
Chione's lines

Apr 13th, 2016
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  1. Chione's lines
  4. Introduction:
  5. Oh, this looks like a great home, huh?
  6. I'm Chione from the gargoyle species!
  7. Are you the landlord?
  8. From now on I'll be the gatekeeper, so, you'll be able to sleep without any worries!
  9. おっ、いい家じゃねえか!
  10. 俺はガーゴイル族のチオ-ネだ!
  11. アンタが家主なんだろ?
  12. 今日から門番をしてやるから安心して眠りな!
  14. Intro (Memorial): H-hey! No peeking without permission! お、おい!俺の許可もなく覗くなよ!
  17. Home.
  19. Greetings.
  21. Afternoon: Landlord, I'll take care of the house's security.
  23. Home: Need something? 俺に用か?
  24. Having fun? 楽しいのか?
  25. Stop nagging me so much. すりすりすんなよぉ
  26. Home (¡Ý 10 times): Nnnnguuuuh! Give it a break already! んぐぅ~いいかげんにしろー!
  27. Profile: Home's condition? It's this one, right? 家の管理表か?ここにあるだろ
  28. Refresh: Well, I guess I can go languid for a bit. まっ、ぼけっとするのもありか
  29. Organization: Oh, patrol? おっ、巡回か?
  30. Fusion: I won't be able to revert if I become too cute. Revert/Change form. 綺麗すぎると逆に目立つけどな
  31. Limit Break: Landlord, don't admire me that much. 家主、あんまり俺に見蕩れるなよ
  32. Job (Start): But I was guarding the house... この家の警備は誰がするんだよ…ったく…
  33. Job (End): Fi~nishe~d, you can ask someone else how did it go. あ~終わった~。次は別の奴に頼めよ
  34. Meal: What are we having? どう食うんだよ…?
  35. Idle: Can I go back outside? 外に戻っていいか…?
  38. Outing.
  40. Outing (Begin): I'm out. 行ってくる
  41. Outing (End): I'm back. 帰ったぞ
  42. Item Pickup: Did he drop this? (He referring to the landlord, you.) 家主の落とし物か?
  43. Encounter: You dare stay in my way? 俺の邪魔をするのか?
  44. Encounter (Start): You guys, follow me! お前ら!ついて来いよ
  45. Encounter (Victory): Being a security guard is my lifework! 警備は俺のライフワークなんだぜ
  46. Encounter
  47. (Total Victory): Hope they learned to avoid this place from now on! これに懲りたらもう来るなよ?
  48. Encounter (Defeat): Dammit...I won't lose... くっそぉ…俺が負けるなんて…
  49. Attack: Let me hear your whinning! 愚痴なら聞くぜ
  50. What's that? 何の話だ?
  51. Cheer (Attack): Yeah!, You guys do your best too! おう、お前もがんばれよ?
  52. Cheer (Defend): Isn't this my job as a gatekeeper? 門番として当然だろ?
  53. Hit: Phewn... ふんっ
  54. Not yet... まだまだ
  55. Hit (Critical): Dammit...at this rate... クソッ…このままじゃ…
  56. KO: I can't move anymore... もうボロボロだ~…
  58. Care.
  60. Care (Begin): What are you gonna do with me? 俺に何かしてくれんのか?
  62. Touch (Good)
  63. Affection < 30%: H-hurry up and finish! とっとと済ませよ
  64. I'm getting embarased. 恥ずいんだよ
  66. Touch (Good)
  67. Affection ¡Ý 30%: You'll do it politely? 丁寧にしろよ?
  68. There, that's... そこそこ…だな
  70. Touch (Good)
  71. Affection ¡Ý 60%: I'll get used to it. 癖になりそうだ
  72. I'll end up needing you... もう家主じゃなきゃ…
  74. Touch (Chest)
  75. Affection < 30%: What are you gonna do if... 欠けたらどうするんだよ
  76. You're really clumsy. 下手くそ
  78. Touch (Chest)
  79. Affection ¡Ý 30%: Nah...I'm shivering... んぁ…ぞくぞくするぅ…
  80. Mh...I already told you... んっ…もういいって…
  82. Touch (Chest)
  83. Affection ¡Ý 60%: Ah, don't make me lust for you. あっ、あたしに欲情すんなよ
  84. Hyaah!, Aah, don't do it now! ひゃぅっ!あぁっ、い、今の無しな!
  86. Touch (Bad): Hyah! ひゃっ
  87. Mh... んっ…
  88. Where are you touching? どこ触ってるんだよぉ…
  90. Idle: Done already? もう終わりか……?
  92. Hourly Notifications.
  94. 00:00: Our security room reports the visibility is low...ah! It's a new day. 部屋からの警備だと視界が悪い……あっ、日付が変わってる
  95. 01:00: Aaaalright, I'll do some vigilance inside the house later. しゃーない、あとで家の中も見回っとくか
  96. 02:00: I ran into Emeth...she should make noise whenever she's walking. エメスと鉢合わせした……あいつ、足音くらい立てろよな
  97. 03:00: I'm a bit nervous, but it's okay, I'll be a good security guard. ちょこちょこでもいいから外を警備しないと
  98. 04:00: I borrowed a phone, if I see someone suspicious I'll call you. 電話を借りるぞ。悪いやつがいたから通報しとく
  99. 06:00: Huh?, There's no way a gatekeeper's going to sleep at night, get it? ん?門番として夜に寝るわけにはいかないだろ?
  100. 07:00: Oh, it's morning now. As expected, no suspicious person showed up. おっ、朝になったなー。さすがにもう不審者は出てこないだろ
  101. 08:00: Breakfast?I don't need that, so...I'll sleep. 朝メシ?俺には必要ないから……寝とく……
  102. 09:00: zZz...leave it to me... zzz……俺に任せろー……
  103. 10:00: Nn...just a bit more... んー……もうちょっとだけぇ……
  104. 11:00: -Yawns-...Almost time to get back to the entrance... (あくび) そろそろ玄関に戻らないと……
  105. 12:00: I saw Emeth's waking up face. エメスに寝起きの顔を見られた……
  106. 13:00: Children start throwing stones at this hour. この時間は子供に石を投げられたりするんだよなー
  107. 14:00: Emeth helped me...she's pretty good with children, don't you think? エメスに助けられた……あいつ子供の扱いが上手いよなー
  108. 15:00: Emet's part of the golem species, that's why I'm glad I met her. エメスはゴーレム族だから結構気が合うんだよ
  109. 18:00: Oh, it's already night, gotta be wary now. おっ、もう夜になるな。警戒しとかないと
  110. 19:00: As always, it's because I don't go on diet. 例のごとく俺は食事を取らないからな
  111. 20:00: Lanlord's dinning table always gets so noisy. 家主の食卓は毎回騒がしくなるよなー
  112. 21:00: Hey, I'll be waiting for orders outside. 家主、俺は外で待機してるぞ
  113. 22:00: The hell? You should come see me occasionally. なんだよーちょいちょい様子は見に来るっての
  114. 23:00: I spent the whole day with you...it's alright... 一日の終わりぐらいは一緒にって……まあいいけど……
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