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a guest
Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. on region exit:
  2. if gamemode of player is creative:
  3. if player has permission "skript.bypass.creativedisable":
  4. message "&aYou bypassed the Creative disable on region exit block for Survival 5.0." to player
  5. stop
  6. wait 10 ticks
  7. set {_region} to location of player
  8. if player is owner of region at {_region}:
  9. stop
  10. play BLOCK NOTE BASS at player with pitch 0.7
  11. message "&cCreative is disabled outside of your claim. Disabling creative in &43 &cseconds." to player
  12. wait 1 seconds
  13. play BLOCK NOTE BASS at player with pitch 0.5
  14. message "&cCreative is disabled outside of your claim. Disabling creative in &42 &cseconds." to player
  15. wait 1 seconds
  16. play BLOCK NOTE BASS at player with pitch 0.3
  17. message "&cCreative is disabled outside of your claim. Disabling creative in &41 &csecond." to player
  18. wait 1 seconds
  19. play ENTITY VILLAGER NO at player with pitch 0.4
  20. set player's gamemode to survival
  21. message "&cYou are now in Survival mode." to player
  22. stop
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