

Jun 27th, 2018
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  1. ### Introduction
  2. # Anti Phone Numbers Script
  3. # Inspired from Anti_Phone_Number.tcl by Rana Usman
  4. # SadSalman <->
  7. ### Features:
  8. # * Sets a 5 Minute Channel ban on user who writes any of the
  9. # defined numbers
  10. # * Doesn't ban users with +o OR +f flags
  11. # * Logs ALL user/op messages containing the defined numbers
  13. ### Credits:
  14. # Based on Anti_Phone_Number.tcl by Rana Usman
  15. # ^Rana^Usman @ #VastEYE on Undernet
  18. ################################
  19. ### tigo de 75? al 77? ###
  20. ### entel 710? al 747? ###
  21. ### viva del 700? al 709? 794? ###
  22. ################################
  24. ### aqui coloca tu lista de numeros cel. o telefonos en cual dara kick el bot
  25. set numbers {
  26. "75?*"
  27. "76?*"
  28. "77?*"
  29. "700?*"
  30. "701?*"
  31. "702?*"
  32. "703?*"
  33. "704?*"
  34. "705?*"
  35. "706?*"
  36. "707?*"
  37. "708?*"
  38. "709?*"
  39. "710?*"
  40. "711?*"
  41. "712?*"
  42. "713?*"
  43. "714?*"
  44. "715?*"
  45. "716?*"
  46. "717?*"
  47. "718?*"
  48. "719?*"
  49. "720?*"
  50. "721?*"
  51. "722?*"
  52. "723?*"
  53. "724?*"
  54. "725?*"
  55. "726?*"
  56. "727?*"
  57. "728?*"
  58. "729?*"
  59. "730?*"
  60. "731?*"
  61. "732?*"
  62. "733?*"
  63. "734?*"
  64. "735?*"
  65. "736?*"
  66. "737?*"
  67. "738?*"
  68. "739?*"
  69. "740?*"
  70. "741?*"
  71. "742?*"
  72. "744?*"
  73. "745?*"
  74. "746?*"
  75. "747?*"
  76. "750?*"
  77. "760?*"
  78. "761?*"
  79. "762?*"
  80. "763?*"
  81. "768?*"
  82. "774?*"
  83. "770?*"
  84. "778?*"
  85. "78?*"
  86. "79?*"
  87. "792?*"
  88. "794?*"
  89. "798*"
  90. "798?*"
  91. "*"
  92. "*"
  93. "**"
  94. "*@hotmail.?*"
  95. "**"
  96. "*"
  97. "**"
  98. "*@gmail.?*"
  99. "**"
  100. "*@yahoo.?*"
  101. "*@*.cc*"
  102. "**"
  103. "**"
  104. "*@entelnet*"
  105. "**"
  106. "**"
  107. }
  109. ### aqui tu mensaje con el cual pateara tu bot
  110. set reason "Señores los numeros telefonicos y los emails no estan permitidos en este canal!!!"
  112. ### Begin Script:
  113. ## (Don't change anything below here... Unless you know tcl)
  116. ## Binding all Public Messages to our Process
  118. bind pubm - * fone
  120. set usuarios_protegidos {
  121. "hazrael"
  122. "Cacao7w7"
  123. "MorsBots"
  124. "septimus"
  125. "Izis"
  126. "A-N-I-M-A-L"
  127. "Kantuta"
  128. "Kondor"
  129. "Arnold_X-P"
  130. "boquita_dulce"
  131. "^aDNaRa^"
  132. "Victoria`"
  133. "MonDonGo"
  134. "BOLIVIAN0"
  135. "Giosa"
  136. "CyberLeo"
  137. "JulieTh"
  138. "Ju|issa"
  139. }
  141. # canales donde estara ctiva la tcl ejemplo #micanal1 #micanal2 #micanal3 - si quieres que sea global dejalo asi "*"
  142. set phone_chans "*"
  144. proc fone {nick uhost handle channel args} {
  145. global numbers reason banmask botnick phone_chans usuarios_protegidos
  146. if {![string match *$nick* $usuarios_protegidos]} {
  147. if {(([lsearch -exact [string tolower $phone_chans] [string tolower $channel]] != -1) || ($phone_chans == "*")) && (![matchattr $hand b]) && ($nick != $botnick)} {
  148. set handle [nick2hand $nick]
  149. set banmask "*![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
  150. set duration 5m
  151. for { set number 0 } { $number < [llength $numbers] } { incr number } {
  152. if { [string match *[lindex $numbers $number]* *$args* ] } {
  153. if {[matchattr $handle +f]} {
  154. putlog "-Anti Phone Script- $nick ($handle) with +f flags said $args on $channel"
  155. } elseif {[matchattr $handle +o]} {
  156. putlog "-Anti Phone Script- $nick ($handle) with +o flags said $args on $channel"
  157. } else {
  158. putlog "-Anti Telefonos emails- Patea a \2$nick\2 en \2$channel\2"
  159. putquick "KICK $channel $nick :$reason"
  160. newchanban $channel $banmask $botnick $reason 5m
  161. putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :Señores los numeros telefonicos y los emails no estan permitidos en este canal!!!"
  162. }
  163. }
  164. }
  165. }
  166. }
  167. }
  169. putlog "SadSalman's Anti numeros telefonicos y e-mails
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