
2019-10-16 TOEFL: reading ref, listening gist

Oct 16th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Give me a pen. = Give a pen to me.
  6. Lend me a pen. = Lend a pen to me.
  7. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Take a pen from me.
  8. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Borrow a pen from me.
  9. ---
  10. Homework: finish both handouts (the rest of 2R8 in Oxford and Quiz 7 in Delta)
  11. Compare your answers with your partner. Try to convince them of yours if you disagree.
  12. Oxford 2R8
  13. 1 d (If the preposition were “with” instead of “in”, c would make sense.)
  14. 3 d
  15. 4 a (It’s common to use “that” or “those” for the second item in a comparison to avoid repetition.)
  16. The reasons for the 2008 recession were [comparison] those for previous recessions.
  17. 5 c
  18. 7 b (Beta-endorphins are just one example of endogenous opioids.)
  19. 8 d
  20. 9 b
  21. 11 a (The animals are what produce brain opiates. “Amounts” refers to quantity of a chocolate drink, which doesn’t have any production of anything.)
  22. 12 c (The contrast between the two clauses is what suggests the following sentence.)
  23. 13 b
  24. 15 d
  25. ---
  26. Delta Quiz 7
  27. 1 C
  28. 2 D
  29. 3 A
  30. 4 B
  31. 5 A
  32. 6 D
  33. 7 B
  34. 8 D (The sentence gives examples of which qualities are respected.)
  35. 9 C
  36. 10 A
  37. ---
  38. Read
  39. Identify the referents of highlighted pronouns and, in your own words, define the other highlighted words.
  40. bay = large enclosed space
  41. That timeline = four to six weeks
  42. livestock = animals raised for food
  43. carcass = dead body of an animal
  44. just that = (try) composting in a vertical system
  45. aerate = ventilate; add air
  46. loam = soil, often from composting organic material
  47. That = the idea that “we really are part of this system that’s greater than ourselves” in contrast to the desire to be sure the remains are only from one person (The hard sell is specifically the fact that the soil you take home may include remains of other people.)
  48. That = a small clientele
  49. local vernacular = local way of doing things (aesthetics, culture, etc.) (A vernacular is usually an informal way of speaking, but here it has a wider meaning.)
  50. suffused = gently filled
  51. foster = produce/generate (support)
  52. That = the range of possibilities for customized mourning rituals
  53. frills = unneeded “extras” or decorations
  54. embrace = accept/adopt
  55. folks = people (informal; friendly)
  56. ---
  57. BREAK
  58. ---
  59. Listening Question Types:
  60. - purpose
  61. - main idea
  62. - inference
  63. - attitude
  64. - detail/fact
  65. - replay/function
  66. - prediction
  67. - complete a table or chart
  68. ---
  69. Main Idea (Gist)
  70. - can be about the content or purpose
  71. content: What is the conversation/lecture mainly about?
  72. purpose: Why does the student talk to the professor? What is the purpose of the lecture?
  73. ---
  74. Cambridge exercise L9 - From the first sentence of a lecture, what do you expect the topic to be?
  75. 1 the United Kingdom
  76. 2 award for architecture
  77. 3 Irish linen
  78. 4 figures carved in hillsides
  79. 5 geology of Mars
  80. exercise L10 - Choose the correct option.
  81. 1 C
  82. 2 B
  83. 3 A
  84. 4 D
  85. 5 A
  86. 6 D
  87. exercise L11 - Identify the topic and whether it’s mentioned in the first sentence.
  88. 1 magic squares - yes
  89. 2 public zoos - no
  90. 3 pony express - no
  91. 4 butterfly farm in Malaysia - yes
  92. 5 gargoyles - no
  93. exercise L12 - All of these change from the first sentence. Identify the topics.
  94. 1 ways to record choreography
  95. 2 why people moved to the Americas
  96. 3 (lack of) historical value in contemporary photographs
  97. 4 official language policy in the US
  98. ---
  99. Cengage exercise 9.1 - Listen to the conversations and answer the questions.
  100. 1 C
  101. 2 B
  102. 3 C
  103. 4 A
  104. 5 A
  105. ---
  106. Exercise 9.2 - Listen to the last lectures in the exercise and answer the questions.
  107. 8 B
  108. 9 D
  109. ---
  110. Homework: exercise 9.2 questions 1-7
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