
my son

Jun 4th, 2015
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  1. <big><big><big><b>O<u>UT of CHARACTER</u></b></big></big></big>
  2. <b>Name</b>: Tanner (they/them)
  3. <b>Other characters</b>: Alistair Theirin (DA:O)
  5. <big><big><big><b>I<u>N CHARACTER</u></b></big></big></big>
  6. <b>Name</b>: Takahashi Takeda
  7. <strong>Alias</strong>: N/A
  8. <b>Fandom</b>: Mortal Kombat (specifically X)
  9. <b>Canon point/AU</b>: The canon point I intend to take Takeda from is after the end of his 'story tower' in Mortal Kombat X. He and his father, Kenshi, have slain the Red Dragon Warriors that killed his mother, and have freed the Prince Taven from his confines. The three men are deciding their next course of action when Takeda is taken.
  10. <b>Journal</b>: <user name="roninwalking">
  11. <b>PB</b>: Takahashi Takeda / Godfrey Gao (there are one or two icons of the RL faceclaim/play-by, but the majority are of game footage of Takeda)
  12. <strong>Age</strong>: 23
  13. <b>History</b>:
  15. <b>Presentation</b>: Takeda finds himself very loyal to those around him -- this is expressed to his trust to the Shirai-Ryu, his clan, and Master (Hasashi Hanzo, 'Scorpion'). While he is very loyal, his trust comes with hard work; it takes a lot for him to trust someone due to the repeat betrayals in his early life. As well as this, he is known to take his battles somewhat seriously, but acts as some of the humor of the party he's in, making wise cracks about his surroundings and opponents.
  17. As well as this, he finds 'family' to be a serious bond, but one that takes a while to develop. An example of this being that Kenshi, his birth and blood father, chose to leave him in the care of Shirai-Ryu leader Hasashi Hanzo (Scorpion) instead of his own for his own protection. Since he has grown up around the Shirai-Ryu Grandmaster, he sees him more of a father figure than his own father, and will sometimes refuse to speak to or about Kenshi in reference to their relationship.
  19. Finally, Takeda is seen to have little mercy in serious situations; he is canonically the youngest Earthrealm character to have killed another human being -- he was a teenager when he killed Fox, a former member of the Shirai-Ryu and one of Takeda's only friends who betrayed him and threatened to kill him with the Kamidogu dagger.
  21. <b>Setting:</b> Takeda is used to hearing about battles and participating in them, but he has never participated in one of this scale, thus he will be both a mixture of excited and terrified. Aware that winning is one of the only ways to get back to his father and to Taven, Takeda's 'will to survive' instinct will kick in, and he will stop at nothing to win and leave, should that be the prize for winning.
  23. As well as this, he will feel a bit honored, as he has heard stories of the 'great kombat tournament' and will associate the two things together -- <em> because, really, what will his father and the prince think once he returns a champion of a strange and foreign land? awesome, right? </em> -- in an attempt to follow in the footsteps of the Earthrealm ancestors before him, and bring pride to the Takahashi name and to the Shirai-Ryu.
  25. Takeda will be strongly influenced by his Thailand roots, as well as the Japanese ones instilled in him by his clan; he has been dubbed 'Ronin' by a few people, seeing as how his mother is dead and his father had given him over to Hanzo, and it is a name he wears with pride (so much so that in Mortal Kombat X, one of Takeda's three specialization styles is 'Ronin', the other two being 'Lasher', to denote his preference in whiplike blades and Shirai-Ryu, to denote his loyalty and pride of his clan). Because of this name and because of the ethics and culture taught to him by his clan, he seems to act with loyalty and honor; should he make an ally or an enemy, they will stay an ally or an enemy until they have given him just cause to do differently.
  27. All in all, Takeda's sarcastic-but-serious personality is one that would make him a fan favorite or public enemy number one, depending on who he's talking to.
  30. <big><big><big><b>S<u>AMPLES</u></b></big></big></big>
  31. <center><b>FIRST • PERSON</b></center>
  33. [ He'd only ever seen the big bright lights in Earthrealm. Was he back in Earthrealm? The thought quickly fleets from his mind as his jaw drops, sitting up as a voice speaks to him. Was he reading someone's mind, somewhere? No, this was a completely different sensation. One he doesn't like, by the way. ]
  35. [ His throat clears as he stands from the surgical table, and he looks down at his clothes, the voice asking him to please answer the question. Takahashi Takeda is not at home, he is not waiting on the beautiful smile of Jacqui Briggs, and he is not enduring the dumbass questions and the smartass remarks of Kung Jin. Something's... not right. Where is his father? Where is the prince? Where is the Grandmaster? ]
  37. I... died.
  39. [ He says the words with a bit of fear; he had heard the stories of the Elder Gods dying and returning, Edenians coming back from the dead three or four times simply to enact revenge on those who had done them wrong. Takeda's throat clears, and he comes to the conclusion that if he wants to go home, he needs to cooperate. At least, that would be Jacqui's advice. If it was his decision, in any circumstance, ever, he'd wait for a guard to come by, and then telekinetically take his keys, but... he doubts they've let him keep his powers. He rarely uses them anyways. ]
  41. [ Walking over to the machine, he hits the red button, sighing softly. ]
  43. I've never been in a tournament like that. Not in a tournament at all. The fighter who bested me really did the best of her ability. I had figured that when I died in an arena like this, I would have been sent back to my family, my home. Guess that's not right, huh?
  45. [ Takeda sighs, sitting down on the table with a disgruntled look. ]
  47. You're telling me I've got to do this again and again and again? I just want to go home. There are people I need to see, things I need to do. Without me, another war in the realms could start, and we barely made it by with all four of us there.
  49. [ He scoffs, shaking his head. Damp black hair falls into his face, and he frowns. What would his master think? His father? The others? ]
  51. Some Grandmaster I'm going to be.
  53. <center><b>THIRD • PERSON</b></center>
  55. <i>You have been set in a room in front of the Gamemakers to be judged on a score of one to twelve, with one being the lowest and twelve being the highest. The Gamemakers sit safely behind a force field and watch, and you are provided with an array of weapons and targets, though no gun to be seen.
  57. If you are a new Tribute, you have been plucked from home and rushed in here with only a brief explanation of what is going on: You are about to enter an Arena death match that only one person will make it out of, and impressing these people will help you live.
  59. "Test your might."
  61. The words have been beaten against his skin for as long as he can remember. His father uttered them, his master screamed them, and any champion he encountered had whispered them upon his defeat. Test your might. Test your might. TEST YOUR MIGHT, TAKEDA.
  63. Brown eyes looked up at the glass box in determination, the fury of the Shirai-Ryu coursing through his veins. The hellfire he was born with, the rage and the revenge and the lack of mercy he had imbued into his blood barely hailed in comparison to the determination glimmering in his eyes. They wanted him to dance, and dance the little ronin boy shall. He bows to the puppetmasters-- no... what had they been referred to? Right, right. Gamemakers.
  65. Striding over to the weapons rack in what seemed to be long, proud strides (after all, the Shirai-Ryu were a clan based on impression and their skill with weapons;
  67. <b>What is your character scored</b>: When scoring your character take into account their physical strengths and weaknesses, mental strengths and weaknesses, and crowd likability. The score on your app has nothing to do with the Gamemakers session in your sample, it is an OOC score for mod purposes and should not be based on how they actually are in front of the Gamemakers. In addition, please list their powers, for Arenas that allow powers.
  69. <b>Token:</b> Please list one item that the character would want with them in the Arena as a personal memento or symbol. This item can be anything from a piece of jewelry to a family photo, as precious as a gemstone or as innocuous as a slinky and anywhere in between. If this is a weapon or something else that gives an unfair advantage, it won't be allowed, but the Tribute's stylist team will make sure the Tribute gets a pin with a symbol of their weapon on it. Pins are all the rage right now. This token can be changed at will later so don't worry too much about it if you can't think of anything.
  71. <b>Additional information:</b> Questions specifically for certain character types. Feel free to delete if it does not apply to your character type. Please answer all that do (For example, a past victor AU would answer both their question, and the past victory question)
  73. <i>Past victor:</i> Please describe your character's Arena, and their relationship with the Capitol since.
  75. <i>Hunger Games AU and OC:</i> What is your reasoning for the Capitol to include your canon doppelganger if they app in? What district is your character from? How do they feel about home?
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