
Morgan DeBogart!

Nov 20th, 2013
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  1. Name: Morgan De'Bogart-(BrassTusk)
  3. Race: 1/2 Orc, 1/2 Human
  5. Religious Views: Morgan had grown up in the village of BrassTusk and the Orc gods have been drilled into his being since birth. Unbeknownst to most of the other orcs within the village, and only known by some elders/shamen, Morgan happens to be the latest descendent of the Orc's chief god Bah'Quell and was made aware of this once he had reached adulthood. Adopting the Orc god as his 'father' he solely prays to him now a days and has deep religious ties the great one.
  7. Appearance: Considering how most mixed breeds come out, Morgan hit the jackpot with his appearance. He's pretty tall by human standards, around 6'5 but short compared to most adult Orcs. His build is pretty solid, toned and muscular from the harsh training and warrior rituals he had to go through during his upbringing in the village and then from his experiences wandering the desert. Unlike some half-breeds who got off with lightly discolored skin, his takes on a light forest green color and has the rough scale like skin that most goblin-folk share. When it come's to his face however, the tough green skin stops halfway over the left side of his face leaving the right side pink and blemish free. With a strong jaw line, and a perfectly ridged nose and tender lips he very well could be dashingly good-looking if his whole face resembled that of an average human. He was blessed without tusks and instead have over-the-average canines. The back of his right fist and his knuckles seemed to have been damaged at an early age and had been replaced by polished, honed, and perhaps enchanted brass leaving his fingers and sections of his palms still made of green goblin-folk tough flesh.
  9. Equipment(Armor, Clothes): Not having a lot to his name, he travels with two-three sets of clothing at a time, selling an extra pair when he's loose on cash and buying an extra set if the need arises or if he has a little more cash then he needs. Keeping it simple, he get's whatever is the cheapest and most comfortable fabrics for trousers and a shirt and has a traveling cloak spun by the orc woman from the village. The cloak bears the insignia off the BrassTusks and copies their colors. It was made to be reversible so that he could travel a bit less conspicuous if need be.
  11. As for armor, he has a set which he usually keeps tucked within a bag he carries around. Starting with Goblin-ChainMail and Orcanium Greaves and Guards, it ends with an open faced Helm that was made from the likeness of Bah'Quell having the Orc God's tusks jut out from either side of the bottom of the helmet for close quarter headbutts and what not.
  13. Equipment(Weapons, Misc): He never travels without Three Bags, usually stacked on top of each other and strapped together to prevent them from falling over and what not. In one he carries his armor set, in another his clothes, and in the last any provisions or misc items he stumbles across. For sure, he always has a bottle of grease for the metal part of his hand and a coin purse where he keeps his usually low funds.
  15. For Weapons, He carries a specially made half-sword. Crafted from two metals, Orcanium and Goblin Steel it's mixed so that the blade is weighted perfectly for his handling. The two metals collide in a swirl of green and white giving the blade a sometimes shimmering effect while it's in the sunlight. Gifted to Morgan by the elders before he left his village, it symbolizes his Orc upbringing and the Human civilization which he left to embrace. Along with it, he was given a humble brown sheath for the blade which he has tied securely at his waist at all times.
  17. Trained in using his blade with a shield or without, he also left the village with a goblin buckler which he has tied to the back of his bags as well. It has several nicks and dents from past battles.
  19. Martial Prowess: Trained by Orcs in the village, he's an expert on savage hand-to-hand combat techniques and is prone to exhibit wild Orc behavior when confronted without a weapon. Likewise, he's been under the training of civilian hand-to-hand combat by a band of traveling merchants he had met on his travels so he is well rounded in self defense and offensive hand to hand manuevers.
  21. Magical Prowess: Is almost completely devoid of magical abilities. Due to this lack of mana, he instead frequently relies on enchantments casted on himself and his items by others, magical potions, scrolls, and magical artifacts when he can purchase/obtain them.
  23. Backstory: His father, also a descendent of Bah'Quell and a well known warrior within the village of Brasstusk had gotten into a skirmish with a traveling female warrior during the Goblin Wars. She had taken several goblins as slaves back to her manor when he found her and consequently defeated her, freed the goblins, looted all of their belongings, and raped her, bringing her back to the village to be his own slave. There, Morgan was conceived and was given birth to, killing his mother during the process. By then his father had passed away in battle and he was known to the elders as the latest supposed descendent of their Chief Orc God. While usually sending half-orcs away to smaller villages to keep up their high Nob/Super-Orc Ratio, they allowed Morgan, because of his heritage, to stay and grow up as an Orc should. During his right of passage where he was sent to take out a Cave Bear with a few other teenage Orcs, he proved his worth by delivering the killing blow to the beast at the cost of most of the flesh of his right hand. As custom had it, it was to be replaced by Brass, and the Elders of the village went out of their way to hire a goblin to make a reliable fix to Morgan's hand giving it a few battle quality upgrades. Once he reached adult hood, he was made aware of his heritage and decided to test his chances in the outside world, happy that he was able to grow up alongside his people. There he was gifted with his armor, blade, shield, and cloak and left!
  25. Taking up occupation as a wandering handy-man, he made adventures over the next year or two across the Continental Desert, between other Orc Villages, Goblin Villages, Native Villages, and a few human settlements. Along the way he came up across the remnants of the zombie war, rogue goblin groups, dangerous animals, desert bandits, and even a few strange magical pheromones. Finally he has made enough to buy his way into Bellwich and attempt to start the next chapter of his life there.
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