

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was sitting on the couch reading a book. The puppy was asleep on the floor a toy still in his mouth and Soot was curled up next to Cadence. Hashie was on his perch on top of the fireplace, and Rosie was asleep in his kennel. All in all it was a peaceful night at the apartment. Cadence was still kind of buzzing with her situation change with Steph, so she was in a decent mood.
  2. Tsaaq: Remy came into the apartment. He closed the door behind him and completely closed the door behind him. "I'm home." He sighed as he dragged his feet, pulling off his converse before going to walk down the small set of stairs.
  3. Covet: Cadence looked up, surprised that Titus didn't go off, but he was in a puppy coma, She gave him a smile,setting her book down on the arm of the couch. "Hey Babe. How was work?" Cadence asked him as she stretched her arms over her head.
  4. Tsaaq: "It was okay..." He trailed off with a yawn. He went to sit on the rug as he pulled out his cellphone. "Oh shit." Remy groaned. He threw his body backwards so his back would be on the living room floor. "Fuuuckkk." He muttered. "We need to plan this shit like... I don't know. You think we need help? Or are we doing okay on our own?"
  5. Covet: Cadence got up off the couch and moved over to where he was at on the floor, sitting down crosslegged next to him. "Did we ever get that budget issue resolved? I think we can do it. Steph is game to help out with the planning...and is back on board for being my MoH. I've got free time during the week, if you need my help doing anything as far as decor goes, I just need direction." She told him, reaching out for his hand.
  6. Tsaaq: Remy rose an eyebrow. "Well if we're getting Steph to help we might as well ask Bliss, if we're just gonna nominate organized people or whatever..." He trailed off. "My mom just asked if Eugene could stay here for vacation. I don't know WHY. I don't want to say no. I don't want to say yes. I'm trying to figure out where we are planning wise before I decide so we can gauge how distracting he'll be."
  7. Covet: "I'm game for this. Any and all help we can get is going to save us in the long run of it." Cadence said watching him, "Did you still want to set a secondary date, just in case?" She asked him a little softly, then tilted her head when he spoke about his cousin. "Oh, How long would he be here for?" She asked thinking it over. "How helpful do you think we could make him? You know keep him busy so he's not bothering us?"
  8. Tsaaq: "I don't know... If I keep working my ass off during the rest of the summer and I don't spend a lot and I don't take days off? October should be fine." Remy shrugged his shoulders. He went to look down at his phone once more. "Mom says she wont ask what days until i say yes or no. Which is dumb..." He trailed off. "Ugh all he's gonna do is be weird and go to church-" He paused. "Ugh. Fine. That's not that bad. As long as we don't have a Hayley part II. If he's safe then its fine..."
  9. Covet: "Well if he's here and she's at the OCH, and we have him busy, I think we can successfully avoid all of that." Cadence said. "I'll still be trying to pick up what gigs I can to pitch in too. I feel bad that you are working your ass off, like this. I don't want you to be working straight through because you're going to work yourself to the bone." Cadence said frowning.
  10. Tsaaq: Remy shrugged his shoulders. "He's GONNA want to hang out with her. Like that's not going to be avoided. We just have to avoid and particular danger so he won't be as fucked up as her, that's what is at stake." He said. He looked over to Cadence and shook his head. "I don't mind. I don't really have friends, I can fill that free time I have with working. It's cool."
  11. Covet: "Yeah. We'll make it work. You do a good job at keeping an eye on people." She told him watching him as he spoke, "That doesn't make me feel any better about it. I feel like because of this wedding and just.. I don't know I feel like I'm the reason you don't have friends, and I want to pitch in more so that you can still have those connections. We're not even that old, we can't be the grumpy old couple who throws rocks at school children when they step on our lawn yet."
  12. Tsaaq: His eyebrows knitted and crease formed between them. "What connections?" Remy asked then sputtered his lips. "Bryan? Who I talk to SOMETIMES. When I'm in an okay enough mood for it?" He asked in a skeptical tone. "Coffman? Barely. And I'll work with him in the fall maybe so It's not like I won't see him either." He shrugged. "Trust me. I don't care. I came out of my other old and grumpy. If you want to be young and carefree or whatever that's fine. I'm good either way."
  13. Covet: "Hey, just because you don't have many doesn't mean that they aren't important. Quality over quantity." Cadence said then moved so that she was leaned over him, her hands on either side of his head as she looked down at him with a soft sigh. "I will do my best to help keep you youthful." She told him leaning down to give him a kiss. "You might not care, but I do. Too much work makes Jack a dull boy."
  14. Tsaaq: "Yeah well, Bryan's probably gonna bail from Portland anyways. And it's so on and off with him I'm totally encouraging it. Cause at least he'd be happy somewhere else and I'd have a person I don't have to see in person. Which is GREAT." He went to stand up from the floor after they kissed, wriggling away from the embrace. "I don't need friends to be youthful. This is when I duck out of the conversation." Remy muttered. "I don't care about being youthful. Being young sucked. And I made all the worst decisions. I'm past that now."
  15. Covet: Cadence frowned and sat there on the floor giving a soft sigh. "Yeah, He told me about the job. I'm excited for him, but I understand his hesitancy about leaving." She said watching him, "Look.. I'm not saying that we go around acting like our young delinquent selves. I get that you made some bad decisions, so did I. But I don't think that being all budgets, bedtimes and busting your ass without taking some time to let go and just enjoy the fact that.. we're still in our twenties. I'm proud of how responsible you have been and proud of you staying clean, but I worry that you don't let loose enough and that's going to have it's own effects too. It's stupid to worry about I know.. but it's kind of what I do."
  16. Tsaaq: "Don't worry about shit like that with me." Remy said sternly. "I let go when I have my alone time. Dare I say, I'm my happiest when I'm in my solitude. And so long as I have that I'll be fine." He said as he went to stare down at his phone once more. "I don't know how many times do I have to explain the introverted thing to you." He sighed a bit. "Anyways I'm gonna tell my mom Eugene is all clear to stay."
  17. Covet: "Yeah. Sorry, I forget...." Cadence said softly biting the inside of her cheek as she felt the heat climbing up her neck, feeling guilty about constantly forgetting about that. "Okay. Then we'll at least get the dates and can work around that or whatever." She said softly curling up to rest her head on her knees.
  18. Tsaaq: Remy went over to her as he crouched down as he put his hand on her back. "Don't worry about it." He said with a small shrug. "Anyways...As far as work goes don't worry about that either." He added then stood once more.
  19. Covet: Cadence nodded her head feeling his hand on her back swallowing hard. "I'll try not to. I just want to make sure I'm doing my part in all this... for us. I'm sorry if my constant worrying and concern stresses you out."
  20. Tsaaq: He shrugged. "It doesn't stress me out. It's just unneccesary. You worry about the wrong stuff. Just chill out." He said. "I'll be in the room, probably awak." He told her as he went towards the bedroom door.
  21. Tsaaq: ((awake*))
  22. Covet: "Okay. I'm going to take a shower before maybe reading a little before passing out." She said taking a breath as she got up and grabbed her book making her way that direction, letting Remy have his space, being overly concsious about his alone time for the moment.
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