
Chapter 1 edits, finale

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. He took the papers and the datapad in his hand and looked it over carefully.
  3. "it" should be changed to "them" because you're referring to two objects.
  5. “Hey! Watch it dirtball!” said a Seeker. He was white, black with violet accents. His face was quite youthful but he did appear older.
  7. You can replace the comma after "white" with the word "and". There's also an extra space in between "quite" and "youthful".
  9. He was blue as the sky, white with red accents like Starscream's.
  11. Add "but" or "and" after the word "sky," you need a conjunction to join the sentence together.
  13. “He's a geek,” Skywarp interrupted. “We don't hang around geeks, Thundercracker.”
  15. Do you have source for where Skywarp's ever shown a disdain for geeks? I specifically remember Thundercracker calling out Starscream for his geekiness in the G1 episode, "Fire on the Mountain" but I can't recall Skywarp ever behaving like that. Seems like those names should be reversed.
  17. “Hey I resemble that!” Skywarp responded – then he smiled, a creepy sinister smile.
  19. Did you use "resemble" intentionally there instead of "resent" to illustrate Skywarp's not the sharpest tool in the shed? Because that is completely in character for him!
  21. “I'm sorry if I am not very outgoing... I have been in space for so long, alone I am not used to people...” the red Seeker explained hesitantly.
  23. Add an ellipsis after "alone" so it's "alone... I am not used to people" to really illustrate Starscream's difficulty articulating his feelings.
  25. “Not to worry there, Screamer,” Skywarp said placing a now all too friendly arm around Starscream's shoulder. “We'll keep out of your way soon enough.”
  27. Change "all too friendly" to "all-too-friendly".
  29. “Please don't...don't call me Screamer.”
  31. There is a debate about whether or not to add a space after an ellipsis. I wanted to point that out since I recommended the space in my previous edits. You can do either, but make sure your style's consistent throughout your writing.
  33. Without any more talking, he quickly took his leave of the strange pair and all but ran into the Barracks in hopes he could get accommodations well away from the pair that followed in behind.
  35. Change "Barracks" to "barracks".
  37. The barrack was large with many platforms most of them double platforms.
  39. Add a comma in between "platforms" and "most".
  41. They were divided up then by species, flier or grounder.
  43. In this sentence, are you saying that fliers and grounders are separate species? I was under the impression Transformers were one species, but separated by function, which was determined by alt-mode.
  45. He wondered how many Seeker barracks there were and perhaps he could transfer.
  47. Extra space in between "were" and "and".
  49. The Officer inside the barrack was also a Seeker.
  51. Should be "officer".
  53. It was bright, shiny and quite attractive looking.
  55. "Attractive-looking".
  57. The idea of tattoo's did not appeal.
  59. "Tattoos".
  61. He was quite perfectly happy with how he looked and did not find need for decoration. “Papers?” the officer asked gruffly holding his hand out. Starscream placed the papers in the open palm and the older warrior nodded as he added to the information.
  63. "Quite" isn't necessary, "perfectly" describes it. "Find" should be changed to "see the need", adding "the" connects the verb and noun.
  64. Comma in between "gruffly" and "holding".
  66. “There isn't a chance there is another Seeker barrack is there?
  68. "there" should be "here", because you're referring to where Starscream currently is, as opposed to "there", which implies a place further away.
  70. “No. Platform 48-b is yours. Your footlocker is 48-B. This is your key, and you are to head to the Tattoo station to be marked.”
  72. I'm confused by "48-b" and 48-B" since they're the same number and letter. Are platforms and footlockers the same thing? If so, they need to be named the exact same thing. "Tattoo" should be lowercase.
  74. “It is if you don't want to be blown out the sky by friendlies, I strongly suggest you get it very soon. It'll be a black mark against you if you are not in uniform.”
  76. Add the word "so" after "friendlies," it'll add deadpan sarcasm to his statement. What is the uniform exactly? The insignia tattoo? Uniforms are usually worn and can be removed at will, so the usage here is strange.
  78. “Yes, very well...” Starscream groaned and as he was about to turn he felt a hand smack him in the back almost sending him flying head first into the registration table.
  80. End the sentence after "groaned". Start the second sentence with "As". Add a comma after the word "back". "head first" should either be "headfirst" or "head-first".
  82. Skywarp had turned to the Officer, “you said he's in 48? 49 A and B open? We're old friends, Screamer and I, we work well together!”
  84. Change "Officer" to "officer".
  86. The red Seeker spun around “that's lies; I never knew you before now; And don't call me Screamer!”
  88. End the sentence after "around". Change "that's lies; I never knew you before now; And don't call me Screamer!” to "That's a lie! I never knew you before now! And don't call me Screamer!” If you change the sentence to three sentences, it adds emotional impact. Starscream's so angry he's not taking the time to think about what he's saying, hence the short, emphasized bursts. Since this is the case, it's perfectly acceptable for "And" to start the sentence. In his current mindset, Starscream's not thinking about proper grammar.
  90. “Your papers?” the soldier asked Skywarp. Skywarp grabbed Thundercracker's as well and thrust them at the Officer and stood back to attention.
  92. Change "Officer" to "officer".
  94. “I thought we did not hang around Geeks, Skywarp,” Thundercracker reminded.
  96. Change "Geeks" to "geeks". Depending on the outcome of a conversation we have about a previous point I made, the perspectives in this sentence may need to be switched. Add "him" after "reminded" to show who Thundercracker is referring to.
  98. “Error of judgement, I think he's gonna be so much fun,” the other replied smiling in a sinister manner once more.
  100. Add a comma in between "replied" and "smiling".
  102. He groaned, “I'll take it under advisement, I think I am bound by my decision now...”
  104. What decision? When did he make it?
  106. “You three will report to the tattoo station and get the mark,” the officer said looking straight at Starscream, to the red Seeker he felt it was more of an order than a request this time.
  108. Add a comma after "said" and "looking". Change the comma after "Starscream" to a semicolon. Change "to the red Seeker he felt it was more of an order than a request this time." to "the red Seeker felt it was more of an order than a request this time".
  110. Chapter 1 done!
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