
Anonymous equestrians part 6

Jun 10th, 2012
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  1. >you wait 5 minutes lying down on the barn floor
  2. >processing what the fuck you just did
  3. >hey bro you just messed up you entire life in ponyville, you know that?
  4. >fuck off brain, im trying to think
  5. >okay, guess i wont remind you
  6. >remind me of what?
  7. >something along the lines of a blue alicorn and your brother
  8. >oh shit, thanks brain
  9. >no problem broskie
  10. >you ran back to the house and opened the door
  11. >applejack was no where to be found
  12. >phew
  13. >that was not a confrontation you were ready for
  14. >you go upstairs
  15. >enter your room
  16. >check the top bunk
  17. "hey unknown, wake up"
  18. >you punch him in the back
  19. >"AH! what was that for"
  20. "princess luna wants to meet with you at the river"
  21. >"seriously"
  22. "yeah, she told me on the way out to the barn"
  23. >"oh yeah" a sly smile came across his face, "what happened anyways"
  24. "i did some stuff im gonna regret for a while
  25. >"okay, guess i'll be back in a while"
  26. "cya"
  27. >you both slap each others hands and he walks out
  28. >you fall into bed
  29. >it took forever to fall asleep
  30. >but when it did, there were no dreams
  31. >
  32. >
  33. >
  34. >you wake up with a punch to the back
  35. >you look outside
  36. >sun was barely over the horizon
  37. >"yeah, its not so fun when someone does it to you"
  38. "what do you want?"
  39. >"last night when i went out to meet with luna"
  40. >you could feel the excitement growing across your face
  41. "aaaaaaand?"
  42. >"well.... she wants me to come with her to canterlot for a month or so. so that they can learn more about our species"
  43. >oh shit, a month alone with a possibly angry pony that has enough strength to kick through a tree
  44. >double shit, you're gonna be away from your twin for a month. you two have never been seperated for more than 3 hours, let alone 1 month
  45. >triple shit, if he and luna fall in love, he may move there forever
  46. >quadruple shit, what if applejack tells her family
  47. >super omega the chosen one shit, thats alot of oh shits
  48. "is it absolutely necessary you leave?"
  49. >"well no, but i really want to go. i hope you can make it without me"
  50. "you know i wont be able to make it without you, not with applejack mad at me already"
  51. >"yeah. you still never told me why she's mad at you or what happened back in the barn
  52. >you told him word for word what you and applejack said to each other
  53. >"but i thought you said you liked her"
  54. "that was only because i wanted you to go after luna, and quite frankly it worked. but now i feel like an asshole for hurting applejacks feelings"
  55. >"you'd better. im leaving for canterlot now. cya"
  56. >you were shocked that he was leaving, just like that. no goodbye, no brotherly handshake, nothing
  57. >that left you to think about what you were gonna do about your situation
  58. >
  59. >
  60. >
  61. >shit
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