
The Road Home Ch4

Jan 22nd, 2015
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  1. >She lands and runs off into what looks like a small cave.
  2. >Stopping to look around you notice the frosted ground.
  3. >Seems strange that she chose to put her hive all the way out here.
  4. >You guess it is a rather secretive location, that and it’s a fucking pain to reach on foot.
  5. >She’s standing by the entrance to the cave, hopping about on her feet.
  6. >It’s refreshing to see her like this, honest and open.
  7. >”You have the constitution of flaccid celery!”
  8. >That part would never change.
  9. >Righting yourself you call back.
  10. “And you have the appetite of a ursa.”
  11. >”How would you know? I don’t require physical sustenance like you lower beings.”
  12. >Her speech is natural, no venom or malice, just banter.
  13. “Yeah, that’s right, you feed off of love. My love! You know how hard I work for that love?”
  14. >”Please, both you and I know that I’m the primary breadwinner of the family.”
  15. >Having finally caught up she hooks her leg on your collar and drags you forward.
  16. “So do I finally get to meet the folks?
  17. >You bump into the back of her, leaning over to see why she stopped.
  18. >In the tunnel in front of you lies the half rotted and purple tinted corpse of a miasma soldier.
  19. >The chitinous exoskeleton of the changelings natural form meant that the body was left mostly intact.
  20. >It’s eyes, a more delicate part of their anatomy, was still intact, meaning that this was recent.
  21. >Without a word Chrysalis takes off deeper into the caverns.
  22. >Unfortunately you have to stop to light your lantern before you follow her in.
  24. >It was a short sprint to the center.
  25. >Made all the more difficult by the fact that every few feet you had to leap over a corpse.
  26. >More often than not, it’s one of the Miasma soldiers.
  27. >For every three Miasma corpses, there lies one clad in that turquoise green that you have become so familiar with.
  28. >The ceiling of the central hub is covered in phosphorescent fungi; most of the fungi had been sculpted into chandelier type arrangements.
  29. >The chamber has two floors with arching bridges that stand on fluted pillars, one of which has collapsed.
  30. >It must’ve been quite a marvel in it’s heyday.
  31. >”Kids!?... Hello?!... Kids…”
  32. >In the center of it all is Chrysalis, spinning in place, calling out against the dim stone walls.
  33. >”Fang!? Razor!?I order you to report at once.”
  34. >The walls repeated the sentiment and the sound traveled on for what must’ve been miles.
  35. >”You search the hatcheries!”
  36. >Chrysalis turned to run down a unspecified hallway, as you turn to do the same a last minute thought stops you.
  37. “Wait!”
  38. >She doesn’t, this place obviously goes on for miles.
  39. >Doing a quick check it seems that most of the tunnels are marked.
  40. >Proceeding down what you think is the correct hall you realize that this is the first time in three days the two of you have separated.
  41. >You feel naked.
  42. >The tunnel widens as you reach the hatching chambers.
  43. >Across the walls written in what resembles purple rubber cement is one sentence.
  45. >Everywhere else is home only to smashed eggs, their gelatinous casings hanging limply.
  46. >The few places you can step are sticky with evaporated albumen.
  47. >Once a few feet away from the wall a hypothesis begins to form.
  49. >It would only stand to reason that Chrysalis’s attack on Canterlot would have brought changelings into the public eye.
  50. >As a political action the only option for public support would be a massive nationwide crackdown on a species previously contented on being ignored.
  51. >Well, for the most point.
  52. >For a species that feeds on love they sure are full of malice.
  53. >A subtle noise draws your attention.
  54. >It’s not a loud or startling noise.
  55. >More like that of a creature peacefully waking from sleep.
  56. >Zeroing in on its location among the shattered eggs you slowly approach.
  57. >Another noise, same location.
  58. >This one more panicked, the sound of limbs scrabbling against the loose gravel.
  59. >Peeling back a floppy bit of destroyed egg something small and black jumps out and bites down on your left hand.
  60. >With a yelp you reflexively pull back, dragging the hatchling with you.
  61. >As well as a bunch of green cocoony things, probably how it was still alive.
  62. >It’s barely half the size of your forearm, probably only having hatched a week ago.
  63. >Probably when you started this journey.
  64. >Of course you don’t know for sure.
  65. >The little guy still hasn’t let go, you slowly draw your arm higher, he’s still gripping on.
  66. “Lets get you back to your mom, eh?”
  67. >Taking another quick look around you conclude the room to be empty and begin walking back.
  68. “For such a little guy you sure do have a bite.”
  69. >Your hand is begging to bleed a fair amount.
  70. >It’s a shorter walk back to the main area.
  71. >Chrysalis is already there pacing around, wings vibrating furiously.
  72. >Her mood is impossible to discern, sadness, anger, paranoia, regret are all part of the brew.
  73. >The hatchling pressures down a little more, causing you let out an exclamation.
  74. >Once she sees what’s hanging off your arm her eye’s clear.
  75. >The black slits of her irises dilating in joy, the emerald around them taking a back seat.
  77. “I shall call him Rambo.”
  78. >She goes up on her hind legs, almost reaching your height and takes Rambo in her forelimbs.
  79. >Rambo won’t let go.
  80. >”It’s okay, it’s okay, I got you now.”
  81. >Rambo can somehow tell who Chrysalis is and slowly calms down, eventually releasing you hand.
  82. >With Rambo’s fangs no longer plugging the holes in your hand it begins to bleed well and proper.
  83. >”Rambo? Not really a name for a changeling…”
  84. >Chrysalis sits down in the middle of the cave hub, with Rambo sitting between her forelegs.
  85. >You take a seat next to her, remove your pack, and begin to use one of your many rags to bandage your hand.
  86. >Every time you try to move Rambo gets up and hisses at you.
  87. >”Rambos a good name… In your home it must mean fierce warrior.”
  88. “Something like that.”
  89. >After about a half hour of peaceable silence Rambo goes to sleep and you’re able to finally move.
  90. “I guess I should start cleaning this place up.”
  91. >”Maybe we could just sit for a while.”
  92. “Also good.”
  93. >”… I lied when I said I would pay you.”
  94. “It doesn’t matter now. Been a hell of a journey.”
  95. ----
  96. >Apart from a few short trips into the nearby town to stock up on food and low grade antibiotics,
  97. >You haven’t gone more than a mile from the cave entrance this past month.
  98. >Upon visiting the town you realized just how bad things were, after all you only managed to pay for the goods and medicine
  99. >by taking advantage of the newly formed changeling bounty.
  100. >You claimed all the corpses in the caverns as your own.
  101. >After the first few days Rambo started to warm up to you.
  102. >Now you don’t even move about the caves without him tied around your back or on your chest.
  103. >He defiantly grows faster than a human, already at the mental age of a year or so.
  104. >It’s strange really; according to Chrysalis Rambo is the least aggressive changeling youth she’s ever had.
  105. >Speaking of, Chrysalis has stopped moving almost entirely this whole time.
  106. >She claims that things have stabilized enough that she could lay another clutch.
  107. >Internally you shudder at the thought; human birth is already disgusting enough, let alone calling something a clutch.
  108. >Either way, you said she could take more of your energy if she needed too.
  109. >Apparently she’s been regulating it so she doesn’t ‘husk’ you.
  110. >That’s nice… You guess, you wouldn’t be able to tell anyways, but you trust her.
  111. >When you asked her how she did that she simply responded,
  112. >”You don’t eat everything placed in front of you do you?”
  113. >Oh, almost tripped there.
  114. >Your foot sinks a little deeper into the snow as you take another step forward.
  115. >Carefully you raise one of your foraged cattails up to Rambo.
  116. >You jiggle it a little in his face until he lunges forwards and bites it.
  117. >Earning a chuckle out of you.
  118. >A chuckle that dies when you look at the trail in front of you and all the sets of hoof prints that cover it.
  120. >They could be traders, or just some backpackers… Yes a whole battalion of backpackers.
  121. >You knew staying here was a poor idea, both you and Chrysalis assumed that the guard had no clue where this place was.
  122. >And that any remaining Miasma hive members would view coming back as futile.
  123. >Knowing the route they’re taking you speed up to cut them off around the bend.
  124. >Tossing the bag of cattail you book it back to the caverns.
  125. >The whole place has become a lot homier now that there weren’t corpses everywhere.
  126. >Skidding into the now cleaned up hatching chambers.
  127. >Chrysalis looks up at you, as you untie Rambo.
  128. >”Is everything alright?”
  129. “No, If I’m not back in ten minutes leave.”
  130. >Taking a quick moment to look Rambo in the eyes you’re about to put him down.
  131. >He licks your face, unaware of anything that’s happening.
  132. >”Whatever it is I’m sure the two of us can take it!”
  133. “Swampy, you can hardly move.”
  134. >”I’ll find a work around.”
  135. >She won’t.
  136. “Just trust me, I’ll be back soon, but we need to leave immediately after.”
  137. >”You still haven’t told me what’s out there!”
  138. >You toss her the map tube with the compass, and take off down the hallway.
  139. “No time!”
  140. >As you run out the entrance you make sure to grab a few extra carapaces
  141. >judging by the hoof prints they’re coming through on the northern pass.
  142. >More running, you make sure to tie the blanket around your head; it will help with your disguise.
  144. >You managed to intercept them right before the bend to the caverns.
  145. >Stopping right by a snow bank, you stop to catch your breath and run through the plan in your head.
  146. >This will work right?
  147. >With that you throw the bundle of carapaces over the bank, drawing the attention of the guard detachment and haul yourself over it.
  148. >You make a show of being surprised by the guard.
  149. “Privyet! Is not of often that I am seeing guards.”
  150. >The one leading steps forward, a tall white stallion in custom purple armor.
  151. >”Citizen, your papers.”
  152. “Da, yes da.”
  153. >You fumble for the documents and hand them over.
  154. >He gives them a cursory glance before handing them off to some other pony.
  155. >”So you’re out here for the bounty I assume?”
  156. “Da. If is of necessary I believes that I may have found main hive.”
  157. >The purple armored unicorn turns to his side and calls out.
  158. >”White Strike, where did queen Miasma say the hive was?”
  159. >The short white unicorn comes forward, this fucker.
  160. >Following you everywhere.
  161. >He looks at you for a moment, and then responds to his commandant.
  162. >”She said that the hive is about half a mile south of here.”
  163. >You shake your head.
  164. “Is not of goods, old information, new hive is west. 20 klicks.”
  165. >The purple armored one turns around again.
  166. >”Twiley? What’s a click?”
  167. >The same purple unicorn comes forward.
  168. >Son. Of. A. Bitch.
  169. >She has her head in a book as she responds.
  170. >”Klick, it’s a griffon slang for kilometer, their unit of distance.”
  171. >She looks up from her book.
  172. >”Oh! I’m so glad it’s you! I looked up albino minotaurs and the picture in the book didn’t look like you!”
  173. >She beams up at you, unaware of what she just did.
  175. >At this point shorty, or white strike you guess, glares harder at you.
  176. >Without warning he magic’s your blanket cover down, revealing your face.
  177. >He smiles, the purple armored one looks a little confused.
  178. >”Do you know this…”
  179. >White strike sneers a little, he can smell a promotion in the air.
  180. >”I meet him in the hayseed swamps while we were hunting for that changeling. He had a different accent.”
  181. >Shining looks back at you. This fell apart quickly.
  182. >The purple unicorn or Twiley, is still flipping through a book of rare creatures.
  183. >White strike continues his speech.
  184. >”Then I saw him again on the roadside right before we caught up to qu-“
  185. >At least he continues until your boot connects with his jaw.
  186. >You turn on a dime and run west, hoping that they’ll believe you.
  187. >The guard behind you kicks into action, the earth ponies give chase, and the pegasi take to the skies.
  188. >Fortunately for you, this land is now your home.
  189. >You know all the routes and passages, the snow gives you the advantage, for the first time you might actually be able to out run the guard.
  190. >On the edge of hearing you hear a few shouted orders, and the pegasi draw back, their flight hampered by the dead trees around you.
  191. >The earth ponies stop and fall back.
  192. >You turn for a quick moment, to check the situation.
  193. >On the ridge of the path there are three unicorns levitating bows in front of them, the strings still vibrating in the air.
  194. >The first one passes over your head, the second one impacts square in your left thigh.
  195. >Nowhere near the arteries, but still enough to hinder movement.
  196. >But the last one right in the chest.
  197. >The pain is scary, or even shocking.
  198. >What does send you into a panic is the sensation of your right lung collapsing in on it’s self, the physical sensation of breathing without the air.
  199. >It’s not enough to kill you, but it’s pointless to run any further this way.
  200. >They didn’t fall for it.
  202. >Slowly you manage to crawl your way back up to the road; you really didn’t make it that far.
  203. >Eventually you manage to stand and limp your way back.
  204. >Your movement even slower due to the sucking wound.
  205. >You can feel the loose skin around the arrow flap about with every inhale and exhale.
  206. >Finally you can see the cave entrance.
  207. >You’ve left a thin trail of blood, at least they didn’t use broad heads.
  208. >There’s the low boom and din of magic being slung about.
  209. >As you approach the entrance you can see the dull flashes of light reflecting up the cavern passage.
  210. >Suddenly they stop.
  211. >You freeze in place for a split second.
  212. >Any attempt to call out is useless, it comes out ragged and leaves you gasping.
  213. >Drowning in the air around you.
  214. >After what feels like an eternity you make it to the main hub.
  215. >Only the purple armored unicorn and ‘Twiley’ are there, but if the resounding hoofsteps are any indication they’ve already started clearing out the whole area.
  216. >A trio of guards comes out of the hatching chambers two carrying a body bag, one carrying Rambo in his mouth.
  218. >You begin to limp forward, the blood loss is getting to you, everything is beginning to lose cohesion.
  219. >Thanks to the echoing sound of hoofs your movements are practically silent.
  220. >It’s only once you draw the machete off your back does one of the guards notice you.
  221. >Not quick enough however as he goes for his spear dropping Rambo as he does so.
  222. >There’s a dull ‘thwap’ as you get the machete stuck in the guards neck.
  223. >Rambo scurries across the ground and climbs up your leg, and nestles himself in your coat.
  224. >His head is still sticking out, hissing at the pony gaurds around you.
  225. >The spears come up.
  226. >Dopily, your head turns to regard them.
  227. >You fall back on the ground, you can’t tell if it’s the dim light or the loss of blood, but the lights seem to be low right now.
  228. >Since the guards dropped the body bag you grab it by the corner and drag it over and unzip the top.
  229. >Rambo crawls out of you coat and begins to growl and bare his teeth at the guards that have formed a semi-circle around you.
  230. “Hey swampy.”
  231. >The voice feels disembodied and far to wheezy.
  232. >Half her head has been taken off, but one slitted emerald eye still stares back at you.
  233. >She died alone.
  234. >She died without you.
  235. >Neither of you never said ‘I love you’ or anything like that.
  236. >Guess it wasn’t your style.
  237. >Either way, it dosen’t matter anymore.
  238. >You pull her body halfway out of the bag and rest the mangled head on your lap, close her eyes, and reach forward for Rambo.
  239. >In his panic Rambo bites your hand.
  240. >You last action is to grin at your adopted child and put your head back, corpse holding corpse.
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