
Evemek: Forsaken by Kraus

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. Away from the confines of the desert, and not even within the cold lands of Frostvale. No, this was an occasion to which Pasha would travel far over to the east, and visit a particular fortess.
  3. Upon arrival he would stare with eyes filled of scorn. A frustration that could easily be seen that was not showing so fully. A scoff, and grit of teeth as his eyes slowly averted away. Though that was not forever though.
  5. And out of that thought he would go as his names was called. In tow his he would now stare upon the ookami that called out to him, and have a few blinks of his eyes before smiling; it would be noticable that he was trying to put off the expression from before. "Oh Amyas." As he called out, so too would his Falcon would descend to perch upon his shoulder.
  7. Ah, that question- The answer he would muster would be spoken out in stoic manner. "Mathayus Lionheart..." The first answer that was to come. The second would be given with a sigh. "That person... Is not so trust worthy, but there is something I have to do for him, to assure that other things don't happen." It was a confusing answer to his own ears.
  8. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  10. If the Ookami takes much notice of the abrupt shift in demeanor, he speaks nothing of it. He smiles faintly at the acknowledgement of his greeting and more importantly having his name remembered. He glances between the fort and the falconer, a raised eyebrow at what was a confusing statement.
  12. "Mathayus Lionheart. That's a mouthful..." It certainly sounded noble and prestigious, a name well-suited to the upper classes of human societies. He could only assume such names were derived from a sense of self-importance, rather than taking upon onself something more simple.
  14. Arrogance.
  16. "...Are you in trouble, Pasha?" The gears within his mind had begun to turn, the result being an assumption of blackmail or something similar. "If you tell me more, maybe I can help. Turns out I'm a free agent for the moment."
  18. Just a hint of bitterness in his closing statement, the incident in Byson still bothering him.
  19. (Amyas)
  21. He, who arrived at the Grand Library of Byson found themselves enamored with the collective-- So much information in one place. However, he could feel his sense of consciousness waning; the very fabric of reality as he came to know it was slowly consumed by the barren void that was the unmastered arcane.
  22. Such artistry was one unintended for the human circuit, and constantly paid one in reminders for it. One, whom couldn't even learn to grasp ahold of themselves thanks to youth and naivety would sooner be contorted under the volition of the damned to such artistry: Puppeteered to act as the gateway for their influence-- A fine example of what those would deem to be the preluding symptoms of the stygian madness.
  24. One book was slipped from a shelf; One book, titled by the very arcane he was cursed with, curious of-- Encapsulated by, though as the book was flipped open to its first pages, the world of eternia itself would be erased from one's sense of perception.
  25. What felt like seconds, turned out to be hours-- And a boy seemingly awake, walking northbound.
  27. Once more, his body had fallen vulnerable to another malignant spirit's infiltration, having claimed him to commit to sins, unbeknownst to him. It was beginning to become a casual conundrum, one that he'd never sought to undo simply out of innocence.
  28. A quizzical groan was one's means of self-acknowledgement, likely triggering awareness to his presence inadvertantly.
  30. A squint was directed for what seemed to be a clearing up ahead, vision soon to be reclaimed, picturing the image of two silhuoettes nigh. He heard the voices... But were they true? Or more spirits that'd be deemed as his own hallucinations.
  31. "I- Is anyone there?" He called out.
  32. (Evemek)
  34. Ah, he couldn't put off his troubles so perfectly. In fact, they were rather far to easy to see through. "Right, troubled..." It was frustration that came to him, and his teeth would grit once again to express it. "It's..." He was so unsure if he wanted to mix the ookami in his troubles.
  36. A free agent though?
  38. "Alright." A rub of his eyes, to bring about a sense of clarity. A deep breath to calm himself, and then to stare sternly upon Amyas. "It was a threat, by him. He spoke as if he would raze the desert tribes if I did not assist him." A stare upon the fort that was before them now. "And it seems as though he does have quite the amount of men with him too." Hints of agitation could also be visible too.
  40. A hand would raise to his chin, and coup around it as he continued to think. A stare upon the grass as eye contact had left him with less focus. "Hm...' And so he thought it through. "Well, would you like to assist me in infiltration? Though... That may get you thrown in pits to fight creatures honestly." Those words came out in a dreadful manner-- "And--"
  42. Silence overtook him. There was a call out in the distance, and he knew when to no longer go about speaking. "And to also assess his people." A low tone, and stare upon Amyas before calling out louder. "Ah yes, lost?" An answer and inquiry to the voice that called out.
  43. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  45. For once, Amyas' understanding was on the mark. It was a testament to just how much he had learned of how humans work over the past several years amongst them, at least from a more cynical perspective of them as primarily composed of the greedy, deceptive and generally terrible people.
  47. "This Mathyus. He must be a mighty warrior indeed to threaten you..." He pauses, a lingering glare upon the Neries passing right by them and ascending the steps-- obvious dislike was evident, the Ookami's ears perked up with alertness. He keeps himself in check though, resuming conversation.
  49. "...Thrown in the pits? If there's crowns in this, I'm in. Especially if that grey foreigner is involved. How does it work? Can you give a recommendation, or should I greet them alone?"
  51. He quietens his voice as Evemek approaches, appraisive eyes upon the either lost or blind man and a nagging sense of familiarity as he cradles his chin between a thumb and forefinger.
  53. "This one isn't with Mathayus?"
  54. (Amyas)
  56. Once Meiji left Ryezin within the marshes he went on to looking through Byson for clues about the shrine. Of course, he had come up up handed yet again, and was now prepared to begin his voyage back to Frostvale seeing as to how he knew Abram was waiting on him. Meiji decided not to take the 'easier' route by traveling through towns and what not, rather, he decided to go the back way since there was a chance he could see Ryezin again. If that was possible, he'd probably ask the Drakanite to come back with him to Frostvale since they seemed to be friends at this point, and it was obvious the man had nothing to do.
  58. On his way to the marshes, though, Meiji came at a sudden halt as he noticed a rather large building along his way. He couldn't remember it being there in his past, maybe it was new? Meiji would admire it for a while until noticing others talking nearby. There were three, two he didn't know and the other being Evemek. Meiji decided he'd go and speak with the teen for a while instead of heading straight back for Frostvale in a rush.
  60. "Evemek." he'd call out to the young-man as he got closer. He'd cross his arms and would gesture to the building near them "What is this place? I've never seen it before. Is it the place where your people train or something?" Meiji would then go back to focusing on the teen as he raised a brow, awaiting some sort of response.
  61. (Meiji Shidoku)
  63. For a moment, the chatter stopped? --No, it quieted down, for certain, before it was more directly responding to his own inquiry. He could badger himself to prod at their reasoning for being out in the woods, but considering the structure -just- beyond the treeline, he could fathom why. Brown eyes found Amyas in their gaze, hesitating to flicker from his image only to attempt sating the itching feeling of familiarity.
  65. --And as one parted lips to speak on the matter, to finally address such, he found himself cut off, digressing from the endeavor of exposing such eluding secret once and for all by another he'd hardly come to predict to arrive on coincidence. He earned his cringe to say the least, but aside from a frightful tremor he didn't react much further.
  67. "I- I didn't expect to see you here, Meiji." He answered with a slight stutter in his speech; There was the mention of a 'Mathayus', at least, it was all he had come to hear, but granted his obliviousness on the matter he could hardly be granted enough reason to bother digging further. It wasn't his business... Or was it?
  68. He did seemingly wake from one's alleged sleepily free-walk... Or was he guided by Kraus himself? The deluded mind of a naive youth was set to believe anything to justify the actions beyond his own comprehension.
  70. Did a higher power bring hijm here to fulfill a greater purpose? If so, what was it to be?
  71. "I don't know." He answered back towards Meiji, "I've never seen it before either. In fact, I just... Remember being here... Something brought me here for a reason, and I'm going to find out."
  73. Prior to claiming such, the hushed coo of the faceless called out to him, through echoing whispers that sought out from the trees, omnipresence and taxing upon the feeble mind-- Garnering headaches to one's dismay, but none to such magnitude to leave him outright crippled. He was losing his grasp again, in a mental attack that seemed to grow more frequent as the former were-- More potent, the weaker he'd proven, more lost both in himself and in this land.
  75. "... Kraus sent me here." He repeated, this time intended for himself for reassurance, albeit it could've easily been heard by one of Ookami tier hearing.
  76. (Evemek)
  78. He continued to think on for a moment. It was a good suggestion. Alone or referral-- Both would do. Though there might be more perks, and loyalty into sending someone out there though. "A recommendation will do." But clarification was required first, thus his tone would lower once again. "There is money in it, but it can also cost you your life. If you truly wish to, then always stay alert." A slow nod of his head after the words were spoken.
  80. A turn to those that now appeared further. Before it was one, but that one multiplied now, and another person came. Though it would seem as though they knew not what this structure was, nor whom owned it at all. "It is the property of a noble..." He wouldn't speak the same for them as he would to Amyas. Still, he was skeptical of those two, and kept scrutiny as there was paranoia with his mind. A shake of his head again. "He trains certain people here... This isn't a place for everyone to visit though." A vague warning before turning back to Amyas.
  82. "Mathayus? Strong?" As if asking it to himself too. "Not sure, but rich, yes.."
  83. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  85. It seemed the matter of the apparently lost man in white no longer required his attention, given an apparent associate had arrived asking just the same questions Amyas had as to the adjacent construction. He keeps his eyes on them, though listening to the Sarabian tribesman intently and responding in a low voice.
  87. "Where there's danger, there's money. That's something humans say, don't they? Besides, I'm personally interested. I thought the 'Republic' kept all authority beneath it, outside of two cities... yet this corrupted noble exists openly a stone's throw from Byson."
  89. The Ookami knew nothing of the Lordling's claim to nobility being one entirely manufactured, assuming some form of relationship with the established powers that were so very intent on proving themselves morally superior to past monarchies. Practically muttering under his breath, a definitively human sentiment is worded.
  91. "If we need to drag him down, I wouldn't say no to a slice of that wealth."
  92. (Amyas)
  94. Meiji listened to the three as he tried to understand what was going on. For one, there was talk of some guy named Mathayus, and then something about being paid for something. Meiji couldn't understand really, and was losing interest the more he thought about it. Meiji would sigh a bit before looking to Evemek. "As quick as I say hi I must also go though. I suppose i'll leave you here to figure out why you came or whatever. Good bye for now." he'd then go on to walking off as he'd head towards the west now.
  95. (Meiji Shidoku)
  97. "Get closer..."
  98. A feminine voice was aroused from the corners of his mind, speaking out to him through what he'd consider to be his conscience. He winced at such vocalization, attempting to decipher the true identity of its source, only to hear it's coo once more. "It is of your destiny... Get closer..."
  100. What reason had he ever had to deny the voices in his head?
  101. He'd take a step closer, without a word to justify his person. Paranoia was truly reasonable granted his awkward advance-- The chuckle of several taunted at him, as though an audience lied in wait for the next pending scene, just beyond the foliage encompassing them. For every thought he'd have to question his action, their laughter overshadowed it-- Sounding off louder than he could ever think aloud to himself.
  103. It pained him to resist, to rebel the forces compelling him-- Thus, like a mindless doll to the aforementioned higher-power, he followed suit, soon looming in dangerously close to the duo assuming they did not take action first. "I couldn't hear you earlier, a- and... I'm sorry for this." He said in advance, "-- But I've been called upon to fulfill a greater purpose." He claimed, pausing only for a moment to have those within earshot process his words.
  105. "I believe... Kraus... Sent me to you." He said unto the two of them, glancing over his shoulder to find Meiji departing, "It's, part of his plan..." What more could he say? There wasn't much he'd truly know, nor anything he was sure they couldn't mock him for-- Assuming what he claimed wasn't bad enough. Mayhaps, it was best to keep such claims to himself.
  107. Almost immediately after speaking, he took to second thoughts, bludgeoning himself internally for daring to come out with such now. Why couldn't he had stayed in Byson? Why didn't he leave upon finding these two? Why did he go this far...
  108. --and why couldn't he stop this unconsciousness spells, as he had come to know them.
  109. (Evemek)
  111. Steps closer to the people were not taken- One left, and the other came closer. Maybe a little bit too close that would cause a step back on Pasha's part. "Er, right." A scratch to his temple, and further scrutiny was placed upon the male.
  113. A religious sort. Similar to himself, but perhaps different. Pasha heart no reports of Kraus speaking to people, and the like; well the same could be said for his own diety. "Um, alright? Are you sure that you would be sent to this location?" Another stare upon the walls of the fortress; another flash of frustration.
  115. His gaze would return back upon Evemek. "I wouldn't suggest remaining here too long. That is my suggestion though. You can take it or not." Then a stare upon Armyas, and his shoulders would shrug as well.
  117. He didn't know what to truly say.
  119. "You are guided but take your own actions. What will it be for you?" Now curiosity would lead to questioning.
  120. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  121. [08:14:43] Whereas Amyas' kindred had taken off, the fellow with an apparently impaired mind drew closer. It was insufficient as of yet to alarm the Ookami, though his words certainly earn an eye filled with doubt. He returns Pasha's shrugging gesture with one identical, not quite knowing how to handle this either.
  123. Nonetheless, he cuts in despite the fact his associate was handling it in his own way. Surely, this would be the first of many abnormal characters he would encounter within the vicinity of Mathuyus' hold, the arrival of Kunat hinting at some kind of band of non-conformists being gathered with unknown purpose.
  125. "I've heard of shaman communing with the spirits, even Asena-- but Kraus is not whole, yes? If you're the creator's messenger, what do you want with us?"
  126. (Amyas)
  128. Was there doubt? He stood adamant to his claim, refusing to back down now, having made his approach and lacked patronizing for his endeavor. "I simply follow the Will that is pushed through me." He claimed, taking another step to close the excessive gap, only to attempt taking place amongst those conversating.
  130. "... I don't know exactly what I was sent to do, nor what my mission is concerning you... " He went on, "--but if it were for anything but you two, I'm certain I would've been guided here before or after your time gathering here."
  132. "So, I ask only to partake in whatever activities is needed of me." He claimed, "--or, perhaps, idle in your presence until a need becomes of my own. "
  133. That was all he could come out with, there was nothing more to add.
  134. (Evemek)
  136. Pasha could not tell of Amyas was in believe of not. Pasha wasn't so sure about himself either. He never heard from his diety, but people still made the claim- Shamans... Lessons were taught, and they just followed them was all for him. Nothing more special than that.
  138. Another scratch to his head as still he seemed rather perplexed. The manner of speaking. What he wanted to do-- In fact he didn't fully know for himself eather. "Um..." It was such a difficult situation that was not placed upon Pasha before.
  140. And apparently he couldn't ask his ookami compatriot for assistance in understanding it.
  142. "Well, there isn't much to it really." He opted to put him off. This person seemed 'good', and he didn't want too many to be involved with Mathayus either. "But uh, again this place is not so good..." How could he deter him if the man claimed the purpose was not the building, but in fact those that stood before him?
  144. "Maybe... It was to find something here. I doubt it's the people." Still so unsure.
  145. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  147. It felt needless to voice his disbelief, especially in the face of a potentially unstable man-- possibly even a Magi, judging by the conduit apparent on his person. Amyas looks the man up and down once more, coming to a conclusion that may well be rash.
  149. "Judging by his appearance, he could actually be a church official. I entered one in Danarium before, though it didn't take long to be kicked out..."
  151. Regardless, he looks to the small castle looming over the three of them as a sign he held little genuine interest in the apparent ramblings of some Krausite zealot. If anything it may well be some strange attempt to convert the pair of them, neither apparent as those whom might commit to worshipping the creator especially.
  153. "I say we leave this man to his... pilgrimage or whatever it is. I'm interested in taking a look inside this place, if you're even allowed to bring guests within?"
  155. Everything was directed toward Pasha, not a thing spoken by Evemek that held his interest.
  156. (Amyas)
  157. [08:51:24] Disregarded again?
  158. It pained him on a personal level-- Were these not whom he was sent to seek out? Was he mislead? Lied to? No, he had purpose here-- He had to. Against better judgement, he persisted, even ready to volunteer himself to whatever activities needed to earn acknowledgement.
  160. "Wait, no! You misunderstand, you mustn't." He pleaded with Amyas, "I was brought here to serve, even if the Voice of Kraus may prove strange, an oddity. Please, let me carry out such of what is demanded of me until what needs to be done, is done."
  161. Immediate to such plea, he fell to a knee with bowed head and averted eyes, as though, mistakenly beholding a prophecised duo.
  163. "If it requires accompanying you two into this structure here, " he went on in lowered tone, "--then let it be."
  164. "If it requires me to blindly follow your instruction," he continued, "--then let it be."
  166. "I was brought here with instruction to push aside ties and former belief for a higher purpose, and I will not leave until such is accomplished... Or proven otherwise."
  167. The common person claiming to such in defiance would typically make rise to their blade or staff-- Regardless of such choice, raise it in their defense to enforce it... But this one, Evemek, left himself open to strike upon without the slightest rise to his own person.
  169. He made himself vulnerable, as thought to prove his blind trust in what had lead himself to Amyas and Pasha alike, waiting patiently and fearfully for what came next.
  170. (Evemek)
  172. This person still made him skeptical. To go about following them into the stronghold- To blindly trust? Serve some for of purpose? It confused Pasha far to much. "Um..." To think of a solution was still not easy as well.
  174. "Ah..." Then it came to him. A hand that would be placed into another, and a smile that formed along his face; albeit he seemed slightly hesitant, and careful. "You came here to hear our words was all." A nod of his head in agreement with his own words. A raise of his right index finger, and he would continue on speaking. "It's a matter of not blindly following what is being spoken to you. That you need to make your own decisions, and follow them."
  176. The hand would turn into a clenched fist then fall back to his side. A stern expression overtook him as well. "Kraus is a guide, but you decide for yourself. That is how it is for all of our dieties. They teach us lessons and we learn for yourselfs with our own actions." And now a tuck of his head downward slightly. "That is why you are here. To hear these words." Oh, now his gaze would avert as if he didn't believe that would work.
  178. His eyes changed upon Amyas. "Yes, I'll show you the interior." And now he would await for further words.
  179. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  181. Theodore found himself walking through the verdant forest of Bygongroove. The young lad knew the routes without yokai, so he could walk without worrying much about being attacked by one of those terrifying creatures. He wanted to check if the building under construction was over. He had been checking it for the last few months, just like an old man that has nothing better to do than observe buildings under construction while feeding pidgeons. The only difference being Theo was just 16.
  183. The scholar 'in progress', was surprised when he found the building to be completed. Delightful was his sight, a few teenagers were congregated around it, how curious, he thought he was the only one with this bizarre hobby.
  185. ''Good afternoon guys, are you here to behold this beauty as well?'' Theodore said with a humble smile while pointing at the new construction. ''My name is Theodore by the way.''
  187. (Theodore White)
  189. Even in submission to what he presumed to be bestowed to him by Kraus himself, he was rejected-- Did he manage to squander the moment? Or... Was he not worthy. He spoke of following one's own path, but wasn't this his? Was he not chosen by Kraus as the voices inclined him to believe? Looking back up to one from his kneal revealed eyes now gleaming at the seems with budding tears.
  191. How was it that Kraus could be wrong? No, he couldn't be wrong; if anything it was him, Evemek, his self. He had failed. Somehow, somewhere along the lines. He had managed to smudge fate as Kraus intended of it, unable to manage what was expected of him, as far as he had been aware.
  192. It was likely that they'd leave for the interior of the structure, and soon-- Leave him here...
  194. When, soon after, another persona came to his attention, even badgering themselves to provide introduction. There wasn't immediate acknowledgement, simply a longing gaze in the direction of the others, complemented with a shaky backpedal.
  195. "N- No, why would he bring me here to hear words, rather than telling me them directly." He questioned, "Kraus would not harrass nor torment his believers in such cruel ways." His words trembled, transcending to an explicit state of instability.
  197. He couldn't take his eyes off Pasha for claiming such... And with such focused gaze and racing through, it... triggered something.
  198. Beneath layers of apparel, the faint highlight of vermillion centered itself along his right arm, managing to wrought a poor soul to the ground, dropping his magispear to clutch at the searing sensation that crippled him so.
  200. "No-no-no-no-no, it doesn't make any sense." He rambled... Things were going for the worse, and he knew it well. Contradictory to one's claims, the atmosphere grew taint. The verdant foliage in immediate proximity dipped in stature, fading of their healthy green for a morbid auburn-- Inadvertantly siphoned of its lifeforce via forces furthest from the Holy arcane.
  201. The familiar ebonic outline manifesting across his facade, soon effervesced of a lilac miasma, blemishing the one's percieved pure krausian lain before them.
  203. "This can't be right... It must be a mistake. You're making a mistake..." He continued, soon evolving his pleas into a growl, "... I... was not sent here... to hear your word..."
  204. (Evemek)
  206. Given his status as a mere guest when it came to gaining entry to the construction, Amyas had remained silent in allowing Pasha to take the lead in doing whatever was necessary to manipulate the strange Krausite to detach his mind from the two of them.
  208. He looks on with some small concern for the man, at least for the moment as another presence demanded his attention-- a human of similar age to the other two, albeit appearing less...
  210. Present?
  212. It was difficult to describe, but Theodore simply lacked something the others possessed. He wasn't even carrying a weapon, intruding upon darker conversation and the insane ramblings of Evemek with something completely casual out of the blue.
  214. "Amyas." He gives his name first, without much enthusiasm. "Good aftern-..." The Ookami is cut off, not by the word of another but by an aura thoroughly unpleasant; he takes a step away from Evemek, the plantlife about his person wilting apparent as a hand closes about the haft of his scythe.
  216. As a resident of Wychwood for much of his life, such was a sign of Yokai presence.
  218. "...Pasha, I don't like this." A yellowed glare is set fully upon the kneeling figure in white. Occultists weren't enemies by default, but they enjoyed a reputatin well-deserved as villains of the highest order.
  219. (Amyas)
  221. A new arrival came, and thus another sigh from Pasha. Being near Mathayus' stronghold was stressful-- In fact, after surveying the instance, it was near a crossroad anyway. This was not a difficult structure to find at all. "Why did he...' A mumble to himself that was quick to be but off right. "Right hello--"
  223. A stammer, as that twisted feeling came across his pores. A stare upon Evemek, and the sight of life fading from the flora nearby was simply a bad sign. "Um..." Well, Pasha didn't hold intentions to make the person insane.
  225. A realization came that it was most likely kraus' job to keep him sane.
  227. "No, no I mean..." Ah, this was difficult as he was taken back, and baffled by the sudden change in demeanor. "You have to hear it from someone other than him." Oh how he was so unsure what it was that he should say.
  229. "This is not a good place to remain, for the owner is not so trustworthy to me. He is training people, and making them... Fight." Still not to say all that he should. "And it is best to not get involved with him." A small dry laugh. "Ha... Ha... Ha..." That was no true laugh. "Those are the words you are to hear from me."
  231. A glance over to the structure itself now. "Lets... Go inside." And it might be evident that he wanted a change in topic now.
  232. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  233. [09:59:40] Theodore presence was less outstanding than the other three fellows, he was wearing plain clothes and lacked any type of weapon or device that could be considered as such. His mana activity was barely perceivable as well, he was a weakling to the naked eye. Theo, unbeknownst to what was going on, waved his hand back at the younger Ookami and to Pasha as well.
  235. It took him a few more seconds than the other two, to notice that something was off. His gray hues observed the foliage being drained lifeless. He furrowed at took a step back, unsure how to react or what to do, the situation was a tad too confusing. Pasha's invitation was what he needed, in fact, he wanted to see the interior of the Keep, and so Theodore tagged along and walked behind Amyas, waiting to enter.
  237. ''I was waiting to see the interior for so long, I cannot wait.'' Theo was pretty excited about it.
  239. (Theodore White)
  241. The burning-- It was intolerable, mindnumbing-- Enough to force him to writhe along the grasses, squirming helplessly to the crawling sensation that warped at his mind. No longer did he hear whispers, but the seemingly infinite claws marring across brain matter, omitting his skull to leaving his cries, forever unparrellel to his pain.
  242. The Rune was active, having been prodded into effect only with the rejection coming from Pasha. Perhaps, it wasn't intended, albeit he felt as though he was truly crossed.
  244. --Though, could he truly be angry at Pasha? Was it for him? Or the thought of being lied to. Was he considered unworthy and thus disregarded? He heard Amyas dislike of the situation-- Of his stature; He was one of the accursed, longing so greatly to waltz into the light of Kraus. Though, try as he might, he'd always be smothered in the shadows. How he envied these souls-- Leaving himself forced to overcompensate for his youthful mistake.
  246. "P- Please..." He was begging..." I--... I just want Kraus to love me like he does you too.." He teared up, streams stroking down his cheeks. All the while, the morbid haze of his stygian radiance reached outward, further clawing at the greenery at his feet-- trickling away from his figure to span into a widening radius. As he fell to his own sadness, to his own anger, his body acted on its own.
  248. He was unable to control his own actions, possessed by what could be dubbed as a 'Spirit of Wrath' in itself. It was this Vengeance rune that beckoned it with its vermillion gleaming beacon. He waded as he forced himself to stand upright, leaving his magispear on the ground few feet before him.
  249. He sniffled, tears plopping down from his visage, disolving those in contact with its potent teather to the transmundane.
  251. The pungent scent of rot eased from the dying soil in his miserable approach, moreoff intended to retrieve his staff rather than harm the others. Even so, the unforgiving touch of this metaphorical abyss pried for the souls bound to these fleshly vessels, commending them only with a persistent suckle at their fatigue. The loss of Will, was one of the many symptoms to succumbing to the darkness, one feature that he, much like many of the masters have taken to.
  253. As though, a call in itself, iotas of crimson dotted the treeline: Eyes, watching from beyond the veil of their surroundings, eyeing them closely from what could be presumed to be the daemonic monstrosities having claimed ownership to the artistry in-works. No longer was one's mind the only one to be plagued with the voices forever tormenting his soul, for they branched out upon a world, soon to be warped by one's metaphysical influence upon it... At least, in the perception of those susceptible to deceptive fantacisms accepted by the mind as projected by one's irradiated circuit.
  255. Faceless silhuoettes were fabricated with naught more than what seemed to be a blink, simply popping into existence by the dozen-- All vacantly staring, eyeless. These were the damned, the lost spirits without contracts, somehow neglected by the lifestream, spared of a passage into the stars only to longingly idle for a new master. Their whispers cooed out to any and all whom took to Krausian's presence, incoherent individually-- Madden rhetoric.
  257. The image of Evemek reaching down for his magispear contorted akin to shattered static, only to abruptly rebuild itself granted lag, now revealing an already re-equipped picture of his person rising up to his feet and continuing his pace for Pasha.
  258. "I- I-... I don't want to be a bad guy..." He claimed, standing upright, face still messied by his still-crying person...
  260. "Th--.... They're......" He seemed lost for words... Head lowering to shroud his face his shadow.
  261. "... They're going to take me now..." Those words were of reduced volume, though, hardly as surprising for what was to follow.
  262. Distorted with crackling static, and demonic warping transformed his vocalization into one more comparable to that of Yokai ilk.
  264. "... We, and you... Are the same... For we are all damned and unclean. "
  266. . . .
  267. "... We, and you... Are the same..." It repeated, this time, pivoting its head -just- enough to imply a scythe wielding Amyas' presence, "... For we crave the lust for battle and blood."
  268. Then, came a step in advance... Followed by another.... And another...
  269. The shadowy images in the distance seemingly pursued, materializing into horrific chimeras of serpent-dominant characteristics.
  271. Hostilities, seemed inevitible.
  272. (Evemek)
  274. Despite the signs, Pasha had persevered in misdirection. It seemed his words had no effect however, upon the man that had swiftly become more than simply an insane and rambling devotee of Kraus. The initial signs of simple Occultism swiftly escalate, the Ookami taking his weapon in both hands in preparation to engage if need be.
  276. As a creature strongly in-tune with nature, the degenerating force eating away at weaker lives and uncomfortably touching upon his was quickly becoming unacceptable; Amyas was not by nature one to strike first and ask questions later, but circumstances might soon force his hand.
  278. "...Back away, corrupted thing. We are not the same."
  280. With narrowed eyes, he lowers his stance as invisible currents of air shift in his favour; an audible and sustained aura of wind coursing about a small figure and uplifting the hem of his cloak. If battle was what this corrupted being wanted, that was exactly what it would get.
  282. He spares a momentary glance at Pasha, if he were going to partake as to co-ordinate an easier means of defeating the accursed human.
  283. (Amyas)
  284. Truly the experience was new. The desert was a safe place unlike outside of it. In fact, you could apparently meet people that are rather insane when outside of your comfort terrain. That was a showing of the man before Pasha and Amyas.
  286. A twitch came onto the expression of the Sarabian male. That was filled with agitation. "What is he..." And Amyas called out- That the other male was a corrupted being. "Huh?" Well Pasha was confused, and he could hear those words that were twisted. "What's..." That the male didn't wish to be a horrible person.
  288. Ah, the steps were taken closer and the person appeared to have been crying? Well- For this unique day, Pasha was left in no type of way understanding. Confusion was the sense that took him over.
  290. Clarity was brought by the hints of danger. Amyas was already prepared, and he too would soon. His Falcon would fly away view from the skies and not be harmed. For Pasha, a hot temperature would begain encase around him- No fire to burn yet. The blade was at the ready within his right hand, and his heart didn't seem so into it, however-
  292. There was nothing he could do, and so he would force his heart into it. "It would be better that you stand down now." A warning to give- but now his eyes were far more stern than before.
  293. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  295. Even as they warned him, as the new entity possessing advanced in the shell that was Evemek, he communicated with them only through his misery. He was trapped, ensnared by a curse beyond his own power. He had fallen far greater than any of his compatriots in the past, and family alike-- Lost of his way, desperately vying for retribution, for forgiveness and righteousness. Instead, he found himself, chained up, forced to watch through his own eyes as his body committed to sin that he could never repent against.
  297. As though granted the power to speak at his own volition, he begged of them once more. "P- Please..."
  298. " I don't w- want to fight..." He claimed, "I don't want this..."
  299. His body sped up its pace, weapon aimed to plunge for the abdomen of Amyas had he continued to stand in the way of one's charge.
  300. "I don't want to hurt anyone..." A shuddered sigh quivered from betwixted parted lips, tears dripped off his chin to deteriorate apparel and flesh unlike his own.
  302. "Please, dodge!" He warned out to Amyas. Even if this was not his friend-- Even if, this Ookami would percieve him to be an enemy, he longed so much for him to understand. He instructed what he could to prevent from harming them, and even so-- He felt as though it was hopeless. One could only succumb to despair-- Was it not the first stage to ascending in potence?
  304. "DON'T LOOK ME IN THE EYES!" He screamed, body pivoting his head to face Pasha; pupils proved shrunken in their gander, casting their occular spell unto one's sense of perception. Though, it was entirely dependent on their capability to resist. To fight back and down this opponent before he could prove damning upon their physicality or mentality alike.
  305. "Please... Get away from me..."
  306. He had no right to ask of such, but for the sake of ending such quarrel before it could truly begin, he could only try.
  308. "... Pl- please...*sniffle* "
  309. (Evemek)
  311. It was a sign of Amyas' relative inexperience that he had been harmed at all, a battle two-versus one if not accounting for the relatively minor threat of several low-class Yokai beckoned here by whatever foul force had taken Evemek under its compulsion.
  313. He had dived in head-first at the very opening moment of hostilities, possibly hoping to down the Occultist in a single overhead arc of his scythe-- his amateurish skill with an unconventional weapon emphasised as he simply cuts the air before all goes black.
  315. His visual sense is temporarily severed, the opponent they were dealing with being one a little more dangerous than forest-dwelling creatures of less nuanced magic and brute force. The Ookami makes wild, sweeping cuts at the air-- unsure if he were striking the correct target but at least fending off the Yokai.
  317. By the time his sight had recovered, it was practically over; Pasha had fortunately managed to emerge victorious, appearing little the worse for wear in comparison to Amyas whom had suffered minor relatively minor visible wounds as well as the lingering sting of negative energies.
  319. Scythe in hand yet, he approaches cautiously-- prepared to make a clean cut this time if need be.
  321. "This filth blinded me for a while there. Be careful, he's no amateur Magus."
  323. He gives a warning, awaiting Pasha's judgement on the man's fate; It was his to decide, given the Ookami would have a much harder time without him.
  324. (Amyas)
  326. There was a different choice of focus that the opponent took. One that was much to the advantage of Pasha- He did not ahve those ghouls chasing after him, and he could get down to work. Of course he would ahve to be quick for his ally's sake.
  328. The magic was now confirmed in full, occult was the magic that Evemek used. It was such a dastardly thing that Pasha could feel against his body, but sitll he was not the one with most focus-- And one glance at Amyas and he noticed that there was something off.
  330. Other than the fact that a scythe may not have been the best weapon for him.
  332. With acrobatic moves to maneuver about, as well as make up for lacking speed, he was able to close the distance. Embers began to burn and form as he moved through the fields, and he fired them off in the direction of Evemek. To burn ever-so slightly, but do more physical damage in this form.
  334. A chain of attacks was to come- That technique did not put an end to it, and so he would bring blazes across the grass to gently burn Evemek's feet- A stumble, and with that opportunity came. The fires died, and Pasha quickly motioned about behind Evemek's frame. A pull back of the hand that held the intricate dagger, and a quick jab of the pommel upon the back of the male's neck.
  336. The force was to cause shock to the body that would shut it down, and force the male unconcious. A deep breath was released, and now he would go to see how he was fairing-- "Ah no, no..." Waves of his hand went to deter the ookami. He wasn't to let any further damage, nor life taking.
  338. "Hm..." This was a situation far from his own liking. "We'll take him inside to the infirmary, and have Mathayus deal with him... He'll probably be pleased." It was not wholly something that Pasha liked, but he too needed to rise through those ranks for personal reason.
  339. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  341. Evemek's constant weeping was met with no sympathy from what he could find, prosecuted as maliciously as his body was bent to the Occult's curse. Was it all his fault? Was he truly filth? But, wasn't he to meet them and follow them to carry out Kraus' Will? Why did they revile him so? Why did they cast him aside...
  342. Were the yokai right?
  344. Was he simply damned from such dream of ascending in Kraus' light?
  345. The most he could do was sob, as they swiftly dealt with the moaning shadows of his conjuring, prior to finally dispatching him through an excruciating procedure pertaining to the pyromantic arcane.
  347. He was lucky not to have been dismembered by the scythe, but what was to say he wouldn't as vision faded to black? What was to claim that he would never awake, simply due to misunderstanding...
  348. Why would anyone care?
  349. ... He was filth, wasn't he?
  350. Scum, at the bottom of the Valmasian barrel; A part of a scourge to be cleaned. Kraus, would never love one of his stature, no matter how hard he'd try to prove himself unlike the rest.
  352. He did not make this decision conscious of the consequences, and never before had he worked so hard to undo it. Yet, somehow, fate found a way to torture him thoroughly...
  353. Maybe... He deserved this... For being weak...
  354. -- Or maybe, this was all a part of Kraus' cruel plot to punish him.
  355. (Evemek)
  357. As pathetic as the appearance of the weeping man was, it utterly failed to tug at the Ookami's heartstrings when accompanied by the threat of death. It had only managed to convince Amyas that Evemek was utterly beyond reason, and thus undeserving of mercy.
  359. He was not by any means bloodthirsty, but...
  361. "Fine." He concedes, resting his polearm over his shoulder and determinedly glowering at the supposed Krausite. "But I'm not carrying him. It's demeaning enough to let him go after attacking me with that vile magic."
  363. If he absolutely insisted, the Ookami may well at least drag him-- painfully up the steps, without regard for the now-prisoner's physical state.
  364. (Amyas)
  365. [12:18:46] Ah, Pasha could see how dastardly that magic was, but he didn't know the full extent of occult, nor holy. He saw a poor soul too... And he might even be putting this poor soul in a worse position. Thus a choice would need to be made when the time came. "We'll see Amyas... He doesn't seem that bad. I'll carry him."
  367. Steps closer with care- Quite, and hesitatn as this still was dangerous after all. Once he saw a moment and confirmed, he would quickly hoist the occult user over his shoulder. "Alright let's go inside." It was a burden to carry, but not the worst of burdens; just one upon his shoulders.
  369. With those words spoken he would begin motioning up the steps, and make way inside unless stopped. Otherwise, it would be time to finally examine the interior.
  370. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  371. [12:20:28] Evemek: <*Vengeance Rune glow ceases*>
  373. ======= Minor Time Skip ======
  375. Ah, finally to arrive at the infirmary room. A place surrounded with beds, and medical equipment. It was hard to determine if they were the best or not. That would be something to determine how sadistic Mathayus may be. For now though, it was time to drop the load, and so Evemek would be placed upon a bed. "Alright..." And a turn to some of those doctors, and/or nurses within. "Inform Mathayus of this when he is present."
  377. A dismissive wave of his hand before moving towards Amyas. "Oh?" Well that was such a harsh thing to hear. A close of eyes, and scratch to his head. "Ah, don't worry. There are fickle people, but also people that aren't. I won't betray you, and I believe the same." A smile that was visible upon his visage before turning towards Theodore.
  379. "Ah, no need for that..." He couldn't fully disagree. "He is just rather keen when it comes to judging people. He likes to stay vigilant." Or so that was how Pasha saw things.
  380. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  382. Theodore's comment comes out of nowhere, the apparently meek youth having lost the entirety of his attention during the course of the battle outside-- presumably, he had hidden himself and followed them since. He recieves a look of dislike through narrowed eyes, a slight frown on his lips.
  384. "I was in the right. How would you know what I usually do anyway...? How long have you been watching me, exactly? I've never seen you before today, and I doubt you'd manage to follow me without my notice for very long."
  386. He was awfully defensive, perhaps in denial as to his own shortcomings. Amyas certainly was no diplomat, especially when it came to those outside of his race; they happened to compose the majority by far, unfortunately.
  388. "...Viligant. Yes. It's that thing's fault for not answering a question with anything but threats."
  389. (Amyas)
  391. There wasn't much to his awakening, just eyes fluttering open and a light gasp for air...
  392. This, wasn't the cold, hard earth he was laying upon. Nor, was it the soggy mud of a vast marsh... No, this was the comforting mattress of a bed, complete with sheets and all. To his surroundings was not a vast forest, but a room of grandiose porportions. As usual, he was lost, but he hadn't the energy to demand answers-- Instead, he'd lay there in silence.
  394. His burns were tended to, just as his scrapes and cuts from head to toe-- Yet, even now, he couldn't even acknowledge the pain that'd typically irk at him. Instead, he took to silent contemplation on what he was called, what he was told... What was proven.
  396. What fate truly awaited him...
  397. Why did he come here?
  398. Could he, get up and leave?
  399. --No... Those same two... He could hear their voices still. They were close.
  400. They had no obligation to bat a glance towards him, but should they have at any given moment, they'd be rewarded with his silent, inquisitive gaze.
  401. (Evemek)
  402. [14:04:35] Theodore sighed, Amyas did not like his comment, which was quite understandable. ''I was just speaking my thought about the first impression you gave me, I do not know you, you are right on that. And no, this is the second time I meet you, the first was at Byson's marketplace, you were too focused on dealing with that horned pale guy… I was just a bystander, you two attracted quite the attention.'' Theodore told Amyas, trying to be crystal clear.
  404. Once Amyas answered, he would shift his attention towards the injured. He mainly asked Pasha this time: ''Who is the guy that attacked you? How is he? And… How did he do 'that' to the lifeforms around him out there?'' Theodore had too many questions, his scholarly mind was always hungry for more knowledge.
  406. (Theodore White)
  408. A quill was brought from the surface of the desk, as Mathayus began scribbling down words on multiple parchments. As he sat in his private study located in the Lion's den, he remained undisturbed if not an emergency. Letters of recruitment were returned to the rightful owner with their acceptance, or their denial. Suddenly, a fist banged heavily upon his door.
  410. "Come in." From outside, a sweaty nurse came tumbling inside. She immediately fell on one knee, reporting to the Lionheart to the Lionheart regarding an incident with Evemek. After a brief nod from the noble, she heaved a deep breath and spun her heel to return.
  412. Metal clad boots echoed in the halls, quaking the ground with each step. The volume which was expelled from his stride could be compared to woman wearing high heels. Certainly, the Lionheart loved to make his presence known. As nurses and doctors parted alike, he scouted the figure before him.
  414. "Unknown. Who is it?" While his words were rather stern, a tranquil gaze leered in Pasha's direction; he was the one Mathayus believed fit to explain the situation.
  415. (Mathayus Lionheart)
  417. Ah finally. Time went on, and it was about time that the noble that controlled the place appeared. That grand stature was already shown- Flashy as always. A smile was offered to guise those hidden feeling that he felt towards the Lionheart. Well, the Lionheart might already know about them anyway.
  419. "Oh, this?" Now he would walk closer to the person that was placed upon the bed. "A scuffle outside of this place. He appeared, and didn't exactly... Like words. His mind became twisted, and started attacked while also seeming oddly reluctant. Something about loving kraus, and wanting kraus to love him back..." A dismissive wave of his hand. "I'll leave this person in your hands though. Take care of him will you-- And don't be too harsh."
  421. His feet would then trace over to Amyas. If allowed, he would give the ookami a gentle pat on the shoulder. "And this is Amyas. He has assisted me numerous times, and with that bout. He is interested in your... Work, and is fine with 'training' as long as he gets payed." He gave hints that he hoped the male would get.
  423. "Then we have other people that were just eyeing the building and wanting to see the interior." More-so mundane information left his mouth now. The smile continued on nonetheless though.
  424. (Pasha Ka'lim)
  425. [14:42:59] Mathayus' entry is met with a lingering stare of appraisal, what he had already assumed of a supposed nobleman leaving little room for surprise beyond one point which he audibly blurts out without regard for his own safety, nor the will of his sponsor of sorts placing a steady hand upon his shoulder.
  427. "I was expecting someone a little taller."
  429. The Ookami had no room to speak, of course-- his kind were below the human average in size, and he was no exception. Assuming he weren't cut down with immediacy, Amyas would acknowledge the owner of the residence with a curt nod and a word reinforcing the information Pasha had given.
  431. "But if you have the crowns, it doesn't matter. Pasha here was advising me of the... opportunities provided here, until we were attacked by this Krausite psychopath. Occultism has damaged his mind badly..."
  432. (Amyas)
  434. He was awake, but failed to speak to his defense. What could he say that they would believe? Wasn't he just a villain? The actual term deemed appropriate, according to how they treated him, was denied in his mind. He couldn't bring himself to speak without breaking down in tears-- And to do such, in the face of such... strangers? No, it was doubtful that they were simply new people. It was more likely that they'd come to his detriment, which left him to shudder in place.
  436. There was nowhere to run... Was there...
  437. He could feel the crawling of a third party across his skin, the laughter from the conflict former maliciously taunting him in his state of defeat. He was... Objectified from what he heard. Not a 'he' or a 'they' and a 'this'... Maybe this was because of what he had become.
  439. A 'psychopath'? That couldn't be right... No, he heard the word of Kraus, had he not? Eyes fell upon Amyas, but rather than words only a single tear stroked down his now, ashen visage.
  440. (Evemek)
  441. A solemn gaze was portrayed upon the Lionheart's facial features, as he listened to Pasha's explanation. His slate face remained throughout the long discussion, except when his companion spoke of Evemek in tranquility. 'Oh this' It was as if he referred to an animal, or perhaps someone completely harmless. Nonetheless, Mathayus kept his vermilion irises glued to the being before him, surveying him with an iron gaze. What was this fellow capable of?
  443. "Occultist?" It was an empty thought orbiting the Lionheart's scalp, with the basis that most of them seemed possessed at times. Even he - the noble, Mathayus lionheart- could be affected by the corrupt strings of occultism. There was a comment made by Pasha that made him quite flabbergasted; the notion that he could take care of it?
  445. When did the lion of the household become a housemaid? He shook his head with the development of the situation, but remained calm and collected. '' Don't be too harsh''Mathayus repeated the thought in his head, chuckling quietly to himself in response. What was there to be uncontent with? This was the latest addition to the Lionheart's personal line-up of gladiators.
  447. As for Amyas, this one had the capability to get under the pompous brat's skin. He seemed conceited enough to brag about his height, but the Lionheart had prepared some counterattacks for similar, verbal attacks. With a snap of his finger, he saw to it that a member of the royal entourage brought a steel to be placed before him. His metal clad boots adorned in gold were planted upon the wood one at a time, as he levered himself up.
  449. "You were saying, my lady?" From this position, the Haughty brat felt as if he had an advantage over the Ookami. A square shaped chin was lifted in the air, allowing him to gaze down upon Amyas.
  451. Evemek was completely ignored throughout the process; his wishes or thoughts at the least. While the fellow was injured - although mentally- the Lionheart had no regard at the least for that perspective. He gestured with his eyebrows for a guard to take him away. He was most likely heading towards the dungeons as they spoke...
  452. (Mathayus Lionheart)
  454. The Giga quieted. It's roar having subsided, glancing about the pitt it snarled. It's three working eyes limited in ability to see. It ignored the puss, and blood upon the right of it's skinned face or how it's split an infected eyes seemed to consistently blister and ooze pain. Skin having been hacked away to reveal muscled flesh.
  456. It's frame hissed, as it struggled to walk. Yet it could not. Entity chained an shackled to the wall.Bound in taut chains that tore into it's flesh. The Giga snarled. Blood seeped forth as the chains aggravated it's myriad of wounds. Occultic power doth ebb weakly akin to a torent of black bleakmist. Misty vapors of darkness that seemed to wreath it's frame in a miasmic torrent of reviled depravity and anger.
  458. The Giga seethed. Muscled frame tensing, as it snarled. More pain being voiced outwards. The biting chill of the chains sinking into flesh without remorse or leniency. Akin to a cold edge of a knife raking into ones flesh. A piercing stabbing sort of feeling that was felt by the yokai constantly. It bellowed, anger still clouding it's mind. It could feel deatth..inching closer. It's woundsbecoming worser as it languished within this place.
  459. (Eglencenin)
  461. Medicated back to proper vitality, he was man-handled from a bedside and dragged without remorse to the aforementioned holding pit. Never before, had he been so far from the literal reach of sunlight. This, was perhaps, his lowest low...
  462. Beaten and labeled akin to trash, only to be tossed aside in one's dungeon. As to what fate lied for him, he knew not. All he was assured of, was that there was no going back. As much as he had wished it not so, Kraus, had seemingly betrayed his word.
  464. That, or those he was sent to, simply didn't care for what was commanded of him. As he lain out across the stone flooring, arms splayed against the frigid slate of stone, alongside mushed face and body alike, he'd whimper.
  465. "...Kraus.... Why.... Why have you forsaken me."
  466. He said aloud, as though to expect a reply.
  467. It would never come...
  468. He was alone; vacant of the Holy embrace.
  470. Thus, what wrong could come from turning away? From losing faith and applying himself to the very refined belief of the antipodal being supreme? What of, Azreal?
  471. ... Then, there was a more audacious ideology: A mortal... Like a yokai? No, that'd be ridiculous...
  472. Or would it? ... But wouldn't it be on par with worshipping a mere man for talents that could never rival a god?
  474. -- No... A thought came to mind...
  475. He could remember pages of the book he peered into before awakening in foreign setting.
  476. Yokai were the true masters of the malleable blackness, as Humans were to be their opposite concerning the light...
  477. Albeit, records regarding magi of any particular side of the spectrum have been noted to have blended their magics with others, making their artistry impure, albeit potent when intermixed.
  479. It was a common tactic, especially with legends such as Kokb'ael-- Though, could he ever, take a step further?
  480. There was a reason why Yokai were the masters of their arcane... Why the first 'perfected' human, has only surfaced over nine hundred years ago, embroidered with Kraus' personal craft.
  482. A perfect human, by definition of the text-- As claimed by a materialized spirit speaking out to him... Was a persona whom had mastered a purified variant of artistry, untainted by impotent amalgamations.
  483. If such, was the case with Arthor Pendragon, whom weilded Excalibur as the stories told... Couldn't it be reversed?
  484. Could another 'perfect human' exist?
  485. Could a man, having learned the artistry of the shadows, surpass that of common daemonic ilk by pushing one's self beyond their typical limitations?
  487. Though, to accomplish such, one would have to defy human nature...
  488. They would need to relinquish the one aspect that differed yokai from humans-- Emotion.
  489. With emotion, would go Will-- The empowering factor of Holy and Occult thus far, for humans at least... But would he be greater for losing it? For losing motivation and delving only into his despair and hatred for what had left him condemned?
  491. The pungent radiance of the metaphorical abyss reigned true from his rising figurine, fluidly rising to his feet and beelining for the only familiar entity within the pit, one whom was to share his fate.
  492. "... It has been some time." He spoke, voice dipped in pitched and nigh monotonous.
  493. (Evemek)
  495. A voice. A voice spoke, from the darkness. The pitt loomed with coldness. As agony still spread from the chains lashing into it's wounded frame. seized the Giga without recourse or pity. It did not abate, it did not cease. It was likened to a constant throbbing ache.
  497. A befouling sensation. It's lonme arm shook in exhaustion. It's three eyes gazed into the blackness of the pit. Blood underfoot causing the sands to be a slippery foothold. Balance an attainment of such was almost an impossibility.
  499. Across it's frame doth occultism flare. A sensation of ebbing cold surging with the flare of occultic prominence. Darkness tinged with the realization that it's situation was hopeless. Anger having faded to the mire of painful reflection. Death doth near, a looming surety that wouldst spell it's end. It's goal unable to be realized. As it's thick purple life blood continued to drip and flow forth onto the sands underneath.
  501. It's frame shackled to the wall. In a supllicational position. Kneeling as chains bit into it's countenance without fear of reprisal. Truly the current situayion was but the darkest day in it's admittedly short years of life. The wall pressed upon it's back, unforgivingly pressing the chains into it's black shadowy back. Now, at the lowest point in it's existance. Does a voice resound within the sheer quiet of the area.
  503. Blinking it's three working eyes. The Giga hissed in a bit of confusion as it spoke mentally. Voice slithering forth to ensnare into the mind of that which had spoken.
  505. The frame of Evemek. "Truly..this one is lost. Truly this one must be facing death. Is this my punishment for decrying the creator of my race's being as false. I know not what thee are apparition. Daring to speaketh upon my tortured visage. If thy ask for this one to believe in thy creator. Thy's insolence can begone from this ones sight. My statements and desires will be unchanged. No matter what form of hell thy seeks to place this one under. Freedom will becometh mine. My conviction shall bring me growth. Then..vengeance shall be furthered upon thine pursuant actions I seek to attaineth."
  507. The voice ogf the Giga slipped forth, an invasive sensation sounding defeated. Sounding weary and exhausted, a tone however that was filled with a lingering trace of resolve. A determination for growth and further attainment of it's malevolent ambitions. No matter the current agonized suffering it's frame was undergoing.
  508. (Eglencenin)
  510. {NARRATION} With the arrival of the fighters, it was obviously the time to bring in additional fighters. There were multiple fights to be had and among them were Evemek and the Yokai. In any case, the Lionheart invited Evemek to join him at his side, while the Yokai remained in the dungeon! You may rp being pushed in by a few guards and lowered to seat next to Mathayus.
  512. Freed?
  513. From the dungeons? It was a shame that his compatriot was left behind, but he could eventually return to him, perhaps. Their words, as brief as their moment was, were remembered, soon to be recalled in one's meeting later on. The Lionheart was joined in company, in absolute silence. His visage was riddled to one of stoicism, having faced torment time and time again-- Until he had lacked the willpower to fluctuate any further.
  515. What reason was there to feign joy? To offer false cheer in the face of salvation, if it was only doomed to vanish in the looming hour?
  516. "What am I released for?" He inquired of the guards-- Though, it was not one answered with words. Only brutish grapples that dragged him out for the seats, forcibly planting him in the audience beside the very owner of this facility.
  518. For once, no longer incapacitated, he was able to meet the Lionheart in person. " I've heard of you." He admitted, "... -- What reason could one find interest in myself... Enough so, to release me here to bear witness to this."
  519. (Evemek)
  521. "For you to watch, as your friends kill each other. The law of the wilderness is that only the strongest survive." The Lionheart's gaze in turn appeared to be made of iron, as he stared at Evemek with a glare capable of shaking souls. Exchanges of fire, occultism and cosmic magic were made, with both parties attempting to capture the victory. However, it was hard for neither of them to take the advantage.
  523. It wasn't until the gladiator, Jako Warden issued off a cosmic beam that the flow of the battle shifted. The Lionheart observed with a clear mind, as blood was spilled due to their ferocious clashes. Mathayus believed that it'd be quite a shocker for Evemek, if not an eye opener.
  525. "These are the humans by your side. Quick to betray, quick to fight. We're all like this and when faced with a corner, we lash out with ferocity unknown to our previous state." Excitement was tracked within the Lionheart's eyes, as he surveyed the battle before him. His pupils darted from one combatant to the other, in an attempt to secure the winner. However, it was far too close for any half-assed verdict.
  527. This fight was not one for bets, as it could go either. Nonetheless, the warriors fought valiant, but it wasn't the test of quality that Mathayus sought. No, that came afterwards.
  528. (Mathayus Lionheart)
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