
Rise of the Runelords, Session 5: Ch. 1, Burnt Offerings

Jan 20th, 2014
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  1. [12:37] <@Aqu|GM> --- Rise of the Runelords, Session 5: Chapter 1, Burnt Offerings ---
  2. [12:38] <@Aqu|GM> After the laughter at Orick's expense dies down, Ameiko comes out, delivering the lunch order-- Wine, bread, fine cheese, and venison. Ample amounts are set, plenty for everyone to have their fill. Ameiko smiles. "Enjoy," she nods. "Let me know if you need anything else."
  3. [12:43] <Harvey> Mahd tilts her mask backwards to reveal a greedy little smile as she surveys the food.
  4. [12:44] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent leans forward with a grin, taking a piece of venison for his plate.
  5. [12:44] <@Aqu|GM> Aldern smiles. "Dig in, please. All of this is on me."
  6. [12:47] <Harvey> Mahd simply grabs a haunch of the meat, gnawing on it happily. Palurin is a little more refined, taking some meat and cheese and eating it daintily, compared to Mahd's ravenous attack on the food.
  7. [12:48] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sticks with the bread and cheese, preferring a lighter meal for lunch. She nods appreciatively to Aldern, "Thanks..."
  8. [12:48] <@Aqu|GM> Aldern smirks. "Of course. Anything for the Heroes of Sandpoint!"
  9. [12:51] <Harvey> "Thanks," Mahd manages between massive bites.
  10. [13:00] <Harvey> Palurin merely eats quietely.
  11. [13:18] <@Aqu|GM> Several minutes into the lunch, an older woman, middle-aged with greying, long hair, bursts into the dining room. She clutches a baby to her chest with one hand, while her other is clinging to a child's shirt, following by her side. The woman looks on the verge of tears, immediately looking to the heroes of sandpoint.
  12. [13:19] <@Aqu|GM> "Help me," she begs, looking to her children. "please... g-goblin!" she stammers, catching her breath.
  13. [13:20] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns, sitting up. "Goblins," he growls. "they back?"
  14. [13:21] <Harvey> Mahd looks up from her meal, swallowing a large bite of meat. She frowns at the woman, wiping her mouth. Palurin looks up, startled.
  15. [13:23] <@Aqu|GM> The woman nods. "Last night my husband didnโ€™t go to soothe my son when he had his night terrors. A few moments later, I heard poor Petal cry out in pain and my child's screams turn shrill!" She chokes up a tear and pauses, taking a breath, and then shows her son's arms. Theyโ€™re covered with fresh goblin bites.
  16. [13:25] <Harvey> Mahd stands abruptly. "Well, I suppose we should go deal with that," she muses, replacing her mask and looking to Orick, who stands as well.
  17. [13:25] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent hops off of his chair and nods. "Less go," he calls.
  18. [13:26] <@Aqu|GM> The woman's face brightens and she gives a thankful nod. "Th-thank you, truly."
  19. [13:26] <@Aqu|GM> Vctanys shrugs, looking to Aldern. "It's what we do as 'goblin-hunters' now, apparently."
  20. [13:27] <Harvey> Palurin stands as well, hand resting on the pommel of his sword. "Where?" he asks the woman.
  21. [13:31] <@Aqu|GM> The woman momentarily lets go of her child's hand, pointing to a house nearby, seen through the window of the Rusty Dragon. "There," she states. "M-my husband is still there. Please, be quick."
  22. [13:32] <Harvey> Palurin nods, already moving for the door.
  23. [13:34] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent follow, with the latter of the pair grumbling about the damn bottom-feeding goblins.
  24. [13:34] <@Aqu|GM> Aldern stands impassively and walks to the window, watching as the group leaves.
  25. [13:34] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, following with Orick. She was enjoying her meal...
  26. [13:39] <Harvey> Palurin is quickly outside, heading towards the indicated building.
  27. [13:40] <@Aqu|GM> All follow Palurin, and as he approaches the building, front door still ajar, it is deathly silent.
  28. [13:41] <Harvey> "Wait, wait! Don't open the door yet," Mahd yells from the back of the group, quickly stepping forward. "I don't feel like getting ambushed again," she mumbles, pointing at the door and muttering to herself. After a moment, the door opens on it's own.
  29. [13:45] <@Aqu|GM> The door opens, revealing a small interior. Two doors are visible from outside, within the entryway of the home, neither open.
  30. [13:46] <Harvey> Palurin takes a slow step inside, looking around with his sword raised. "Which door?" he asks, turning back to the group.
  31. [13:47] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, looking left and right. "Not sure... whichever. Let's just get this over with."
  32. [13:48] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent enters the house, looking between the doors...
  33. [13:50] <@Aqu|GM> Standing in the house, a smell permeates the air. Thick and coppery, the smell of blood, lingers near the left-most door.
  34. [13:50] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns, taking a sniff. "Think that be our answer."
  35. [13:51] <Harvey> Mahd nods, pointing her hand at the door which smells of death. With a few words, it too opens.
  36. [13:54] <@Aqu|GM> Within the room, a child's bed is seen, sheets torn and thrown to the side. Just next to that, half of a middle-aged man's body is visible. There is a pool of blood forming underneath him, and his body looks stuck; halfway inside a closet.
  37. [13:56] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns, entering the room and looking about. His eyes land on the closet. "Think a goblin be hiding in there?"
  38. [13:57] <Harvey> Palurin blinks, scowling. Mahd, on the other hand, is trying not to laugh. The sight of half of a man sticking out of the closet amuses her. Though she dutifully raises her hand to open the closet door as well.
  39. [13:58] <@Aqu|GM> Mahd's spell fails, the closet door stuck on the man's form.
  40. [13:58] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys points to the body, looking to Pwent and Palurin. "We'll probably need to move it."
  41. [13:59] <Harvey> Mahd turns to glance at Orick. {Get the dead guy.} Nodding, Orick complies, grabbing the man's shoulders and pulling.
  42. [14:01] <@Aqu|GM> Orick easily pulls away the body, revealing the upper half of the man's torso. Or at least... what's left of it. It appears that, seeing through his ripped tunic, the flesh on the man's torso has been gnawed completely off, as well as the flesh on his face.
  43. [14:04] <@Aqu|GM> Immediately after Orick moves the corpse, a snarl is heard. "Mine!" the angry and small voice shouts. A goblin follows, eyes wide in rage, leaping to slash at Orick with a rusty dogslicer.
  44. [14:08] <@Aqu|GM> The chopper manages to slash brutally into Orick's armor, causing the goblin to let out a delighted squeal.
  45. [14:11] <Harvey> As the blade makes direct contact with Orick, a sudden darkness opens up beneath his feet, swallowing the suit of armor in a sudden explosion of non-light. As soon as the portal opens, Mahd screams, falling to her knees. "Orickaratt!" she bellows.
  46. [14:13] <Harvey> Startled, Palurin raises his blade, lunging at the goblin.
  47. [14:17] <@Aqu|GM> The goblin proves too swift, easily dodging the lunge.
  48. [14:18] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, moving to attack from behind the goblin and flank while the others keep it busy. Once she repositions herself, she attempts to drive one of her knives into its back.
  49. [14:19] <@Aqu|GM> While Victanys manages to hit, her blade doesn't seem to go very far into his leather armor.
  50. [14:20] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent steps up next, taking Orick's spot. With a roar, he attempts to bash the goblin's head in!
  51. [14:20] <@Aqu|GM> Once again, the goblin dodges with a snicker.
  52. [14:28] <Harvey> Struggling to her feet, Mahd reaches up to rip the mask off of her face. With a snarl of rage, she begins to chant angrily, causing a second portal of darkness to appear. Suddenly, a very large, very angry looking rat is standing there, glaring evilly at the goblin.
  53. [14:32] <Harvey> It rushes forward, attempting to bite the goblin
  54. [14:36] <@Aqu|GM> The rat manages a rather nasty bite! The goblin growls, repaying the bite with a slash from his dogslicer!
  55. [14:37] <@Aqu|GM> Unfortunately for the rat, the goblin manages to hit, killing it outright,
  56. [14:39] <Harvey> It disappears in the same blast of bizarre non-light as Orick did, causing Mahd to curse again. Surprised by all the weirdness going on with Mahd, Palurin watches this raptly. Turning his attention back to the goblin, he swings at it's neck.
  57. [14:40] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin's cleave manages to slice the goblin's head right off of its shoulders! With a final gurgle right before the blade cuts through cleanly, the goblin falls.
  58. [14:42] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns, dropping his mace and turning to Mahd. "Where'd the big one go? He needs healing, d'in'he?"
  59. [14:42] <Harvey> As soon as the goblin falls, Mahd does as well, collapsing to her knees.
  60. [14:43] <Harvey> She looks at the dwarf through her solid black eyes, mask discarded in a corner. "He's gone," she answers miserably.
  61. [14:49] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. "What'd'ye mean? That one hit couldn't a' done him in."
  62. [14:50] <Harvey> She doesn't say anything, standing unsteadily and grabbing her mask from the ground. Replacing it, she trudges out of the building without saying anything. Palurin watches confused, cleaning his blade on the goblin's armor and sheathing it.
  63. [14:52] <@Aqu|GM> The man's wife and children are outside, meeting Mahd first. The wife looks worried, raising an eyebrow. "Is... the goblin gone? Is my husband safe?"
  64. [14:52] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "Is... Orick dead?" She shakes her head. "What just happened?"
  65. [14:56] <Harvey> "Dead..." Mahd mumbles, going back towards the inn. Palurin just looks at the human and dwarf, shrugging. Turning back to the closet, he tries to see if any more of the man survived the goblin.
  66. [15:02] <@Aqu|GM> "Wh-what?" the women blinks, falling to her knees. "No..." she sobs, holding both of her children close.
  67. [15:02] <@Aqu|GM> The only other thing Palurin finds is a dead dog, half-eaten.
  68. [15:03] <Harvey> Palurin sighs, poking the remains with the toe of his boot. "We were too late, it seems."
  69. [15:05] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent grumbles, "Damn goblins." He points to the door. "C'mon... we better let the woman know."
  70. [15:07] <Harvey> Palurin nods, turning to head back outside.
  71. [15:08] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent follow, heading out to see... the woman, already outside, sobbing with her two children. Mahd is nowhere to be seen.
  72. [15:10] <Harvey> Unnerved by the crying woman and her children, Palurin hesitates, not entirely sure whether he should try consoling her.
  73. [15:11] <@Aqu|GM> "Why..." the group hears the women speak in between sobs, "why couldn't you save him?"
  74. [15:11] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, looking between Palurin and Pwent.
  75. [15:12] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent sighs, approaching the woman. "We did all we could... best we c'n do now is let ye' know he's move on."
  76. [15:12] <@Aqu|GM> If anything, this only seems to make the woman's sobbing grow louder and more heartfelt.
  77. [15:14] <Harvey> Palurin looks at Pwent and the woman, pulling his hood on tighter.
  78. [15:15] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent sighs, moving back to Palurin and Victanys. "Anything either of you c'n say to calm her down?"
  79. [15:17] <Harvey> Palurin looks at Pwent, shaking his head slightly, though he approaches the woman anyway.
  80. [15:18] <@Aqu|GM> She doesn't seem to notice Palurin's approach, holding her children close.
  81. [15:20] <Harvey> He kneels in front of her, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry for your loss. The creature who killed your husband is dead," Palurin says hollowly, looking up to look at the woman.
  82. [15:41] <@Aqu|GM> The woman continues sobbing! Thankfully for Palurin, Sheriff Hemlock is soon seen walking briskly towards the scene.
  83. [15:41] <@Aqu|GM> The Sheriff frowns upon arrival, nodding towards Palurin. "I will take it from here." He sighs.
  84. [15:41] <Harvey> Palurin nods, standing and backing away.
  85. [15:44] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, heading back to the Dragon.
  86. [15:44] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent follows after, shaking his head.
  87. [15:45] <Harvey> Palurin looks at the woman, glancing at the open door of the house before heading back towards the inn as well.
  88. [15:46] <@Aqu|GM> Oddly enough, Aldern is gone, but the meal remains.
  89. [15:48] <Harvey> Mahd is already hidden away in her room.
  90. [15:49] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent orders a brew, then returns to his seat to finish his lunch.
  91. [15:51] <Harvey> Palurin just pokes at the food, appetite gone.
  92. [15:51] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs. "At least we tried," she slumps into her seat. "not like we could have done better..."
  93. [15:52] <Harvey> Grumbling, Palurin pulls his hood tighter.
  94. [15:56] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes, annoyance at the situation causing her sarcasm to come to the forefront, "Pull that hood any tighter and you'll suffocate."
  95. [15:59] <Harvey> Realizing what he's been doing, he takes his hand away from the hem of the hood with a sigh.
  96. [16:03] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, shaking her head. "I mean, you don't have to, just... Urgh." She huffs. "Damn goblins."
  97. [16:04] <Harvey> Palurin nods his assent, boring more holes into the table.
  98. [16:05] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent continues to drink.
  99. [16:05] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "I think I'm going to bed... sleep for a while." She stands, waving as she departs.
  100. [16:07] <Harvey> Palurin gives a little half-hearted wave, standing. "I think I'll do the same," he says, nodding to Pwent.
  101. [16:07] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent grumbles.
  102. [16:10] <@Aqu|GM> In dour moods, the day moves on with little activity. That is, until Shayliss comes to visit...
  103. [16:10] <@Aqu|GM> A single knock on Mahd's door near midnight signals her arrival.
  104. [16:14] <Harvey> Mahd drags herself off of the bed, already out of her armor and in only her tunic and trousers. Grumbling a little, though feeling better than she did when Orick was banished, she approaches the door. Cracking it open, she peeks out.
  105. [16:18] <@Aqu|GM> In the same revealing outfit as before, Shayliss stands waiting for Mahd. As the woman peaks out, the young girl smiles widely. "Mahd!"
  106. [16:19] <Harvey> Smiling a little weekly, Mahd opens the door wider to admit the buxom girl.
  107. [16:21] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss enters, sitting on Mahd's bed. Her smile lessens, giddy nervousness clear as she looks to Mahd.
  108. [16:22] <Harvey> "I don't suppose you'd be willing to wait a few minutes to begin?" Mahd asks, sitting down next to Shayliss and smiling.
  109. [16:23] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss raises an eyebrow, confused, but nods. "I suppose not...that's fine."
  110. [16:24] <Harvey> Mahd smiles, leaning over to kiss Shayliss.
  111. [16:25] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss blushes, smile returning as she leans forward to press her lips to Mahd's.
  112. [16:26] <Harvey> Mahd reaches around Shayliss' back to pull them together, though she's far more tender than she was in the basement the day before.
  113. [16:29] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss' arms wrap around Mahd in turn, eager to be close. Once again, Shayliss tries to show her eagerness, tongue parting Mahd's lips.
  114. [16:31] <Harvey> Still a little out of it, Mahd just lets her do it, not trying to take control at all.
  115. --- NSFW Content in Session 5.5 log ---
  116. [16:32] <@Aqu|GM> Much moaning later, and far into the night, Shayliss shuffles back home, leaving Mahd to finish resting for the next day. Unfortunate as it may be for Mahd, the sun peeks through her room window a few hours later.
  117. [16:32] <Harvey> Mahd lies on her bed, grinning to herself. Wings and tail are splayed around her as she sighs in contentment. Sitting up, she rubs her breast, tweaking the chain link with a little chuckle. Palurin, meanwhile is just now rousing himself putting on his clothes.
  118. [16:35] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent, having woke an hour past, is preparing his clerical spells for the day, praying to Desna.
  119. [16:36] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys is up early, down in the main hall of the tavern and eating a piece of bread.
  120. [16:39] <Harvey> Pants and shirt on, Palurin assumes his crosslegged position in the corner with his book to prepare for the day. Mahd rolls off of the bed with a yawn, still naked. She points dramatically at the floor, chanting to herself in Abyssal. After a minute of this, another dark portal appears in the ground as the bizarre anti-light slowly rises up, forming into the shape of a massive suit of solid black plate armor.
  121. [16:39] <Harvey> Orick fully summoned, Mahd nods to herself and begins to dress.
  122. [16:40] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, leaning against a wall of the tavern-- bored-- as she waits for her companions.
  123. [16:42] <Harvey> After an hour, Palurin snaps the book shut resolutely, donning the rest of his clothes, armor, and cloak. Strapping his sword on, he heads downstairs.
  124. [16:44] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent follows right after, exiting his room a moment after Palurin. "Mornin', lad."
  125. [16:45] <Harvey> "Good morning," Palurin responds, remembering his strange dreams and resolving to ask the inn-keeper about anyone matching the girl's description.
  126. [16:46] <@Aqu|GM> "How'd ya' sleep?" Pwent yawns. "Seems Mahd made a 'friend' fer some company. Rather loud company."
  127. [16:48] <Harvey> Palurin blushes slightly, grunting in response. The woman in question leaves her room at just that moment, yawning behind her mask. Orick looms behind her as she heads downstairs.
  128. [16:49] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent blinks. "Orick, where'd ye go off to yesterday?"
  129. [16:54] <Harvey> Orick regards the dwarf for a moment before responding. "I was defeated and send back to my own plane," he booms out. Mahd looks like she's about to say something, but shrugs, continuing downstairs.
  130. [16:55] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent raises an eyebrow. "I'll ask 'bout it later, I suppose..." He shrugs, following downstairs.
  131. [16:57] <Harvey> Palurin goes down as well, grabbing a slice of bread and sitting down next to Victanys. Mahd sits as well, slab of black bread with a mead in the hollow chamber.
  132. [16:58] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys smiles, relieved. "Took you all long enough... It's boring, just sitting here and waiting for you all."
  133. [16:59] <Harvey> Palurin smiles a little, taking a bite of his bread. Mahd is already chugging her booze, munching on the soggy bread between large swallows.
  134. [17:01] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs, biting into some bread and cheese. "Have ta' prepare me spells. Y'know that."
  135. [17:12] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys huffs. "Doesn't make it any less boring." She looks to Palurin, Mahd, and Orick, grumbling quietly, "Especially when no one's talking." Only Palurin is close enough to hear.
  136. [17:14] <Harvey> "Sorry," Palurin mumbles, swallowing a bit of bread and glancing as Victanys a little sheepishly.
  137. [17:16] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes, smirking at Palurin. "That's a start."
  138. [17:25] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles, then looks to Mahd. "So." she asks, "who's your friend? Your -loud- friend."
  139. [17:36] <Harvey> Mahd laughs. "That girl who requested my help with some giant rats. As it turned out, she needed some more help..."
  140. [17:54] <@Aqu|GM> ---End Session---
  141. [17:54] <@Aqu|GM> Experience: 100
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