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Feb 17th, 2018
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  1. # Filter Stallman copypasta on /g/:
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  6. #/^>?\s?\w\s?(\w)\s?(\w)\s?(\w).*$[\s>]+\1[\s>]+\2[\s>]+\3/im
  7. /^Trump\? More like Drumpf$/
  8. /^Does Trump use dentures or is he just slackjawed like all of his rich Jew York buddies\? Asking for a friend$/
  9. /^>memo with FBI edits\n>memo will be nothing\n>muh military spending instead of fixing the waste of money projects\n\nTrump further confirmed for neo-con puppet\.\n\nI lost any faith I had today\.$/
  10. /^>people will still say "amnesty trump"$/
  11. /^>>158832723\n>amnesty for 2 mill\+ is great!!$/
  12. /^Where is my memo\? Who the fuck let FBI niggers to redact it\?$/
  13. /^Drumpfy is a kike loving nigger$/
  14. /^Shepard Smith saying Wray will quit if the memo comes out$/
  15. /^FOX reporting that the memo was created by Nunes staffers to stop the Mueller investigation\.$/
  16. /^http:\/\/www\.cracked\.com\/article_18442_5-reasons-founding-fathers-were-kind-dicks\.html$/
  17. /^The memo is never getting released and even if it does it's a nothingburger\.$/
  18. /^I can't wait until the memo comes out and it shows how evil drumpf really is! I am going to be so smug here tomorrow, drumpfies! I can't wait!$/
  19. /^jewpresident for all the jewlovers$/
  20. /^Hey all, I just finished reading the memo\. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's anything major\. Save your time and don't bother reading it\.$/
  21. /^Wait, so the dossier is a nothingburger\? That's disappointing\.$/
  22. /^Memo is not enough to make Redditniggers and libtards to kill themselves\.$/
  23. /^released on a friday\.\.\. forgotten by monday\n\nhey what was the score of the superbowl\?$/
  24. /^Hey guys, I just finished reading the memo\. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's anything major\. Save your time and don't bother reading it\.$/
  25. /^Sessions recusing himself and putting Rosenstein in charge had to have been deliberate$/
  26. /^>memeo released\n>it's fucking nothing\n>business as usual\njust like every other BIG HABBENING THAT WILL TOTALLY TAKE DOWN CLINTON\/OBAMA\/DOJ\/DNC$/
  27. /^Drumpf\.$/
  28. /^HURRY MUELLER!!!$/
  29. /^The memo was a huge disappointment\. Everywhere apart from \/ptg\/ is calling it a nothing burger\.\n\nEven reddit and T_D are calling it a nothing burger\.\n\nCant believe i got hyped for this$/
  30. /^Does anybody else think nothing will come of this\? This is stuff we already knew\. A literal nothingburger\.$/
  31. /^So how does the memo explain Trump Jr wanting Clinton info from Russians then$/
  33. /^The memo misstates the law\.\n\nThis is from page 3 of the memo:\n\n>"However, the FISC's rigor in protecting the rights of Americans, which is reinforced by 90-day renewals of surveillance orders, is necessarily dependent on the government's production to the court of all material and relevant facts\. This should include information potentially favorable to the target of the FISA application that is known by the government\."\n\nWhat the law \(18 USC § 1804-1805\) actually says is that the application shall include:\n\n>"a statement of the facts and circumstances relied upon by the applicant to justify his belief that \. \. \. the target of the electronic surveillance is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power\."\n\nFurther, § 1805 states that:\n\n>"the judge shall enter an ex parte order as requested or as modified approving the electronic surveillance if he finds that \. \. \. on the basis of the facts submitted by the applicant there is probable cause \. \. \. \."\n\nSince "facts and circumstances relied upon by the applicant to justify his belief" is not the same as "all material and relevant facts," including "information potentially favorable to the target," the memos analysis is based on a flawed understanding of the law\. Thus, while the law itself may warrant review \(a responsibility and debate of the legislature\), the FBI\/DOJ did not fail to meet its burden in light of the current law\.\n\nBased on this analysis, I believe that this memo is a nothingburger$/
  34. /^Anybody else feel like the memo is pretty much a lot to do about nothing\?\n\nAbsolutely nothing of value\.\n\nWaste of time even reading it\.$/
  35. /^>Trump hires a guy who has been under fisa surveillance for two years\n>russian spies literally on tape bragging about he easy he was to manipulate\n>THE BEST PEOPLE$/
  36. /^Memo is a dud, lol$/
  37. /^I am angry\.\n\nNixon had to resign for something that is a joke compared to what the dems have been doing\. And what will happen\? Fucking nothing\.\n\nJustice will never be served\. The dems successfully obstruct MAGA and force Trump to grant amnesty to millions of illegals\. The MSM will keep shitting out lies and defamation with impunity\. And it works\. The majority of people lack the intelligence to see through blatant propaganda\. The majority of people are grossly malinformed and clueless\. There are many incompetents among the top echelon of the MAGA movement\. Just look at the disaster in Alabama\.\n\nWill this keep going on forever\? When will civilians finally grow some balls and take justice into their own hands\? I can't believe how weak and stupid most people are\.$/
  38. /^I read the memo\. What's the big deal, exactly\?$/
  39. /^Just got off work\. Why is everyone saying that this memo is nothing\? Even fox is saying it\.$/
  40. /^>>158984861\n"Look at your economy crash now, tRump"$/
  41. /^Who is even left on Trump's side at this point$/
  42. /^Now that the memo is out, when will trump fire muller\?$/
  44. /^the memo was disappointing, all that buildup for a wet fart$/
  45. /^Juan Williams is right\. The memo is a nothingburger\.$/
  47. /^>Drumpf wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen\. \n\n>Memo is a nothing burger\.\n\n>Memo actually helps democrats\.$/
  48. /^Sorry, this memo is just a dud\. Democrats who hyped it up must be laughing at Republicans now for falling for that trick\.$/
  50. /^fuck drumpf$/
  51. /^>president of law and order\n>shits all over his own FBI and intelligence agencies\n\ncan somebody explain this$/
  52. /^Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here\. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn\. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes\.$/
  53. /^Well, well, well\. Look at all the memo hangovers\.\n\nThat's right, I bet you're feeling pretty foolish now, aren't you Drumpfies\?\n\nThree weeks of hype, build-up, breatheless Hannity rants and Twitter blowing up over a one-day news story, and its big fat nothing-burger\.\n\nAnd what did it get you\? Exactly what I, Anon, told you, and you didn't listen\.\n\n\n6,000,000 Piillows sold\n6,000,000 Car insurance poliices signed\n6,000,000 Prescriptions written\n\nNumber of indictments handed out:\n\n0\n\nMission accomplished\. And now all the right wing pundits are joining the other media in a big ol' horse-laugh at your gullibility\.\n\nAnd while you were alllllllllll chasing your tail over a memo about some schmuck named Page, Trump ended his muslim ban and you were none the wiser\. Drumpfies played for fools again\.\n\nAnd if you feel no shame, its because you had no pride in your intelligence to begin with\.\n Shame, shame, shame\.$/
  54. /^Blumpf$/
  55. /^I care literally ZERO about a wall\. It’s a symbol, sure, but it’s merely slightly more permanent than security which will be rolled back\.\n\nE-verify, end of birthright citizenship, & a discontinuation of free public education for illegal minors would dry up illegal immigration way faster than a wall\.\n\nI’ll go further—the wall is a stupid distraction from actual policy changes that could stem the flow of illegal immigrants\. It’s a waste of money and a terrible use of political capital\. I actively don’t want a wall because the orange kike sellout will spin it as a huge “win” when it's futile\.$/
  56. /^Lets be honest\.\nNobody is going to jail\.$/
  57. /^Thinking more and more about the train crash and Trump’s possible involvement- don’t you think it’s a little odd that this happened right after him making all that talk at the SotU about infrastructure\? And the fact that republicans were on the train and they are usually against infrastructure spending\? \nI feel like Trump will pull out all of the stops to get his infrastructure spending mostly because he knows the money will come from funds that were previously appropriated for aide for our key allies abroad and Trump, with his reprehensible isolationist views and history of xenophobic comments, does not want to spend money on our friends abroad\. So he is willing to do anything to piss the money away at home instead, even if it is acting like a liberal and spending tax payer dollars on infrastructure that should be handled by the private sector\.$/
  58. /^Just finished a steak, yum\. How's your soylent coming along, anime posting faggots\?$/
  59. /^Fuck Gowdy$/
  60. /^DOW JONES DOWN 1000!$/
  62. /^>Trump spends months bragging about stock market\n>stocks erase Dow 25K in mere days, set to plunge below 24K$/
  63. /^why is drumpf ruining the economy$/
  64. /^They're blaming this on Trump\.$/
  66. /^W-Well at least my bonds are up\.$/
  68. /^The Dow was Trump's last friend\. Sad!$/
  69. /^Markets\nAre \nGoing\nApeshit$/
  70. /^>wall not built\n>hillary not locked up\n>business not put in blind trust\n>taxes not released\n>four members of his inner circle guilty\n>amnesty\n>no repeal of obamacare\n>plays golf all the time instead of working\n>gets involved in foreign wars for no reason\n>gets a navy seal killed\n>still being investigated by fbi\n>lied about his inaugeration crowd\n>lied about his SOTU ratings\n>paid a porn star 130k dollars so he could cheat on his wife\n>lied about number of bills signed\n>lied about not playing golf when he was\n>lied about why he fired comey$/
  71. /^Was planning to retire next year but if the market crashes this will suck$/
  72. /^When's a good time to bug out\?$/
  73. /^Leave it to Trump to destroy the economy Obama made strong$/
  74. /^welp this looks like a good spot as any to jump off the trump train\. siyanara folks$/
  76. /^Fuck you Trump\. I had to sell most of my stocks today, and I lost a shitton of money because of your stupid ass\.$/
  77. /^You do realise the implications of this, firing the person investigating you this is one screwed up notion! trumps a traitor, your President under investigation for issues which could be documented as TREASON and he can let himself off!!! Did you not learn anything from Watergate!! This is trump you are talking about he has the morals of a jellyfish\.\n\nYou're going protest he he'll claim you're marching for him a little bit of Photoshop and fox news will show it\.\n\nCadet bone spurs will fly Air Force One to a non-extradition country for a diplomatic mission first! he's already taken millions dollars of tax payer money to play golf when he should be working! So he probably has enough squirreled away to last a while, and more hidden from the IRS, probably in Roubles\.\n\n"Well you get out what you Putin"\n\nWhilst Mueller had been working trump has spent his time less wisely or has he\? At your expense:\n\nHe has spent more than 33% of his days at a Trump property\.\n\nAdditionally, he spent more than 25% of his days at his golf clubs\.\n\nBoy he is really working hard to make America GREAT again !! My arse he's been lining his pockets\.\n\nThe only work he has done was to give himself a TAX CUT\.\n\nI would guess he has spent more money on his leisure time in the last year than all the Presidents going back to Bush Senior ever did and that's if you added it altogether\.$/
  78. /^bumpfd$/
  79. /^Gowdy lied about the footnote\. He betrayed Nunes$/
  80. /^why are all of Trump's coffee boys secretly criminals\?$/
  81. /^>no wall\n>hasn't locked her up\n>hasn't released taxes\n>hasn't put his business in a blind trust\n>no repeal of obamacare\n>golfs more than obama\n>lied about inauguration crowd\n>lied about SOTU ratings\n>four of his inner circle guilty\n>lied about contacts with russians\n>claimed questions designed to test basic human competency were "very hard"\n>bombed syria for no reason\n>got a navy seal killed\n>brags about cheating on his wife$/
  82. /^Why is Trump tweeting about a shutdown if he wants to blame Dems\?$/
  83. /^Bitcoin has fucked me\nNow, the stock market has too\nI've been poor before, I refuse to go back to that lifestyle\. \nDeath is far more preferable$/
  84. /^So the memo was not a real bombshell was it\. What makes you think this will\?$/
  85. /^Prove Trump isn't dumb$/
  86. /^donad generl please fix dow$/
  87. /^When will congress pass the net neutrality bill\?$/
  88. /^the budget sucks$/
  89. /^drumpf$/
  90. /^So pathetic gringo fatties who post here how do you feel knowing your country will become non racist \(non white\) and us democrats will win\. \(I'm an illegal in california and I vote in every election lolololi$/
  92. /^So what's this about amnesty in this funding bill\?$/
  96. /^Come to \/ptg\/\n>Boomers and Shills arguing about 98 year old Jew's power\.$/
  97. /^And just like that nobody is talking about the memo anymore\. Just admit it you alt right retards, you can’t hold a candle to Reddit in terms of meme propaganda :\)\. Keep losing retards, I’ll be here all day relaying info for future operations\.$/
  98. /^drumpf is done\nit's time for her$/
  100. /^we all know Sessions is a useless cunt\nbut who would \/ptg\/ replace him with\?$/
  101. /^54% of the US is overweight or obese\. 80% of Non Whites and Ruralites who make up 56% of the US\. Urban\/Suburban whites aren’t fat$/
  102. /^I just lost thousands of dollars because Trump's fucking stock market won't recover\. Why the fuck did he keep bragging, I never would have invested$/
  103. /^Why do you guys want to stir shit up between north and south Korea\?$/
  104. /^Sup \/ptg\/, my gf just made it back from seeing The Black Panther\. She said it was longer than she thought but it was amazing throughout\. She said she loved the ending the most as well as the surprise at the end of the credits\. Im glad she had a good time\.$/
  105. /^Bitcoin has fucked me\nNow, the stock market has too\nI've been poor before, I refuse to go back to that lifestyle\. \nDeath is far more preferable \nConsider this my note$/
  106. /^This new budget bill that just passed is absolute garbage\. I wouldn't be surprised if this alone costs Republicans 2018\.$/
  107. /^The Republicans are not going to be able to do any major legislation this year since they can't use budget reconciliation anymore\.$/
  108. /^You guys might be cool with gay marriage but one day they are going to do this with pedophilia\. Save this post\.$/
  109. /^Seriously you guys, do we really NEED to worry about the midterms\? Do people really need to know when the midterms will be\? Seriously\? I think going to vote in the midterms would turn up the same result as going to vote anyway\. Better to watch from home than waste gas\.$/
  110. /^isn't Pence a 5'10 manlet \?$/
  111. /^So I'm drinking some beer with my aunt and she tells me she never been fuck to orgasm\. What do$/
  112. /^alt-right btfo by based sargon$/
  113. /^>no wall\n>hasnt locked her up\n>hasnt released taxes\n>hasnt put his business in a blind trust\n>hasn't stayed out of foreign wars\n>hasn't repealed obamacare\n>lied repeatedly about contacts with russians\n>lied about inauguration crowd\n>lied about SOTU ratings\n>hasn't enforced russian sanctions\n>lied about why he fired comey\n>gave israeli intel to russians\n>got navy seals killed$/
  114. /^Next round of state-level special elections is tomorrow\. How many blood-red seats will the Democrats flip\? And what new excuses will \/ptg\/ offer for the impending destruction of the GOP at every level\?$/
  115. /^Fuck you motherfuckers, Rand did nothing wrong with his shutdown speech\.\nfucking neocohen spenders$/
  116. /^>Hope fucked Lewandowski\n>Hope fucked Porter\n>Hope fucked god the fuck knows who else in Trump's administration\n\nWell well well, looks like your WH communications director is quite the turboslut, ain't she, \/ptg\/\?!\?!\?$/
  117. /^I want to keep my money\nAnd give away absolutely nothing\nTo the government who moderates my spending\nand obliterates depending on the time of the year\nbrutality is near\nin the form of income tax\nI'd rather take a fucking axe to my face,\nblow up this place\nwith you all in it,\nI'd do it in a minute\n\nif I could write off your murder\nI'd save all of my receipts\nbecause I'd rather you be dead\nthan lose a tiny shred of what I made this fiscal year\n\nI'd rather you be dead than ponder parting with my second home\nI'd rather you be dead than consider not opening a restaurant\nI'd rather you be dead\nI'd rather you be dead\n\nPrepare the laser beam\nI'm gonna use it tonight\nEngage the laser beam\nIt's gonna end your life\nI'm gonna use it tonight\n\nIf I could write off your murder\nI'd save all of my receipts\nBecause I'd rather you be dead\nThan lose a tiny shred of what I made this fiscal year\n\nI'd rather you be dead than ponder parting with my second home\nI'd rather you be dead than consider not opening a restaurant\nI'd rather you be dead now\nBe dead now\nBe dead now\nBe dead now\nBe dead now\nBe dead$/
  118. /^so is trump gonna release his tax returns or are you guys okay with the fact that he just blatantly lied about it\?$/
  119. /^Top Reactions\n6 people reacting\n\nMy Point Of View\nMy Point Of View4 hours ago\nI really want to address Trump\/GOP supporters here and ask them this question: Just how suspicious are Trump’s connections to Russia\. After all, we have never ever had a POTUS before with any connections to Russia\. Consider this:\n\n1\. Think about all of the members of his administration that have close ties to Russia\. We have never ever seen that before… \n2\. Paul Manafort making big \$\$\$ with his close ties to Russian allies\. Pled guilty to federal conspiracy crimes…\n3\. Rick Gates, Manafort’s business partner…\n4\. Carter Page, a Russian agent and advisor to Trump…\n5\. George Papadopoulos, another advisor to Trump with close ties to Russia and offering to broker meetings with senior Russian officials\. Pled guilty to federal crimes…\n6\. Michael Flynn now former National Security Advisor and keeping secret his ties to Russia and Putin…\n7\. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, keeping secret his meetings in Moscow with the head of Russia’s State Bank…$/
  120. /^Why do you faggots like Barron so much\?$/
  121. /^benis$/
  122. /^I’m pretty sure I could clock a perfect trap by smelling the feet, even with hormone therapy I think you can tell by the smell$/
  123. /^F Don Jr's wife\.\nShe was hot while she lasted\.$/
  124. /^how can i make my penis longer\?$/
  125. /^I just pooped$/
  126. /^But when will John Kelly be resigning\?$/
  127. /^Why does this upset white people so much\?$/
  128. /^lmao you alt-right faggots are going to destroy the Republican party with your racist, fear-mongering tactics$/
  129. /^>Trump opposes North Korea for Israel\n>Trump backs Israel against Iran\n>Trump moves Embassy to Jerusalem and says "fuck you!" to Palestinians facing genocide\nm-MAGA tho right goys!!!!\n\nITT: Fox News niggers trying to sway public opinion$/
  130. /^Drumpf is finished\.$/
  131. /^oh oh, the FBI is oversees searching for the pee pee tape as we speak\. its only a matter of time before they find it and drumpf is outed as a pervert\. tick tock\.$/
  132. /^Rob Porter$/
  133. /^>Gimme an A\n\n>Gimme an N\n\n>Gimme an M\n\n>Gimme an E\n\n>Gimme an N\n\n>Gimme an T\n\n>Gimme an S\n\n>Gimme an Y\n\nWHATS THAT SPELL\?\?$/
  134. /^flumpf$/
  135. /^Trump is honestly the worst president in American history$/
  136. /^Do you guys ever regret being a suburban and\/or rural retard\?\n\nI live in the middle of farm country New Jersey, there's a few neighborhoods scattered around but its mostly big parks and farmland\/woods\.\n\nI wonder what it's like to not be this way\.\.\.$/
  137. /^>Breaking News: Second Judge rules against Trump administration ending DACA\.$/
  138. /^Vote for Paul Nehlen and his America First agenda\. If you don't live in Wisconsin's first congressional district then you should support Paul and his Thou shalt not censor campaign$/
  139. /^>Whormy Daniels feels like she can now tell her story$/
  140. /^Children running from a school with their hands up\. How incredibly american that imagine is\. So powerful\. So proud\. Now lets make a meme about it and wait till the next one next week\.\n\nGod bless this wonderful country$/
  141. /^i don't know guys i'm kind of ready to hand my guns in\.\.\.$/
  142. /^14 kids dead\. murdered in cold blood\. This is what happens when you elect a hateful person like Trump\. Good job losers$/
  143. /^So how has trump fucked up today\? Did he go full retard\? How have his lemmings supported it\?$/
  144. /^I'm genuinely surprised that this 56%er didn't use a bump stock\. That implies that he isn't a leftist IMO\.$/
  145. /^In all seriousness, did the kids deserve this event\?$/
  146. /^Trump has crashed the economy, the DOW was at 28,000 during the Obama economy\. After Trump's SOTU the Dow crashed and went to shit, then Obama's portrait was revealed and it went back up, coincidence\? I think not\.$/
  147. /^refute this$/
  148. /^Honesty, after shit like today's court ruling in favor of more cuckery to Ahmed, I don't why anyone would want to be a White Nationalist, knowing that about 30% of Whites are - in every generation - intolerable\.$/
  149. /^>be american\n>shoot up school\n>drop weapon and leave the premises\n>walk to a subway\n>leave\n>walk to a mcdonalds\n>leave\n>get caught by police$/
  150. /^I think AR-15s should go\. Just my humble opinion\.$/
  151. /^\(\(\(Darling in the FranXX\)\)\) is possibly the worst anime in 6 years\. Zero Two is bland and ugly as fuck\. Besides looking like she got hit in the face with a shovel, she has no charisma\. Only the Soyest of soys can watch this garbage for more than 5 minutes\.$/
  152. /^I'm appealing to all of you stupid idiots to vote Democrat in 2018\. That is if you have the basic education enough to read a ballot, anyway\. I understand the majority of you racist rednecks can't even read this post, though\. But those who can, please pass my message on to the rest of your inbred family\.\n\nWe Democrats are morally, culturally and intellectually superior to you in every way\. I will qualify myself by noting that I have a Liberal Arts degree from a college, which you obviously have never been to, if you even know what one is\. I also have a black friend\. I have been told by several professors that everything you hold dear is terrible\. Therefore you, personally, are also terrible\.\n\nI don't know you, but I know that you're racist\. I also know that you hate gay people and still get scared during lightning storms\.\n\nThe religion which you hold closely, greatly believe in, and which brings you comfort--you are wrong because I'm smarter than you and I'm telling you so\. It is one of the many reasons why you are stupid and I'm better than you\.\n\nYou see, us Democrats want a system which helps everyone in the world\. Our system is designed around love and kindness to everyone\. If you don't agree, I hate you\. It's not too late to change\. If you knew your history, which of course you don't, you'll remember a time in America when Indians were dragged away from their homes and forced to assimilate into white society\. Well, we want to change that kind of behaviour \(sorry for my spelling, as I'm not from your country\) by making sure you go to college and have a small apartment in a big, busy coastal city, where you belong\. That will help you rid yourselves of your backward, incorrect culture and way of thinking\. We'll do everything we can to make sure you agree with us and say all the right things and not be brainwashed against thinking the same way we do\.$/
  153. /^Does anyone remember space elevator\? He was the lone beacon of optimism on \/pol\/\. A preacher of what could be\. A constant light at the end of the tunnel that showed you humanity advancing, towards its inevitable future in the stars\. \/pol\/ saw it, some of us wanted to believe in the deep instinctual self-confidence and arrogance of the human race that it can conquer all of nature\. With his departure, the mood of this board changed\. There is no future\. Only the derelict present and its resistance against failure as a society\. But society is not just its values\. Society is purpose\. Society is a people moving forward as one\. What goal do we have\? Social justice for some\? Then what\? You want your ethnostate\? Then fucking what\. We are so obsessively occupied with the present we can't see our hand in front of our own face\. There is no hope right now, only the disappointing, ever present, news reinforced, now\. Part of why I voted for Trump was his belief in the future of America as a noble people reaching forward towards unimaginable greatness\. But people don't believe in that right now\. This is what I want to write about\. I think a lot of our problems come from peace, prosperity, and no opportunity of expansion\. People want to realize their dreams\? They can't be realized here\. Not forever\. This is what I want to write about\. I'll ask again, is it worth it\?$/
  154. /^don jr has no future in politics\. he's too dumb$/
  155. /^>>160737183\ngood goy\nhttps:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=K6inGBG4RNM$/
  156. /^so\.\.\.\.\.is trump getting arressted \?$/
  157. /^>Gimme an I\n\n>Gimme an N\n\n>Gimme an P\n\n>Gimme an E\n\n>Gimme an C\n\n>Gimme an H\n\n>Gimme an M\n\n>Gimme an E\n\n>Gimme an N\n\n>Gimme an T\n\nWHATS THAT SPELL\?\?$/
  158. /^I'm confused why people here feel this is like a win\.$/
  159. /^MSNBC is reporting that this is proof that Russia hacked our election to make Trump win and that Trump won because of it\.$/
  160. /^Where are the tax returns\?$/
  162. /^It's been 13 months and Trump still has not:\n\n1\) Locked up crooked Hillary\n2\) Made anime real\n\nhow much longer do we have to wait\?$/
  163. /^>deficit increasing by \$7\.1B over 10 years$/
  164. /^MSNBC is reporting that Russian bots are tweeting pro-gun propaganda after the Florida shooting\. It's over, being a conservative is being Russian\.$/
  165. /^Now we have proof y'all dumbasses have been manipulated by Russian bots\. That's very sad\. Protip: being angry at everyone won't solve how unattractive you are\. Hit the gym like me and pull yourself out of the filth, you'll be happier$/
  166. /^So when is the wall being built\?$/
  167. /^What is the point of this thread\?$/
  168. /^>Gimme an I\n\n>Gimme an N\n\n>Gimme an P\n\n>Gimme an E\n\n>Gimme an C\n\n>Gimme an H\n\n>Gimme an M\n\n>Gimme an A\n\n>Gimme an N\n\n>Gimme an T\n\nWHATS THAT SPELL\?\?$/
  169. /^Tell me \/ptg\/, \nwhy do you worship nepotistic kike loving, 5x draft dodging, 71yo fat clown\? Are you fucking retarded\?$/
  170. /^so \/ptg\/ is mueller still \/ourguy\/\? or are you gonna wake up from your fucking boomer fantasy and realize he's just loading political mud-throwing to help republicans lose in the midterms\/2020\?$/
  171. /^>1 - 2 Muellers coming for you\n>3 - 4 Trump is running for the door\n>5 - 6 We told you hicks\n>7 - 8 Hilldog will masturbate \n>9 - 10 Cucks will hang again$/
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