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a guest
Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. MCEdit version: 2.0.0-beta12
  2. Python version: 2.7.14 (v2.7.14:84471935ed, Sep 16 2017, 20:25:58) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
  3. Platform: win32
  4. System version: Windows-10-10.0.17134
  5. Processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
  7. Obtained a GL context with this format:
  8. Valid: True
  9. Version: 4.6
  10. Hardware Accelerated: True
  11. Depth buffer: True, 24
  12. Double buffer: True
  13. Rendering profile: PySide.QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.CompatibilityProfile
  15. Driver info:
  16. GL_VERSION: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 388.13 (4, 6)
  17. GL_VENDOR: 'NVIDIA Corporation'
  18. GL_RENDERER: 'GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2'
  20. ------
  22. Unhandled Exception
  24. Traceback (most recent call last):
  25. File "mcedit2\worldview\", line 480, in mouseMoveEvent (self is a CameraWorldView)
  26. File "mcedit2\worldview\", line 527, in augmentMouseEvent (self is a CameraWorldView)
  27. File "mcedit2\worldview\", line 330, in augmentEvent (self is a CameraWorldView)
  28. File "mcedit2\util\", line 73, in _wrapper (self is a Profiler)
  29. File "mcedit2\worldview\", line 548, in augmentEvent (self is a CameraWorldView)
  30. File "mcedit2\worldview\", line 615, in rayCastInView (self is a CameraWorldView)
  31. File "mcedit2\util\", line 30, in rayCastInBounds
  32. File "mcedit2\util\", line 73, in _wrapper (self is a Profiler)
  33. File "mcedit2\util\", line 77, in rayCast
  34. File "mcedit2\util\", line 215, in advanceToChunk
  35. File "mceditlib\", line 831, in getChunk (self is a WorldEditorDimension)
  36. File "mceditlib\", line 499, in getChunk (self is a WorldEditor)
  37. File "mceditlib\", line 77, in __call__
  38. File "mceditlib\", line 477, in _getChunkDataRaw (self is a WorldEditor)
  39. File "mceditlib\anvil\", line 922, in readChunk (self is a AnvilWorldAdapter)
  40. AnvilChunkFormatError: [Errno Error loading chunk: KeyError('Key Blocks not found.',)] None: <traceback object at 0x000002456F4C0548>
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