
  101. they both tell you they had an IC grudge against each other over multiple rounds, with IRs filed against each other, until finally this round they decided to have an old styled duel
  102. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
  103. I'd inform them ic grudges are fine, but killing eachother is not. Id warn them both for self-antagging and note it on their accounts.
  104. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:55 PM
  105. they both complain their fights escalated enough for the duel
  106. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:56 PM
  107. So fight it out in the holodeck. Shooting each other with lethals is not ok, and will be punished if its not warranted.
  108. DatBerry - Yesterday at 10:56 PM
  109. alright
  110. next question
  111. You get an ahelp from an OOC friend of yours complaining he got ganked by a ling
  112. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 10:58 PM
  113. If I wasn't the only staffmember on, I'd hand it to someone else. I prefer not to ne biased in these situations. However, if it was just me, I'd attempt to remain neutral and aak them to explain what happened
  114. DatBerry - Yesterday at 11:00 PM
  115. they explain the ling cornered them in maintenance and killed them without any roleplay
  116. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 11:05 PM
  117. I'd check logs, if I had access to them, to see if the ling DID no RP kill them. If they did, I'd PM the Ling about why they no-RP killed someone
  118. DatBerry - Yesterday at 11:07 PM
  119. logs you can access are only attack logs, the ling says he tried to RP with the victim but the victim kept running away from them every time, until he cornered them in maintenance, where they shouted for help and started punching the ling. logs show they attacked the ling first
  120. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 11:13 PM
  121. I'd ask the Ahelper why they attacked the ling first, because according to the ling this is what resulted in the no RP.
  122. DatBerry - Yesterday at 11:14 PM
  123. they say they thought ling was going to gank them and tried to escape
  124. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 11:15 PM
  125. Presumptions can lead to many things, and I'll warn them not to simply assume gank and attack someone because of assumed gank. I'd put a note on the account, and leave it at a verbal warning.
  126. DatBerry - Yesterday at 11:15 PM
  127. the ling or the victim?
  128. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 11:16 PM
  129. the victim.
  130. DatBerry - Yesterday at 11:16 PM
  131. "the victim"
  132. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 11:16 PM
  133. Victim ICly anyway.
  134. DatBerry - Yesterday at 11:16 PM
  135. hehe
  136. TheFoxOfSabbie - Yesterday at 11:16 PM
  137. :P
  138. DatBerry - Yesterday at 11:16 PM
  139. alright
  140. alright
  141. you're alone in deadhour with another mod, let's call him Datfruit
  142. you notice they are playing an officer and keep seeing him using his mod powers to jump to antags, and then busting them in the middle of their stealth action
  143. November 24, 2017
  144. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 12:06 AM
  145. I'd screenshot the logs of them doing such, and file it up in a staff complaint on hte forums. I'd also report it to an administrator above the both of us, with evidence.
  146. DatBerry - Today at 7:39 AM
  147. ah sorry, I fell asleep, we will continue when you can
  148. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 9:29 AM
  149. sure, whenever you like.
  150. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 10:24 AM
  151. Hallo?
  152. DatBerry - Today at 10:48 AM
  153. Oh hey
  154. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 10:48 AM
  155. Oh hello ther
  156. DatBerry - Today at 10:49 AM
  157. I was still waking up
  158. alright
  159. so you get an ahelp from the heisters that a quartermaster is validhunting them, the heisters have killed all of sec and are hunting down crew to enslave them, you jump to the QM to find they are currently in a fire fight with the heisters with looted security gear, the QM seems to be winning
  160. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 10:51 AM
  161. Firstly. That QM is robust as fuck.
  162. Second, I'd ask who attacked who first. If they attacked the Quartermaster first, he does have a right to defend himself and that isn't validhunting. However, if he went to them and attacked them, by himself, that would be qualified validhunting. So it all depends on how it happened.
  163. DatBerry - Today at 10:53 AM
  164. the raider who ahelps is currently in a fire fight, do you wait or just reply now?
  165. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 10:54 AM
  166. That depends on the severity of it, I guess. What are the both of them armed with? can I safely LOOC them to tell them to stop for a moment? Would I need to wind them to settle it without them shooting eachother?
  167. See, this is why I'm normally denied mod. I like to be fair to everyone involved. ^.^"
  168. DatBerry - Today at 10:56 AM
  169. you can LOOC them to stop, you could just wait or you can wind them, but winding has like 0.5 second delay and you have to right click each person
  170. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 10:58 AM
  171. I'd LOOC them to stop, and both wind the people currently firing, and inform them if anyone involved runs off, I'd warn them myself they will also be winded until its settled.
  172. If the QM is validhunting, then he'd be warned and everyone would be unfreezed.
  173. If it was in selfe defense, I dont see why action would be taken.
  174. DatBerry - Today at 11:00 AM
  175. the raiders explain the QM found them and started firing at them when they were talking to another crewmember
  176. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:00 AM
  177. That's questionable, but they were at one point openly hostile, so he did have reason to presume that'd immediately attack him, as he was both armed with security gear, and presumably armored.
  178. DatBerry - Today at 11:02 AM
  179. the incident happened on the surface level near the red dock and nowhere near cargo
  180. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:02 AM
  181. Did the person they were talking to call for help?
  182. DatBerry - Today at 11:03 AM
  183. no, they had just met the raiders when the QM came in and shot them
  184. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:03 AM
  185. Then he would be warned for validhunting. That's obviously deliberate, as he went to find them. What reason would he have to be at red dock, on the other side of the map from the cargo bay, armed with gear from security?
  186. DatBerry - Today at 11:04 AM
  187. you can ask him
  188. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:04 AM
  189. And I'd then do so.
  190. DatBerry - Today at 11:05 AM
  191. the QM explains the raiders, after killing all of sec, started kidnapping crew to enslave them, including his IC girlfriend, and after asking to buy her back the raiders executed her
  192. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:06 AM
  193. That's still validhunting. (This sounds like something Yuri would do.) A presumably untrained Quartermaster taking on a group of several heavily armed individuals by himself without being security. Basically the frikkin description of the word right there.
  194. DatBerry - Today at 11:08 AM
  195. the raiders complain the QM was too robust for a civilian, the QM says anyone can believably aim a rifle and shoot at a target 5-6 meters away, and that his actions weren't validhunting because he had a good IC reason to seek them out
  196. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:09 AM
  197. Even though I agree with them both, I'd still have to warn him for Valid-Hunting. "It's what my character would do ICly" isn't excuse enough to permit that.
  198. DatBerry - Today at 11:10 AM
  199. the QM says that sec and command are mostly dead and that there wasn't any other options
  200. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:12 AM
  201. I'd simply respond with 'The station doesn't always win in these scenarios. It's a story driven by player actions, and it just so happened to favor the antags this time.' He could have simply hid, found people and fortified a location with sec arms, they'd have to assault said location which would excuse attacking them back. However, seeking them out with the express purpose to kill them as a non-antag is still valid hunting.
  202. So he would still be warned with it.(edited)
  203. DatBerry - Today at 11:13 AM
  204. do you think there is ever a time where chasing antags as non sec to kill them would be valid?
  205. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:14 AM
  206. As someone who specializes in supply sectors, no I don't think so. He's a quartermaster, not a Gunnery Sergeant.
  207. Though, I can't always be correct in these situations. If I were wrong, I presume another moderator or administrator would tell me.
  208. And I'd then learn from that mistake.
  209. DatBerry - Today at 11:19 AM
  210. well, generally we discourage server actions by non-antags, but if there are some extreme in-round (this is important) reasons for them, it may be ruled valid, but it is a case by case thing
  211. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:21 AM
  212. Would a case like that be considered valid?
  213. DatBerry - Today at 11:22 AM
  214. it depends on how much interaction happened between him and the raiders, coming out of the blue and shooting them is meh, unless they've been evading him for a while or had an engagement before, it also depends on the character, not everyone is ready to follow armed people to get revenge, some would just cower in a locker
  215. alright
  216. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:25 AM
  217. there more questions? XD
  218. DatBerry - Today at 11:25 AM
  219. some concerns were raised about your OOC hostility towards other players
  220. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:25 AM
  221. Yeah, I can see that. But recently it hasn't happened, I don't think.
  222. And if it has it was normally just joking. Unless it was to Xander.
  223. Because Xander legitimately pisses me off.
  224. DatBerry - Today at 11:26 AM
  225. you'll have to deal with people who piss you off while staying cool as staff, do you think you can handle that?
  226. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:27 AM
  227. Well, when I'm playing to play i'm trying to relax. Which is why I get miffed a little easier. But if I view something as me working, its a lot harder to get me upset at it.
  228. So I personally believe yes, but I trust your decisions on the matter.
  229. DatBerry - Today at 11:29 AM
  230. once you become staff, even as just a trial you'll be put to higher standards, on the server OOC, forums and discord, not to say that you can't joke, but you're going to have to stop hostility(edited)
  231. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:29 AM
  232. you mean I am going to stop the hostility. Right.
  233. XD
  234. DatBerry - Today at 11:30 AM
  235. ops, this is what happens when you change your sentence midway and don't delete everything
  236. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:30 AM
  237. :P
  238. But yeah, I understand that.
  239. DatBerry - Today at 11:30 AM
  240. alright, another question
  241. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:30 AM
  242. shoot
  243. DatBerry - Today at 11:31 AM
  244. there's a spicey OOC discussion happening, but there doesn't seem to be any insults thrown, it seems like sec and mercs are talking about last round where the mercs are accoused of ganking someone
  245. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:32 AM
  246. I'd start by PMing the gank-ee, asking for their account on what happened and who ganked them.
  247. DatBerry - Today at 11:32 AM
  248. the guy who was ganked says he was going to be taken hostage by the mercs when security intervened and he died in the crossfire, he wasn't one of the people in the OOC discussion
  249. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:34 AM
  250. At that point I'd stay silent, until things got heated, if they get heated, and give both the account of the Gankee, and a kind verbal warning in OOC to them to remember not to clutter it. with arguments.
  251. Not to mention, I'd remind them that if he was ganked, to Ahelp it during the round and not yell about it in OOC after said round.
  252. DatBerry - Today at 11:35 AM
  253. he wasn't one of the people complaining in OOC
  254. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:35 AM
  255. I was meaning hte people who were complaining.
  256. If they thought something was wrong, they should have ahelped it during the round, and not yelled after.
  257. DatBerry - Today at 11:35 AM
  258. oh
  259. i thought you meant the byond account
  260. alright
  261. one last question
  262. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:36 AM
  263. Sure
  264. DatBerry - Today at 11:37 AM
  265. you decide to hand someone a day ban for repeating an offense they have an earlier warning about, but another mod says you should drop a week ban, because he always sees him doing the same offense
  266. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:38 AM
  267. If he's done it more than once, I'd like proof other than word of mouth. Banning someone for a week over word of mouth offenses that aren't documented would be both wrong, and abuse of power.
  268. Not only is it unfair to the person who's banned for me tkaing someones word, even if they are another Moderator, it's also unfair of me to take so at face value.
  269. DatBerry - Today at 11:40 AM
  270. alright, is there anything else you want to add?
  271. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:40 AM
  272. Beyond asking for evidence, there's not much I'd personally do in that situation besides check his warning and notes for it.
  273. If I didn't find anything, well, I'd disregard the comment.
  274. DatBerry - Today at 11:41 AM
  275. i meant in general
  276. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:41 AM
  277. Oh.
  278. Uh, thanks for the interview. Further than I usually get. :P
  279. DatBerry - Today at 11:42 AM
  280. alright, do you want this interview to be public and posted on your trial app or to be kept within the mod/admin staff channel?
  281. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:42 AM
  282. Whatever you'd prefer. Doesn't bother me any.
  283. DatBerry - Today at 11:42 AM
  284. alright
  285. thank you for your time, took a bit longer than usual
  286. TheFoxOfSabbie - Today at 11:43 AM
  287. nah 'sall good.
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