

Dec 8th, 2013
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  1. 00:37 <Koakuma> "Ahhh, you're leaving me with such a soft cutie...! I'm not tossing this one out, just so you know. She's too precious. Maybe I'll keep her around..." Koakuma's voice faded as Sakuya rapidly departed, the girl gently falling over with a heavy clattering sound.
  2. 00:39 <Koishi_Komeiji> Sakuya raced at top speed to the location that had been described. The small mountain... the side with the river. She reached it in an instant, smelling the air with time still frozen, searching...
  3. 00:42 <Koakuma> The river ran very close to the mountain, making it difficult to smell out anything; likely a conscious choice. Still, she found it before long. Quite a small tunnel, barely tall enough to fit through, mostly covered by foliage. Very inconspicuous.
  4. 00:45 <Koishi_Komeiji> The vampire's eyes brightened, a low rumble beginning in her chest as she stepped foot inside, her face again split into that hellish grin. She couldn't wait...!
  5. 00:47 <Koakuma> The passage was long, and very dark even for Sakuya's eyes. It would be easier to navigate by sound, but it was silent outside of time, so she had to press onward.
  6. 00:50 <Koakuma> Eventually, a tiny amount of light began to show through, and before long she emerged into a larger cavern, lit by dim, moody red lights. The entrance was blocked off, however, by two dull-eyed young girls similar to the one Sakuya had gifted to the succubus, dressed in black and clearly armed.
  7. 00:51 <Koakuma> They flanked a heavy-looking wrought-iron gate, through which the wide cavern could be seen, with dozens of girls lounging or sitting around a large central pool-like spring.
  8. 00:53 <Koishi_Komeiji> The maid frowned, floating up and over the girls without disturbing them... She would rather keep it stealthy... Speaking of... She climbed up to the ceiling of the cave, wrapping herself in her wings, becoming nearly invisible. It took some doing, focusing her energy into one of her arms, a single bat breaking off... She caught the little creature in her
  9. 00:55 <Koishi_Komeiji> good hand, nearly falling herself as she regained her senses... albiet slowly. She had all the time in the world... With a deep breath, she huddled in her corner, wrapping herself up in the shadows around her, she released the familiar as she released her hold on time, the creature flitting through the cave and over the pool.
  10. 00:57 <Koakuma> This main area was clearly not the only one. It seemed to be the general gathering place for the girls, all of them armed, none of them over the age of perhaps 25. Some were just laying atop each other in blushing heaps, smiling and hugging, while others seemed much more alert and were quietly talking over drinks at small tables.
  11. 00:59 <Koakuma> There were other rooms, branching off from the main area; the scents gave away their general purpose. One smelled of food, one of sleep and sex, one of strange chemicals, one of sharpened metal and oils... and one, just faintly, of raspberries.
  12. 00:59 <Koishi_Komeiji> She urged the bat onward, letting it fly around the cave, having it glance in each of the rooms before following the one with the scent of raspberries...
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