
Lich Doctor Chapter Eleven

Feb 21st, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And you are very confused.
  3. >There is a female Draconequus hugging you.
  4. >And calling you Daddy.
  5. >Everyone has fallen deathly silent and are staring at you and the female Draconequus.
  6. >And Celestia looks like she is currently going to murder you even harder.
  7. >And Luna has snapped out of her reverie.
  8. >And you are twelve thousand years old.
  9. >And WHAT IS THIS?
  10. >You were in need of some venting, but this thing just threw you for a loop and wrecked every last bit of your momentum.
  11. >You gingerly extricate yourself from the grasp of the female draconequus
  12. “Umm....who are you?”
  13. >The Draconequus stares at you for a second before laughing.
  14. >”Silly! I”m Eris, Discord's daughter! And since Discord was the mommy, that makes YOU the daddy!”
  15. >Wat.
  16. “Wat.”
  17. >How was that even.
  18. >The physics of those implications did not parse.
  19. “Discord was a MALE Draconequus.”
  20. >“I know! Isn't that, like, TOTALLY crazy?!”
  21. >Your head hurt.
  22. >You don't even have a brain and you have a headache.
  23. >This should not logically be happening.
  24. >”Oh, Daddy Daddy! Look!”
  25. >Against your better judgment, you look.
  26. >Eris has a huge grin on her face and she snaps her fingers.
  27. >After Eris snapped her fingers, a tremor rocked the ground, nearly throwing you off your feet.
  28. >”It followed me home. Can I keep it?”
  29. >You turn around to see...
  30. >....
  31. >Fuck.
  32. >It's an Ursa Major.
  33. >And it's HUGE!!!
  34. >It's at least twice the size of any other Ursa Major you've ever seen.
  35. >And you've seen some big ones.
  36. >The claws on this titanic bear had to be at least ten meters long.
  37. >The Ursa Major lets out a growl that shakes the earth.
  38. >Oh shit, it might be mad.
  39. >The Royal Guards start retreating further away from the Ursa.
  40. >“Oh dear, I think I left my oven on. Gotta go!”
  41. >And just like that, Eris disappears.
  42. >Everything falls silent for a moment, like the calm before the storm.
  43. >It was just like a standoff in one of those old spaghetti westerns, except with ponies and a giant bear.
  44. >And then, it happens.
  45. >All hell broke loose.
  47. >The Ursa Major jumped over the bulkhead, Luna, and yourself and charges into the Royal Guard.
  48. >Celestia charged at you with the fury of Hell itself.
  49. >You forced your guests and your duplicates back down the access tunnel and forced the bulkhead closed and locked.
  50. >Luna threw up a barrier around you and her.
  51. >And the Royal Guard opened fire on anything that moved that wasn't gold colored.
  52. >It was pure chaos.
  53. >Celestia was trying to beat down the barrier you and Luna were now holding up.
  54. >The Ursa Major was trying to flatten anything that wasn't itself.
  55. >Ten Thousand Royal Guardspony were launching well coordinated assaults on the Ursa and successfully keeping the behemoth occupied.
  56. >The barrier began to deteriorate under Celestia's furious pummeling.
  57. >Through the translcent blue shield, Celestia looked as if she were possessed by a spirit of hatred.
  58. >Her mane was in disarray, flying every which way as she thrashed your barrier.
  59. >Her once calm and serene amethyst eyes were bloodshot and angry.
  60. >Spittle flew freely from her curse spewing muzzle as she swore eternal suffering and hatred against you.
  61. >Every ounce of her anger was directed at only one thing right now.
  62. >You.
  63. >The look on her visage and the savagery of her attacks were almost enough to make you afraid.
  64. >Luna was beginning to quail with fear just from the look Celestia was giving you.
  65. >Her fear was causing the barrier to weaken.
  66. >You had to pick up Luna's slack in taking the brunt of Celestia's beating until Luna collapsed in terror.
  67. >Which left you to hold the barrier by yourself.
  68. >Wait a sec...
  69. >Why are YOU being on the defensive?!
  70. >You are a GOD DAMN LICH!!!
  71. >It's about time you started acting like one!
  73. >This is not good.
  74. >The original was in trouble!
  75. >There was a raging Demigoddess, a bear titan, and an army outside the front door!
  76. >You had to do something.
  77. >You untangled yourself from the pile of ten other yous and the two guests.
  78. >You helped everyone else untangle themselves and made sure everyone was fine.
  79. >Thankfully, the guests were uninjured.
  80. >They were just panicked.
  81. >Which is to be expected.
  82. >You assured them that everything would be fine.
  83. >The original could handle this.
  84. > hope.
  85. >The bulkhead was closed and locked so there was no way to get out fast enough to help the original and be of any use.
  86. >...
  87. >Not unless you used something from the Hangar.
  88. >You quickly ushered everyone back to the Control Room while you called up an inventory of all the aircrafts in the Hangar on your tablet.
  89. >Shit, there wasn't anything fast enough with enough power to reach them quickly enough.
  90. >You keep cycling through the list of plains until you find something that catches your interest.
  91. >It was listed as an AC-5S.
  92. >It's description says it was an experimental stealth support retrofit of a cargo aircraft.
  93. >Top speed of five hundred and fifty miles per hour.
  94. >Well, it's plenty fast enough.
  95. >What did the armaments look like?
  96. >...Woooooooooow.
  97. >Yep, this thing DEFINITELY had enough firepower.
  98. >You set the automated systems of the Hangar to start getting the AC-5S ready for launch.
  99. >While the aircraft was getting ready for launch, you led the ten other yous and the two guests back to the Control Room.
  100. >Once you reached the Control Room, you left four yous and the two guests there and took six yous to the Hangar.
  101. >Seven should be enough of a skeleton crew to use that aircraft.
  103. >As Celestia continues to pound away at your barrier and Luna continues to be a quivering mass of scared, you figure out the best way to end this quickly.
  104. >The bad news is that your contract stated that killing sentients would terminate your contract, so that option was out.
  105. >You only had about two or three offensive spells and some variants, so you would have to get creative with everything else.
  106. >The good news is, you were very creative.
  107. >It's time to show Celestia why a good defense is the best offense.
  108. >As Celestia rears back for another blow, you wrap the barrier around Celestia to form a sphere.
  109. >You try to tighten the barrier down around her, but she's putting up one hell of a fight.
  110. >Soon, Celestia starts forcing magic against the sphere, making it that much harder to hold together.
  111. >Blinding white light sears through the translucent barrier as Celestia assaults it with raw power.
  112. >Soon enough, rays of solar fury punch through the sphere.
  113. >One of them almost hit you.
  114. >It burned a hole in your favorite cape though.
  115. >You knew that the sphere wouldn't hold up to much more abuse, so you willed up another barrier around yourself and Luna again and levitated the sphere away from you.
  116. >Mere seconds later, the sphere vaporized in a blinding flash of white light.
  117. >You swear you could almost feel your bones bleaching.
  118. >Celestia stood before you looking even angrier than before.
  119. >She pawed a hoof at the ground and lowered her head, wings flared out to her sides.
  120. >Looks like she was going to charge you.
  121. >This gave you a devious idea.
  122. >Looks like you would get to vent after all.
  123. >Time to start being a proper Lich.
  125. >You stood your ground and readied a spell while Celestia sprinted towards you.
  126. >Just as Celestia was about to gore you on her horn, you grab her horn with both hands and let loose a stream of lightning right into her horn.
  127. >You could see her eyes starting to roll back into her head as she screamed out in pain.
  128. >She tried to break your grasp, but you were having none of that.
  129. >Oh no, she was going to ride the lightning.
  130. >And she wasn't going to like it.
  131. >You increase the amount of magic into the spell and Celestia screams louder.
  132. >You could see smoke rising from between your finger bones.
  133. >Celestia is still trying to struggle, but it is futile.
  134. >She was beginning to loose consciousness.
  135. >Roughly a minute later, Celestia finally lost consciousness.
  136. >Good thing too.
  137. >You hated screamers.
  138. >As you gaze over her charred horn and her twitching body, you dust your hands off.
  139. >Now, it's time to take care of that Ursa Maj-*WHAM*
  140. >You tumble across the ground and skid to a halt some twenty yards away.
  141. >Picking yourself back up, you find about a hundred Royal Guard surrounding Celestia.
  142. >And out in front was Shining Armor.
  143. >And boy did he look angry.
  144. >”Any last words before you die, scum?”
  145. “Nope.”
  146. >You cast a Chain Lightning spell at the group and watch them all drop to the ground screaming and spasming.
  147. >Everyone seems to forget that metal armor makes a great conductor.
  148. >You walk up into the middle of the group and levitate Celestia out of the center.
  149. >You hear the sound of armor clanking as one of the ponies tries to get back up.
  150. >It's Shining Armor.
  151. >He doesn't know when to stay down.
  152. >As he struggles to stand up between muscles twitching, you walk up and grab him by the horn and hoist him to eye level.
  153. >He winces from having his horn grabbed but still tries to maintain a brave face.
  154. >”You haven't won yet you monster. There's still the entire Royal Guard left! You won't win!”
  156. >You weren't in the mood to chat.
  157. >You zap him with a lightning spell and let his twitching body fall to the earth.
  158. >It's fairly amusing to watch Shining Armor twitch around and see his eyes roll back into his head.
  159. >Ignoring Shining Armor for a minute, you survey the battlefield to see how things are going.
  160. >The Ursa Major doesn't even look like it's been hurt.
  161. >The Royal Guard also appears to be wise to the Ursa's ways of fighting.
  162. >The Unicorns are all focusing on blocking the titan's swats whenever it targets ground forces.
  163. >The Pegasi are harassing the Ursa with arrows, providing a distraction.
  164. >The Earth ponies are also firing volley after volley of arrows into the Ursa, doing little good.
  165. >The Royal Guard has done a stellar job of lasting this long against an Ursa Major, but there is no way for them to defeat the behemoth.
  166. >You were going to have to transport the raging titan to a deserted island and come back for it in about a week after it cooled down.
  167. >So, that's exactly what you'll do.
  168. >You set Celestia down in preparation for what you are about to do.
  169. >You charge up the necessary energy and set a destination in mind.
  170. >With that accomplished, you teleport on top of the Ursa Major.
  171. >A few of the Pegasi Guards are startled by your sudden appearance.
  172. >They don't have any time to react before you grab hold of the Ursa Major and teleport away.
  173. >The Royal Guard is left in a state of confusion at the sudden disappearance of the Ursa Major.
  174. >When you teleport right into the middle of where the Ursa Major used to be, the Royal Guard readies an attack.
  175. >You cast a spell to amplify your voice a bit and begin speaking.
  176. “I'm feeling nice right now. You should feel lucky. My issue wasn't with any of you. So here's the deal. Leave or suffer the consequences.”
  177. >A volley of arrows being launched at you is your answer.
  178. >You throw up a barrier and listen as the shafts clatter harmlessly against your shield.
  179. “You brought this on yourselves.”
  181. >Oh this chaos is delicious.
  182. >It really is amazing what pulling a few strings can do to a pony's mind.
  183. >And Anonymous.
  184. >The horn thing was REALLY a nice touch.
  185. >You sat back in your theater chair munching on popcorn while watching current events unfold on the silver screen.
  186. >You are far as the readers need to know.
  187. >And it was nearly time to set another piece of your plan into motion.
  188. >You want to know the best part of all this business with Anonymous?
  189. >No one was guarding the castle!
  190. >You snap your fingers and find yourself in the Royal gardens.
  191. >Now, where was that pesky Discord statue?
  192. >You needed that little pawn for something.
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