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a guest
Dec 6th, 2019
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  4. ;
  7. ;
  8. ;
  9. ; FILER NAME: "Right Click Run AS ADMIN - Install Setup.EXE"
  11. if not A_IsAdmin
  12. {
  13. Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
  14. ExitApp
  15. }
  16. FileCreateDir %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller
  17. FileInstall InstallBackdrop.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png, 0
  18. FileInstall HASlogo.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png, 0
  19. FileInstall 1.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\1.bmp, 0
  20. FileInstall 2.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\2.bmp, 0
  21. FileInstall 3.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\3.bmp, 0
  22. FileInstall 4.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\4.bmp, 0
  23. FileInstall 5.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\5.bmp, 0
  24. FileInstall 6.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\6.bmp, 0
  25. FileInstall 7.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\7.bmp, 0
  26. FileInstall 8.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\8.bmp, 0
  27. FileInstall 9.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\9.bmp, 0
  28. FileInstall 10.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\10.bmp, 0
  29. FileInstall 11.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\11.bmp, 0
  30. FileInstall 12.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\12.bmp, 0
  31. FileInstall 13.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\13.bmp, 0
  32. FileInstall 14.bmp, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\14.bmp, 0
  33. FileInstall Initializing.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Initializing.png, 0
  34. FileInstall Enter Password.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Enter Password.png, 0
  35. FileInstall Drive Setup.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Drive Setup.png, 0
  36. FileInstall Instruction Video.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Instruction Video.png, 0
  37. FileInstall Install Windows Software.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install Windows Software.png, 0
  38. FileInstall Install DOS Software.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install DOS Software.png, 0
  39. FileInstall Install Registry Data.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install Registry Data.png, 0
  40. FileInstall Install Game Software.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install Game Software.png, 0
  41. FileInstall Configure Software.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Configure Software.png, 0
  42. FileInstall Choose Controls.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Choose Controls.png, 0
  43. FileInstall Choose Lightgun.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Choose Lightgun.png, 0
  44. FileInstall Installing Databases.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Installing Databases.png, 0
  45. FileInstall Learn Controls.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Learn Controls.png, 0
  46. FileInstall Optional Section.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Optional Section.png, 0
  47. FileInstall Completion.png, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Completion.png, 0
  48. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  49. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  50. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  51. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  52. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\1.bmp
  53. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Initializing.png
  54. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  55. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, INITIALIZING DRIVE
  56. Gui Font
  57. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Validating this drive before proceeding.
  58. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Confirming this exact drive ID, imprinting it.
  59. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Saving drive ID / Comparing if previously run.
  60. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Note: This drive can be used on multiple machines but cannot be cloned.
  61. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Any unothorized duplication will result in suspended update access.
  62. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Drives are also tracked meaning duplication will show the originating drive.
  63. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Please do not clone or copy this drive to sell to other users or friends.
  64. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Unauthorized duplication will result in instant ban and remote crippling of your drive.
  65. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Initialization complete.  The next step will ask for your Initial Install Password.
  66. Gui Add, Button, gSTARTITUP x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  67. Gui Show, w1375 h925, Window
  68. Return
  72. if !FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini")
  73. {
  74. 1StRunPass = NeverUpdated
  79. IniWrite, %1stRunPass%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, This_Is_For_HyperArcadeSystems.com_Users_Only__Please_Contact_If_You_Were_Cheated_And_Got_This_Elsewhere, UPDATE_PASSWORD-ThisIsTheOneToChange
  80. DriveGet, DRIVELABEL, Label, D:
  81. IniWrite, %DRIVELABEL%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, DRIVE_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-DRIVE_LABEL
  82. DriveGet, DRIVESERIAL, Serial, D:
  83. IniWrite, %DRIVESERIAL%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, DRIVE_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-DRIVE_SERIAL
  84. RunWait, %comspec% /c d: && vol d: > HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID.txt && certutil -hashfile d:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID.txt MD5 > HyperArcadeSystemsDriveIDSecure.txt
  85. FileReadLine, HASID, D:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID.txt, 2
  86. StringTrimLeft, HASID, HASID, 24
  87. FileReadLine, HASIDMD5, D:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveIDSecure.txt, 2
  88. FileDelete, d:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID.txt
  89. FileDelete, d:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveIDSecure.txt
  90. IniWrite, %HASID%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, USER_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-USER_DRIVE
  91. IniWrite, %HASIDMD5%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, USER_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-USER_ID
  95. }
  96. if FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini")
  97. {
  98. IniRead, SHOWBOX, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, USER_INFORMATION, -ShowInfoBoxes_XorNO_ONLY
  99. If(SHOWBOX == "X")
  101. MsgBox, 260, Do you want infoboxes?, It appears this is not your first time running this program.  Since you have done this before`, you can turn off non-essential infoboxes like this one but some of the sections might fly through without you seeing what is happening.  `n`nThe infoboxes that explain what is happening will be turned off`, and only essential ones that ask you a choice will be shown.  `n`nWould you like to turn off these infoboxes?
  102. IfMsgBox Yes
  103. SHOWBOX = X
  104. IfMsgBox No
  105. SHOWBOX = NO
  106. }
  107. IniWrite, %SHOWBOX%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, USER_INFORMATION, -ShowInfoBoxes_XorNO_ONLY
  108. Goto DRAWITUP
  109. Return
  112. DRAWITUP:
  113. RunWait, %comspec% /c d: && vol d: > HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID2.txt && certutil -hashfile d:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID2.txt MD5 > HyperArcadeSystemsDriveIDSecure2.txt
  114. FileReadLine, HASID2, D:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID2.txt, 2
  115. StringTrimLeft, HASID2, HASID2, 25
  116. FileReadLine, HASIDMD52, D:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveIDSecure2.txt, 2
  117. FileDelete, d:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID2.txt
  118. FileDelete, d:\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveIDSecure2.txt
  119. FileDelete, D:\_1. Setup Folder\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveID2.txt
  120. FileDelete, D:\_1. Setup Folder\HyperArcadeSystemsDriveIDSecure2.txt
  121. IniRead, HASID2CK, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, USER_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-USER_DRIVE
  123. if (HASID2 == HASID2CK)
  124. {
  125. Gui, +LastFound
  126. WinGetPos,x,y
  127. Gui Destroy
  128. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  129. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  130. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  131. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  132. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\1.bmp
  133. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Initializing.png
  134. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  135. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, DRIVE CONFIRMED
  136. Gui Font
  137. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Drive Confirmed -- Initializing
  138. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  139. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This entire process may take up to an hour.  Please close all other programs.
  140. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This walkthrough installs a lot of software including some Autohotkey user created scripts.
  141. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Some of these scripts will create FALSE POSITIVES on your virus scanner`, however
  142. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, we promise there are NO virus programs on this drive. See the 500+ Community Reviews.
  143. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, You must temporarily turn off your virus scanner during this install to ensure that
  144. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, none of your critical gaming software or components (required ahk scripts) are deleted.
  145. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR VIRUS SCANNER FOR DURATION OF THIS INSTALL
  146. Gui Add, Button, gCONFIRMEDSTART x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  147. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  149. Return
  152. }
  153. if (HASID2 != HASID2CK)
  154. {
  155. if (HASID2CK = "ERROR" || HASID2CK = "")
  156. {
  157. DriveGet, DRIVE_LABEL, Label, D:
  158. IniWrite, %DRIVE_LABEL%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, DRIVE_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-DRIVE_LABEL
  159. DriveGet, DRIVE_SERIAL, Serial, D:
  160. IniWrite, %DRIVE_SERIAL%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, DRIVE_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-DRIVE_SERIAL
  161. IniWrite, %HASID2%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, USER_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-USER_DRIVE
  162. IniWrite, %HASIDMD52%, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, USER_INFORMATION, -DoNotChangeOrErrors-USER_ID
  164. }
  166. IniWrite, FRAUD_DETECTED---DRIVE_DISABLED, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini, FRAUD_DETECTION, Fraud_Has_Been_Detected
  167. Gui, +LastFound
  168. WinGetPos,x,y
  169. Gui Destroy
  170. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  171. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  172. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  173. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  174. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  175. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, *** FRAUD DETECTED ***
  176. Gui Font
  178. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Fraud Detected - Must Contact to Continue
  179. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Hard Drive Serial Numbers do NOT match.  You must contact Chris to proceed.
  180. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Email Chris:
  181. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  182. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  183. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  184. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  185. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  186. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  187. Gui Add, Button, gFREEZEITUPNOW x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  188. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  190. MsgBox, Fraud Detected - Must Contact to Continue, FRAUD DETECTED - Hard Drive Serial Numbers do NOT match.  You must contact Chris to proceed.   `n`n`nEmail Chris:
  191. ExitApp
  192. }
  193. Return
  197. Gui, +LastFound
  198. WinGetPos,x,y
  199. Gui Destroy
  200. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  201. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  202. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  203. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  204. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\2.bmp
  205. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Enter Password.png
  206. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  207. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, ENTER PASSWORD
  208. Gui Font
  209. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, You must now enter the "Initial Install" password to proceed.
  210. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, *** Please do not guess this password - you are limited to 3 tries ***
  211. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This password is given by Chris or found on the FaceBook Group in Announcements Tab
  212. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Sometimes a space is added to the end when copying to clipboard from web browsers.
  213. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Try pasting the password into an empty notepad and hit CTRL+A to will higlight it.
  214. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, If a blank space at the end of the password`, remove it, copy to clipboard again.
  215. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This password gets changed to prevent fradulent users from wasting group bandwidth.
  216. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Sharing passwords can also result in a ban. It is the only way to protect our group.
  217. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  218. Gui Add, Button, gDOPASSWDCK x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  219. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  220. Return
  224. PWAttempt = 1
  225. DriveTypePWINPUT:
  226. If(PWAttempt = 2){
  227. MsgBox, 1, SECOND ATTEMPT, SECOND ATTEMPT: `n`nYou have input the wrong password.  If you did not get an update password directly from Chris`, please do not try to guess.  
  228. If you guess the wrong one and download the wrong file`, it can ruin your system.
  230. IfMsgBox Cancel
  231. ExitApp
  232. }else if(PWAttempt = 3){
  233. MsgBox, 257, THIRD ATTEMPT, THIRD ATTEMPT - Please DO NOT ATTEMPT if you do not have the password.  Get the correct download password before proceeding.
  234. IfMsgBox Cancel
  235. ExitApp
  236. }else if(PWAttempt = 4){
  238. MsgBox, You have entered the correct password.  One moment while we initialize!
  239. FileDelete, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\syncovery.ini
  240. FileDelete, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\syncovery.exe
  241. FileDelete, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\ssdata.ini
  242. FileRemoveDir, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\, 1
  243. FileRemoveDir, D:\Arcade\Settings\, 1
  244. FileRemoveDir, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\, 1
  245. FileRecycleEmpty, D:\
  246. MsgBox, , CRIPPLED DRIVE, `t`tTHIS DRIVE HAS BEEN CRIPPLED! `n`nYou have had 3 attempts and it appears you are trying to circumvent the proper install process.  This is stealing and is NOT permitted.  `n`nYour syncovery files have been deleted and your IP logged.  `n`nPlease email Chris to get another copy.  You may have to provide a receipt.  `n`nHe will send you corrected files that are tracable`, if this happens again in the future`, you will not be given a 3rd chance.  Please do not try to cheat the system.
  249. Run, *RunAs %comspec% /c ping -n 6 > nul && rmdir /s /q "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials" && exit, hide
  250. ExitApp
  251. }else{
  252. }
  253. InputBox, Password, Password, Enter the INSTALL ACCESS Password., HIDE, 300, 125
  254. If ErrorLevel
  255. ExitApp
  256. If Password = HyperArcadeSystems.com_jjmanicdfiu7jdloitmotbma
  257. Goto StartTheProcess
  258. Else
  259. {
  260. MsgBox, You have entered the incorrect password.  After 3 incorrect password attempts you will LOSE ACCESS and have to email Support (Chris) to get access again.`n`n`nThat was attempt # %PWAttempt%
  261. PWAttempt := PWattempt + 1
  262. GoTo DriveTypePWINPUT
  263. }
  264. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Password complete.  The next step will confirm some options and begin your setup.
  265. Gui Show, w1375 h925, Window
  266. Sleep, 2000
  267. Return
  270. ; LA LA LA ... NOPE. MORE BS ...
  271. StartTheProcess:
  272. Gui, +LastFound
  273. WinGetPos,x,y
  274. Gui Destroy
  275. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  276. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  277. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  278. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  279. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\3.bmp
  280. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Drive Setup.png
  281. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  282. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, DRIVE SETUP
  283. Gui Font
  284. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Ensuring drive is set to D: Drive
  285. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This drive requires the main drive to be run from your D Drive.  It will not work otherwise.
  286. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Checking to see if you are currently on the D: Drive and continuing.
  287. Gui Add, Button, gDOTHEDRVLTR x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  288. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  289. Goto StartTheVid
  290. Return
  294. SplitPath, A_WorkingDir, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
  295. If(OutDrive = "D:")
  296. {
  298. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Note: D: Drive *IS* Detected.
  299. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, You will now continue to the next step.
  300. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Drive Setup Complete.  The next step is to watch an Instructional Video.
  301. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  302. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  303. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  304. Gui Add, Button, gCONTTHEPROCESS x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  305. Gui Show, w1375 h925, Window
  306. Return
  310. Goto StartTheVid
  311. Return
  312. }
  313. Else
  314. {
  316. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Note: D: Drive is *NOT* Detected.   You are using drive: %OutDrive%
  317. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, You must run this from D Drive for this to work.  Ready to change drives?
  318. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, If there is something else on drive D already`, move that to a new letter first.
  319. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This will now open a drive letter changing utility and an instruction box.
  320. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, FIRST make sure nothing on D: Drive, move it to another letter if there is.
  321. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Then change this drive to D: & save. Setup continues after this is complete.
  322. Gui Show, w1375 h925, Window
  323. MsgBox, FIRST before we do anything`, we need to make sure your drive letter is set to D drive.  If not set correctly`, many of the programs will not run.  `n`nThe next window (after you hit OK) will show all of your connected drives.  Find and select the new gaming drive and choose CHANGE DRIVE LETTER and Scroll Down and click D Drive Letter. `n`nIf it does not let you change the drive letter`, you may already have something set to drive D.  It is an easy fix.  First higlight that drive`, select change drive letter, and choose an unused letter.  Now try the gaming drive again (since there is no longer anything on drive D:\) and it should work.  `n`n`nWhen finished`, close the program and this installer process will continue.
  324. Run, %OutDrive%\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DriveLetterChangerInstructions.png
  325. RunWait, *RunAs %OutDrive%\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\3. DriveLetterView - Change to D Drive.exe, , max
  326. WinClose DriveLetterChangerInstructions.png
  327. MsgBox, Please restart this installer.  The 2nd time around it should recognize this on D drive and skip the previous step.  `n`n`nIf not`, you will need to reboot before this runs a 3rd time.
  328. ExitApp
  329. }
  330. Return
  332. StartTheVid:
  333. Gui, +LastFound
  334. WinGetPos,x,y
  335. Gui Destroy
  336. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  337. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  338. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  339. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  340. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\4.bmp
  341. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Instruction Video.png
  342. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  343. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO
  344. Gui Font
  345. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, `tA brief message regarding Gaming Drive
  346. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, If not purchased directly from HYPERARCADESYSTEMS.COM its a STOLEN DRIVE
  347. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, STOP NOW && request a refund/do chargeback, before you install dangerous software.
  348. Gui Add, Text, x120 y444 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, In addition to dangerous software`, you will not get support/updates/custom content
  349. Gui Font, cRed
  350. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, We scan && cripple UNAUTHORIZED drives trying to steal our bandwidth during updates
  351. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, HOWEVER. If you contact with scam sellers purchasing info`,
  352. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, we do provide a discount code for the REAL drive for helping stop fraudulent seller!
  353. Gui Font
  354. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Authorized drives get support, updates, and access to our Discord && 1000 user FB group
  355. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Check out the community && reviews at for info and testimonials.
  356. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, With over 300 reviews`, feel safe only with the REAL version!
  357. Gui Add, Button, gDOINSVID x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  358. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  359. Return
  361. DOINSVID:
  362. IfNotExist, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\vlc.exe
  363. Msgbox, You are missing the first file needed to complete this process.  If your drive is not set to D drive and you have a custom setup`, please right click the icon in the tray and cancel this process and contact the admins for a special version.
  364. IfNotExist, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\1. Setup Video.wmv
  365. Msgbox, 4, SOMETHING IS WRONG!, You are missing the instructional video file required to complete this process.  Chances are`, there is something wrong with your drive.  `n`nIf you continue`, it could make things worse--only proceed if you are an expert user.  `n`nIf your drive is not set to D drive and you have a custom setup`, please right click NO to cancel this process and contact the admins for a special version.  `n`n`nDo you want to try to proceed anyway?
  366. IfMsgBox, No
  367. ExitApp
  368. MsgBox, This formally begins the Initial Install process.  You will first need to watch the next video all the way through.  `n`nYou should only need to do this entire initial install process one time`, or possibly after a major root upate to the configuration. `n`n`n`nNOTE: Sometimes the timing will be off due to processor speeds etc.  So`, if you see a msgbox like this pop up while you are still doing something`, just click focus back on the window you were doing something on and continue.  When you finish`, that msgbox will still be there and you can continue on your way.
  369. RunWait, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\vlcPortable.exe -f --video-on-top --disable-screensaver --play-and-exit "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\1. Setup Video.wmv"
  370. Goto 5COMPLETION
  371. Return
  374. Gui, +LastFound
  375. WinGetPos,x,y
  376. Gui Destroy
  377. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  378. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  379. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  380. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  381. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\5.bmp
  382. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install Windows Software.png
  383. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  384. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, INSTALL: Win Software
  385. Gui Font
  386. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Now installing custom windows software for your C: drives WINDOWS USER folder.
  387. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This can take a while depending on drive speed as 300mb of files are being moved
  388. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Wait for next prompt`, do not run other programs in background (might cause a conflict)
  389. Gui Add, Text, x120 y444 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, It contains pre-registered software or settings needed for various programs on the drive.
  390. Gui Font, cRed Italic
  391. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, NOTE: Ensure virus scanner software PAUSED (and always IGNORING drive D:) per
  392. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, the instruction video you just watched in previous step 4.  This can be temporary!
  393. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Now is a good time to ensure D:\ is FOREVER excluded while scanner is fully PAUSED.
  394. Gui Font
  395. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, On next restart`, you can re-enable your virus scanner for scanning primary C: drive`,
  396. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, However`, D: must ALWAYS be excluded to avoid drive breaking False Positives.
  397. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Best Practices: Virus scanner off and computer only online for secure updates only.
  398. Gui Add, Button, gGODOWIN x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  399. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  400. Return
  402. GODOWIN:
  404. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\RFID, C:\RFID, 1
  405. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Pinball Arcade,  %USERPROFILE%\My Games\Pinball Arcade, 1
  406. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Local, %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local, 1
  407. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Roaming, %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming, 1
  408. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Program Data\Steam, C:\ProgramData\Steam, 1
  409. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\.BigNox, %USERPROFILE%\.BigNox, 1
  410. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Zen Studios, %USERPROFILE%\Documents, 1
  411. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Fightcade\fightcade.log, %USERPROFILE%\fightcade.log, 1
  412. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Fightcade\fightcade-debug.log, %USERPROFILE%\fightcade-debug.log, 1
  413. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Fightcade\ggpo-ng.ini, %USERPROFILE%\ggpo-ng.ini, 1
  414. Goto 6COMPLETION
  415. Return
  418. Gui, +LastFound
  419. WinGetPos,x,y
  420. Gui Destroy
  421. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  422. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  423. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  424. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  425. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\6.bmp
  426. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install DOS Software.png
  427. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  428. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, INSTALL: DOS Software
  429. Gui Font
  430. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Now installing custom DOS software and settings for your drive.
  431. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, A custom DOS script with settings will be activated.
  432. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, The script will now run minimized and will take a long time.
  433. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, If you look at the window`, you will see a ton of things happening too fast to read.
  434. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, No files are deleted/added`, only user permissions chagne to "allow all" enabling all users.
  435. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Even if computer has only a single User`, it is still required for emulators to work.
  436. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, A dos window will now open. You can let this run in the background (even overnight)
  437. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, It will pop up a message and also auto exit the dos window when it is complete.
  438. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, You can continue on with this installer process while it is running minimized.
  439. Gui Add, Button, gGODODOS x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  440. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  441. Return
  443. GODODOS:
  444. Run, *RunAs %comspec% /k "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\1.DOS_Script_Let_Run_Overnight.bat", , Min
  447. MsgBox, !!!ATTENTION!!! THIS WILL TAKE UP TO 10 MINUTES! PLEASE BE PATIENT!!! COMPUTER WILL FREEZE UP AS ITS COPYING FULL TEKNOPARROT GAMES TO YOUR C DRIVE! The process will continue once its done. This appears 3 times so you couldnt click through it without reading. It will continue once completed.
  448. FileCopyDir, D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\Fast and the furious, C:\Sega Ringedge\Fast and the furious, 1
  449. FileCopyDir, D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\Fast and the furious DRIFT, C:\Sega Ringedge\Fast and the furious DRIFT, 1
  450. FileCopyDir, D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\FFSB2, C:\Sega Ringedge\FFSB2, 1
  451. FileCopyDir, D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\FandFSuperCars, C:\Sega Ringedge\FandFSuperCars, 1
  452. FileCopyDir, D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\FandFSuperBikes, C:\Sega Ringedge\FandFSuperBikes, 1
  453. FileCopyDir, D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\SnoCross, C:\Sega Ringedge\SnoCross, 1
  454. Goto 7COMPLETION
  455. Return
  458. Gui, +LastFound
  459. WinGetPos,x,y
  460. Gui Destroy
  461. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  462. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  463. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  464. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  465. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\7.bmp
  466. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install Registry Data.png
  467. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  468. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, INSTALL: Registry Data
  469. Gui Font
  470. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Registry Data must be added.  Windows Registry holds user/file settings.
  471. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Now adding Registry Data and Settings to Windows.
  472. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This has two sections: PreConfigured Software Settings && Users Settings
  473. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, The software will install program settings and options for the software on the drive.
  474. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans,
  475. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, The settings will install various windows settings for software and devices.
  476. Gui Font, cRed
  477. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This may take a moment depending on your computer speed!
  478. Gui Font
  479. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans,
  480. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This Installer will continue on when registry import is complete.
  481. Gui Add, Button, gDORGSTRY x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  482. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  483. Return
  484. DORGSTRY:
  485. RunWait, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\4A. Registry - Software.reg
  486. RunWait, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\4B. Registry - Windows.reg
  487. RunWait, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\VPRoms.reg
  488. RunWait, "D:\Arcade\System roms\Visual Pinball\VPX Tables\B2SBackglassServerRegisterApp.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  489. Goto 8ACOMPLETION
  490. Return
  492. IfExist, %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\edgehtml.dll
  494. IfNotExist, %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\edgehtml.dll
  496. Gui, +LastFound
  497. WinGetPos,x,y
  498. Gui Destroy
  499. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  500. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  501. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  502. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  503. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\8.bmp
  504. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Install Game Software.png
  505. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  506. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, CONFIGURING SOFTWARE
  507. Gui Font
  508. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, This is a huge section with multiple steps.  PLEASE READ ALL BELOW:
  509. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This drive works with Win7 (or 8) or Win10.  Autodetecting: %SYSTYPE%
  510. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Adding: Taskbar/Desktop Shortcuts`, Gaming Fonts for HyperSpin`, and Syncovery
  511. Gui Font, cBlue
  512. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, During installation some software might alert already installed. This is on purpose.
  513. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This adds old drivers`, then installes newer drivers over.  Keep hitting OK or CLOSE.
  514. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, If it only says "Repair or Uninstall"`, hit Cancel or Close the window to those.
  515. Gui Font
  516. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Finally`, we will test registry software settings from earlier and install custom software.
  517. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Each software item will provide a pop up with instructions.  Just follow those directions.
  518. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, After the last one`, this installer will continue on after completion.
  519. Gui Add, Button, gCHECKMYOS x120 y620 w50 h33, Windows_7
  520. Gui Add, Button, gCHECKMYOS x225 y620 w50 h33, Windows10
  522. Gui Add, Text, x200 y625 w19 h15, >>>
  524. Gui Add, Text, x175 y625 w19 h15, <<<
  525. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  526. Return
  528. if (SYSTYPE == "WINDOWS-7  DETECTED") {
  529. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\2A. - Windows 7.exe", , Max
  530. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\jre-8u181-windows-x64.exe", , Max
  531. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe", , Max
  532. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DXSDK_Jun10.exe", , Max
  533. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\HyperSpin.lnk, %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\HyperSpin.lnk, 1
  534. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\HyperHQ.lnk, %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\HyperHQ.lnk, 1
  535. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\RocketLauncherUI.lnk, %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\RocketLauncherUI.lnk, 1
  536. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\JoyToKey.lnk, %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\JoyToKey.lnk, 1
  537. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\BigBox.lnk, %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\BigBox.lnk, 1
  538. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\Syncovery.lnk, %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Syncovery.lnk, 1
  539. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\HyperSpin.lnk, %systemdrive%\users\%username%\Desktop\HyperSpin.lnk, 1
  540. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\HyperHQ.lnk, %systemdrive%\users\%username%\Desktop\HyperHQ.lnk, 1
  541. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\RocketLauncherUI.lnk, %systemdrive%\users\%username%\Desktop\RocketLauncherUI.lnk, 1
  542. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\JoyToKey.lnk, %systemdrive%\users\%username%\Desktop\JoyToKey.lnk, 1
  543. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\BigBox.lnk, %systemdrive%\users\%username%\Desktop\BigBox.lnk, 1
  544. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts\Syncovery.lnk, %systemdrive%\users\%username%\Desktop\Syncovery.lnk, 1
  545. Run, *RunAs %comspec% /k reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\Emulators\Future Pinball\Future Pinball.exe" /d "WIN7RTM" && reg.exe Add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\Emulators\Future Pinball\Future Pinball.exe" /d "WIN7RTM"
  546. GoTo FinishedWINstallers
  547. } Else
  548. {
  549. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\2B. - Windows 10.exe", , Max
  550. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\jre-8u181-windows-x64.exe", , Max
  551. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe", , Max
  552. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DXSDK_Jun10.exe", , Max
  553. Run, "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\pin.bat" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  554. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Shortcuts, %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, 1
  555. MsgBox, We now need to enable Direct Play for Windows 10.  This will open a dos window and you will see it start installing. `n`nWhen it finishes`, the dos window will close and the installer will continue.
  556. Run, *RunAs %comspec% /k DISM /online /enable-feature /featurename:LegacyComponents && DISM /online /enable-feature /featurename:DirectPlay && Exit
  557. GoTo FinishedWINstallers
  558. }
  559. Return
  560. FinishedWINstallers:
  561. MsgBox, All of your Windows Settings are installed and items configured.  We are now going to start setting up the various game software you will need.   `n`nBut first`, a note about virus scanners...
  562. MsgBox, UNINSTALL ALL VIRUS PROGRAMS!!! These will DELETE YOUR FILES, KILL processes, stop things from launching etc. They are the bane of hyperspin! So remove them all. `n`n`nAlternatively`, you can try to EXCLUDE the entire gaming drive(s) by excluding D:\ and N:\ from your scanner.  This usually works`, however, if problems arise you will need to try a different scanner or just remove it altogether and not have your gaming computer online (highly recommended anyway).  Simply run the update tool to fix anything removed by scanner`, but you may have to rerun this entire installer process again too.
  563. MsgBox, We now need to make sure certain key programs will always run as an Administrator (otherwise you will get "do not have access/rights" errors on certain games). This is the same as right clicking an EXE file and putting a check next to Run this program as Administrator`n`nWhen these are completed (quickly) the process will continue.
  564. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\JoyToKey.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  565. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\Guitar Hero\GHA_LAUNCHER_v1_admin.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  566. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\System roms\Sega Ringedge\roms\Guitar Hero\GHA_LAUNCHER_v1_admin.exe" /d "~ DISABLEDXMAXIMIZEDWINDOWEDMODE RUNASADMIN"
  567. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  568. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI\RocketLauncherUI.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  569. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  570. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\HyperHQ.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  571. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\Tools\RestartOnCrash.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  572. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchBox\BigBox.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  573. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  574. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.Next.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  575. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchAttractMode\attract.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  576. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchEmuBox\EmuBox.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  577. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchGameEx\GameEx\GameEx.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  578. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchMaLa\MaLa.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  579. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchMaximusArcade\Frontend\Maximus Arcade.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  580. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchNewRetroArcade\NewRetroArcade.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  581. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchRemoteFE\LRemoteFE.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  582. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\LaunchRetroFE\RetroFE.lnk" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  583. Run, *RunAs reg.exe Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "D:\Arcade\Emulators\TechnoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe" /d "RUNASADMIN"
  584. MsgBox, We now need to install a gaming font so that the front end shows the correct font.  The installed fonts will not take affect until you reboot.  `n`nThe script will quickly install this and continue.
  587. MsgBox, We now need to install Syncovery - the updater tool.  This is the tool you use to make your drive match the master drive.  It can be used to fix mistakes or add new content.  `n`nUsually it will be announced on the FaceBook Group or the web Forum when to "Run Syncovery Update".  `n`nThis will quickly add registry entries so that the program on the drive will run`, and then the installer will continue.
  588. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, Preferences, D:\Arcade\System roms\Utility\Data\sut\Syncovery.ini
  589. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, DaysProV7, 312
  590. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFProgress, 718  42   483  57    0
  591. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFSyncFTP, 401  292  383  452   0
  592. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFListProgress, 718  42   483  252   0
  593. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFSyncStatus, -8   -8   1936 1056  2
  594. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFJob, 199  92   690  588   0
  595. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFSafetyConfirmations, 529  263  622  483   0
  596. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFInfoChoice, 638  328  454  354   0
  597. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFCopyingStatus, 166  126  800  333   0
  598. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFCopyingResult, 356  231  444  303   0
  599. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFSyncMain, 8   -8   1936 1056  2
  600. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, StartupOptionV4, 0
  601. RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, ServiceRunning, 00000000
  602. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFExactMirror, 544  199  592  612   0
  603. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, RegNameV7, TEAM PH
  604. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, RegCodeV7, 3CEN2Z7QU08LZP725
  605. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFMasks, 530  314  620  382   0
  606. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFOptions, 523  218  634  573   0
  607. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosfGetInput, 741  472  437  95    0
  608. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, ProgramPassword, bdpw.tkvm0rzp(0chv-/uhr)+
  609. RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PasswordType, 00000001
  610. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFDecision, 775  454  369  131   0
  611. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFUserAccount, 610  450  432  270   0
  612. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFProgress_1, 718  42   483  87    0
  613. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFAdvSelectItems, 485  264  710  482   0
  614. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFShowStuff, 530  314  620  382   0
  615. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFChoice, 439  379  403  262   0
  616. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosfGet2Inputs, 365  252  294  223   0
  617. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFProgress_2, 718  42   483  87    0
  618. RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Syncovery, PosFProgress_3, 718  42   483  87    0
  619. Goto 8BCOMPLETION
  620. Return
  624. Gui, +LastFound
  625. WinGetPos,x,y
  626. Gui Destroy
  627. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  628. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  629. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  630. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  631. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\8.bmp
  632. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Configure Software.png
  633. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  634. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, CONFIGURING SOFTWARE
  635. Gui Font
  636. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, This is a huge section with multiple steps.  PLEASE READ ALL BELOW:
  637. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This drive works with Win7 (or 8) or Win10.  Autodetecting: %SYSTYPE%
  638. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Adding: Taskbar/Desktop Shortcuts`, Gaming Fonts for HyperSpin`, and Syncovery
  639. Gui Font, cBlue
  640. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, During installation some software might alert already installed. This is on purpose.
  641. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This adds old drivers`, then installes newer drivers over.  Keep hitting OK or CLOSE.
  642. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, If it only says "Repair or Uninstall"`, hit Cancel or Close the window to those.
  643. Gui Font
  644. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Finally`, we will test registry software settings from earlier and install custom software.
  645. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Each software item will provide a pop up with instructions.  Just follow those directions.
  646. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, After the last one`, this installer will continue on after completion.
  647. Gui Add, Button, gCFGSFTSET x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  648. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  649. Return
  651. MsgBox, We now need to install Com0Com Null Modem Emulator software.  This will now launch the installer. `n`n`n`t***INSTRUCTIONS - Remember This*** `n`nClick "NEXT" then Click "I Agree" then Click "Next" and then "Install" without changing any default options.  Some dos windows will pop up and then it will say completed.  Click "Next" one last time and then "Finish" `n`nClick Finished after installed and process will continue on.  `n`n`nAgain`, do this:  "Next" --> "I Agree" --> "Next" --> "Install" `n--> Wait for Dos windows to pop up and then say complete --> `n--> "Next" --> "Finish"
  652. RunWait, *RunAs "D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\com0com.exe", , Max
  653. MsgBox, We now need to install PinMame.  This will now launch the installer.  `n`nClick Yes to proceed`, Click OK for installed.  `nClick OK if it asks again.  Click Quit after installed
  654. RunWait, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\Setup.exe
  655. MsgBox, This will start the emulator.  Once inside you must do these steps: `n`nClick Config, Scroll to Controller(Pad), Then over to "Plugin Settings" `nClick "Load Bindings" and then click the "\INIS" folder.  `nSelect "XBox360 Pad Configuration.lily" in there. `nNote the dialog box should have started in: D:\Arcade\Emulators\PCSX2\ and you should only have to click the \INIS folder. `n`nDouble click it.  Then click Apply and then OK.  Then exit.`n`n`nFor your convenience`, this installer is going to open up a cheat sheet image with all these steps for you in the background.  Setup will continue when the PS2 Emulator program is closed.
  656. Run, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\PS2EmuInstructions.png
  657. RunWait, D:\Arcade\Emulators\PCSX2\pcsx2.exe
  658. WinClose PS2EmuInstructions.png
  659. MsgBox, We now need to install 4DO the emulator for the Panasonic3DO.  This installer will open the emulator.  You will need to: `n`n`n`t***INSTRUCTIONS - Remember This*** `n`nClick on File and then scroll to "Choose Bios Rom" `nChoose the file "fz10.rom" by double clicking it.  `n(Note it should be in D:\Arcade\Emulators\4DO\ directory already`, if not`, you will need to navigate there).  `n`nOnce selected it will reset the emulator and you should see a bouncing logo.  You can now close out of this program and the installer will continue.  `n`n`nAgain`, do this: "File" --> "Choose Bios Rom" --> "Choose file fz10.rom" --> "Wait for Reset" --> Close the program
  660. RunWait, D:\Arcade\Emulators\4DO\4DO.exe
  662. Return
  664. Gui, +LastFound
  665. WinGetPos,x,y
  666. Gui Destroy
  667. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  668. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  669. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  670. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  671. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\9.bmp
  672. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Choose Controls.png
  673. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  674. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, CONFIGURING CONTROLS
  675. Gui Font
  676. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, `t`tChoose Your Control Type - There are 3 Control Schemes
  677. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Examples include: iPac`, Tanksticks`, "Zero Delay" Encoders`, (Arcade Controls)
  678. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Examples include: Xbox/PS3 USB Controllers`, 8BitDo`, Generics (Plug-In Controllers)
  679. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  680. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, A Xinmo is a Joystick in Windows but allows pushbuttons and joystick arcade controls
  681. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  682. Gui Add, Radio, vCONk x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, KEYBOARD BASED - Encoders for Cabinet/Control Panels emulate keyboard keys
  683. Gui Add, Radio, vCONj x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, JOYSTICK BASED - Joystick Driver based input registered as joystick commands
  684. Gui Add, Radio, vCONx x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, XINMO BASED - LEAST COMMON - Special Encoder like a hybrid of two above
  685. Gui Add, Button, gCHECKCONT x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  686. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  687. Return
  689. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  690. If (CONk) {
  691. MsgBox, You chose Keyboard Based Controls.  Updating your controls for KEYBOARD ENCODERS.
  692. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Ipac Configuration\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey\_Default\_Default.cfg, 1
  693. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Ipac Configuration\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, 1
  694. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\FZeroGCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\F-Zero AX\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  695. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\GP2GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\Mario Kart Arcade GP\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  696. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\GP2GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\Mario Kart Arcade GP 2\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  697. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\_Default_GCPadNew.ini, 1
  698. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\Classic\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Classic.ini, 1
  699. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\Nunchuk\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Nunchuk.ini, 1
  700. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\Sideways\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Sideways.ini, 1
  701. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\_Default_GCPadNew.ini, 1
  702. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\Classic\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Classic.ini, 1
  703. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\Nunchuk\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Nunchuk.ini, 1
  704. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Ipac_Controller_Settings\Sideways\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Sideways.ini, 1
  705. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Ipac Configuration\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, 1
  706. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\JoyToKey_Ipac_Xbox, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey, 1
  707. If(SHOWBOX == "X")
  708. MsgBox, ,Files and folders copied.,  Note: This switches 64DD`, Project 64`, & all the Dolphins to iPac / Encoder Based Controls
  709. GoTo FinishedCTRL
  710. }
  711. If (CONj) {
  712. MsgBox, You chose Joystick Based Controls.  Updating your controls for JOYSTICK DRIVERS.
  713. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Ipac Configuration\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey\_Default\_Default.cfg, 1
  714. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Ipac Configuration\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, 1
  715. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\FZeroGCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\F-Zero AX\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  716. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\GP2GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\Mario Kart Arcade GP\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  717. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\GP2GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\Mario Kart Arcade GP 2\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  718. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\_Default_GCPadNew.ini, 1
  719. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Classic\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Classic.ini, 1
  720. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Nunchuk\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Nunchuk.ini, 1
  721. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Sideways\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Sideways.ini, 1
  722. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\_Default_GCPadNew.ini, 1
  723. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Classic\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Classic.ini, 1
  724. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Nunchuk\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Nunchuk.ini, 1
  725. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Sideways\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Sideways.ini, 1
  726. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\JoyToKey_Ipac_Xbox, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey, 1
  727. If(SHOWBOX == "X")
  728. MsgBox, ,Files and folders copied.,  Note: This switches 64DD`, Project 64`, & all the Dolphins to Xbox360 Controls
  729. GoTo FinishedCTRL
  730. }
  731. If (CONx) {
  732. MsgBox, You chose Joystick-XINMO Xinmo Based Controls.  Updating your controls for XINMO.
  733. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Xinmo Configuration\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey\_Default\_Default.cfg, 1
  734. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Xinmo Configuration\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, D:\Arcade\Tools\JoyToKey_en  5.8.1 (CLM)\Hyperspin Default Control Config.cfg, 1
  735. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\FZeroGCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\F-Zero AX\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  736. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\GP2GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\Mario Kart Arcade GP\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  737. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\GP2GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin Triforce\Mario Kart Arcade GP 2\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini, 1
  738. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\_Default_GCPadNew.ini, 1
  739. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Classic\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Classic.ini, 1
  740. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Nunchuk\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Nunchuk.ini, 1
  741. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Sideways\WiimoteNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote (RL)\Sideways.ini, 1
  742. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\_Default_GCPadNew.ini, 1
  743. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Classic\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Classic.ini, 1
  744. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Nunchuk\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Nunchuk.ini, 1
  745. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\X360_Controller_Settings\Sideways\GCPadNew.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\50 x64\User\Config\Profiles\GCPad (RL)\Sideways.ini, 1
  746. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\JoyToKey_Xinmo, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey, 1
  747. If(SHOWBOX == "X")
  748. MsgBox, , Files and folders copied., Note: Up`, Down`, Left and Right have been switched to Stick 1 instead of being the designated arrow keys since this is what Xinmo registers as.
  749. GoTo FinishedCTRL
  750. }
  751. Else {
  752. Msgbox, You did not select anything.  Please select an item to continue.
  754. }
  755. Return
  757. FinishedCTRL:
  758. Msgbox, , Pre-Lightgun Section, This next section will be for controls.  `n`nIf you plan on using 2 lightguns`, these will need to be set up first.  You have to create individual IDs for both guns using the aimtrak software.  You will next need to configure the buttons as shown in the Default controls section in Root.  `n`nIf you are not using ANY lightguns`, one will be added by default (does not affect anything else and is available if you DO get a lightgun)`, just continue onward.  This only applies to DUAL guns.  `n`n`nPlease do this now before you continue with the install.
  759. IfExist, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg
  760. FileDelete, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg
  761. IfExist, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Arcade Guns Configuration\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg
  762. FileDelete, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Arcade Guns Configuration\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg
  763. IfExist, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Arcade Guns Configuration\arcadeguns.cfg
  764. FileDelete, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Arcade Guns Configuration\ctrlr\arcadeguns.cfg
  765. Gui, +LastFound
  766. WinGetPos,x,y
  767. Gui Destroy
  768. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  769. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  770. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  771. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  772. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\10.bmp
  773. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Choose Lightgun.png
  774. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  775. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, CONFIGURE LIGHTGUNS
  776. Gui Font
  777. Gui Font, cRed Bold
  778. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Set Controls>>>  PLUG IN ALL DEVICES IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE!
  779. Gui Font
  780. Gui Font, cBlue
  781. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, 1st: Mouse && Keyboard  2nd: Encoders (IPAC/Xinmo) 3rd: Controllers (Tankstick/Xbox)
  782. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, 4th: Peripherals (Trackballs/Spinners/Pinball Plungers) 5th: LightGuns P1 then P2!
  783. Gui Font
  784. Gui Add, Text, x120 y444 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, LightGuns can include AimTrack`, EMSTopGun3`, or even DolphinBar LightGun Setups
  785. Gui Add, Radio, vLGS1 x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, SELECT HERE for No or 1 Keyboard or Joystick Based LightGun Setup
  786. Gui Add, Radio, vLGS2 x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, SELECT HERE for 2 LightGuns for Keyboard or Joystick Based Setups
  787. Gui Add, Radio, vLGSZ x120 y524 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, SELECT ONLY for Xinmo Based LightGun Setups (It will ask you 1 or 2 LGs)
  788. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, NOTE: This will BEEP for up to a minute while creating your custom GUN ID file.
  789. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, During this time`, just wait for the program until it confirms completion.
  790. MsgBox, , PLUG DEVICES IN IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE!, `t`tBEFORE THE NEXT STEP. `n`n !!! CONNECT ALL PERIFERIALS IN ORDER OF IMPORTANTANCE !!! `n`nKeyboard and Mouse first`, anything always on.  `n`nEncoders second: iPac`, Xinmo`, ZeroDelay generics `n`t(If no encoders`, just skip and go to the controllers)`n`nAny Controllers: Xarcade Tanksticks`, Xbox`, 8Bitdo`, etc.`n`t(Can be secondary P3 & P4`, or Primary Controls P1 & P2) `n`nThen Peripherals: Trackball`, Spinners`, Racing Wheels`, Pinball Plungers `n`nFinally the Lightguns (if 2 LGs`, remember plug in P1 1st then P2)`n`n`n`n All the IDs will be added to the Mame configuration file in order of connection.  If you did not have controllers plugged in to P3 P4 and put LGs in`, but next time did other way around`, it will not work right.  Do these in order! `n`n After IDs are added`, you will then select the number of lightguns. (You don't actually have to have any`, but one LG is always supported by default)
  791. Gui Add, Button, gCHECKLG x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  792. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  793. Return
  794. CHECKLG:
  795. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  796. If (LGS1) {
  797. MsgBox, You chose 1 or NO LightGuns.  Updating your controls.
  798. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame 1 LightGun.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame.ini, 1
  799. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade 1 Gun config.cfg, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg, 1
  800. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xarcade 1 Gun config.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xarcade.ini, 1
  801. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul Shooter Player 1 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  802. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\User Functions Player 1 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions, 1
  803. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul 1 player settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey, 1
  804. GoTo FinishedLGP3
  805. }
  806. If (LGS2) {
  807. MsgBox, You chose 2 LightGuns.  Updating your controls.
  808. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame 2 LightGuns.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame.ini, 1
  809. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade 2 gun configuration.cfg, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg, 1
  810. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xarcade 1 Gun config.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xarcade.ini, 1
  811. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul Shooter Player 2 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  812. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\User Functions Player 2 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions, 1
  813. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul 2 player settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey, 1
  814. MsgBox, Second warning! Make sure you have plugged in BOTH lightguns and that they have been properly set up with differentiated IDs. `n`nDemul Shooter will now run`, and you will need to pick 1 port for each gun.
  815. RunWait, D:\Arcade\Tools\Demul Shooter\DemulShooter.exe
  816. GoTo FinishedLGP3
  817. }
  818. If (LGSZ) {
  819. MsgBox, 4, Xinmo Setup Sub-Prompt: How many guns on Xinmo Setup?, You chose a Xinmo setup.  You have two choices`, Xinmo with 2 Light Guns`, or Xinmo with 1 Light Gun.  If you have no Light Guns`, you just choose 1 because you do not have to use the lightgun`, it is just an option in case you DO want to use it. `n`n`nIn the question below`, choose YES if you need TWO Light Guns`, or NO if you only have One or No Light Guns.  `n`n`n`n`n`t`t`t`tDo you have TWO Light Guns?
  820. IfMsgBox, Yes
  821. {
  822. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xinmo 2 Gun config.cfg, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg, 1
  823. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame 2 LightGuns.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame.ini, 1
  824. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xinmo 1 Gun config.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xarcade.ini, 1
  825. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul Shooter Player 2 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  826. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\User Functions Player 2 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions, 1
  827. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul 2 player settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey, 1
  828. MsgBox, Second warning! Make sure you have plugged in BOTH lightguns and that they have been properly set up with differentiated IDs. `n`nDemul Shooter will now run`, and you will need to pick 1 port for each gun.
  829. RunWait, D:\Arcade\Tools\Demul Shooter\DemulShooter.exe
  830. }
  831. Else
  832. {
  833. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xinmo 1 Gun config.cfg, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ctrlr\xarcade.cfg, 1
  834. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame 1 LightGun.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame 185\ini - Shotgun games\mame.ini, 1
  835. FileCopy, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xinmo 1 Gun config.ini, D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\Mame Gun\ctrlr\xarcade.ini, 1
  836. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul Shooter Player 1 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  837. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\User Functions Player 1 Settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions, 1
  838. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\DemulShooter Settings\Demul 1 player settings, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey, 1
  839. }
  840. GoTo FinishedLGP3
  841. }
  842. Else {
  843. Msgbox, You did not select anything.  Please select an item to continue.
  844. Goto FinishedCTRL
  845. }
  846. return
  849. FinishedLGP3:
  850. FinishedLGs:
  855. ;
  856. ; echo >> "D:\Arcade\System roms\8TB+ Drive\Nintendo 3DS\World set\USA\Aero Porter (USA).rar"
  857. ; subst -drive1: "TB+ Drive\Nintendo 3DS\World set\USA\
  858. ; echo >> "Aero Porter (USA).rar"
  860. if FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\8TB+ Drive\Nintendo 3DS\World set\USA\Aero Porter (USA).rar") || FileExist("N:\8TB+ Drive\Nintendo 3DS\World set\USA\Aero Porter (USA).rar") {
  862. } else {
  863. if FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\8TB Drive\Nintendo Gamecube 8tb romset\Bad Boys II (Europe).7z") || FileExist("M:\8TB Drive\Nintendo Gamecube 8tb romset\Bad Boys II (Europe).7z") {
  865. } else {
  866. if FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\Sony Playstation 2\roms\10.gz") {
  868. } else {
  869. if FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\WoW Action Max\BlueThunder.bat") {
  871. } else {
  872. if !FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\WoW Action Max\BlueThunder.bat") {
  873. MsgBox, The whole drive hasnt been downloaded yet (Meaning this was the cloud version of the drive and you have not downloaded all the system roms). `n`nRerun this after the entire setup has been downloaded and assembled.
  874. ExitApp
  875. }
  876. }
  877. }
  878. }
  879. }
  880. ifExist O:\8TB++_Drive\Sony_Playstation_3\dev_hdd0\disc\Brain_Challenge_(USA)
  881. DSD24A = 1
  882. ifExist D:\Arcade\System_roms_Ps3_Raid\8TB++_Drive\Sony_Playstation_3\dev_hdd0\disc\Brain_Challenge_(USA)
  883. DSD24B = 1
  884. Gui, +LastFound
  885. WinGetPos,x,y
  886. Gui Destroy
  887. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  888. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  889. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  890. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  891. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\11.bmp
  892. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Installing Databases.png
  893. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  894. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, INSTALLING DATABASES
  895. Gui Font
  896. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, This section will install your game databases needed to show only the games you have.
  897. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Expandable from 2TB > 5TB > 8TB > 16TB > 24TB  AUTODETECTING: %DETECTEDSIZEDRIVE%
  898. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Please check the drive you have`, and your setup will show only the games you have.
  899. DSD2 = 0
  900. DSD5 = 0
  901. DSD8 = 0
  902. DSD16 = 0
  903. DSD24 = 0
  904. if (DETECTEDSIZEDRIVE = "2tb")
  905. DSD2 = 1
  907. DSD5 = 1
  909. DSD8 = 1
  910. if (DETECTEDSIZEDRIVE = "16TB")
  911. DSD16 = 1
  912. if (DSD24A = "1") || (DSD24B = "1")
  913. {
  914. DSD2 = 0
  915. DSD5 = 0
  916. DSD8 = 0
  917. DSD16 = 0
  918. DSD24 = 1
  919. }
  920. Gui Add, Radio, vDBSS2 x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans Checked%DSD2%, SELECT HERE for 2TB Setup: Arcade & Console Games - Full Sets up to PS1
  921. Gui Add, Radio, vDBSS5 x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans Checked%DSD5%, SELECT HERE for 5TB Setup: All of Above + PS2 and other Console Games
  922. Gui Add, Radio, vDBSS8 x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans Checked%DSD8%, SELECT HERE for 8TB Setup: All of Above + Full PS2 + Wii + Wii U + 3DS
  923. Gui Add, Radio, vDBSS16 x120 y524 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans Checked%DSD16%, SELECT HERE for 16TB Setup: All of Above + PS2 Asia + Wii + Computer Games
  924. Gui Add, Radio, vDBSS24 x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans Checked%DSD24%, SELECT HERE for 24TB Setup: All of Above + PSN + Switch + Select PS3 Games
  925. Gui, Font, cRed
  926. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, PLEASE NOTE: Installing a larger (incorrect) database will NOT give you more games`, it
  927. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, only shows "Game not found" errors when you try to launch them.  Choose correct size.
  928. Gui Font
  929. Gui Add, Button, gCHECKDB x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  930. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  931. Return
  932. CHECKDB:
  933. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  934. If (DBSS2) {
  935. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\2tb version\Main Menu, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu, 1
  936. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\2tb version\Sega Saturn, D:\Arcade\Databases\Sega Saturn, 1
  937. MsgBox, 2TB databases copied over!
  938. GoTo, FinishedXMLS
  939. }
  940. If (DBSS5) {
  941. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\5tb version, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu, 1
  942. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\5tb other databases\Nintendo Gamecube, D:\Arcade\Databases\Nintendo Gamecube, 1
  943. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\5tb other databases\Sony Playstation 2, D:\Arcade\Databases\Sony Playstation 2, 1
  944. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\5tb other databases\Sony PSP, D:\Arcade\Databases\Sony PSP, 1
  945. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\5tb other databases\Nintendo Wii, D:\Arcade\Databases\Nintendo Wii, 1
  946. MsgBox, 5TB databases copied over!
  947. GoTo, FinishedXMLS
  948. }
  949. If (DBSS8) {
  950. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\8tb version, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu, 1
  951. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\8tb Other databases\Nintendo Gamecube, D:\Arcade\Databases\Nintendo Gamecube, 1
  952. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\8tb Other databases\Sony Playstation 2, D:\Arcade\Databases\Sony Playstation 2, 1
  953. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\8tb Other databases\Sony PSP, D:\Arcade\Databases\Sony PSP, 1
  954. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\8tb Other databases\Nintendo Wii, D:\Arcade\Databases\Nintendo Wii, 1
  955. FileCopy, D:\LaunchBox\Data\8TB Drive Files\Platforms - 8TB.xml, D:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms.xml, 1
  956. MsgBox, 8TB Main Menu database copied over!
  957. GoTo, FinishedXMLS
  958. }
  959. If (DBSS16) {
  960. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\16tb version, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu, 1
  961. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\16tbOd, D:\Arcade\Databases, 1
  962. FileCopy, D:\LaunchBox\Data\16TB Drive Files\Platforms - 16TB.xml, D:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms.xml, 1
  963. MsgBox, 16TB Main Menu database copied over!
  964. if FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\8TB+ Drive\Nintendo 3DS\World set\USA\Aero Porter (USA).rar")
  965. {
  966. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Modules\D Drive, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher, 1
  967. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\RLSettings\Raid, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  968. Goto FinishedXMLS
  969. } else {
  970. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Modules\N Drive, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher, 1
  971. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\RLSettings\Individual, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  972. Goto FinishedXMLS
  973. }
  974. GoTo, FinishedXMLS
  975. }
  976. If (DBSS24) {
  977. MsgBox, You selected the 24TB drive. `n`n`nThis will autodetect and enable the roms the version of the 24TB that you have (or 32TB total if you have both - but note`, the Xbox360 is not yet emulated/playable unless you used a hacked X360 Machine).
  978. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\24tb main, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu, 1
  979. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\16tbOd\Nintendo Wii, D:\Arcade\Databases\Nintendo Wii, 1
  980. FileCopy, D:\LaunchBox\Data\32TB Drive Files\Platforms - 32TB.xml, D:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms.xml, 1
  981. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\24tb version\Consoles - 32TB AB, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu\Consoles.xml, 1
  982. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\24tb version\Generations - 32TB AB, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu\Generations.xml, 1
  983. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\24tb version\Main Menu - 32TB AB, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu\Main Menu.xml, 1
  984. FileCopy, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\24tb version\Main Menu - 32TB AB, D:\Arcade\Databases\Main Menu\Main Menu_Original.xml, 1
  985. if FileExist("D:\Arcade\System roms\8TB+ Drive\Nintendo 3DS\World set\USA\Aero Porter (USA).rar")
  986. {
  987. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Modules\D Drive, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher, 1
  988. FileCopyDir, D:\LaunchBox\Data\32TB Drive Files\D Drive, D:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms, 1
  989. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\RLSettings\Raid, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  990. MsgBox, Game Databases Have Been Installed
  991. Goto FinishedXMLS
  992. } else {
  993. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Modules\N Drive, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher, 1
  994. FileCopyDir, D:\LaunchBox\Data\32TB Drive Files\P Drive, D:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms, 1
  995. FileCopyDir, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\RLSettings\Individual, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings, 1
  996. MsgBox, Game Databases Have Been Installed
  997. Goto FinishedXMLS
  998. }
  999. }
  1000. FinishedXMLS:
  1001. Gui, +LastFound
  1002. WinGetPos,x,y
  1003. Gui Destroy
  1004. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  1005. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  1006. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  1007. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  1008. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\12.bmp
  1009. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Learn Controls.png
  1010. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  1011. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, LEARN YOUR CONTROLS
  1012. Gui Font
  1013. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Please take a moment to review your controls. The 3 places controls are set:
  1014. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Controls for HyperSpin (for wheel selection menu only) are in the program HLHQ
  1015. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Controls for RocketLauncher (pre-set controls) are configured in the RLUI Interface.
  1016. Gui Add, Text, x120 y444 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, All emulators handle controls individually.  These were all preconfigured for you.
  1017. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, HyperSpin is MAIN "Front End" and LaunchBox (aka BigBox) is the secondary Front End.
  1018. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, In D:\ are a few other less common Front Ends`, all preconfigured to use the same controls.
  1019. Gui Add, Text, x120 y524 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Most are pre-set using the same keys but you may have to tweak controls on some setups
  1020. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Please study the image explaining controls before proceeding.  *AT ANY TIME*
  1021. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, You can revisit this information in this folder: D:\Hyperspin Default button layout\
  1022. Gui Add, Button, gBTNLAY x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  1023. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  1024. Return
  1025. BTNLAY:
  1026. IfExist, D:\_3. Hyperspin Default button layout
  1027. RunWait, D:\_3. Hyperspin Default button layout
  1028. IfNotExist, D:\_3. Hyperspin Default button layout
  1029. RunWait, D:\Hyperspin Default button layout
  1030. MsgBox, , Review Controls Folder, You will now have an open folder with the different controls information.  Leave this msgbox open in the background as you learn your controls.  `n`nPlease Review`, and then click this button to finish the last part of the installer.  (The Optional Section and Completion Section are all that remains)
  1031. Goto 13COMPLETION
  1032. Return
  1033. 13COMPLETION:
  1034. Gui, +LastFound
  1035. WinGetPos,x,y
  1036. Gui Destroy
  1037. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  1038. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  1039. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  1040. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  1041. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\13.bmp
  1042. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Optional Section.png
  1043. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  1044. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, OPTIONAL SECTION
  1045. Gui Font
  1046. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, This next section contains some optional settings you can install and try now.
  1047. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This contains additional enhancements to the gaming software && custom features.
  1048. Gui Font, s9 cRed
  1049. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, You can skip them all && add them later using "Master Control Panel" in D:\User Options\
  1050. Gui Font, s9 cBlue
  1051. Gui Add, Checkbox,  vOPTHS x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, HyperSpeech: HyperSpin announces games selected`, launched`, && other fun stuff
  1052. Gui Add, Checkbox,  vOPTIV x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, IntroVideos: plays quick (<30sec) cool introduction video before HyperSpin starts
  1053. Gui Add, Checkbox,  vOPTWS x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, WheelSounds: plays random game sounds as you scroll through wheels in HyperSpin
  1054. Gui Add, Checkbox,  vOPTVB x120 y524 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, VoiceBot: like "Hey Siri" for MAME. Example: Say "Pause Game" (into a headset)
  1055. Gui Add, Checkbox,  vOPTHM x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, HyperMarquee: advanced program requires setup allows 2nd screen art && features
  1056. Gui Add, Checkbox,  vOPTEZ x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, EZ-2nd-Screen: Unlinke HMarquee`, random game vids on 2nd screen`, no config req.
  1057. Gui Add, Button, gOPTIONALS x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  1058. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, `t
  1059. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  1060. Return
  1061. Return
  1062. OPTIONALS:
  1063. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  1064. if (OPTHS == 1) {
  1065. MsgBox, 4, OPTIONAL Item!, The next section are some optional items.  You can either hit Yes or No `n`n`t Next up:  HyperSpeech  `n`n`nHyperSpeech is a cool module that uses Windows default software to read info.  It will tell you what game you are launching`, read game info`, and other prompts as well.  It even has some funny and sarcastic comments after games are ended.  Hit yes to toggle enable or disable`, If not`, hit No to continue.
  1066. IfMsgBox Yes
  1067. RunWait, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\ahks\Toggle - HS HyperSpeech.exe
  1068. }
  1069. if (OPTIV == 1) {
  1070. MsgBox, 4, OPTIONAL Item!, The next section are some optional items.  You can either hit Yes or No `n`n`t Next up:  IntroVideos  `n`n`nIntro videos are quick 30second or less introductions when you first launch your system.  This is great for cabinet users that boot right into Hyperspin.  You can also quickly skip any video by pressing any key.  If not`, hit No to continue.
  1071. IfMsgBox Yes
  1072. RunWait, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\ahks\Toggle - HS Intro Video.exe
  1073. }
  1074. if (OPTWS == 1) {
  1075. MsgBox, 4, OPTIONAL Item!, The next section are some optional items.  You can either hit Yes or No `n`n`t Next up:  WheelSounds   `n`n`nWheel sounds are the random noises from various games that are played as you scroll through wheels.  Some love it`, some hate it.  You can either turn all sounds off`, turn only wheel clicks on but no crazy other sounds`, or turn all the sounds on using the toggle prompt.  Hit yes to toggle enable or disable`, If not`, hit No to continue.
  1076. IfMsgBox Yes
  1077. RunWait, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\ahks\Toggle - HS WheelSounds.exe
  1078. }
  1079. if (OPTVB == 1) {
  1080. MsgBox, 4, OPTIONAL Item!, The next section are some optional items.  You can either hit Yes or No `n`n`t Last up:  VoiceBot AC   `n`n`nVoiceBot Audio Commander is a program for Mame only at this time.  It allows you to SAY commands to your computer microphone -- it is basically like "Hey Cortana" for Xbox One users.  You can say things like "Paus Game", "Reset Game", "Save Game Slot 1" and "Load Game Slot 7" etc.   Hit yes to toggle enable or disable`, If not`, hit No to continue.
  1081. IfMsgBox Yes
  1082. RunWait, D:\_ Video Lessons and Tutorials\MiscInstallFiles\Unused\ahks\Toggle - VoiceBot Audio Commander.exe
  1083. }
  1084. if (OPTHM == 1) {
  1085. MsgBox, 4, OPTIONAL Item!, The next section are some optional items.  You can either hit Yes or No `n`n`t First up:  HyperMarquee  `n`n`nHyperMarquee is mainly for Cabinet users with multiple screens`, it allows you to show additional info about any playing game or system on a 2nd screen.  `nNote`, it is difficult to set up and for advanced users only.  Clicking yes below will let you read about the install process`, but the best way to install is using the Master Control Panel in D:\User Options\ folder.  `n`nClick Yes to read the document if you want to set up HyperMarquee for additional screens.  `n`n`nNote`, there is an alternative option which is easier for 2nd screen users`, it is not as powerful as HyperMarquee but allows you to play the default system video on the background of your system screen with just a few clicks.  If you would rather do that`, hit No to HyperMarquee and Yes to the next prompt called RL 2nd Screen.   `n`n`nWould you like to review HyperMarquee? If not`, hit No to continue.
  1086. IfMsgBox Yes
  1087. IfExist, D:\_3. Hyperspin Default button layout
  1088. RunWait, D:\_3. Hyperspin Default button layout\HyperMarquee Instructions\Installation Instructions for Hyper Marquee to work proper.docx
  1089. IfNotExist, D:\_3. Hyperspin Default button layout
  1090. RunWait, D:\Hyperspin Default button layout\HyperMarquee Instructions\Installation Instructions for Hyper Marquee to work proper.docx
  1091. }
  1092. if (OPTEZ == 1) {
  1093. MsgBox, 4, OPTIONAL Item!, The next section are some optional items.  You can either hit Yes or No `n`n`t Next up:  RL 2nd Screen  `n`n`nRL 2ndScreen is RocketLauncher 2nd Screen.  This is an alternative that has RocketLauncher (the actual game launcher for all systems) launch the game system default video of whatever game you are playing on your 2nd screen whenever you launch a game.  It is a nice way to set up a 2nd screen without any confusion.  Hit yes to toggle enable or disable`, If not`, hit No to continue.
  1094. IfMsgBox Yes
  1095. {
  1096. IfNotExist, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global - With Background.ahk
  1097. {
  1098. MsgBox, 0, , This was already enabled with 2nd Screen Video in background mode.  `nExiting., 10
  1099. Goto ThisIsTheEnd
  1100. }
  1101. IfExist, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global - With Background.ahk
  1102. {
  1103. FileMove, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global.ahk, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global - Backup Copy.ahk, 1
  1104. FileMove, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global - With Background.ahk, D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global.ahk, 1
  1105. MsgBox, 0, , Previously in standard mode.  `nNow in 2nd Screen Background Video Mode. `n`nTo undo this`, Run the "2nd Screen Background" button again, 10
  1106. Goto ThisIsTheEnd
  1107. }
  1108. }
  1109. }
  1110. Goto ThisIsTheEnd
  1111. Return
  1112. ThisIsTheEnd:
  1113. Gui, +LastFound
  1114. WinGetPos,x,y
  1115. Gui Destroy
  1116. Gui Add, Picture, x10 y44 w1054 h868, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\InstallBackdrop.png
  1117. Gui Font, s17 Italic q0 cBlack, Lucida Console
  1118. Gui Add, Text, x195 y270 w355 h54 +0x1 Center, HyperArcadeSystems `nInitial Install Process
  1119. Gui Add, Picture, x115 y270 w91 h54, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\HASlogo.png
  1120. Gui Add, Picture, x1064 y44 w300 h870, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\14.bmp
  1121. Gui Add, Picture, x650 y407 w327 h135, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller\Completion.png
  1122. Gui Font, s25 Bold Italic cGreen, Arial
  1123. Gui Add, Text, x120 y344 w425 h36 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, COMPLETION!
  1124. Gui Font
  1125. Gui Add, Text, x120 y384 w425 h20 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, The installer has completed!  You are almost there.  A few more items:
  1126. Gui Add, Text, x120 y404 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, You probably need to reload before trying any of the newer gaming systems...
  1127. Gui Add, Text, x120 y424 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, ...but old systems && MAME arcades should work now (even if DOS window still running)
  1128. Gui Add, Text, x120 y464 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Let minimized DOS window keep going`, old CPUs take up to 24 hours! Most take 1HR.
  1129. Gui Add, Text, x120 y484 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, It will close itself when done.  When the DOS window has closed`, reboot your computer.
  1130. Gui Add, Text, x120 y504 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, After the reboot`, the installation is fully complete.  You can then play ALL game systems!
  1131. Gui Add, Text, x120 y544 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, This installer will now ask you if you want to play any of the older games`, or just exit.
  1132. Gui Add, Text, x120 y564 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Congratulations`, have fun using your drive.  If you enjoy`, please leave a review or referral!
  1133. Gui Add, Text, x120 y584 w425 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Do not forget to join the private Facebook group && Discord channel for updates or support.
  1134. Gui Add, Button, g14COMPLETION x177 y620 w100 h33, LETS GO!
  1135. Gui Show, x%x% y%y% w1375 h925, Window
  1136. Return
  1137. 14COMPLETION:
  1138. FileRemoveDir, %A_Temp%\HyperArcadeSystemsInstaller, 1
  1139. MsgBox, 4, Would you like to play a game?, You have now completed the setup process.  `n`n`t`t`t`tWould you like to play a game?
  1140. IfMsgBox Yes
  1141. {
  1142. MsgBox, Okay`, dont forget the little minimized dos window if it is still running.     `n`nWhen it is no longer in your taskbar`, reboot and you are ready to play everything!  For now`, stick to Mame or Ataris/NES/Snes/Sega/Genesis systems only.
  1143. Run, D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe, max
  1144. ExitApp
  1145. }
  1146. IfMsgBox No
  1147. {
  1148. MsgBox, Okay`, dont forget the little minimized dos window if it is still running.   It will turn itself off when done.  `n`nWhen it is no longer in your taskbar`, reboot and you are ready to play everything!
  1149. ExitApp
  1150. }
  1151. Return
  1152. GuiEscape:
  1153. GuiClose:
  1154. ExitApp
  1156. if(SHOULDWEFREEZEITUP = "Z") {
  1157. Msgbox CRIPPLED
  1158. ExitApp
  1159. }
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