
Whoya'GonnaCall? Part 13: The Haunt before Hearth's Warming

Dec 23rd, 2012
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  1. “Well, would you look at that...”
  2. >It was eve of Hearths Warming, and all through P0nyville, there was not a spiriting stirring, or causing ill will.
  3. >”Do you think it's serious, Mister Anonymous?”
  4. >Or at least that was the case until Miss Cheerilee came to get you.
  5. >Ends up that the town hall, where they were going to hold this year's Hearth's Warming play (preformed by the kids. Foals. Whatever.), had an unwelcome guest.
  6. “Looks like a class six anchored full body apparition. And judging from the night cap, and play bill its holding, probably an embodiment of every bored and napping play attendant.”
  7. >It wasn't a violent spirit, in fact it was probably harmless. It just sort of hovered in the air, lounging an invisible chair and snoring away.
  8. >Very loudly.
  9. >Annoying was what it was.
  10. >”Well, I know it doesn't appear to be doing anything bad, but it's being very rude. The children worked very hard on this play. Not to mention I've heard what these can do if they get riled up.”
  11. >Chuckling lightly, you give her a nod.
  12. “Don't worry, I'll get this guy zapped, capped, and trapped before it can cause any trouble. Heck, if it's just gonna float there, I could just trap it.”
  13. >Looking up at the snoring specter, you begin to shout.
  14. “How about that? You wanna get a nice cozy home in a gem? Huh?”
  15. >The floating ghost awoke for a moment, looked at you... Yawned, then materialized a pillow out of nowhere and covered its head.
  16. >This guy made you come down here, heft all your gear, and it yawns at you? Time to show this joker how we do things in downtown P0nyville.
  17. “A smart guy, huh?”
  18. >Miss Cheerilee stifled a laugh, while a few of her students that were watching on curiously snickered as well. Looking over the small group, they were all in costume. You had no idea who they were suppose to be, but you could recognize a few faces.
  19. >With a smirk, you point over at the group of foals.
  20. “Who wants to help me bust this one?”
  21. >The laughing stopped, as several of the kids looked at each other nervously. Then you spotted a sherbert orange hoof.
  22. >”Me me me me me!” That would be Scootaloo. She was a young pegasus that tended to hang around Rainbow Dash, and she was friends with Rarity's and AJ's sisters.
  23. “Come on down.”
  24. >Wow, she was dressed up a the horse-version of a centurion.
  25. >Taking the trap off your proton pack, you set it up underneath the ghost and place the pedal on the ground. She trotted up next to you, talking a mile a minute. “Oh wow! Do I get to use the proton-thingy? Or a slime-blaster? What about that blippy thing with the lights?”
  26. >Youthful exuberance. Ah, it was awesome.
  27. “Nope, you get to use the trap. Whenever your ready, just stomp on that pedal right there.”
  28. >She grinned widely, and looked at the pedal. After a few moments (probably for building dramatic tension), she raised her hoof and stomped on the pedal.
  29. >The sleepy-time ghost was immediately captured by the cone of ghost capturing light, and dragged down in the trap.
  30. >As its doors closed with a clang, you nod to your pegasus helper.
  31. >And the crowd goes wild!
  32. “Good job.”
  33. >”That was awesome.” She immediately checked her flank. Then released a disappointed groan, “No cutie mark.”
  34. >Probably looking for a ghost busting related cutie mark. It seemed that their little posse was always trying to get them.
  35. “Don't worry. All good things come with time.”
  36. >Reaching over you give her purple mane a ruffle before heading over to the steaming trap. Turning on your heel, you look to the group of colts and fillies.
  37. “Say it with me!”
  38. >”One in the trap!”
  39. “Ready to go!”
  40. >”We be quick!”
  41. “And he be slow! Woooo!”
  42. >During your several months here, that phrase has become a signature. Whenever you caught a ghost, and there was an audience around. Well, lets say you tended to ham it up a bit. And you had plenty of opportunity to.
  43. >Miss Cheerliee laughed slightly, “It seems your a big hit with the children. Thanks again for coming down on such short notice, especially on your day off.”
  44. “No problem. Ghostbuster hours are always flexible. Besides, you should be thanking Scootaloo, she did the all the work. I just provided the equipment.”
  45. >Leaning over, you hold out for the little pegasus to high five. High hoof. Whatever. Which she does!
  46. “Anyway, I'm going to head back and get this one stored away with the others. If anymore of these guys pop up, come get me.”
  47. >The teacher p0ny smiled, and nodded her head, “Absolutely.”
  48. >Scootaloo looked up at you, “Your going to be going to the play tonight, right?”
  49. “Oh yeah. It's going to take a legion of ghost to keep me away.”
  50. >Huh... Why did you just feel a cold chill run up your spine?
  51. -
  52. >After storing the lazing spirit in a chunk of jade (which becoming paler, and would occasionally release a snore every moment or so), and you headed down stairs into the basement. Or the 'Occupied Gem Storage Room'.
  53. >The room was lined with shelves upon shelves, each clearly labeled with known classes of ghost.
  54. >Twilight actually came up with a clever categorizing system and the shelves were getting fuller and fuller everyday.
  55. >After you busted that fishing ghost in Baltimare, you were getting letters and request from all around Equestria to investigate possible ghost activity.
  56. >Needless to say, you were a busy busy man.
  57. >Free floating apparitions in Manehatten.
  58. >Class six possessors in Van Hoover.
  59. >Anchored hauntings in Las Pegasus.
  60. >And several other little spook sightings all over the place.
  61. >You even had a few articles in the local news papers about your exploits!
  62. >Hell, Mister Rich has been talking to you about getting into some merchandising soon.
  63. >But, that would have to wait for later... Tonight, you had plans!
  64. >Going to the kitchen, you opened up your shiny, slightly dented, fridge to fetch several gallon of ecto-plasm green liquid.
  65. >You knew the recipe by heart:
  66. >2-quarts of Orange Kool Aid
  67. >1-quart of Countrytime Lemonade
  68. >3/4 Cup Orange Juice (No Pulp)
  69. >3/4 Cup Tangerine Juice
  70. >1 1/2 Cups Sugar
  71. >Green food coloring
  72. >Ecto-Cooler.
  73. >When you have a Ghostbuster sized thirst, accept no substitute.
  74. >Every spare moment you had that wasn't devoted to catching ghost or helping Twilight with research, was spent trying to recreate the magical nostalgic concoction. The worse part was trying to find a substitute for Kool Aid, but eventually you found something that would work.
  75. >Neigh Aid. Yeah, its a thing.
  76. >After the play, there was gonna be a Hearth's Warming Eve party at Sugar Cube Corner, and you were invited.
  77. >It was probably around Christmas time back home, and this would be your first holiday season without your family.
  78. >But, it was time to make some new traditions. You were in a new land, with new friends, and new possibilities. Most of the customs were oddly similar.
  79. >Gotta be some weird sort of inter-dimensional link or something.
  80. >So it wasn't too hard to figure out what to do. You got gifts for all your close friends, and enough Ecto-Cooler for everyp0ny else at the party.
  81. >You just had to drop off the ecto-cooler off at Sugar Cube Corner, and wrap up the gifts.
  82. >Still, it didn't feel quite right. You can't quite put your finger on it, but you still feel like you don't necessarily belonged.
  83. >And despite living in Equestria for a few months, it still doesn't feel like home.
  84. >Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening downstairs.
  85. >”Hello? Mister Anonymous, are you in?”
  86. >Sounds like Rich. You weren't expecting him today.
  87. “I'll be down in a second.”
  88. >Holding the gallon jugs in your hands, you take the most direct route: the fire pole.
  89. >Weeeeee!
  90. >Pinkie stopped by every now and then just to play on it, and you know why.
  91. >It was fun.
  92. >After straightening up you looked over to Rich, who looked more tired than usual.
  93. “Mister Rich! How is everyone's favorite businessp0ny?”
  94. >”I wish I could say I was doing better.”
  95. “Ghost related?”
  96. >He nodded his head, “Afraid so, I know you needed the day off but-”
  97. “Say no more, I'm always on call. I just need to drop these off at Sugar Cube Corner first.”
  98. >The worried looking stallion releases a sigh of relief and smiles at you as you heft up the gallon jugs of ecto-cooler.
  99. -
  100. >Sugar Cube Corner was a madhouse, so all you really had time to do was drop off the ecto-cooler, make Pinkie promise not to drink it before the party, then promise her that you'd come.
  101. >Of course you would.
  102. >Then, you were off to Barnyard Bargains to bust another ghost.
  103. >The walk there was fairly normal, the streets were bustling with p0nies doing last minute shopping. Just like back at home.
  104. >You smile to yourself, happy that you've already got all that done.
  105. >As you approach the big box store, a massive crowd is gathered around outside while employees are trying to hold them back. As you come into view you hear cheers coming from the crowd.
  106. >Always the one to play up the crowd, you wave as you make your way past the throng of p0nies.
  107. >They were probably eager to get back to shopping, and you were eager to get back home to wrap some presents.
  108. -
  109. >Mister Rich was waiting for you inside, several frightened employees standing off to the side wielding mops, brooms, and plungers.
  110. >Kind of hilarious, in a way.
  111. “So, whats the situation?”
  112. >Mister Rich opened his mouth to speak, when you hear a loud screeching coming from inside the store's aisles. “MUST FIND THE BEST BARGAIN!” It wailed, as cans of cranberry sauce flew past your head and embedded themselves into the wall.
  113. >Attention S-Mart shoppers, bargain hunting spirit on aisle five.
  114. “... Well, that answers that question. I better get to work before she works her way to sporting goods.”
  115. >Without waiting for a response, you dash forward.
  116. >It took a few minutes, but you found your target...
  117. >It was vaguely p0ny-shaped, green, with a frazzled mane and a crazed look on its face as it was comparing prices between two sweaters. It just kept mumbling to itself.
  118. >Very quietly, you took the proton wand off your back and flicked the switch on.
  119. >It quickly turned it's head to face you.
  120. “So much for stealth.”
  121. >You mumble, raising the wand and blasting at with a stream of charged particles.
  122. >The beam crashes into the side of it, causing it to careen into a display for 'Mr. Smartypants' dolls. It regained its composure fairly quickly, and yelled, “FIFTY PERCENT OFF!” as the shelves begun to shutter and shake.
  123. >That's never a good sign.
  124. >Next thing you know, your being assaulted on all sides by sale-items. Hoof clippers, scarfs, horse shoes, toys, to name a few. Luckily, you manage to dodge the majority of the dangerous stuff.
  125. >Then, you get a face full of discount frozen lemon pie.
  126. >Of course it had to be frozen, so it hurt that much more. You check your nose, and sure enough there is some blood coating your fingers.
  127. >Oh, its on now.
  128. >Proton packs usually have three settings:
  129. >Low stream, good for minimizing property damage.
  130. >Medium stream, for most general ghost-busting needs.
  131. >And high stream, for you you're dealing with a particularly nasty ghost.
  132. >But your proton-pack has a fourth setting...
  133. >Full stream, for when every single ghost in room absolutely has to get busted.
  134. >It puts a lot of stress on all the hardware, and if used recklessly could cause the pack to explode in a shower of tiny little pieces and body parts.
  135. >The ghost was laughing at your bloodied nose, but the look you gave it wiped that smirk right off its face.
  136. >It was at that moment, it realized that you never mock a man with an unregistered proton accelerator on his back.
  137. >Reaching for the knob on the side of the wand, you twist it from 'M' to 'F'. Your pack screams loudly, sounding more like a caged demon than a product of mad science. Before the ghost has a chance to run, you throw the stream.
  138. >The beam itself is bright orange and blue, and it crackles viciously as it surges toward the ghost.
  139. >You grin manically as it slams into the ghoul, causing it to reel in utter agony. It tries to fight the beam, but your just too damn good, and soon you have it in the capture stream.
  140. >The pack on your back continues to roar and whine loudly, threatening to short-out and explode at any moment. The fear of imminent death is almost exhilarating, much like sky diving for the very first time.
  141. >With a flick of your wrist, you throw out your trap and into position. Then, with a smirk you slam your foot down and end it.
  142. >Goddamn did that feel good.
  143. >... Rich maybe slightly disappointed by the display stand you just reduced into a smoldering pile of slag.
  144. -
  145. >Rich was grateful that you took care of that ghost, and thankfully not angry about the products you vaporized. He even let you get a hanky for your bloody nose and some super fancy wrapping paper.
  146. >The hanky was currently shoved up your nose to keep you from dripping blood over your flight suit.
  147. >Looking up at the sun, it was probably a little past noon. Still had plenty of time to wrap up presents!
  148. >You rushed back to the fire-house. Only to see several p0nies standing outside of your door.
  149. >Well, so much for your day off.
  150. -
  151. >It was pitch black outside, and your proton-pack never felt so heavy.
  152. >First, you had to put down a possessor that took up residence with Lyra and Bonbon.
  153. >Then there was an ordeal with the Mayor's decorations coming to life.
  154. >And then there were black slime puddles popping up all over town.
  155. >To make it worse, both Rainbow, AJ, and Twilight were too busy to help you out.
  156. >They had their own lives, and even in Equestria the holidays are a busy time of year.
  157. >New Year's Resolution: get a full timer to help you out.
  158. >All in all, you've just spent the last nine hours running about busting every ghost, possessed object, and free floating vapor that popped up and your feet are about to fall off.
  159. >Your nose had stopped bleeding a while ago, but you've got some lacerations, bruises, and sore muscles to take its place.
  160. >How did the town suddenly turn into an psychokinetic hotbed so quickly!?
  161. >At least all the p0nies you helped out were very thankful.
  162. >Whelp, you didn't get a chance to wrap your gifts. And you missed the Hearth's Warming play.
  163. >You were actually genuinely curious about all the specifics about the holiday.
  164. >Maybe you can ask later.
  165. >But maybe the party is still going.
  166. >You'll swing by, get some punch, then head home to empty your occupied trap. At least its something.
  167. >As you approach Sugar Cube Corner, the lights appear to be off.
  168. >Fuck.
  169. >With a sigh, you peek inside and you can see the after-math of the party... Streamers, festive leftovers, a punch bowl with just a little bit of your precious ecto-cooler sitting in the bottom of it.
  170. >Your first holiday in a new place, and you spent it working.
  171. >As you walk back to HQ, it begins to snow lightly. What is this? A goddamn Christmas special?
  172. >You begin to think of home while you take the long walk back to HQ...
  173. >Did your mom still make her awesome apple pie like she did every year? Are they still holding the Christmas eve party? Did Jethro drink too much eggnog again and end up head first in the toilet? Was Lisa still trying to flirt it up with anyone with genitalia?
  174. >You missed your family. Your friends. Your home.
  175. >This was the first time you've ever spent Christmas Eve alone, and you didn't like the experience.
  176. >Best not to dwell on it. Tomorrow you gotta wake up bright and early and drop off those presents.
  177. >As the fire-house comes into view, you notice that the interior lights are shinning through the windows...
  178. >Huh. You don't remember leaving the lights on.
  179. >Fumbling with your keys, you open up the door, expecting to be greeted with an empty room...
  180. >Behind that door you only find the barrel of a cannon, and the sound of a lit fuse.
  181. >Please let be a party cannon. Please let it be a party cannon.
  182. >Boom!
  183. >A wave of festive confetti almost knocks you off your feet.
  184. >Thank god, it was a party cannon.
  185. >Wait a minute. If that's a party cannon then....
  186. >It was Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow, AJ, Rarity, and even Fluttershy.
  187. >They're all sitting around the main room, with a jug of ecto-cooler, some holiday cookies, and...
  188. >Holy shit, is that an apple pie? It is!
  189. >You just stand there in shock for a moment.
  190. >”Anon, ya' might wanna close yer mouth 'fore a fly gets stuck in yer throat.” AJ said with a grin.
  191. “You... How did... You... I'm...”
  192. >Your having trouble finding the words.
  193. >They all have a giggle, Rainbow Dash flying over to the door and pushing you inside, “Do you really think we'd let you spend your first Hearths Warming eve alone?”
  194. >You finally manage to pull your lower jaw off the floor.
  195. >A massive smile spreads across your face.
  196. >These... These fucking p0nies.
  197. >They're fucking awesome.
  198. -
  199. >It wasn't a long party, but it was what you needed.
  200. >You didn't even have to wrap their presents!
  201. >Pinkie did it for you, thought she swore up and down she didn't peek at hers. And you believe her.
  202. >She can break the laws of physics on a whim, so wrapping a present without looking at would be child's play.
  203. >You got Rarity a some fancy fabric from all the way out in Van Hoover. She loved it! Apparently, it was some weird fabric, with a name so fancy you couldn't hope to pronounce. She vowed to make the most beautiful dress she could out of it.
  204. >For Fluttershy, a gift certificate for the local spa. She was the hardest to shop for, so it was a cop out. She still liked it though.
  205. >Applejack loved her 'tree bucking' horse shoes you got from Dodge City. Guaranteed to knock all the apples off the tree on the first go, or your bits back. She thanked you, and told you she was going to try them out as soon as she could.
  206. >Pinkie's gift was a pogo stick, which she used almost immediately. And almost crashed into the basement. Luckily, that pogo-stick is crafted from some weird super metal, and is next to impossible to
  207. >You got a Tobin's Spirit Guide transcribed for Twilight. There was a unicorn in Manehattan that specialized in transcribing, even though it never dealt with anything quite like your phone before, it all worked out in the end. It cost a fair amount of bits, but it was still awesome. She squee'd when she opened it, and didn't waste time reading the entire thing.
  208. >It was adorable.
  209. >Now, Rainbow's gift was the one that you were most proud of. After busting a ghoul in a bookstore in Las Pegasus, you had to stand in line for a few hours, but you got her an autographed copy of the latest Daring Do novel that she was obsessing over. Needless to say, she was very grateful.
  210. >She looked like she was gonna give you a kiss for a minute there.
  211. >You even got some gifts! Rarity made you a tux. Not just any tux either, this tux was goddamn fantastic! Even had a little lapel and everything.
  212. >Fluttershy and Pinkie pitched in together and made you a bunch of cookies in the shape of the GB logo. They tasted awesome, you could literally task the love in every bite.
  213. >AJ made you an apple pie, and it was good. Not as good as Mom's, but pretty damn close.
  214. >Rainbow Dash got you some mother fucking alcohol. You didn't even know they made alcohol here! Gonna save it for a rainy day.
  215. >Twilight got you a book on local lore and legends. It didn't go into much detail, but it was perfect for you. More research materials made for a better prepared ghoul catcher.
  216. >The rest of the night was spent laughing it up, and drinking the rest of the ecto-cooler and noshing on left-overs from the bigger party. Eventually, everyone went home, and you were alone again.
  217. >But not really.
  218. >Because in this land of pastel colored p0nies, goddesses and ghost. You realized this wasn't just a place you were living, but it actually felt like home. And even if you were by yourself, you were never really alone, you had six awesome friends.
  219. -
  220. >Soon...
  221. >You shall rise.
  222. >This pathetic land of hope and joy would soon feel your wraith. This puny civilization will crumble under your power.
  223. >But for now, you wait in crystalline caverns underneath this 'Canterlot' and gather strength.
  224. >Even the name disgusted you. But it had its uses.
  225. >The cavern's crystals attracted the negative ectoplasm like a magnet, making it easy for you to devour the substance and become stronger. The hardest part was convincing one these equines to go along with your scheme... But once your servant was in control of their body, it was all too easy.
  226. >Granted, you were not used to scheming, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
  227. >Your tablets were placed and the last remnants of your power, your skull, was placed in the cavern.
  228. >It made a very primitive mandala, but it was effective enough.
  229. >And after your next coming, you shall use your powers to return back to 'New York' and finish your task there.
  230. >All you have to do is wait for for the Gate Keeper and the Key Master to come together once more.
  231. >And you have found the perfect host for the Key Master.
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