
Shen - Home...

Feb 13th, 2014
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  1. [02:02] <Deedles> In the evening where Shen and the others returned to the village it was raining, and Blossom would be found in said man's bedroom, sat on one of the corners of his bed with her flute to her lips, playing a soft and slow melody.
  2. [02:10] <@Shen> Shen had parted with the others, the group slowly breaking off as they reached their different points of exit. He had walked with Satzu up to the gate before they too parted ways, Satzu leaving for his house as Shen headed to the main building of the estate. He was breathing mist, his eyes closed as he quietly enjoyed the sights that the rain brought for him.
  3. [02:10] <@Shen> In the past two weeks alone he had come a long way: Finding the mist and being able to control it. Discovering and creating his own kung fu revolving around combining his elements into a unified element - Storm Chi. Even beginning his path on a completely new fighting style... There was a lot of change, but some things didn't change.
  4. [02:10] <@Shen> He looked up to the window as he walked to the front door, stopping before it as he listened to the sweet sound of Blossom's flute. His heart was already heavily pounding in his chest. He let out a deep sigh, full of exhaustion but also happiness as he opened the door.
  5. [02:16] <Deedles> Without his knowing so Blossom's thoughts were synchronized with his, the young Empress thinking of him as she played her song, her heart beating faster as she remembered their embraces and soft yet passionate kisses. Her chest ached, as it had in the whole time that he'd been away, from the second he'd walked out the door. Her lips quirked into a faint smile, caught inbetween sad longing for what was not there,
  6. [02:16] <Deedles> and joyful excitement at his inevitable return.
  7. [02:22] <@Shen> Shen entered the house, shutting the door behind him quietly as he was hit with familiar smells, most notably the scent of one that had only recently taken residence. He smiled as he adjusted his pack and made his way up the stairs, the sounds of the flute growing louder as he walked through the hall and stood in front of the bedroom door.
  8. [02:22] <@Shen> His hand hovered over the handle as he waited, listening to her play, not wanting to disturb the sound. It was only for a few moments before he flexed his fingers and finally opened the door swinging it inwards as a faint mist spilled inside with him.
  9. [02:26] <Deedles> The music instantly came an end, Blossom becoming aware of her surroundings once more, upon which she realized who's presence was right by her; Shen! Her heart skipped a beat and for a moment time seemed to stop completely as unrivaled joy stormed through her entire form. In one fluid motion she placed her flute on the drawer by the bed and swiftly got off the bed,
  10. [02:26] <Deedles> taking a couple of quick steps towards him as she wordlessly threw herself into his arms, burrying her face in his chest.
  11. [02:31] <@Shen> Shen laughed as he mirrored her joy, sliding the pack gently off of his shoulder and setting it up against the wall as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, lifting her as he did. The light mist swirling around them at the sudden presence of another so close.
  12. [02:31] <@Shen> "I missed you." he said quietly as he buried hs face into the top of her head, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair that he longed for in the mountains.
  13. [02:33] <Deedles> "I missed you too... So much." She murmured, her voice muffled from where it was pressed against his chest, simply enjoying feeling him close to her, and breathing in his actual scent. She noted the chill around him, something which had not been there before, but in her current happiness to have him back she didn't give it a second thought.
  14. [02:39] <@Shen> He exhaled deeply as his body loosened in her presence and touch. He had been so tense all this time, not realising until this moment, every muscle in his body limbering. "I have something for you..." he murmured quietly. "A gift." he smiled, kissing the top of her head affectionately as he lifted a hand up between them to stroke her cheek.
  15. [02:39] <@Shen> "At least... I hope you'll like it." he finished a little awkwardly.
  16. [02:40] <Deedles> She blinked, loosening her hold of him as she instantly gained the curiousity of a child. "A gift?" she paused before she smiled broadly "I will love anything you give to me, simply because you spared me a thought enough to get it." she told him honestly.
  17. [02:56] <@Shen> "Spared you a thought..." he repeated in an amused whisper at her modesty. He ran his hand down her back and leant to his pack, unfastening the top of it and pulling from it a small woven pot which inside held a pristine Snow Lotus from the deep mountain. "It took me a while to find, but I didn't stop til I found one." he smiled back to her as he offered the pot to her.
  18. [03:02] <Deedles> Blossom blushed faintly at his tone, uttering a content sound at his stroke, but her attention quickly shifted onto the object he got from his backpack, her hands reaching forward to accept it. She held it carefully, her eyes closing as she breathed in its sweet scent, but stopped mid-way as she gasped faintly "... A snow lily!" she held the flower close to her "These are so rare... and so good for medicine... Oh, Shen...!"
  19. [03:02] <Deedles> she practically beamed as her eyes reopened and moved their gaze to his chi, the only thing keeping her from throwing herself at him being the delicate flower in her arms.
  20. [03:09] <@Shen> He smiled back at her warmly, the search for the flower and the whole trip instantly worth it for her smile. "I don't know much about flowers, but if you needed help caring for it, I'm sure Tsula would know how." he shrugged faintly. "It is hard to find a flower on that mountain as beautiful as you, but I'm glad it is enough."
  21. [03:09] <@Shen> he moved up to her again, putting an arm around her waist as he kissed her lips softly.
  22. [03:13] <Deedles> And she returned it, sweetly and deeply, holding it for a while before she parted their lips, her warm breath escaping her in a soft pant. "I looked after a lot of flowers back in Yumu, there's just something special about looking after another living thing... Nurturing it, caring for it, and protecting it." she cradled the plant gently before she pulled away from him just long enough to carefully place it on a nearby table.
  23. [03:13] <Deedles> "You really are the best..." she said as she turned back to face him, her voice filled with love only for him, repeating her words from when he'd carried her on his back to the Water Temple.
  24. [03:21] <@Shen> He pulled her back into his arms, barely wanting to let her go. "Only because your love spoils me." he replied, running a hand down through her hair, the smile still strong on his face. "How have you been here?" he asked her. "Has my father given you any trouble?"
  25. [03:24] <Deedles> "Your father has been fine, he's been busy keeping an eye on Xi. She moved in with Bourbon and Satzu while she's staying in the village." She told him with a smile, before realization struck her and she blushed, hesitating to say the next part. "We... kinda sparred while you were away." she confessed, quickly adding "But we got Bourbon to supervise us in your place! It wasn't the same, but..." she averted her gaze shyly.
  26. [03:28] <@Shen> Shen made a barely audible noise halfway between a grumble and a growl in his throat, but he was far too happy to be home to truly care. "As long as my sister was there, I don't mind." he nodded gently in admittance. "I hope she hasn't been filling your head with strange thoughts." he paused as he finished, but added: "Either of them, that is."
  27. [03:30] <Deedles> Blossom's blush deepened as her expression remained demure "Depends on what you mean by 'strange thoughts'." she replied quietly, her hands coming to rest gently on his chest.
  28. [03:36] <@Shen> He made the same noise again, but this time it evolved with her touch turning into a deep, joyful sigh. "You tell me." he breathed suspiciously, resting a hand on hers as he squeezed it.
  29. [03:37] <Deedles> "Well... Bourbon and Tsula did pull me aside for some 'girl talk'..." she confessed in a murmur, her fingers fidgeting slightly as her body began to tingle, recalling the stuff they'd spoke about.
  30. [03:40] <@Shen> "I'd definitely class that as strange thoughts." he spoke nodding idly, but the expression on his face was of amusement. "Everytime I see my sister talking to Tsula they're usually up to something... I'm almost a little afraid that've joined their little club."
  31. [03:43] <Deedles> "Depends..." She mumbled, feeling more and more embarrassed as she remembered more and more about the rather blunt advice they were giving her. Tips on where to touch him and how, and how to move to make things feel good. She faintly shook her head as her internal embarrassment got a bit too much, as if attempting to toss the thoughts out of her mind, but ... she didn't succeed. She bit her lower lip
  32. [03:43] <Deedles> "They were... quite straight forward in what they told me, and also taught me." she admitted.
  33. [03:57] <@Shen> "Oh." Shen looked at her before the realisation of it hit him like a sledgehammer. "...Oh... You mean?... Not neccesarily Empressy things." he mumbled as he began to catch on, but he was still as relaxed as ever. "Am I to consider it as armed combat or not?" he said finally, his voice playful as he pulled her slowly against him, running his hand down her side.
  34. [03:57] <@Shen> "I won't deny that I've thought about it... a lot."
  35. [04:00] <Deedles> She trembled faintly in his arms, her hands gripping onto the fabric of his tunic as she shyly peered up to where his eyes would be. "So have I..." she confessed in return. "Aside from not being able to avoid thinking about it with the stuff Bourbon and Tsula told me, I've also thought about it when I've been lying on your bed, alone, wishing you were back already, so we could..." she began strong,
  36. [04:00] <Deedles> but her voice went quiet towards the end until it trailed off, the blind girl biting her bottom lip again.
  37. [04:10] <@Shen> "So we could..." he repeated her trailing words quietly, turning them into a statement. He ran his fingertips across her cheek as he rested a thumb on her biting lip. "I'm curious as to what you've been taught." he admitted, his voice was low and his expression loving. "You still owe me for that night of teasing me." he laughed softly.
  38. [04:14] <Deedles> With his thumb on her lips he could feel as she stopped biting her lower lip and they curled into a sweet smile. "I... really want to show you what I've learnt." she replied honestly as she slowly began pulling him back, away from the closed door and towards the bed, her stomach buzzing with butterflies as her whole body tingled like crazy. I can do this...! she assured herself in her mind as she studied his strong chi in front of her.
  39. [04:14] <Deedles> "I want to do this..." she repeated to herself in a breathless whisper.
  40. [04:20] <@Shen> Shen remained silent as he followed slowly, his arm extended to hers as he watched her. The faintest of mists was present, tracing over her body giving him the faintest of images. "As do I." he breathed calmly, attempting to give her nothing to be nervous about. "We have all the time in the world like this, remember?" he assured her quietly, his smile of adoration.
  41. [04:20] <@Shen> He walked right up to her when there was nothing left but bed.
  42. [04:22] <Deedles> Blossom stood with her back to the bed up until he walk up to her, her breath caught in her throat as she found herself nervous and excited beyond belief, and rendered speechless by it. As such all it took was for him to just lightly push against her own body for her to lose her balance and fall backwards onto the mattress behind her, hitting it with a soft yelp.
  43. [04:36] <@Shen> "I'm pretty seduced right now." he teased quietly as he shed his boots and jacket onto the floor, climbing onto the bed and leaning over her, his face lowered to hers as he kissed her slowly and softly, tugging at her lips with his own.
  44. [04:39] <Deedles> Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson at his teasing, initially parting her lips to retort, but didn't find the time to as they were soon locked into a kiss with him, the Empress finding herself unable to do anything but kiss him back. One of her hands slowly came up to slide into his hair as she murred between kisses "I can't... help it..." saying no more until their lips parted, upon which she added
  45. [04:39] <Deedles> "My heart's... beating so fast. I feel so warm and tingly from excitement and nerves. Is this bad?" she wondered, looking concerned.
  46. [04:50] <@Shen> "I feel just the same..." he admitted quietly as he took one of her hands and held it against his own heart. "I'm just good at hiding things like this." he watched her with his fingers as he hovered over her, but he was smiling. "Don't worry... I was never good at theory either." he whispered back with a playful grin, his lips dancing across hers as he spoke.
  47. [04:57] <Deedles> "You acting so confident..." She swallowed faintly, followed by a slight pant. "It just makes my body buzz so much more." she confessed as she felt his heart beat quickly against the palm of her hand, her arm feeling strangely sensitive, which travelled through the rest of her, as if her whole form went on alert for things to come. "And knowing that you're still as excited... just makes that feeling almost unbearable."
  48. [04:57] <Deedles> she leaned up to press her lips against his briefly. "I want you close to me so badly I feel like I'm losing my mind..." she whispered.
  49. [05:12] <@Shen> "You don't need to bear it." he uttered back to her as he pressed his lips against hers in reply, running his lips across her cheek and down the side of her neck. "Just let it go and be close to me." he breathed, his cool breath dancing across the skin of her neck as he gripped her hip with his hand and pulled it close to him.
  50. [05:15] <Deedles> She gasped at the combination of his actions, leaning her head to the side to expose the side of her neck that his breath washed over, her body trembling beneath his "Spirits... I couldn't resist you even if I wanted to..." she uttered breathlessly, one of her hands coming up to begin unbuttoning her dress.
  51. [05:24] <@Shen> He traced his hand from her hip across her waist and over her stomach as he began to help her unbutton the dress. He nibbled at her neck all the while, kissing it and biting gently as he ran his lips down to the top of her chest, following the unbuttoning. "Your body betrays you, your Highness." he teased back up to her in a whisper.
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