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Oct 17th, 2017
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Latex 4.27 KB | None | 0 0
  1. \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper,landscape]{article}
  2. % This needs XeLaTeX --- if you don't need to fuck with fonts kill:
  3. % \usepackage{fontspec}
  4. % \setmainfont{Linux Libertine}
  5. \usepackage{fontspec}
  6. \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
  7. \usepackage{xunicode}
  8. \usepackage{xltxtra}
  9. \usepackage{tabularx}
  10. % If you don't have this font set it to whatever
  11. \setmainfont{Linux Biolinum}
  12. \usepackage{amsmath}
  13. \usepackage{amsfonts}
  14. \usepackage{amssymb}
  15. \usepackage{graphicx}
  16. \usepackage{xcolor}
  17. \usepackage[document]{ragged2e}
  18. \usepackage[left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1cm,bottom=1cm]{geometry}
  20. % My TexLive distro seems a lil fucked to not have some colors, welp
  21. \definecolor{greenenuf}{RGB}{62, 180, 137}
  23. \begin{document}
  24. % I'm so sorry
  25. \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X | X | X}
  26. % I haven't fucked with tabularx enough to know how to properly center shit --- \centering Anti-#GG breaks the table env but if I set only anti-gg to the \begin/\end center crap it'll look worse than it is
  27. \begin{center}  \Huge \color{greenenuf} \#GamerGate \end{center}& \begin{center} \Huge  \color{orange} Moderate \end{center} & \begin{center} \Huge \color{red}  Anti-\#GamerGate \end{center}\\ \hline
  28. \textbf{Free Speech.} Believe in freedom of speech and satire, stick to rational debate and empirical evidence.&\textbf{Controlled Speech.} Claims to advocate for free speech but wants to accept Anti-GG/SJW beliefs which would result in censored speech. &\textbf{Controlled Speech.} Heavy censorship of free speech, twisted definitions that allow hate speech of certain groups, kicking people they disagree with out of industry \& meeting events. \\ \hline
  29. \textbf{Freedom of Expression.} Liberty to express own opinions without being ``policed'', accepts diversity of opinions. & \textbf{Controlled Expression.} Claims to advocate for freedom of expression but wants to accept Anti-GG/SJW ideals which would result in restriction of expression. & \textbf{Controlled Expression.} Trigger warnings, shunning of ideological differences, shutting down all questioning of their beliefs with force, heavy fearmongering.\\ \hline
  30. \textbf{Freedom \& Ethics of Press.} The press should abide by ethics, transparency, and stick to fact-based reporting, shun clickbait / yellow journalism. Within these standards all is allowed as permitted by law & \textbf{Controlled Press.} Constantly screams ethics but contradicts itself by wanting to accept Anti-GG/SJW ideals which result in corrupt journalism. & \textbf{Controlled Press.} Attacks press that disagrees with them regardless if evidence is present, also issues employment blacklists and workplace blackballing of dissenting press. Press should abide by their agenda or be trashed and dismissed.\\ \hline
  31. \textbf{Artistic Freedom.} Producers should be able to create any product they want without any limit other than the law. & \textbf{Controlled Art.} Claims for artistic freedom but contradicts itself by wanting to accept Anti-GG/SJW beliefs which would result in censorship. & \textbf{Controlled Art.} Producers should be forced to pander to the SJW ideology and change their products accordingly.\\ \hline
  32. \textbf{Democracy.} Believe the people and the customers should decide what goes with their wallet (free market), & \textbf{Semi-Elitism.} Claims to advocate for a consumer free market, but also wants to accept Anti-GG/SJW beliefs which would result in a controlled market. & \textbf{Elitism.} Believe a clique of radicals representing their ideology should dictate what goes, censoring whatever doesn't fit the agenda.\\ \hline
  33. \textbf{Innocent Until Proven Guilty.} Believe claims require hard evidence to be proven, like archived webpages. Claims are taken as allegations until hard evidence, and due process is a fundamental right. & \textbf{Guilty until Proven Innocent.} Claims to advocate for due process, but contradicts itself by wanting to accept Anti-GG/SJW ideals. Also believes that the application of due process should be dependant on the type of case. & \textbf{Guilty until Proven Innocent.} Believe that ``feelings" should decide what is true and who's guilty, and that the supposed victim gets to be judge and jury in the matter, regardless of whatever FBI/police investigations state. Believes in mob rule and crowd ``justice'' over due process. \\ \hline
  34. \end{tabularx}
  35. \end{document}
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