
Text Adventure Chapter 7 Log

May 10th, 2014
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  1. >You decide to approach Redheart, making sure to show off your sweet dance moves to the guards as you go.
  2. >They look to you, quizzically and then back to Twilight.
  3. >She simply gives a nervous laugh and turns away.
  4. "Hey babe."
  5. >"Hi stud."
  6. "So, you come here often? I don't usually see such attractive mares wandering around."
  7. >"Not usually, huh?"
  8. >You laugh a bit as she grins, before giving her another swat on the ass.
  9. >She blushes and her smile vanishes as she gives you a playful jab in the side.
  10. >"Anon! Save it for the bedroom...seriously."
  11. >She gives you a half lidded gaze, and you smile back at her.
  12. “So, getting serious, I had a question I wanted to ask you.
  13. >”Mmm?”
  14. “Are bacteria in Equestria growing resistant to antibiotics at all, like for example, Penicillin? I remember they did back in my world.”
  15. >Taken a bit aback by the sudden change in mood, she adjusted rather quickly and remembered something.
  16. >”Oh, that’s actually been quite the scare in the Equestria Daily. Many of the traditional medicines we’ve used for infections have failure rates skyrocketing in the past few months.”
  17. >Fluttershy, of all ponies, interjected with this.
  18. >“Oh my, y-yes, I’ve noticed that a lot of my home remedies aren’t working like they used to… I have a lot of sick animals at home that need more attention, but I don’t know what to do, and the whole scary shadow thing didn’t help them, either…”
  19. “Damn, I hope that doesn’t have anything to do with it.”
  21. >Ask Rarity what kind of special talents someone has to have to get on this elite task force dispatched by the kingdom itself to deal with problems like this.<COMMAND NOT FOUND
  23. >Quest Log: ADDED [Develop friendly relations with Applejack]
  25. >Speak to Luna< SUBJECT NOT FOUND
  27. >After a little bit of small talk, Redheart had gotten into an intense medical-relate discussion with Twilight that was way out of your league, so you had slowly backed away and stood by Berry, watching them go back and forth like a democrat and republican.
  28. >Fuckin’ ‘murican memories.
  29. “You have any booze on you?”
  30. >She gave you a raspberry as she dug out a shiny metal flask from beneath her mane.
  31. >”Do you really think I’d go anywhere without it? Have a sip of this, it’ll knock ya’ flat on your ass.”
  32. >Ooh, strong stuff.
  33. “Don’t mind if I do…”
  34. >You take the flask, and from it a small sip.
  35. >As soon as the foul liquid touches your throat, you wretch and barely keep it down as it burns your throat like a Chocolate Bhut Lah pepper.
  36. “Oh dear god, what is this?”
  37. >”It’s my special brand! Can’t stuff too much in it, so make it strong and you can get drunk anywhere.”
  38. >It tasted like moonshine, except even more bitter.
  39. >You hand the flask to her, trying to wipe your burning eyes.
  40. “That’s… that’s really strong, shit.”
  41. >”In fact, I use this stuff for a special little trick of mine. Maybe I’ll show it to ya later, if you ask nicely…”
  42. >Berry gained a devious grin on her muzzle, but you were too busy reeling from that shit that was already making you tipsy.
  43. “T-thanks…”
  45. >That drink was getting to your head.
  46. >You were getting a little bolder than you usually would be, and bad things usually happen when that happens.
  47. >As Berry is busy filling herself with her special brand, you begin to look at the group of conversing ponies like a wild pack in nature.
  48. >Closely you look and begin to prowl, careful not to alert the alpha-mare of the group, the one with rainbow thighs.
  49. >This one’s cunning and very easy to startle, so you must be careful, the sly little sheila.
  50. >As you approach her from behind and prepare, you tap her on the shoulder mid-sentence.
  51. >”That’s when I said to him, you’re not coming insi-- ..Huh?”
  52. >All attention was on you now.
  53. >Herewego.jpg
  54. >You point at Dash.
  55. >Used Ogre Dance!
  56. “You just got served!”
  57. >...
  58. >After the long and tedious awkward silence, Berry was the first one to break the silence.
  59. >”Maan, you -cannot- hold your liquor, Anon.”
  60. >Dash herself looked like she was about to explode with 50 megatons of pure spaghetti sauce.
  61. >”...If anyone asks, you don’t know me, kay?”
  62. >You scratch your head and whistle nonchalantly as you make your way back to the group.
  63. “Whatever.”
  65. >After a little while longer, one of the Canterlot guards gets the attention of the group.
  66. >”Your presence is now requested with Princesses Celestia and Luna. Please follow me.”
  67. -
  68. >You are about to enter the Canterlot Palace with your party and Twilight’s friends.
  69. Do you wish to continue? Y/N
  71. ---
  73. >Status: (Anon) You’re feeling right as rain, with a little bit of moonshine coursing through your veins and impeding your inhibitions. [HP: 100/100, Tipsy]
  75. >As the rest of the group and your party begin to walk through the gates to go meet the Princesses, you turn around and begin sliding your feet.
  76. >Your legs move in a way that makes it look like you’re moving forward, but actually going backward.
  77. >A few of Twilight’s friends near the back had looked back and seen you, along with the guards standing at the gates, completely bewildered.>You flash them a drunken grin.
  78. “Sup?”
  79. >After your grand entrance into the palace, you take in the sights of the suddenly massive main hall.
  80. >It’s amazing the work that gets put into the intricate designs of places like these, but the difference between chapels in your human world and this one is foundationally important: Magic.
  81. >There were levitating braziers, shimmering stain-glass panels, and one large throne with a smaller, darker one perched on top of pristine marble steps.
  82. >It was absolutely immaculate.
  83. >Yet all of this paled in comparison with the two ponies you saw at the bottom of the crests of the steps.
  84. >An alabaster pony with a mane shimmering and waving despite the absence of wind, with a similar midnight blue pony with a night-themed mane that twinkled with dazzling beauty.
  85. >In your day and age these types of monarchs were the stuff of legends, but here perched atop their thrones were two beings that carried the weight of a nation on their shoulders.
  86. >As you drew closer you could see they carried that weight well, an air of authority surrounded them and if it were not for the purity of their smiles you would feel like an ant ready to be squashed in the presence of these two regal creatures.
  87. >"Hello, my dearest student."
  88. >The alabaster one spoke, and even her voice carried that same tone of sincerity and power that her appearance suggested.
  89. >"Hello Princess."
  90. >She smiled warmly at Twilight as she grazed her eyes over the crowd of ponies, recognition clear in her vision.
  91. >Until her eyes landed on you, that is.
  92. >For a moment you felt fear as she examined you closely, but soon that soft kindness returned in her gaze.
  93. >"Twilight, who is your friend? It seems to be a rather interesting creature.
  94. >Twilight looks towards you, for a moment seeming to forget you were there.
  95. >"My apologies! Celestia, Luna. This is Anon. He calls himself 'human'. Anon, go ahead, say something to the Princesses."
  96. >You looked towards them, now noticing how warily the mighty midnight blue monarch eyes your movements.
  97. >She still held a smile to you and the others, but you could see plain as day that there was a coldness deep inside that separated her from the other.
  98. >Everybody awaits your response.
  100. >How would you like to speak to a deity?
  103. >You can't help but notice the beauty of the one Twilight referred to as Celestia.
  104. >It might be your intoxication, but the thought of flirting with her crossed your mind.
  105. >You want to make a good impression at the same time, appear polite and noble in the presence of rulers.
  106. >As your thoughts clash with each other, your mouth opens to speak.
  107. >A loud crash sounds off and you realize it isn't coming from your throat.
  108. >The world tilted and your body felt weightless for a moment before spasms flew up your spine.
  109. >You’re on the ground, and the impact has brought you back to reality as you see your group strewn across the floor.
  110. >Turning your head, you see the princesses standing tall, battle ready as a dancing shadow stood before them.
  111. >It moved to and fro in such an odd manner that it's species was indiscernible.
  112. >As you stand you feel the power emanating from all three, so fierce it threatens to collapse the very ground that supported you.
  113. >This entity, the thing that ravaged a town of innocents, sprouts limbs from it's origin.
  114. >Arms that grasp at the princess's skulls with firm hands.
  115. >They wail, they scream, they thrash about as their horns spew magic.
  116. >You could see Twilight, and the others charge to their aid only to be knocked back by a pulse of dark magic.
  117. >The two leaders fall to their sides as the shade finally releases them from it's grip.
  118. >It turns to the group, appearing to eye over them all even without any facial characteristics.
  119. >Shit shit shit!
  120. >Why is it moving forward? Who do you protect? Can you protect anybody?
  121. >What are you supposed to do?
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