

Jun 2nd, 2014
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  1. Due to your deceiving of me and the distrust you have put in I have decided to claim all property of the space rp to myself as I had put in the most effort into making and have the most intellectual properties invested. From this I will claim any and all work you had put in and ideas that were trusted to you and the rp as a whole. These include:
  2. The Races: Space-Elf, Space Dwarf, The paragon, Humans, and other races.
  3. The Destruction of Earth:
  4. The Main concepts: This includes the survival and Warhammer 40k feel, as well as the small crew.
  5. Any other concepts brought up in creation and brainstorming.
  6. - Edit: Breaching of these terms are determined by myself and are not up to debate when and if the situation occurs to where breach of concept is to be put into question. However, statements from you will be taken and considered, this however does not mean you have any say into the matter other than a statement of your opinion to be weighed.
  8. In return, I won't bitch at you about the space rp any further, unless these terms are broken.
  10. - Doomfullord
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