

Apr 30th, 2014
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  1. As an artist you should never have to cater to anyone. I find it fucked up when say a band from spain or japan that's really fucking good wanna get a bit of attention over here in America then they have to sing in english. This is so frustrating because I cannot tell you how many times i've heard people say "omg I don't wanna watch this movie because there's subtitles, fuck that." or "omg maybe I'd like it more if I understood what they're saying." As Americans we hold this false sense of entitlement where every little thing has to cater to us. America is not the end-all-be-all of nations. English is not the end-all-be-all of languages. There is a vast world out there that people are so desperately scared of unearthing. Get cultured, try new food, read something. Come on guys.
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