
Rat Joe

May 30th, 2012
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  1. In memory of Rat Joe, the luchador magnificente. He is taking holidays for 2 weeks.
  3. >You happen to be the SMALLEST MAN ALIVE
  4. >I mean seriously.
  5. >23 and no taller than a fluffy pony.
  6. >How do you even manage to survive you Stuart Little looking mother fucker?
  7. >One day you're coming home from work, don't ask what you do cause I don't know.
  8. >Suddenly you are snatched up off the street and put into a bag.
  9. >You wake up some time later, in a tiny spandex wrestling out fit and a luchadore mask.
  10. >What the hell?
  11. >Suddenly, the lights turn on around you and you realize you are surrounded by hundreds of people.
  12. >A announcer introduces you as rat Joe.
  13. >What the fuck is going on?
  15. >A Fluffy Pony is standing across the ring from you.
  16. >It puffs its cheeks and stomps its marshmellow hooves.
  17. >"Gonna get owwies! Wittle munsta!".
  18. >You turn around towards the crowed, "Seriously, this is retarded, just let me go home."
  19. >"We'll pay you a shit ton of money!" you hear from the crowed.
  20. >....
  21. >You point at Snuggle Puff, "You aint ready for me, Peg leg!".
  22. >The Bell rings and you and Snuggle Puff begin to circle each other.
  23. >"I give you big boo boo's and make you cwy!" Snuggle Puff taunts, "Den I get nummie tweaties and sweety wa-wa!"
  24. >"Yeah?" You start, "Well I'm gonna use my prize money to buy a shit loads of candy! And I'm gonna eat them all in front of you and not share!".
  25. >Snuggle Puff squeaks in anger and charges, only to be caught by you in a head lock.
  26. >He begins to to scramble the front of his hooves and scream out.
  28. >"YOU NO HUWT SNUGGLE PUFF!" he yells out, shaking his head, not being able to get out of your hold, with your surprising strength for your stature, is like freakish retard robo grip to a fluffy.
  29. >Snuggle Puff begins to pull with his back hooves and manages to begin to tilt backwards, soon you are in the air for only a second before slamming on the ground below, losing your head lock.
  30. >You try to get up, but get pushed back down into the ring with Snuggle Puffs front hooves. This continues until you roll away, only to recieve Snuggle Puffs head bumped into the side of your rib cage, causing you to lose balance for a second.
  31. >As you turn to face Snuggle Puff once more, he charges in for another head butt.
  32. >This time you are prepared, and catch him in another lock.
  33. >You lift snuggle puff into the ground and slam him into the ring below with a suplex.
  34. >Snuggle Puff yelps as he bounces off the ring with his fluff, scrambling on his back to get back on his stubby little hooves.
  35. >You run towards the rope and bounce off, running at Snuggle Puff and tossing yourself on top of him in a body slam.
  36. >Snuggle Puff squeaks as the air leaves his system but finally manages to roll back on to his hooves after you roll off.
  37. >Snuggle Puff goes on the offensive, waddling as fast as possible towards you and bumping its head into your stomach before beginning to pelt you with its marsh mellow like hooves.
  38. >It doesn't hurt, but you've been putting on a show for everyone this whole time.
  39. >You pretend to be on the ropes, panting heavily and guarding yourself from Snuggle Puff's assaults.
  40. >Snuggle Puff is cheering, singing happily to himself as you pretend to cower.
  41. >"Get tweaties~ Get sweety wa-wa! Snuggle Puff is gud fwuffy~" it sings as it continues to buck at you.
  42. >Finally you think you put on a good enough show.
  44. >You swing the back of your hand and catch Snuggle Puff in the face.
  45. >Snuggle Puff screams in pain as you knock out a tooth and turn its snout into a fountain of blood.
  46. >Snuggle Puff is suddenly terrified of you and begins to waddle away.
  47. >"OH NO Y'DON'T PEG LEG!" you shout out as you follow.
  48. >Snuggle Puff scrambles to get under the rope and out of the ring, now crying in fear as you grab onto its tail and pull it back into the ring.
  49. >You pull Snuggle puff away from the ropes and land a drop kick to it face.
  50. >The crowed shouts out with a loud "OOHHHH" as Snuggle Puff falls to its side.
  51. >Now soaked with tears, Snuggle Puff is attempting to waddle away from you once more, trying again to escape.
  52. >You jump in front of Snuggle Puff, who screams in terror and raises its front hooves in fright.
  53. >You take the opportunity and smash your foot into Snuggle Puffs stomach.
  54. >As the beast hunches over with a yelp, you snatch Snuggle Puffs head against your shoulder with your arm.
  55. >You then leap into the air and land on your ass, smashing Snuggle Puff's chin into your shoulder.
  56. >"BAH GAWD! BAH GAWD!" you hear from the crowed, "THE STUNNER! RAT JOE STUNNER! RAT JOE! RAT JOE!".
  57. >Snuggle Puff is out cold, only being able to mewl in pain as you leap on top and pin.
  58. >1! 2! 3!.
  60. >The crowed cheers as you go from turn buckle to turn buckle, flexing your tiny muscles.
  61. >The crowed cheers your stage name.
  62. >Snuggle Puffs owner snatches the Fluffy from the ring and begins to comfort it, letting Snuggle Puff drink milk from a baby bottle.
  63. >After you get dressed, a man approaches you and kneels down, handing you over 500$ in cash.
  64. >You have to put it in your tiny back pack due to your size.
  65. >You may have just found a new career.
  67. >The crowed is cheering over head.
  68. >A fluffy pony is standing in the center of a light.
  69. >It is screaming in fear and crying as loud and as agonizing as it possibly can.
  71. >It continues to scream and cry until...
  72. >DONK
  73. >Fluffy Pony is on the ground, unconscious and mewling in pain.
  74. >You are standing over the Fluffy with a toddler sized folding chair in your hands.
  75. >You wave to the crowed as they cheer for you.
  76. >You don't really understand how they find this as entertaining as they do.
  77. >For you its just exercise and incredibly easy money.
  78. >Last week alone you made 800 dollars in the two days that the event runs in undisclosed New York.
  79. >You are a fan favorite and rising to become champion.
  80. >You are Rat Joe.
  81. >"Great work out there today, Joe!" The owner of the establishment praises, handing you 200 in cash.
  82. >You smile and nod, back packing the cash, your name isn't even Joe, but hey, they don't need to know that.
  83. >This is basically your full time job now, better than that book store you slaved through.
  84. >You make more in a week here than you did before in 3.
  85. >And to think this all happened because you were mistaken for a Fluffy Pony one day.
  86. >...somehow.
  88. >Fluffy wrestling is actually entertaining once you get into the meta of it all.
  89. >You learned a day after you started that fluffy's have a twitch phrase practically implanted into their brain at birth.
  90. >They instinctual snap at any fluffy pony that has been deemed a "Bad fluffy" either by a human or members of a herd.
  91. >This is because they believe that all the problems that a Fluffy may experience throughout the day is solely to blame on the bad fluffy.
  92. >This aggression is pushed even further by the promise of soda and candy (Sweety wa-wa and tweaties).
  93. >So the guys on the other side just kind of tell the Fluffy's that you have been a bad fluffy.
  94. >Even though you aren't a fluffy.
  95. >You are just freakishly small.
  96. >Although not helpless, you work out constantly and practice boxing and things like that. This comes in handy with smaller mammals. There is no cat in New York that can go toe to toe with you.
  97. >This crosses over into Fluffy wrestling exceptionally well. Since they can't even as much as hurt you.
  98. >Fluffy wrestling has been popular mostly due to the gambling element. The fights were pretty much just hoof bucking and nibbling lightly on anothers ears.
  99. >The winner was decided by who stopped crying their fucking eyes out first.
  100. >The difference with you is that compared to the roster of actual fluffy's, you hit like a brick shithouse, and you just so happen to be in the weight class to actually compete.
  101. >People fucking LOVE to see Rat Joe in the ring. Seeing Fluffy's on the end of actual wrestling is rather humorous to watch, if not just to get the blood flowing.
  102. >Though you try NOT to kill the fluffy's in the ring. Fuck man, its hard, and sooner or later, its gonna happen.
  103. And that's all I have.
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