
Day 297.2/3 Marilyn & NYPD Serenade SilverScript Aug 15 2017

Aug 15th, 2017
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  1. Day 297.2 Marilyn & NYPD Serenade SilverScripts Aug 15 2017
  3. Day 297.2 Marilyn on the 125 - Marilyn Invites You To Join Scrunch Nation - livechat SilverScript
  5. Day 297.3 NYPD Serenade - One By One, NYPD Breadcrumbs Are Coming - SilverScript [below]
  7. Marilyn Transcript
  8. 0:00
  9. Ellen we're live Maryland on the one to
  10. 0:01
  11. five come on inside ready you make those
  12. 0:09
  13. yourself Marilyn Pierce
  14. 0:26
  15. okay now you're clean as a whistle
  16. 0:33
  17. right Marilyn tell them tell tell the
  18. 0:35
  19. audience but then yeah okay now when you
  20. 0:39
  21. got these scrunchies here how much you
  22. 0:40
  23. selling those gradually all right you
  24. 0:43
  25. know Hillary Clinton loves those
  26. 0:44
  27. scrunchies you can make those for all
  28. 0:46
  29. the Hillary Clinton fans out there did
  30. 0:49
  31. you know that yeah you know what she
  32. 0:52
  33. said it an email hey scratchy you so
  34. 0:54
  35. sick I want a potty with you yeah so
  36. 0:59
  37. that's it come down here on the three
  38. 1:01
  39. and the one to five the intersects you
  40. 1:03
  41. give you down here on the down here in
  42. 1:04
  43. the three subway all right this is your
  44. 1:06
  45. spot all right it was a pleasure meeting
  46. 1:08
  47. you god loves you okay all right bye-bye
  48. 1:11
  49. here comes my train alright thanks
  50. 1:12
  51. Marilyn
  58. NYPD Serenade Transcript
  59. 0:00
  60. [Music]
  61. 0:15
  62. oh can you tell everybody that's
  63. 0:22
  64. watching what your name is so that they
  65. 0:24
  66. can buy a CD Eric Eric
  67. 0:27
  68. Robert or Jacobson are you with the
  69. 0:29
  70. symphony here in New York I know I'm
  71. 0:32
  72. free Mentalist in New York City so do
  73. 0:34
  74. you play with symphony so you name one
  75. 0:44
  76. more time so Eric robert jacobson eric
  77. 0:46
  78. robert jacobson thank you for serenading
  79. 0:48
  80. our friends at the New York Public
  81. 0:49
  82. Police Department over there see you
  83. 0:51
  84. okay
  85. 0:52
  86. Eric robert jacobson everybody eric
  87. 0:54
  88. robert jacobson well hat will stay for
  89. 0:57
  90. one more is that okay
  91. 0:59
  92. [Music]
  93. 2:33
  94. revista moment of ECMO hope the man
  95. 2:37
  96. named perfecto
  97. 2:38
  98. thank you Eric robert jacobson thank you
  99. 2:56
  100. okay Eric robert jacobson i just for
  101. 3:01
  102. some reason when it rains its its
  103. 3:03
  104. cinematographer graphically or when i
  105. 3:05
  106. reven say that this is good so i just
  107. 3:08
  108. want to calm everyone down everything's
  109. 3:11
  110. okay these sometimes move very fast I've
  111. 3:15
  112. been doing this a long time I've been
  113. 3:17
  114. working with Rudy way back when 2002 to
  115. 3:21
  116. 2003 right here well 42nd Street
  117. 3:27
  118. everything's okay people are coming
  119. 3:30
  120. forward slowly but surely bread crumb
  121. 3:33
  122. here bread crumb there we have to appeal
  123. 3:36
  124. to people's sense of responsibility
  125. 3:39
  126. that's why the serenade slowly this
  127. 3:44
  128. isn't a process where you can force
  129. 3:47
  130. somebody to walk the plank to spill
  131. 3:48
  132. everything they know slowly we'll get
  133. 3:51
  134. people that say yes there is pay to play
  135. 3:55
  136. and those men in that metadata yes oh
  137. 3:58
  138. whoops I dropped a piece of paper
  139. 4:00
  140. I dropped a piece of paper over there
  141. 4:03
  142. that just happens to be a Clinton email
  143. 4:05
  144. a pay-to-play email so I wish this was a
  145. 4:11
  146. faster process to
  147. 4:13
  148. unfortunately it's not so we're gonna
  149. 4:17
  150. serenade we're gonna serenade all the
  151. 4:20
  152. police in New York Police Department
  153. 4:22
  154. we're gonna go furrow by Perot we're
  155. 4:24
  156. gonna go say Harlem we're gonna go to
  157. 4:28
  158. the Brahms we're gonna come down to
  159. 4:30
  160. Midtown we're going to go down in the
  161. 4:33
  162. financial district we're gonna appeal in
  163. 4:36
  164. the neighborhoods where those precincts
  165. 4:37
  166. are because each MSA security MSA
  167. 4:43
  168. security run MSA security third-party
  169. 4:47
  170. vendor with the dog they're doing the
  171. 4:48
  172. bomb sniffing MSA security so it's gonna
  173. 4:54
  174. take a little bit of time everybody just
  175. 4:56
  176. breathe enjoy it have fun there's just a
  177. 5:01
  178. process don't get too wound up about it
  179. 5:04
  180. if something happens to me that's not
  181. 5:07
  182. happening to you this isn't one of those
  183. 5:09
  184. things where if something happens on the
  185. 5:11
  186. screen it happens to you so don't worry
  187. 5:12
  188. it's all gonna be okay but we are gonna
  189. 5:17
  190. make appeals you can already see it
  191. 5:19
  192. working Thomas Paine was in the shadows
  193. 5:23
  194. you should have seen the trouble headed
  195. 5:24
  196. to go through to meet him for the first
  197. 5:26
  198. time with all the spy stuff we had to do
  199. 5:31
  200. to range that meeting now he came
  201. 5:34
  202. forward
  203. 5:35
  204. you did it out hour and a half you did
  205. 5:40
  206. an hour and a half kind of full expose
  207. 5:44
  208. next day we had other people come
  209. 5:48
  210. forward other police officers come
  211. 5:50
  212. forward yesterday
  213. 5:52
  214. well last night well yesterday had to do
  215. 5:55
  216. two Bronx police officers now I hadn't
  217. 5:57
  218. reported on that yet but they came
  219. 6:01
  220. forward and it's like they give one
  221. 6:03
  222. piece of the puzzle they don't want to
  223. 6:04
  224. give all the puzzle because then it now
  225. 6:07
  226. they're reprisals right so you got it
  227. 6:09
  228. this is very careful one piece at a time
  229. 6:11
  230. okay deep uranium this morning in the
  231. 6:16
  232. wee hours of the morning came out if you
  233. 6:20
  234. haven't seen it
  235. 6:21
  236. crowdsource the truth go to crowd source
  237. 6:22
  238. of truth and listen to deep uranium ore
  239. 6:24
  240. they're gonna call it
  241. 6:26
  242. jaison's was Hudson mr. Hudson or Rock
  243. 6:30
  244. Hudson the important thing not to get
  245. 6:32
  246. confused by though is the Hudson group
  247. 6:35
  248. isn't just one guy that's one Justin one
  249. 6:38
  250. guy with 40 years of experience it's
  251. 6:40
  252. five guys behind him who I think have
  253. 6:44
  254. come back to the fold now with hundreds
  255. 6:47
  256. of years of homeland security experience
  257. 6:49
  258. and now we have the Echelon nine
  259. 6:54
  260. now we'll as I've always said it but try
  261. 6:57
  262. to slowly introduce these people get
  263. 7:00
  264. them to come out of the shadows get them
  265. 7:01
  266. to come forward you as Jason said last
  267. 7:04
  268. night you make the Chico you make the
  269. 7:06
  270. call
  271. 7:06
  272. you evaluate the intelligence for
  273. 7:09
  274. yourself you see if he sounds like a
  275. 7:11
  276. credible intelligence professional or
  277. 7:13
  278. not you see if the people he's
  279. 7:17
  280. representing in the group of five are
  281. 7:18
  282. credible or not these folks are a lot
  283. 7:21
  284. more have a lot more time most of the
  285. 7:24
  286. people since 9/11 and the FBI our news
  287. 7:29
  288. since more than half of the FBI's 39,000
  289. 7:32
  290. agents our news since 9/11 I think it's
  291. 7:35
  292. even higher than that mic source on that
  293. 7:36
  294. is Mike German who now works at one of
  295. 7:39
  296. the think tanks it was a former FBI
  297. 7:41
  298. agent why because they don't want any of
  299. 7:44
  300. the old-school guys talking about you
  301. 7:47
  302. know the FISA courts and and warrants
  303. 7:50
  304. and wiretap warrants and stuff like that
  305. 7:53
  306. they want somebody just goes hey we just
  307. 7:54
  308. collect it all that's what we do they
  309. 7:57
  310. don't want any around talking about FISA
  311. 7:59
  312. warrants and they want to just do
  313. 8:02
  314. parallel or parallel construction on
  315. 8:05
  316. everything that's how they do business
  317. 8:07
  318. now completely going around your basic
  319. 8:11
  320. Fourth Amendment right and also First
  321. 8:13
  322. Amendment eventually because what it
  323. 8:15
  324. does when you do so many Fourth
  325. 8:17
  326. Amendment searches for know with no
  327. 8:19
  328. probable cause and you're searching
  329. 8:21
  330. someone every day it has what's called a
  331. 8:24
  332. chilling effect this is a legal term it
  333. 8:27
  334. has a chilling effect on free speech and
  335. 8:30
  336. it has an even more effect on freedom of
  337. 8:33
  338. the press because we depend on
  339. 8:34
  340. informants
  341. 8:36
  342. we didn't bet up we depend on
  343. 8:38
  344. confidential informants so it has an
  345. 8:40
  346. even greater chilling effect on
  347. 8:42
  348. confidential informers
  349. 8:45
  350. so I'm going by my old apartment here
  351. 8:47
  352. when I did my stuff way back when I
  353. 8:52
  354. never thought I'd be back here doing
  355. 8:53
  356. this in a million years 47
  357. 9:00
  358. so I'm gonna make this quick I'm not
  359. 9:02
  360. gonna go any further I just want to say
  361. 9:04
  362. it's got it you've got to be patient
  363. 9:06
  364. don't get overwhelmed it's gonna be
  365. 9:09
  366. patient somebody's going to come forward
  367. 9:10
  368. eventually in the dam will break but
  369. 9:12
  370. until then we have to be happy with the
  371. 9:13
  372. puzzle pieces one at a time okay
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