
FoE RPG G0 - #014 Suburb: Dealings

Apr 28th, 2013
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  1. [19:29]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #14 starts now
  2. [19:29]<SpiritOfFate> =====================================================
  3. [19:40]<SpiritOfFate> Though shadows and glowing eyes move through around the camp through the night, the group itself manages peaceful rest. It isn't until morning something else shows sign of life, during Sotho's shift. One of the filly raiders moves and opens her eyes slowly.
  4. [19:41]? Sotho looks over to the filly raiders and raises an eyebrow curious about them.
  5. [19:43]? Firefly is inside a cloud...structure? Calling it a castle might be a bit generous. She is currently working on a parapet.
  6. [19:44]<SpiritOfFate> The scarred filly looks at her restraints and tries to force them pointlessly. She look at Sotho, demanding in a tinny voice. "What are you going to do?"
  7. [19:45]<Sotho> "We are simply going to ask you some questions and then release you most likely."
  8. [19:46]? Hawkeye stirs at the sound of voices, then opens her eyes and looks around. The Sand Riders, or at least one of them, is awake. Hawkeye gets up, checks her rifle, then saunters over to stand silently next to Sotho, looking down with mute hurt and anger at the fillies who murdered her friends.
  9. [19:46]? Ignis stirs awake, shaking off the dust from his scales and checking on everypony. "Rise and shine, my friends."
  10. [19:47]? Wintergreen wakes with a yawn, still somewhat exhausted. "...Morning."
  11. [19:49]? Firefly pokes her head out from inside the, well, maybe its a gate? "Hi Mr. Ignis!" The filly looks over, noticing one of the bad fillies has woken up. She sticks out her tongue at the tied up filly before closing the doors to the gate. From over the top of the gate, Firefly hangs a sign made out of clouds. It says 'No Bad Ponys Alloud!'.
  12. [19:50]? Ignis looks at the sky. "Just what in tarnation...?" he shakes his head, amused. "Fillies..."
  13. [19:51]? Wintergreen smiles and shakes her head, calling out to Firefly. "Just make sure there's no more lightning!"
  14. [19:51]? Sotho chuckles at Firefly.
  15. [19:52]<SpiritOfFate> The filly rolls her eyes at Sotho. "Yeah, right."
  16. [19:52]<Firefly> From inside the fortress there is a sigh. "Awe..." Firefly zips around the top of the fortress, trying to get the parapet not to lean at a 75-degree angle.
  17. [19:52]? Ignis sits by Wintergreen, studying the structure bit by bit...she sure outdid herself on that. "At least, I'll know what to expect when he have our own, hun..." He says.
  18. [19:53]? Wintergreen blushes brightly and smiles, looking to Firefly's fortress.
  19. [19:54]? Sotho smiles a bit at Ignis's statement, thinking to his own wife and child, hoping they were okay. He looks to the fillies. "Notice I said most likely, as in there is a chance we won't let you go."
  20. [19:55]? Hawkeye , standing just behind Sotho, clears her throat. "My vote, in case y'all guessed, ain't to let y'all go."
  21. [19:57]<SpiritOfFate> She glares at Hawkeye. "Fucking Siren, what a surprise."
  22. [19:57]? Wintergreen shakes her head. "W-we should... but only if they will behave."
  23. [19:57]? Sotho smiles lightly. "However my vote is to let you go if you renounce your ways."
  24. [19:57]<Sotho> "Either way we're keeping your drugs."
  25. [19:58]? Hawkeye nods. "What's surpisin' is that these folk didn't put y'all down the minute I told them who y'all were." She snorts. "I guess either they got soft hearts, or ain't never heard of you Sand Riders."
  26. [20:01]? Ignis stares at the foals. "Either way...we should hear you out, fillies. Why we should let you go?"
  27. [20:11]<SpiritOfFate> The scarred filly grits her teeth. She stops, looking at the other unconscious two. A low eletronic noise comes from her mouth before she says anything else. "...what do you want?"
  28. [20:13]<Ignis> "What do YOU want?"
  29. [20:13]? Sotho sighs and looks around
  30. [20:14]? Hawkeye raises an eyebrow at the strange noise. "Uh, that ain't normal..." she says, immediately scanning the surrounding area.
  31. [20:14]? Wintergreen inspects the filly closer, walking to the filly's side.
  32. [20:15]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis and Wintergreen figure the noise comes from a voice implant behind her scarred throat. It is probably not in great conditions.
  33. [20:16]? Firefly cocks her head from her Fortress, abandoning the project for now as she flies down close to the scarred filly. "How'd you make that noise?"
  34. [20:16]? Wintergreen blinks. The filly.... a voice implant?
  35. [20:17]<Ignis> "Its a voice module or something, she is probably a mute or has a condition...we might have damaged it during the battle or it was already broken..."
  36. [20:18]? Wintergreen shakes her head, a sympathetic frown on her muzzle. "Can you fix it, Ignis?"
  37. [20:18]<SpiritOfFate> "Leave me alone, alright. I just want my team free."
  38. [20:18]? Firefly scratches her head as she looks between Ignis and Wintergreen. "What's a module?"
  39. [20:18]? Ignis hmms a bit. "I think you would be better at it, Wintergreen...we have the tools and all..."
  40. [20:19]? Wintergreen nods. "R-right.
  41. [20:19]<Hawkeye> "That's a thing?" Hawkeye says in amazement. "That... that's a giant pile of crazy. I wonder if they make replacement eyes, too...?" She shakes her head. "Team? Of raiders? What's preventin' y'all from just going on about the waste, killing more ponies?" She looks to Sotho. "We don't have any guarantee they won't keep killing folk. I'm exhibit A."
  42. [20:19]<Ignis> "Your team...tell me about it, tell me about yourself, tell me about the sand raiders...what do you do, why do you do and everything else, then."
  43. [20:20]<Ignis> "You don't just flip out on travelers without a reason, do you?"
  44. [20:20]? Sotho shrugs. "Theres still a chance."
  45. [20:21]? Hawkeye grimaces. "They're Sand Riders. There's your reason."
  46. [20:22]? Ignis shushes Hawkeye. "Let her answer, Siren...she has a mouth of her own."
  47. [20:22]? Hawkeye opens her mouth to say something else, then shuts it again and nods. Not one to contradict her rescuers...
  48. [20:28]? Wintergreen moves closer to the filly as she waits for her to speak again, looking closely at the voice box.
  49. [20:28]<SpiritOfFate> Her voice lets out an eletronic hiss. "Yeah, we are Sand Raiders. Badasses. All this place is going to be ours one day. Me and the fillies were shooting for the major league. Getting rid of those sirens would have done it fine. They never saw us coming from that vent. We just had to burn our mark on her and hang her, and our team would go to the top."
  50. [20:29]<Ignis> "Somehow, I believe that those ponies with the trains would have a say against that..."
  51. [20:30]? Hawkeye grits her teeth and gives Sotho and Ignis a meaningful one-eyed stare. But she's been told to shush, so doesn't say anything else.
  52. [20:30]? Firefly doesn't get an answer, and she's tired of listening to the stupid bad filly talk. She flitters back to her cloud castle and goes back to work.
  53. [20:31]? Sotho raises an eyebrow as he sighs. "As I'm sure you all are aware of my policy of giving second chances, these fillies seem to be too far corrupt." He looks to Hawkeye. "But I do not say we take their lives."
  54. [20:32]? Wintergreen frowns. "We don't want anything other than for you to stop hurting innocent ponies. Perhaps... you would like to travel with us?" she asks hopefully, not quite thinking that she would agree.
  55. [20:32]<SpiritOfFate> "...what?"
  56. [20:32]<Hawkeye> "Ain't my say, friend," Hawkeye tells the zebra. "You kept 'em, they're your responsibility." She walks a few paces away and sits down. "But if Ah might interject, I ain't exactly fond of the idea of traveling with them." She rubs the back of her head absently.
  57. [20:32]? Sotho shakes his head to Wintergreen. "Travel is not what I suggest, escourting to the nearest justice is what I suppose would be right."
  58. [20:33]? Wintergreen nods and a slight smile creases her lips. "Mhmm! You could come with us. You help us, we help you."
  59. [20:35]<SpiritOfFate> The filly's voice pops in a chortle. "Yeah, justice. What, you're gonna take me to the dragon king?"
  60. [20:36]? Wintergreen hushes Sotho. "No, as I said, you could travel with us, perhaps... do some good?"
  61. [20:36]? Sotho sighs as he waits for Wintergreen to be done
  62. [20:36]? Ignis hmmms. "King?"
  63. [20:42]<SpiritOfFate> The filly raises an eyebrow. "What? That's a stupid story."
  64. [20:42]? Ignis scoots a bit closer to the filly to examine her vocal implant...
  65. [20:43]? Wintergreen frowns. "So... you do not wish to travel with us?"
  66. [20:48]? Firefly continues to work on the cloud structure. She starts to reinforce the walls, in case the bad fillies get free and decide to invade!
  67. [20:49]<SpiritOfFate> It's hard to tell what is wrong with the implant from the outside.
  68. [20:50]? Ignis shakes his head and scoots off. "We shouldn't tinker with that..."
  69. [20:50]? Sotho shakes his head. "Corruption should not be invited into a group Wintergreen." He says. "I understand what you are trying to do, but honestly, these fillies summoned ill spirits just by the act of battle." He said. " They flaunt their murders like it's some sort of game. They are corrupt and we are unfit to purify them."
  70. [20:51]<SpiritOfFate> The filly grits her teeth. "I just want to go!"
  71. [20:51]? Wintergreen blinks and frowns. "P-Purify? You mean murder. Like them?"
  72. [20:51]<SpiritOfFate> The filly glares at Sotho. "This is no game! You don't have any idea, who the fuck even are you?!"
  73. [20:52]? Ignis sighs. "Well, I guess we don't have much choice but to let them go...but..." His eyes twinkle a bit. "Perhaps you could do us a favor? I mean, you dislike those meanies with the trains as much as we do, right, filly?"
  74. [20:53]? Hawkeye swishes her tail, not really having much to contribute, since putting down the fillies apparently isn't an option. She looks up at Firefly's cloud castle instead. Fascinating...
  75. [20:53]<Sotho> "No." He tilts his head, confused at Wintergreen's interpitation. "I mean like punish." He looks to The filly. "I am the warrior Sotho from the tribe Hazabia." He glares. "I have defeat creatures as large as some dragons and some as deadly as the venom from Killing Joke." He looks at them. "And what you are, are fillies, thrusted into the wrong life."
  76. [20:53]<Sotho> defeated*
  77. [20:58]? Firefly flies out of the castle and starts to push another cloud out of the sky. She needs more building material.
  78. [20:58]<SpiritOfFate> The filly answers Ignis flatly. "I'm not stupid, you know."
  79. [21:00]? Ignis looks at her. "Well...with that out of your way, your sand raiders wouldn't have much trouble conquering the other side...just telling..." He nods. "I just have a way you fillies could do it...without much risk."
  80. [21:00]<Hawkeye> "I'd rather not be conquered," Hawkeye says, still looking at the clouds. "Or did y'all miss that part where they were going to string me up and brand me?"
  81. [21:01]? Sotho shakes his head. "I certainly didn't."
  82. [21:02]? Wintergreen nods. "I did not miss that, but... I'd like to find some way to remedy this, without killing them..."
  83. [21:02]<Sotho> "I did not suggest murdering them." He points out. "I am against that."
  84. [21:03]<SpiritOfFate> "Wait, wait, what are you talking about?" She asks Ignis
  85. [21:04]? Ignis smirks deviously. "I know how to put those gun-riddled trains out of comission for sure." He coughs a bit. "We could do it, but...we don't have the time, or the materials for something like that...and since you and your friends are camped around, you could sure make it."
  86. [21:06]<SpiritOfFate> "Spit it out." She says, the curiosity growing on her.
  87. [21:08]<Ignis> "Its simple..." He answers. "Just...break their tracks, they can't keep watch all over them and they will need to stop and repair those...or else their trains will fall off." He voices. "They will be very delayed and distracted by that...and its simple enough, eh."
  88. [21:11]? Firefly finally gets the cloud back to her castle, and starts trying to shape it into another parapet. The silly thing doesn't want to break apart in the filly's hooves, but turning it into a continuous cylinder isn't so bad.
  89. [21:12]<SpiritOfFate> She rolls her eyes. "They got big guns there."
  90. [21:14]<Ignis> "that's why you should break their tracks, kid...not the train..." He comments. "They will need a lot of bits to repair everything, if you keep that for a will be a sure way to cripple them."
  91. [21:14]<Hawkeye> "It's either a chance at taking down big guns later, or a 100 percent chance of small ones right now," Hawkeye says, pulling back the bolt on her rifle. "If Ah was you, I'd take any chance at gettin' out of here in one piece."
  92. [21:14]<Ignis> "But..." He shrugs. "Whenever fits you fillies...if you wanna keep your turf confined to this side of the road, its your call..."
  93. [21:15]<SpiritOfFate> She grits her teeth. "Alright, alright. We'll do it."
  94. [21:17]? Ignis nods. "Alright, just take your time on over with your friends and the rest of your sand know what to do, kid." He looks at the others. "So, suppose we should let them go...they just want the land, as soon as we scoot out of their manes, we should be okay."
  95. [21:18]<Hawkeye> "Smart kid," Hawkeye says, then wanders over to stand next to Wintergreen. "If they kill anyone else cause you got a heart softer than butter in July, it's your fault."
  96. [21:19]? Sotho frowns, he cant say he isn't satisfied with the situation, but it's not what he wanted
  97. [21:19]? Wintergreen frowns and slumps. "D-do you seriously suggest we kill them?"
  98. [21:20]<SpiritOfFate> The filly's lips move slightly in displeasure.
  99. [21:22]? Hawkeye sighs. "Ain't my place, sugarcube. I'm just saying that I've been out and about here long enough to know that a Sand Rider is a bundle of murder, hate, and ambition, no matter what the size of the package." She looks back at the captives. "If y'all feel confident that they're going to follow the straight an' narrow, then let 'em go... but if not..." She slams the bolt of her rifle home. "And...
  100. [21:22]? Hawkeye ...if you can't do it, I will for you. They killed every last one of my friends, and were going to hang and brand me. I'd put a bullet in 'em with a clean conscience."
  101. [21:23]<Ignis> "Just like they did to your friends?"
  102. [21:24]? Hawkeye looks coldly at Ignis. "To prevent 'em from commiting more murders in cold blood? In a heartbeat. I can do the math on Sand Riders."
  103. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> Some can notice a bit of a sly smile on the filly.
  104. [21:25]<SpiritOfFate> "We don't use guns." She says to Ignis, matter-of-factly
  105. [21:25]? Sotho looks over their weapons. "They do indeed not use guns from what we have found." He looks at them and frowns. "But I do not exactly trust them."
  106. [21:25]<Ignis> "Murder is murder..." He states to Hawkeye, then turns to the filly. "You do not...then, what do you do with any shooters you get?"
  107. [21:27]<Hawkeye> "Nope. They beat my friends to death with their hooves. All nice and personal like." She sighs. "That blood on those brass shoes you found either belongs to Winter Chill, Misty, or Diamond Burst. A bullet's a nice quick way to go." She slings her gun across her back.
  108. [21:28]? Sotho looks at his brasshooves, the ones he had looted off the fillies
  109. [21:28]<Ignis> "Trust me, even if I go with that... you don't want to waste bullets out here...we don't have enough to squander around, miss."
  110. [21:29]? Hawkeye shrugs. "Neither do I. Wouldn't be a waste to make sure they never kill again."
  111. [21:29]? Wintergreen sighs. She has no idea what to do. Killing... she can't kill fillies, even if they are evil.
  112. [21:29]? Ignis sighs. "They were going to kill you, weren't they?"
  113. [21:29]<Sotho> "I will not murder them, they may be corrupt, but i cannot endorse behavior like that."
  114. [21:31]<Hawkeye> "Call it what you want, but they were going to murder me, they'd sure as shootin' have murdered you if you had something they wanted, and they'll kill as long as they think it's the shortest way to get something," Hawkeye says to Ignis flatly. "You turn them loose, fine, but it's on your head." She turns and walks past Wintergreen. "Thanks for the assist, but as soon as I get my rope back...
  115. [21:31]<Hawkeye> ...and get that pegasus filly back to her parents, we're going to have to part ways."
  116. [21:32]? Wintergreen sighs and nods. "I-If you change your mind, you'd still have a place to stay with us..."
  117. [21:33]<Sotho> "Where do you have to go?" He asks Hawkeye
  118. [21:34]? Firefly finishes off the parapet and flitters up to the top of it. She sits on the top, looking down at the bound fillies, her stony expression a match for the gargoyle she is miming.
  119. [21:34]<Hawkeye> "Not if you're hell-bent on forgiving and turning loose every murdering piece of trash you run across and have the opportunity to stop," Hawkeye says. She looks down the river. "I'm no saint. I was hanging with Sirens, who are... were... bandits. But we were thugs and thieves, not killers. I don't got any place to go now. But I'm not spending my time with folk who call me a murderer for...
  120. [21:34]<Hawkeye> ...trying to protect folk."
  121. [21:36]<SpiritOfFate> "Yeah, you are no saint. And if it wasn't the machine freak, it'd be the Sirens killing all of us."
  122. [21:37]<Sotho> "the act of murder is different then being a murderer." He says to her. "I have killed many a beast, to protect my tribe." He says. "Murder is when you kill unlawfully. Which is why i do not wish to harm these fillies, because in my mind any killing of young is unlawful."
  123. [21:37]? Ignis just nods. "I've seen worse than those fillies..." He stares at them. "Just keep in mind...Scar, isn't it? Just keep in mind that we cared enough to patch you up, to use rubber bullets and to avoid your pal Clam from turning into a pancake...just have that in mind." He looks at Wintergreen. "Free them, let Sotho give their stuff back and they be on their way..."
  124. [21:38]? Wintergreen nods weakly, unbinding the fillies when instructed.
  125. [21:38]? Hawkeye quirks an eyebrow. "And if y'all weren't trying to take over the whole damn world, you wouldn't have that problem." She looks to Sotho. "Law? Ain't no law around here. Just kill the ones that want to kill you and yours, so they don't get the chance." She sighs. "I'm getting all worked up about this. Sorry. Ah really shouldn't be saying anything at all. But if you're letting them go, I'm...
  126. [21:38]? Hawkeye ...keeping an eye on them until there's miles between us."
  127. [21:39]<Ignis> "We don't care about this land...they can have it all. We just want to go away..."
  128. [21:40]? Sotho nods. "There may be no law, but shouldn't that be changed?" He asks, moving to get their weapons, still not pleased with the outcome."
  129. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> The scarred filly moves to the other tow, shaking them. "Get up, we are moving."
  130. [21:44]<Hawkeye> "You planning on making a law? Then who's going to enforce it?" Hawkeye asks the zebra. "That's what I'm doing. One enforcer against all the Sand Riders. And y'all seen how that worked out." She sits down and looks at the cloud castle again. "If the Sand Riders manage to take over this area, they'll just move to the next, killing and raping and mutilating, just like any other band of...
  131. [21:44]<Hawkeye> ...Raiders. I ain't surprised you don't care, y'all just got out of a bad situation yourself, but that don't mean they ain't going to cause one hell of a hard time for lots of folk." She watches the raiders get up. "Watch and see. Either they'll play nice and I'll be pleasantly surprised, or there's going to be Tartarus to pay for letting them go."
  132. [21:46]<Ignis> "They know their risks if they keep doing that..."
  133. [21:46]<SpiritOfFate> Clam stays on the ground, but the brattish one gets up weakly. "W-wut? What's going on?"
  134. [21:46]? Sotho sighs. "Saying that only proves there needs to be law." He sighs and shakes his head. "I cannot debate this, I need to get back home." He gives the fillies their weapons. "I need to see if my wife and child are okay..." He thinks about them and worries.
  135. [21:46]? Wintergreen sighs, looking to the fillies. "We're letting you free."
  136. [21:47]<Ignis> "Perhaps not today, not tommorow, not the next month...somepony will mop raiders sooner of later if they stay like raiders..."
  137. [21:48]? Hawkeye puts a hoof on Sotho's shoulder. "Protecting family is the most important thing. I admire that. Never was good at it myself." She drops the hoof and looks away down the river. "As for mopping raiders... if I ain't somepony, then who am I?"
  138. [21:48]<SpiritOfFate> The brattish filly grumbles weakly at Ignis, but the scarred one just pats on her back. "Won't work, let's go." She picks Clam on her back.
  139. [21:50]<Sotho> "Second to protecting family is protecting friends." He says. "We must find a group to help Royal Lace when we can." He says to his group. "But for now, we much pack up and move."
  140. [21:51]? Ignis "Alright, let us move out...if they wind up dead by some lesser charitable group, they saw it coming for raiding...just...let us get on the road."
  141. [21:52]<SpiritOfFate> "Where are we going?" The brattish filly asks. "Away." The other one says.
  142. [21:53]? Wintergreen nods, ready to move, staying close to Ignis. She looks up to Firefly. "Time to go, Batmare."
  143. [21:53]? Hawkeye slings her saddlebags across her shoulders. "Fine by me. Ain't nothing here for me anyway." She stands by Wintergreen and waits.
  144. [21:53]? Ignis nods and travels by Wintergreen's side.
  145. [21:53]<Sotho> "Theres nothing here for any of us." He says packing up and waiting for the rest of them
  146. [21:54]? Firefly nods down at Wintergreen. "Ok." She flutters down beside the castle and starts to push it with the group. She spent time building it, she's keeping it!
  147. [21:54]<SpiritOfFate> The fillies leave. The soon is high on the sky.
  148. [22:48]<SpiritOfFate> After some time of travelling, they enter the suburban area. The houses seem desert so far, thankfully, except for a pair of zebra packing large saddlebags, random objects tied not to clatter while they silently make their way through the same street
  149. [22:49]? Sotho looks ahead to the zebras and smile lightly
  150. [22:50]? Hawkeye spies the zebras and waves back to the former slaves. "Merchants," she says. "Surprised they're out here. Been getting skittish as the Sirens started losing territory. Might want to say hello and unload some of your stuff." She nods that direction. "Y'all can follow my lead, if you like." She puts a hoof to her teeth and whistles sharply, then waves to the two zebra merchants.
  151. [22:50]? Wintergreen nods and smiles. She has things to sell!
  152. [22:51]? Firefly peeks over the cloud castle, and, floating up to the top, waves to the zebra as well.
  153. [22:51]? Ignis nods to them. "You should do the talking...I have...a penchant to piss off merchants if I talk to them too much." The dragon says
  154. [22:52]<Hawkeye> "My pap always used to say, better to be pissed off than to be pissed on," Hawkeye says with a chuckle. She begins sauntering toward the merchants, not too quickly so as not to spook them.
  155. [22:53]? Sotho chuckles. "Why don't I speak to them?" He asks.
  156. [22:53]? Wintergreen follows along, she could help talk, if needed. She'd let Sotho work his magic for now.
  157. [22:53]? Hawkeye shrugs. "Well, Ah don't speak zebra, so Ah'd appreciate the assist," she says, gesturing for Sotho to join her.
  158. [22:54]<SpiritOfFate> The merchants approach carefully, carrying a plasma pistol and a carbine, wary but not hostile.
  159. [22:54]? Firefly follows behind the group, pushing the cloud castle along.
  160. [22:54]<Sotho> "Not all zebra language is the same." He rolls his eyes, waving to the fellow zebras as they approach
  161. [22:55]<Hawkeye> "It's all the same in that Ah don't understand a word of it, same as griffon and dragon," Hawkeye says, stopping a dozen or so yards away from the merchants and tipping her hat. "Howdy. Hawkeye, Siren Singers. Surprised you folks are out here," she says.
  162. [22:57]? Firefly sits up on a parapet, watching the zebras. They look cool!
  163. [22:57]<SpiritOfFate> "It is the only way to cross these parts but the train. We aren't looking for trouble." The taller zebra says.
  164. [22:58]<Sotho> "Neither are we." He says bowing. "I am Sotho of the Hazabia tribe." He says. "We are looking to sell."
  165. [22:58]? Hawkeye nods. "Ain't looking to give you any," she says, "just doing some trading here. My friends here have a few things to sell, and I'm looking to buy some bullets and barding. Sound all right?" She looks at Sotho and Wintergreen.
  166. [22:59]? Ignis nods. "I could use a few bullets too..."
  167. [23:00]<SpiritOfFate> The taller zebra looks to the other one and smiles, turning back to the group. "In that case, my name is Fithir. Bullets and barding? Let me see what I can offer."
  168. [23:01]? Wintergreen nods, taking out some of her items to sell. "And some gem packs too!"
  169. [23:02]? Sotho nods as he takes out some of the drugs he picked up off the fillies. "Do you think you have any gemstones?"
  170. [23:08]<SpiritOfFate> I can offer one piece of scrap barding, two barding armors and one metal barding. As a matter of fact we do have a ruby, as well as a piece of coral. What kinds of ammo and energy packs are you lloking for?
  171. [23:10]<Wintergreen> "Gem packs. And medical equipment, if you have it."
  172. [23:10]<Hawkeye> "5.56 or .223, if you have some," Hawkeye says. "As much as you can spare."
  173. [23:11]? Sotho nods. "I think we should make a list as a group here." He says to them. "With what we can sell and what we want to buy."
  174. [23:11]<Ignis> "See if they got any shooters for sale too..."
  175. [23:14]? Firefly smiles from the parapet. "Do you have any shoes like what Mr. Sotho is wearing? I want some of those so I can beat up the bad ponies."
  176. [23:17]? Wintergreen pulls out all of what she meant to sell, putting it into an ordered pile.
  177. [23:19]? Firefly goes through her saddle bags, pulling out the straight razor, clipboard, quill, ink, and a bundle of components.
  178. [23:20]? Ignis empties his bag, showing off what he can sell...
  179. [23:21]? Hawkeye clears her throat. "Ah don't s'pose y'all might have a scope for a varmint rifle, do you?"
  180. [23:23]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra chuckles. "Well, lets see. Hmmm... in fact I do have a set. And 35 5.56 rounds, as well as 8 hollow point ones. 15 gem packs, a 9mm smg and 42 bullets, a caravan shotgun with 22 shells and a recharger rifle."
  181. [23:24]? Hawkeye whistles slowly. That's a lot of helpful goods. She looks at Sotho. "I hate to be a bother, but I'm a mite shy on caps, and pretty much useless without ammo..."
  182. [23:25]? Sotho nods. "We should pool this together as a group." He say to the rest of them. "We work as a group why not trade as one?" He asks. "I will need at least the gems." He says. "Some spirits on our side would help a lot."
  183. [23:33]? Firefly looks up at the pair of zebra traders. "Do you have any of the shoes like Mr. Sotho is wearing?" Firefly points at Sotho's brass shoes to be sure the zebra know what she is talking about.
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