
03.21+03.21 Losing to Toka+Run in w/ Tragedy

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. [21:43:40] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  2. [21:50:30] Lotlhuitl strolled down the main street of Cruxati. Subtly jingling, what with all the jewellery she wore. Jingle, jangle, jingle.. Gold and silver and bronze. Maybe copper, too. Truthfully, she wasn't too certain what she'd looted exactly from Avalon, but it was shiny.. and wrapped around her willowy, tall form.
  4. Her green gaze took in Kashei. She'd seen him around. More than a few times. Hadn't he been at the fall of Avalon, too? Something about a marriage. The Nagual STARED at the older man, unblinking, her path not at all changing. And then she stopped. Right in front of him.
  6. Any attempt from the brown-haired, blue-eyed man to go around her would see the Nagual shifting, stepping into his way. Her expression decidedly neutral, as if she didn't have any idea that her behaviour was strange, or rude, that the invasion of Kashei's personal space was not exactly a polite thing to do. Orthat she just didn't care.
  8. The Nagual extended a hand, gently poking at the glowing burns at his chest. "That looks painful," she said.
  10. Her tail twitched.
  11. (Lotlhuitl)
  12. [21:55:37] Kaschei found himself walking in a bit of a daze: he'd had a busy day. Studying more battle-magic, cleaning up Atro's church and cooking for a troubled friend... It seemed like the more he aged, the less energy he had, like he was being whittled-away at by the passage of the years.
  14. He almost stumbles-into the Nagual herself before he stops with an abrupt startle. Quivering backwards, his ice-blue eyes go wide before he really sees her.
  16. The first thing he notices of her is the glint of opulent jewelry and the shine of precious metals, so much gold and silver clinging to their body he was surprised she could walk as well as she did!
  18. There's a grimace in his face when she pokes at his burns. I>"Owch-!" Yelps the Krausite, showing a frown on his scarred face thereafter; the burns on his arms and chest glowered with flickers of Cosmic essence. Even to this day, ether poured through his wounds, reflecting the power of the mages who'd scarred him.
  20. But Avalon had fallen, while Kaschei still stood... "Please, be careful..." He urges, furrowing his brow and rubbing at the burns carefully with one of his hands. He takes a step back as-so to discourage the Nagual from prodding him more...
  21. (Kaschei)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [22:00:44] Lotlhuitl's left ear twitched, pointing towards Kaschei as she regarded him. Her expression still decidedly neutral. Gloomy. The woman's hand didn't move, even as Kaschei did. "Huh.." she exhaled, blinking (finally!).
  26. "Why don't you get it healed?" She asked, pursuing him as he stepped away from her. She thought about prodding him again, but, instead, with effort, she withdrew her hand and pressed it instead against her jaw, her chin, tilting her head at him with obvious curiosity piercing through the gloom.
  28. Her tail continued to twitch and sway, moving side to side in an undulating pattern. The fluffy appendage moving, seemingly, of it own volition.
  29. (Lotlhuitl)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [22:10:08] Kaschei's hands tighten his plain blue clothes to better obscure the burns. Often-times, the crisp night air felt good on them, but he didn't want to tempt any more finger-prods.
  34. He frowns lightly at the young woman's question and takes a moment to answer... there's an awkward pause, then an exhale. "Some wounds never fully heal." He spoke- looking cheerless as he said the words. In his eyes, there was a distracted gaze: it was all too easy to relive the days of war in his mind's eye.
  36. And he hated to see it. The smoke of battle-magic, the sounds of death... he almost grimaces in front of her. But just as he had on the fields of war-
  38. -he steels his nerves, and manages a calm expression. "But I am healthy otherwise- ... a very strong mage left those marks on me, so my skin there isn't quite normal." He answers, mistaking the Nagual's curiosity for concern. He shows her a friendly smile as if to dispel her 'worries'.
  39. (Kaschei)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [22:21:13] Lotlhuitl had not returned his smile with one of her own. The woman continued to direct her gaze to him, though admittedly, her green eyes totally did leave his face to trail over his clothing and to follow the path the burns took across his body. At least, until he covered up.
  44. "This mage all but branded you." She commented, her tone thoughtful but her words less than so. "Did you kill them?"
  46. Lotlhuitl's gaze flicked back up to his eyes at that, taking in his expression, his posture, his tone. "I would have." She responded, tail swishing from side to side. "Well, if I had been strong enough."
  47. (Lotlhuitl)
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [22:21:13] Toka says, "Hm..."
  51. [22:21:13] Toka asks, "Kaschei, do you have any lax essence?"
  52. [22:21:13] Kaschei says, "Sadly, no... they bested me in battle."
  53. [22:21:13] Kaschei says, "I was lucky to survive and escape."
  54. [22:22:56] Lotlhuitl blinked, seemingly thinking over Kaschei's words.
  55. (Lotlhuitl)
  56. [22:22:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "Hm. Do they still live, the one that did this to you?"
  57. [22:22:56] Kaschei exclaims, "Not sure... and it's nothing but old war-scars, Yareth. Don't worry about me!"
  58. [22:23:47] Lotlhuitl asks, "What is your name?"
  59. [22:28:03] Kaschei says, "My name is Kaschei. I'm a Krausite from Valmasia."
  60. [22:28:03] Lotlhuitl says, "... a Valmasian? "
  61. [22:28:03] Toka walked over and poked Kaschei on the arm.
  62. (Toka)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [22:28:03] Lotlhuitl asks, "Krausite? Really?"
  66. [22:28:03] Toka whispers something.
  67. [22:28:03] Kaschei turns to face Toka with a puzzled look.
  68. (Kaschei)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [22:28:03] Toka whispers something.
  72. [22:28:03] Kaschei says, "Hmn-? And, yes... I'm from Valmasia."
  73. [22:28:03] Lotlhuitl says, "I am Lotlhuitl, of the Cruxati."
  74. [22:28:54] Kaschei says, "Sorry, Toka. I'm all out. I gave the last of mine to... -hmn, I'm not sure who it was actually."
  75. [22:28:54] Lotlhuitl says, "If you want someone to try and heal those burns, well. I'd be prepared to try. For a price."
  76. [22:28:54] Toka says, "Dang."
  77. [22:28:54] Lotlhuitl asks, "... Toka?"
  78. [22:28:54] Lotlhuitl GLARES at Toka.
  79. (Lotlhuitl)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [22:28:54] Kaschei says, "Well-met, Lotlhuitl."
  83. [22:28:54] Toka says, "I haven't been able to find any, and Maiya has more or less...ignored my request."
  84. [22:28:54] Lotlhuitl says, "You thief."
  85. [22:28:54] Toka says, "What."
  86. [22:28:54] Lotlhuitl says, "<@Toka>"
  87. [22:28:54] Lotlhuitl says, "You stole what was mine."
  88. [22:29:45] Toka says, "Context dear."
  89. [22:29:45] Xitlalli asks, "Theft?"
  90. [22:29:45] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Kalisha! The red-head!"
  91. [22:29:45] Xitlalli says, "...Kalisha? Oh."
  92. [22:29:45] Lotlhuitl says, "You never even challenged me, and you prevented her from fighting for Gehenna."
  93. [22:29:45] Toka says, "How do you steal a person? Eh...that is a trap to ask. "
  94. [22:29:45] Toka asks, "And what?"
  95. [22:29:45] Toka says, "I told her it wouldn't be wise to fight without armor, or a weapon."
  96. [22:29:45] Xitlalli says, "Where is Kalisha? I miss her."
  97. [22:29:45] Toka says, "It would be a death trap."
  98. [22:29:45] Toka says, "I...don't know Xitlalli."
  99. [22:29:45] Lotlhuitl frowns.
  100. (Lotlhuitl)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [22:30:36] Kaschei frowns at the signs of a feud.
  103. (Kaschei)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. [22:30:36] Kaschei says, "Let's not fight..."
  107. [22:30:36] Toka says, "I don't really know why I would have to challenge you."
  108. [22:31:28] Toka says, "She was no one's slave when I met her."
  109. [22:31:28] Toka says, "I began to help her recover."
  110. [22:31:28] Lotlhuitl asks, "She was mine. She told me that you had it in your head -- what?"
  111. [22:31:28] Lotlhuitl says, "She lied."
  112. [22:31:28] Toka says, "Oh right, after some time you apparently got ownership."
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [22:32:19] The Krausite frowns as the apparent argument goes on. He shifts to distance himself from the two...
  116. (Kaschei)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. [22:32:19] Toka says, "I was helping her, I was making sure she wasn't abused."
  120. [22:33:10] Lotlhuitl says, "... she told me that you had attempted to claim her as her slave."
  121. [22:33:10] Toka says, "I did."
  122. [22:33:10] Lotlhuitl says, "as your slave."
  123. [22:33:10] Xitlalli says, "I was going to loo-"
  124. [22:33:10] Lotlhuitl says, "You had no right."
  125. [22:33:10] Lotlhuitl says, "She is mine."
  126. [22:33:10] Toka says, "When I met her, you didn't have ownership."
  127. [22:33:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Was mine. She is Xoconan's."
  128. [22:33:10] Lotlhuitl says, "I -did-."
  129. [22:33:10] Toka says, "A shame."
  130. [22:33:10] Xitlalli asks, "And what of our duel, Lothuitl?"
  131. [22:33:10] Toka says, "Well, sorry dear. But she is mine."
  132. [22:34:01] Lotlhuitl says, "... what? You.. you didn't take her from me, Xitlalli. You said.."
  133. [22:34:01] Maiya glances over her shoulder and then rolls her eyes a small bit.
  134. (Maiya Vindict)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [22:34:01] Lotlhuitl asks, "... you can't just claim someone as your slave, without challenging the owner to a duel. Do you not have any honour?"
  138. [22:34:01] Xitlalli says, "I know."
  139. [22:34:01] Toka says, "I hear people speak about honor constantly, but most people who claim they have honor. Don't have any."
  140. [22:34:01] Maiya Vindict says, "You hardly have honor yourself walking into opposing tribes and shit talking their Chieftain, by the by."
  141. [22:34:01] Toka says, "It is a rather...dumb cycle."
  142. [22:34:01] Maiya Vindict says, "But you didn't hear that from me."
  143. [22:34:52] Toka says, "...Hey Maiya. If I give you a thousand coins. Could you brew me a lax essence? If you aren't tired."
  144. [22:34:52] Maiya Vindict says, "I'll just make one."
  145. [22:34:52] Xitlalli lets out a sigh, shaking her head as she leaned against the wall. It was whatever to Xitlalli, after all, she knew she could acquire Kalisha back in due time.
  146. (Xitlalli)
  147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. [22:34:52] Xitlalli says, "It's okay, she'll probably return eventually."
  150. [22:35:44] Lotlhuitl crossed her arms, directing a rather baleful stare at Maiya.
  151. (Lotlhuitl)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [22:35:44] Toka says, "She seemed rather happy when she was wtih me."
  155. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [22:35:44] Toka says, "Thank you Maiya."
  157. [22:35:44] Maiya Vindict says, "Yeah, yeah."
  158. [22:35:44] Toka says, "I will go hunting later for supplies."
  159. [22:35:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I only said what everyone thinks, Maiya. "
  160. [22:36:35] Maiya Vindict says, "Oh shut the fuck up."
  161. [22:36:35] Toka apparently would drink the essence.
  162. (Toka)
  163. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. [22:36:35] Maiya Vindict asks, "You wanna know what everyone thinks?"
  166. [22:36:35] Maiya Vindict asks, "You really want to know what's inside of -my- head? Am I not a part of everyone?"
  167. [22:36:35] Maiya Vindict says, "You lack respect."
  168. [22:36:35] Maiya Vindict says, "Puke. No wonder you're my Nephew's slave."
  169. [22:37:26] Xitlalli asks, "Nephew's slave...?"
  170. [22:37:26] Lotlhuitl says, "I lack respect? "
  171. [22:37:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well, Maiya. Here. I wish to return something to you."
  172. [22:37:26] {Item} You drop Dreadwoods Watchtower Key.
  173. [22:37:26] Maiya places a hand on her hip.
  174. (Maiya Vindict)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [22:37:26] Maiya Vindict says, "Don't know what the fuck this is for."
  178. [22:38:17] Toka says, "So do you plan to still complain over Kalisha? Since I will take your 'challenge'."
  179. [22:38:17] Toka says, "If I lose, oh no. Shame on me. My 'honor' will be hurt. I really don't care."
  180. [22:39:08] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  181. [22:39:08] Lotlhuitl says, "... you're something else, Toka. Really. Yes."
  182. [22:39:08] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  183. [22:39:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I will face you."
  184. [22:39:08] Dmex whispers something.
  185. [22:39:08] Toka says, "I guess I am something else, I am Sarradian. So probably."
  186. [22:39:08] Dmex whispers something.
  187. [22:39:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Water instead of blood."
  188. [22:40:00] Dmex whispers something.
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [22:40:00] Maiya flicks her hair over her shoulder.
  192. (Maiya Vindict)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [22:40:00] Toka would begin to walk to the arena.
  197. "My blood is more precious than yours."
  198. (Toka)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [22:40:00] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  202. [22:40:00] Xitlalli says, "Oh boy."
  203. [22:46:49] JaDrako Kumo asks, "She really loves honor duels huh?"
  204. [22:49:23] Yareth Ehécatl asks, "Well, is it a honor duel..?"
  205. [22:49:23] Xitlalli says, "Yes."
  206. [22:54:30] Maiya. Fucking. Vindict.
  208. Maiya's words visibly burnt Lotlhuitl. Shamed her. No matter how much the Nagual tried to keep her shoulders back, her head held high, anyone could surely notice how Maiya had got to her in ways that Toka's sheer disregard for her property simply couldn't.
  210. She lacked respect?? That idea confused and angered her. Visibly so. She had only been speaking the truth. If the truth wasn't respectful, well. Perhaps Karma Vindict should do something about that. No. It wasn't her fault at all. Why it should at all reflect poorly on her didn't make any damn sense.
  212. The Nagual's tail violently thrashed side to side as she walked into the arena. Initially, she followed Toka. But as the two walked through the door a glimmer of electricity enshrouded Lotl's tall, proud frame. And then, in a blink, the Nagual was standing in the middle of the arena. Ahead of Toka, the Sarradian.
  214. She was, truthfully, vastly more angry than she ought to have been.
  216. "Your blood is as worthless as your words, Toka the Sarradian. You're a waste of my time." Lotlhuitl's tail twitched, her anger rising within her as the dark markings of the blessings of Ixchel slowly crept up her skin.. from head to toe. "Once I've beaten you, I want you to stay the hell away from Kalisha. You're not Gehennan. She wants to be Gehennan. You're going to ruin her."
  219. (Lotlhuitl)
  220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. [22:57:55] Toka raised an eye at the girl's anger. And her requests? Well it made her chuckle softly.
  223. "Very well, but please. I am Gehennan. Wife of Solem Huitzilopochtli. Mother of Solace and Soliael. I risked my life against X'thon, I risked my life in the war." She kept it nice and simple. Water beginning to wrap around her body. Snaking its way up, as wind and lightning began to try and fuse with it. Clashing and struggling, yet also succeeding. Close, oh so close.
  225. "You should learn to stop being such a bitch. Honestly." A smirk on her face, her rifle aimed at the girl. She was prepared.
  226. (Toka)
  227. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  229. [23:18:24] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Toka! They're unable to continue fighting.
  230. [23:18:24] JaDrako Kumo says, "Oof. . ."
  231. [23:20:57] Toka danced around the arena with grace. Unleashing whips of water and blood, shocks of lightning and massive blasts of wave. With wind buffeting them roughly.
  233. She took note of the girl being a bit, well she wasn't as strong as she anticipated. Letting a soft sigh out to herself. Not offering any words, but this more or less gave her different plans to what she would do come the conclusion.
  235. The girl didn't seem to have a weapon, and she needed one. And instead of an intense glare or anything. She gave her a soft smile. But not to hurt her honor or her pride. She would still fight at her best. She felt that is what the girl would want.
  236. (Toka)
  237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. [23:32:03] Knocked off her feet, Lotlhuitl had meant to snarl. Instead, a high pitched squeak rolled from her lips as the wind was knocked from her lungs.
  241. Oof.
  243. Lotlhuitl's green eyes had widened as she faced Toka. The Sarradian fought in a similar style to her. Similar magic. Similar footwork. The only difference was, Toka was noticeably.. better.
  245. It didn't help that Lotlhuitl was without a weapon. She felt the lack of the rifle she had lost to Caesar notably.
  247. Still, though. When Toka had smiled at her, Lotlhuitl's expression had remained... decidedly neutral! The Nagual brushed her long, blue-black hair out of her face. She didn't want Toka's pity. She didn't want whatever it was that Toka was offering her.
  249. Damn it. She was angry. Anger was the currency with which Lotlhuitl wanted to pay the Sarradian for her.. whatever this was.
  251. And so the youthful Nagual...
  253. Took up a fighting stance.
  255. Begun the dance anew, blood and thunder in her wake.
  257. (Lotlhuitl)
  258. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. [23:34:36] Shan just stands on air. That's right, on raw air. He doesn't float. Power move galore. He watches the arena listlessly.
  260. (Shan Baiyan)
  261. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  263. [23:35:28] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Toka! They're unable to continue fighting.
  264. [23:35:28] ** Toka has inflicted an injury upon Lotlhuitl. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  265. [23:45:42] Toka would once more dance around with grace. Avoiding most of the girl's attacks, but still being caught by some. Sadly, the girl didn't pack much power behind her attacks. And in the end, she took over.
  267. With an aimed shot, she unleashing a bullet which would half-flight burst into lightning, slamming into the girl's arm and delivering a vicious shock to it. Destroying the nerves temporarily and messing with her mana circuits.
  269. Knowing this would be the end of the fight. She would place the gun onto her back. A soft sigh escaping again, as she just walked over to the girl. Reaching down to grab her still usable arm, to try and lift her up.
  271. "Dear, come. Let me tend to your injuries, ok?" Her tone was kind, despite the fight. And even slightly motherly. She was worried for the girl. As she didn't want her to throw her life away, she wanted her to become strong. To protect what she cherishes.
  273. And if she didn't take the hand? Well, she wouldn't pursue it or try to force it.
  274. (Toka)
  275. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  277. [23:46:33] Shan Baiyan says, "A good shot, that woman..."
  278. [23:47:24] Noa blinks.
  279. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  280. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  282. [23:53:23] Lotlhuitl screamed. Genuine pain, her hands clenching, her own lightning sparking, swirling around her.. and hten she fell to the ground.
  284. On her knees again.
  286. By all the spirits in the highest realms, no. Not again. This was becoming a frightfully common occurrence. And, bewildered, in pain, and struggling to process it all, Lotlhuitl had STARED up at Toka, her right arm holding her left.
  288. She could feel the shock still coursing through her arm. Smell the scent of burnt flesh. It. Hurt. She was defeated. Proven, yet again, to be less than the person who had shamed her. It. Hurt. And yet this woman, this Sarradian who had so insulted her, now offered her a hand?
  290. Lotlhuitl blinked. Green eyes wide for a moment, before narrowing. Before her expression became decidedly neutral once more. She swallowed her rage. Her shame. Her fear. Locked itaway, deep within herself.
  292. And, visibly deflated, she accepted the hand up. Her right hand, nails sharpened into claws, placed in Toka's own. She no longer looked Toka in the eyes. Her ears drooping, fluffy blue-black tail wrapping around her bare waist. She was now silent, except for the slight ragged edge to her breathing due to pain. It. Hurt.
  293. (Lotlhuitl)
  294. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. [00:01:55] Toka gave a soft smile, and with a deep breath. She would lift the Nagual up, carrying her off.
  297. "Come dear, I want to have a talk with you. Without anger driving you." She had no care for honor duels, that much was very clear. She wanted to make the girl see a better path. To make her stop thrusting herself into danger over petty squabbles.
  299. "Just rest, I will fix the pain soon. Close your eyes and rest, focus on the warmth emanating from my body." Her tone was soft, as she wanted the girl to get her mind off of the pain. She honestly felt bad for it all. She also didn't care what onlookers might think, ready to speak out if they said anything.
  301. "Sorry for the indecent everyone. The arena is now open for use!" And with that, she was off.
  302. (Toka)
  303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. [00:01:55] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (noob
  306. [00:01:55] LOOC - Toka: (
  307. [00:01:55] LOOC - Toka: (Incident*
  308. [00:01:55] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (toka chill
  309. [00:01:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (in.. indecent..)
  310. [00:01:55] Dantalion asks, "Gah. Who want fight?"
  311. [00:02:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (l e w d)
  312. [00:02:46] LOOC - Toka: (Shhh Lotl, it will be over soon.)
  313. [00:02:46] LOOC - Toka: ( :) )
  314. [00:02:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i n d e c e n t)
  315. [00:02:46] Ellenore is doing a Ether ritual, take that cosmic meta!
  316. (Ellenore)
  317. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  319. [00:06:11] Dantalion takes a sit, but the chair under him broke to pieces.
  320. (Dantalion)
  321. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  323. [00:06:11] Dantalion says, "Shit."
  324. [00:06:11] Shortly before the fight had finished out, Dmex had arrived to the arena to spectate. The outcome caused her to give off a disappointed, quiet sigh -
  326. And she zipped her way into the arena's center once Toka was about to leave.
  328. "I'm uncertain what led to this, but... Lotlhuitl is one of my followers."
  330. Her head tilted off towards the wounded Nagual, making sure that she'd heard the next few words.
  332. "My favorite of them."
  334. Dmex's attention shifted back to Toka, soon after.
  336. "I don't mean to interrupt, but I'd like to attend this talk - for the sake of my student, and also... some explanation on what transpired."
  337. (Dmex)
  338. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340. [00:07:02] Drop.
  342. In a moment his staff came to drop infront of this duo as a pause only followed from such. Though Toka showed only kindness there could be no forgiving she had acted out and chosen only to strike at the weak. Fingers idly tapping at the grip of such as gaze scanned both of these Gehennans over without much hesitation.
  344. "Toka. I will only say this once, you need to learn when to control yourself." His proclamation ringing clearly as his stormy gaze only seemed filled with concern. Lips pursing gently against one another as no matter how hard he tried still that same level of stress persisted. No matter the reason, One of their own had been wounded.
  346. "Lotlhuitl, in the event you need to speak after you're fixed up? My doors are open for a friend."
  348. With that! His staff once blocking their path hoisted itself back up.
  349. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  350. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  352. [00:07:02] Toka says, "..."
  353. [00:10:27] Toka stared blankly at the two. A soft sigh escaping from her.
  355. "She challenged me to an honor duel. It is as simple as that...and now I am going to treat her. Since I didn't want to hurt her honor or pride by holding back. As it would be mean that I acknowledged that she was not up to fit for the fight." Looking to Dmex.
  357. "If she is your favorite, then you should really look out for her more. Her attitude will only cause more pain for her. And she is fighting without a weapon. If you don't want me to tend to her injury, and teach her a few things. Then take her, I don't mind." Gently she would place the Nagual down onto the ground. Holding her hands up with an annoyed expression on her face.
  359. "If I acted out of place, then lock me up or whatever."
  360. (Toka)
  361. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. [00:13:00] Xitlalli whispers something.
  364. [00:13:00] Xitlalli whispers something.
  365. [00:13:00] Xitlalli whispers something.
  366. [00:13:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm."
  367. [00:21:32] LOOC - Shan Baiyan: (eh)
  368. [00:21:32] LOOC - Shan Baiyan: (what's going on i wasn't paying attention)
  369. [00:22:24] LOOC - Dmex: (wow... low balls)
  370. [00:24:06] LOOC - Xitlalli: (ah finally caught dmex)
  371. [00:24:06] LOOC - Ellenore: Flee ritual op)
  372. [00:24:06] LOOC - Ellenore: Soon, my evil anti cosmic ritual will give birth)
  373. [00:24:57] Shan Baiyan whispers something.
  374. [00:24:57] Toka had picked her... up? What?!
  376. Lotlhuitl had gone completely stiff, shocked at the new level of humiliation forced upon her. How it had even happened, didn't quite make sense to her. She was not a child. She didn't need to be swaddled. And yet, she couldn't protest. Completely stiff, arms wrapped around herself, knees tucked up against herself, the tall woman just.. wished she could just Die. Already.
  378. Oh. It. Hurt.
  380. What even was this. What even. What even!?
  382. It got worse.
  384. Dmex spoke. Dmex had seen her fall. Seen her be wounded. Seen the strange Sarradian scoop her unwilling form up. Seen her be unable to protest, to stop the woman.
  386. Lotlhuitl's eyes had fluttered open, her expression distinctly ashen. Pain. Humilation.
  388. And Noa. Noa spoke too.
  390. Would she always have to rely on others to save her?
  392. "Great Dmex.. N-Noa." She stammered, voice about the smallest as anyone might have heard it. "I spoke the truth. She wronged m-" A shudder, a step away from Toka. Left arm visibly smoking from a nasty looking wound. The Nagual threw up her right hand to her face. Anguish. "No. I lost. I have no claim now. I have nothing."
  394. That wasn't the complete truth.
  396. She had self loathing.
  398. And.
  400. She had anger.
  402. Burning, terrible anger.
  404. Though, to be honest, the anger and self loathing were beginning to look the same.
  405. (Lotlhuitl)
  406. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  408. [00:26:40] LOOC - Ellenore: Soon the meta will be punished.)
  409. [00:26:40] LOOC - Ellenore: Mwhaha)
  410. [00:30:04] Xitlalli craned her head to the side, whispering a few words to the boy before taking a step back! The dancer's gaze sweeping over Lothuitl and Toka; it was unfortunate that such a wound graced the Nagual's form but it was what it was.
  412. "A softer approach might have been better off.", she'd say, with a shrug.
  414. After all, had Toka showed some restraint, the Nagual would have not been wounded so heavily.
  416. "Ah... Well. I hope she'll heal up.", there was concern within Xitlalli's voice, as her eyes lingered on the angry and self-loathing Lotlhuitl.
  417. (Xitlalli)
  418. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. [00:30:04] How... Tedious.
  422. He seemed only to sigh at her words as though that feeling of agitation refused to rid itself once more. The audible clanking of his boots ringing out clearly now as he simply looked upon Toka. Disappointment above all else filled his gaze as this wound from the Nagual only reinforced this simple point in his mind. The weak were the ones who needed protecting from the strong that would otherwise work to abuse them.
  424. "I suppose I challenge you next. I can't just allow you to get away with harming the weak, you clearly were leagues above her and still you chose to wound her as you did." His proclamation made as a sharp swing of his staff practically cut through the air with cosmic energy spilling from every motion. He needed no introduction to prove himself and no other words beyond what he had given now.
  426. "Wronged her... You have every right, Lotl. Just, let me handle something like this."
  428. Putting on a forced smile, his attention directed itself back towards Toka.
  429. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  430. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  432. [00:31:47] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (what fucking ritual is this
  433. [00:31:47] LOOC - Ellenore: The best kind.)
  434. [00:31:47] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((that answers nothing...
  435. [00:31:47] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Xitlalli."
  436. [00:32:38] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "Can you please... Get your runescribe friend... To stop putting rituals in the arena?"
  437. [00:32:38] Seemingly, Noa was intervening in roughly the same way that Dmex had intended to. She let out a quiet sigh, mumbling something too quiet to hear to herself - before her voice raises, directed off towards Toka and Lotlhuitl.
  439. "I'm willing to heal my follower myself, thank you. And - additionally - "
  441. She waved one hand off to the space between Noa and Toka, gesturing for the both of them to get to it.
  443. "I will speak to her, learn her side of it, and make a decision if I have to. Give me Lotlhuitl."
  444. (Dmex)
  445. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. [00:33:29] Xitlalli says, "---"
  448. [00:33:29] Xitlalli says, "Ellenore."
  449. [00:33:29] Ellenore asks, "What?"
  450. [00:33:29] Xitlalli asks, "Tch... Grgh, why did you?"
  451. [00:33:29] Xitlalli exclaims, "In the arena!"
  452. [00:34:20] Ellenore exclaims, "Ops!"
  453. [00:34:20] Ellenore says, "I meant for it to be occult, accidentally made it ether.."
  454. [00:35:12] Xitlalli says, "You're not supposed to form such things inside the arena."
  455. [00:35:12] Xitlalli says, "Get out before I make that marking, permanent."
  456. [00:35:12] Xitlalli says, "Begone."
  457. [00:35:12] Ellenore exclaims, "Ahhhhh!"
  458. [00:36:03] Xitlalli huffs and puffs, visibly upset as she made her way back over to the stairs.
  459. (Xitlalli)
  460. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  462. [00:38:36] Toka stared blankly at Noa. A soft sigh escaping from her.
  464. "Right...I will tell Solace and Soliael that the reason dinner was so late was because of this." She wasn't pleased at all honestly. She gave Lotlhuitl the honor duel she wanted, and she was being punished for it, because she had won.
  466. "If I don't accept, I fear you will attack me anyway. So very well...I accept." So this was Gehennan honor first hand, someone loses so they spit on their honor and rush to help them. "Come at me I guess." Water snaking around her form. Ready for combat.
  468. A hand rubbing against the bandages on her own face. Before grabbing the rifle on her back.
  469. (Toka)
  470. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  472. [00:38:36] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Not... Here. The ruins weaken my power..."
  473. [00:39:28] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Let's just take this outside or something."
  474. [00:39:28] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((FUCKING
  475. [00:39:28] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((eTHER RUUUUNES
  476. [00:39:28] Shan Baiyan says, "How amusing."
  477. [00:39:28] "Well, this is really a mess..."
  479. Yeah, that was true that she had won against someone weak, and there is no pride on it, to be honest, it is really sad, but the nagual asked for it, acting like a hero now would just make the girl more sad, and would not solve anything. The Drakanite stood up, and turned his blue ocean eyes to Noa.
  481. "Hey, prince of the sun, it will not solve anything, can you be a little bit more emphatic with the girl? You're just hurting her more, and showing not respect to Toka, the one who accepted the challenge... she said that she not asked for it... so it is really unecessary."
  483. Yareth said it in his low and calm tone of voice..
  484. (Yareth Ehécatl)
  485. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487. [00:39:28] Shan is enjoying the show! He didn't even have to stir anything up himself.
  488. (Shan Baiyan)
  489. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  491. [00:39:28] Dmex says, "...Toka."
  492. [00:39:28] Dmex says, "Toka."
  493. [00:39:28] Dmex says, "Let me take my Nagual."
  494. [00:39:28] Toka says, "I already said take her."
  495. [00:39:28] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Come, come."
  496. [00:40:19] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Fair fights all around."
  497. [00:42:01] LOOC - Xitlalli: (where the hell did they go)
  498. [00:43:44] Dmex probably just leaves Lotlhuitl at her house until better stuff can be done. whoo. videogames
  499. (Dmex)
  500. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  502. [00:49:42] Lotlhuitl couldn't help it. Normally, she never would have dared touch Dmex. But. She was exhausted. She hurt. Her left arm -- she couldn't even look at it. It was still on her body, she knew that much. But the electricity, it still.. it felt like it was still coursing through her. She couldn't move it.
  504. And so the young woman, rather than collapse midway through the Dreadwoods, had reached out to Dmex, some incoherent plea rolling from her lips as she found herself relying on her Goddess to save her.
  506. By the time the pair had reached Dmex's dwelling place, the Nagual was distinctly delirious with pain. She was barely standing. And soon, she wasn't standing at all.
  508. The error was trying to move her left hand.
  510. The blinding pain had been too much, and the tall Nagual's form crumbled. She fell. Agony.
  511. (Lotlhuitl)
  512. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  514. [07:39:18]
  515. {LOAD GAME}
  517. [07:56:22] Her left arm had a curious pattern marring the once flawless skin. Lightning - not her own, but Toka's - had seared the Nagual's mana circuits. Made even the slightest movement incredibly painful.
  519. With incredible difficulty, considering she had only the use of one arm, Lotlhuitl had made herself a sling. The materials were not hard to find. Dmex kept a well stocked supply closet. Heck. The Great Spirit kept an immaculate house. Which, was maybe not so difficult considering that Lotlhuitl wasn't so certain if the Great Spirit ever used anything.
  521. That task completed, she sat. Defeated. Bruised. Battered. Burnt.
  523. It was now that she looked down at her left arm. The electrical burn was an almost floral pattern. Strange, the way electricity moved through flesh. Or was it on purpose? This Toka woman clearly had sought to teach her a lesson. But, the joke's on Toka, Lotlhuitl thought. She HAD learnt a lesson, but it surely was not the lesson the Sarradian had sought to teach her.
  525. It was now, head leaning against the wall as she sunk down to the floor, sitting opposite the door that Lotlhuitl reflected, gloomily, over recent events.
  527. Just what was the lesson?
  529. What. Lesson. Had. She. Learnt.
  531. "Hm." Lotlhuitl said, gaze almost burning a hole in the door opposite. "Don't play fair when the person you are facing does not care about honour, and you do."
  533. That was the lesson Lotlhuitl had learnt.
  535. Also. Perhaps.. Perhaps she was too weak to fight her own battles.
  537. Toka had told her not to be a bitch. Maiya had said she lacked respect, and other stupid things. Her new friends had betrayed her. Random outsiders stole from her.
  539. And all in all, she was too weak to stop any of it.
  541. She.. would become stronger. Better at fighting. But until then? Until then she would shamelessly lean on her friends to enact her vengeance.
  543. Like Noa. Lotlhuitl was unsure the result of his battle with Toka. But. She could rely on him to help her. And Xoconan. And.. Dmex, her Goddess.
  545. She would have revenge on everyone who had wronged her. They were honourless dogs, and it had been foolish of her to rely on honour duels for satisfaction. They were unworthy.
  547. "It's not my fault. It's not."
  548. (Lotlhuitl)
  549. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  551. [08:11:44] Lotlhuitl in pain and BORED, Lotlhuitl traced out a rune on the floor of Dmex's home. And then she slumped back against the wall, glaring at the front door.
  552. (Lotlhuitl)
  553. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  555. [08:18:33] Lotlhuitl exited Dmex's home by using a spare key. She then returned the spare key to its resting place, with a note to Dmex also concealed there.
  557. "Getting milk. Back soon.
  559. Lotl."
  560. (Lotlhuitl)
  561. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  563. [08:26:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (wow)
  564. [08:27:05] LOOC - Xoconan: (:smug:)
  565. [08:27:05] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (u r a butt)
  566. [08:27:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (u should dot)
  567. [08:27:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (I need to go do a couple of after work things, should be back before your dot drops)
  568. [08:27:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (okiedokes)
  569. [08:32:12]
  570. {LOAD GAME}
  572. [08:45:00]
  573. {LOAD GAME}
  575. [08:47:34]
  576. {LOAD GAME}
  578. [08:47:34] The door closed behind her. She was out the front door of Dmex's home. The Dreadwoods. Was that mist, or steam, or something else (occult energy?) rising up from the swampy ground?
  580. Fatigue.
  582. Lotlhuitl had to steady herself on the wall with her good arm. The injured arm was safely in a sling. It. Still. Hurt. Toka had truly dealt her a serious injury. One which hopefully would heal in time, but for now the Nagual felt as weak as a kitten. A kitten with a horrific, almost floral patterned burn running up her entire left arm. Leaving it useless.
  584. And so, exhausted from the effort of exiting Dmex's home, Lotl found herself just.. deciding.. to sit down. Just for a moment. But what was supposed to be a brief stop to try and manage the pain turned into a nap. Here in what had to be the only spot of sunshine in the whole Dreadwoods. Right on Dmex's doorstep.
  586. It was an incredibly bad idea, she realised, as some sort of sixth sense stirred her awake as someone approached. Those green eyes fluttered open and, immediately, automatically, and without any consideration or thought what so ever, her hand went to go for her dagger.
  588. Unfortunately, Lotlhuitl was left handed. And had forgotten that her left arm was useless. And in a sling. And that any attempt to move it rendered her in piercing agony.
  590. "Nnnngh.." The woman had gasped, right arm instantly moving to grab her left. As if the pressure could ease the pain.
  592. Lips parted, her back pressed up against Dmex's front door, Lotlhuitl had stiffened. It was Xoconan. Likely looking for her.
  594. Her ears pinned backwards, gaze firmly shifting to the ground. She had no words. Nothing to say. She wanted to greet him -- her? But. Really. She was plainly in a bad way, and he'd found her vulnerable. This displeased her.
  595. (Lotlhuitl)
  596. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  598. [08:56:06]
  599. {LOAD GAME}
  601. [09:05:29] LOOC - Xoconan: (hello there neighbor)
  602. [09:06:20] LOOC - Tragedy: hello )
  603. [09:06:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ello)
  604. [09:06:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (are you IC)
  605. [09:07:12] LOOC - Tragedy: i cant just run around oocly so sure... )
  606. [09:07:12] Lotlhuitl mentioned something about going to Dmex's house before- and considering she was part of the strange cult that seemed to follow the woman-spirit constantly.
  608. So, she checked there after not finding her in her usual lairs, notably the tower atop the Cruxati temple. It was a pleasant surprise to actually find her there, and not only there, but outside. Xoconan didn't even have to brave the strange house again without permission...
  610. Although the smile that had formed proved shortlived, sanguine eyes quickly taking in the Naguals state. "What happened?" She asked, voice crisp and authority clear despite the completely different tone for a female Xoconan.
  612. "Come on, let's get you out of the Dreadwoods." She reached down to help up the Nagual, specifically aiming for the non-wounded arm.
  614. Atleast... Until a very familiar feeling of dread washed over the young magi... "Ah... Fuck."
  615. (Xoconan)
  616. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  618. [09:08:03] LOOC - Xoconan: (xoco has tits blame maiya)
  619. [09:08:03] LOOC - Tragedy: nvm im ooc then )
  620. [09:08:03] LOOC - Xoconan: (rip)
  621. [09:08:03] LOOC - Tragedy: lets not ruin this meeting with.. u having tity... )
  622. [09:08:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (they are nice titty, Maiya does good work)
  623. [09:10:36] It was just another day for Tragedy, who had entered the Dreadwoods with innocent intentions for a change. She observed human architecture from afar, preparing what would be needed to house anyone unfortunate enough to work in her domain. As it were, some familiar figure had decided to banter about this far north home.
  625. The Archon looked over at the two sleepily, staring for a second before turning away as if she had just been watching a passing leaf. Tragedy would go back to admiring the Gehennan architecture, tapping one long fingernail against it lightly as she floated a few inches above the surface.
  627. There could not be a greater level of disinterest shown to them. Curious, considering the interest she had taken in Xoconan last time.
  628. (Tragedy)
  629. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  631. [09:21:42] Lotlhuitl felt the encroaching dread before she had any idea Tragedy approached. And being unaware of the Archon's approach, the Nagual had answered Xoconan in as few words as possible: with a grimace, she said, "Toka."
  633. Her neutral expression masked genuine anguish within.
  635. The Nagual was commonly loathe to accept any sort of.. physical contact what so ever. But, it seemed as Xoconan reached down for her arm that she had relented somewhat. Did it help that Xoconan was a lot cuter like this..? Unclear.
  637. Lotlhuitl didn't even screw her nose up, moving to wrap an arm around Xoconan's waist.
  639. Dread. She felt it too. But.. these WERE the Dreadwoods. Dread was LITERALLY in the name. The Occult energies always made her skin prickle, the hair at the nape of her neck stand on end. And so.. when that feeling intensified, Lotlhuitl hadn't entirely twigged what it was. Even when Xoconan swore, she didn't comprehend. Instead, leaning her body in against his- no, her form.
  641. No. It took until the Archon, Tragedy, was standing before them for Lotlhuitl to understand what the feeling of DREAD meant.
  643. Well, metaphorically standing before them. In reality, the young girl appearing archon floated, after all.
  645. Lotlhuitl stiffened. Her hand suddenly grabbing a fistful of Xoconan's clothing as she tensed.
  647. The last time she had seen Tragedy, the horned girl had BURNT Caprise's face off. Or, pretty much off.
  649. And now she was prowling around Dmex's home.
  651. "W-what are you doing?" Lotlhuitl blurted out, words tumbling from her lips before she'd thought about the wisdom of speaking.
  653. It wasn't the first time the Nagual had spoken without thinking, but, if she wasn't lucky, it may well be the last.
  654. (Lotlhuitl)
  655. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  657. [09:33:39] She frowned at the Archon's apparent disinterest in the two, though Xoconan was hardly going to look a gift like that in the mouth. A hand clasped itself firmly across Lotlhuitls mouth, for her own good, as she was lifted up with gravity magic to be bundled beside the youth.
  659. She'd apologize later if she hurt the Naguals feelings with such manhandling.
  661. "Just gonna... Inspect that building?" She asked as she slowly backed away. It'd taken Karma at her side to bring down the Archon last time, she absolutely wasn't gonna try her luck with a wounded Nagual slave. The best outcome for that would be both of them escaping unharmed, the worst...
  663. Yeah. No.
  665. "I'm just gonna..." And she shot off with Lotlhuitl, hoping that Tragedy decided not to pursue.
  666. (Xoconan)
  667. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  669. [09:41:20] With languid grace, the archons hand would rise up towards the two even as she continued to inspect the stone surface. Telekinetic force shot upwards in a quick burst, shoving them back and knocking them over as she finally turned towards them.
  671. "What.. are you afraid of?" Her voice was as quiet as a whisper, complimenting her cherubic face. Even with the devilish features protruding from her, it would be easy to mistake the floating demon as some innocent figure if not for one deciding factor.
  673. The aura, wrapped around her like a showl. It could be muted but rarely did she dismiss it entirely. A taint of dread across the land, a reminder to all that she was not human and had no intention to be.
  675. "I thought you would come after me. There was a hunger for power in your eyes," her ruby stare set on Xoconan for a moment. "Thinking I had found a sheep among wolves. Perhaps. I was mistaken."
  677. The demons gaze turned to Lotlhuitl fora moment before offering a wry smile. "Such painful bindings," she said, clearly noticing the nature cuffs and damaged skin beneath. "Servitude? Or something more?"
  678. (Tragedy)
  679. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  681. [09:42:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (oh wait it's lotls turn)
  682. [09:53:16] Lotlhuitl had exhaled sharply through her nose as Xoconan had clamped a hand over her mouth. Normally, she might have protested. Heck, normally she probably would have bit anyone who was foolish enough to try and silence her in such a fashion.
  684. But this wasn't exactly a normal situation. She was freshly injured. Her dominant left arm burnt, the mana circuits and nerves within damaged. The pain alone was enough to sap her of energy, and that was even before she acknowledge the fact that it was an obvious weak point.. and still incredibly painful.
  686. And Tragedy, the Archon, was in front of them.
  688. But the Nagual's silence was short lived. The wave of telekinesis knocking her from Xoconan's grasp. She fell. "Nngh," she exhaled with obvious agony, despite her best attempts to make not a sound.
  690. Lotlhuitl had been picking herself up (something which was becoming far too common an occurrence) when Tragedy addressed her. Her right hand twitched, and her green gaze flicked down to the vines which still encircled her wrists. Vines which surely ought to have wilted by now.. but instead, the smallest of blossoms (tiny and blood red) had begun to bloom.
  692. Her gaze slooowly shifted back up to look Tragedy in the eyes. Well, the two which were open. She suppressed a shiver. Badly.
  694. "Fashion statement," Lotlhuitl answered.
  696. It wasn't that she intended to run her mouth off. It wasn't that she needed to present endless bravado in the face of certain oblivion.
  698. At this point, it was just force of habit. A bad habit, sure. But habit, none the less.
  700. Her tail twitched.
  701. (Lotlhuitl)
  702. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  704. [09:57:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (woz bothering me that my pants were like.. cuttin into Xoco's head)
  705. [09:59:15] And- that didn't last long at all. Lotlhuitl fell from her grasp, magic tethers breaking to leave her to the ground. Xoconan fared better, able to recover with an innate sense of balance, and sheer force to counteract the telekinetic shove, bringing her back to a floating stance before the Archon.
  707. "If you think I'm stupid enough to throw myself at you when my only ally is a wounded Nagual... You're more of a fool than anyone would hope." Her tone was crisp, just as sharp as before, sanguine staring back towards the demon, stave coming to her hands as an unconscious gesture, a need to be armed in front of something like this.
  709. She looked to lotlhuitl, gaze disapproving. "Quiet. This is not the time." Colder than she'd normally been with her taken slave, but... Who cared.
  711. "I'm fierce, but not an idiot. What do you want?" She asked, arms folding across her- for once- clothed chest.
  712. (Xoconan)
  713. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  715. [10:06:04] Tragedy seemed utterly ambivalent to the fact that Xoconan was a girl now. She just passed it off as something that humans did. She also did not believe for a second that the woman was anything more than a servant, considering Xoconan's response.
  717. "You misunderstand me. I suppose that shows the depths of my mistake. No, boy. Your place was to learn. And become powerful."
  719. She kept her gaze on the boy, hand still outstretched and expression pensive, as if pondering something. Eventually she lowered her arm.
  721. "If that is how it is. Then you are not worth my time. You may both return to your village. I have no intention of fighting Gehenna any longer."
  722. (Tragedy)
  723. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  725. [10:20:35] Lotlhuitl swallowed her pride, and, for perhaps the first time in her life, held her tongue.
  727. Somehow, she managed to keep her expression more or less neutral. Despite the sudden depth of anger she felt. The woman clenched her fists -- both of them -- before exhaling, her pain visible as the attempt to close her left hand caused her grief.
  729. Still. She did not look away. She kept her chin high. Her ears lightly pointed back, tail swishing from side to side behind her. Attempting to hide the fact the degree of her injury. Even though such things were useless. Even though Xoconan thought so little of her, and expressed as such to Tragedy.
  731. That, more than anything, was what fuelled the pit of her anger. Or was it her own self loathing? Perhaps it was both. Lotlhuitl focused on that. Focused on the power she knew dwelt within her. The power she would someday use to take revenge on everyone who had wronged her. The power which would let her show Xoconan who was worthy.
  733. Perhaps she would take Xoconan as a slave then.
  735. Her green eyes were angry. Determined. She felt the power within her spike, along with that glimmer of corruption. And it was corruption, even if she didn't recognise it. Dmex had told her that it was Divine Energy. And as far as she was concerned, it was. Divine Energy, the power to shape the world as she saw fit. What did it matter if it was sin, or Kraus blessings? What did it matter. Nothing. So long as she was the one who ended up with her enemies broken under foot.
  737. Yeah. Lotlhuitl was clearly having some vaguely fever inspired, vaguely life gonna probably be over soon daydreams at this point. And so it was that when Tragedy told them both that they could leave, Lotlhuitl had stood there, blinking. Her rage fuelled fantasies broken mid stream.
  739. Her lips had parted, she about to say what or perhaps even now I definitely know I'm dreaming. But somehow, she didn't. Heck, she didn't even laugh. Though, that was likely more due to the hand which she had pressed against her own lips.
  741. Her tail twitched once more.
  742. (Lotlhuitl)
  743. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  745. [10:25:42] She realized what the Archon meant, face frowning at it. "If you meant throwing myself at your feet to beg to be taught..." Her knuckles clenched around the stave, tightening up against the intricate weapon.
  747. "I'm growing stronger every day. But I'll let them know your intentions, I'm sure Karma will be excited." Eyes closed, a deep breath being taken.
  749. She turned to leave, again scooping up Lotlhuitl, if only to prevent her from making more dumb decisions, saying more dumb things. "I might be seeing you again in the future, if Effigy works out."
  750. (Xoconan)
  751. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  753. [10:27:24] The archon let out a yawn as she nodded, covering her mouth and seeing them off. She didn't bother to speak any more. Her gaze turned over to the newcomer with disinterest.
  754. (Tragedy)
  755. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  757. [10:27:24] The newcomer would, also, be uninterested, turning away and moving toward Ezmara.
  758. (Leliana Khatri)
  759. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  761. [10:27:24] Lotlhuitl didn't struggle, and so was scooped up by Xoconan.
  762. (Lotlhuitl)
  763. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  765. [10:29:07] LOOC - Leliana Khatri: ( can i leave? im not really in this lol
  766. [10:29:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (/flee)
  767. [10:30:49] LOOC - Tragedy: goodbye )
  768. [10:30:49] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (looks like yess)
  769. [10:34:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (I was cooking eggs)
  770. [10:35:05] Oyaotl says, "I know the one-... interesting fellow."
  771. [10:35:05] Oyaotl says, "Ah-.. children."
  772. [10:35:05] Xoconan asks, "... Who's this?"
  773. [10:35:05] Oyaotl says, "My assistant. Introduce y'self."
  774. [10:35:05] Xoconan gently deposits Lotlhuitl to her feet.
  775. (Xoconan)
  776. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  778. [10:35:56] Ellenore exclaims, "Ellenore!"
  779. [10:35:56] Ellenore says, "Hello."
  780. [10:35:56] Oyaotl asks, "Is she alright-...?"
  781. [10:35:56] Xoconan says, "I was gonna figure that out, but I keep running into people."
  782. [10:35:56] Xoconan says, "Like Tragedy. For the third. Fucking. Time."
  783. [10:36:48] Oyaotl asks, "Where was she this time?"
  784. [10:36:48] Ellenore asks, " she hurt?"
  785. [10:36:48] Xoconan says, "The swamp."
  786. [10:36:48] Xoconan says, "Well- no."
  787. [10:36:48] Xoconan says, "Not even that far. The Dreadwoods."
  788. [10:36:48] Oyaotl says, "She grows bold."
  789. [10:36:48] Lotlhuitl is hurt. Her left arm is in a sling. Looks decidedly sullen.
  790. (Lotlhuitl)
  791. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  793. [10:37:39] Xoconan says, "Said she doesn't want a war against Gehenna anymore."
  794. [10:37:39] Oyaotl says, "Tend to dearest Lothhuitl."
  795. [10:37:39] Oyaotl says, "I see."
  796. [10:37:39] Ellenore says, "Oh..if I can get two units of Cylion.."
  797. [10:37:39] Oyaotl asks, "Do you believe her?"
  798. [10:37:39] Ellenore says, "I can numb the pain."
  799. [10:37:39] Xoconan says, "Dunno. She decided not to join the battle for Avalon."
  800. [10:37:39] Xoconan says, "When they needed her most, she fucked off."
  801. [10:37:39] Oyaotl says, "Likely out of fear."
  802. [10:37:39] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm fine.."
  803. [10:38:30] Oyaotl says, "You do not go down with a sinking ship."
  804. [10:38:30] Oyaotl says, "You distance yourself from it, lest it drag you down."
  805. [10:38:30] Xoconan says, "Personally, I don't care what she does. She can prove it herself."
  806. [10:38:30] Xoconan says, "If she comes close with hostile intent, I'll gut her."
  807. [10:38:30] Oyaotl says, "She has openly tried to kill me, dearest."
  808. [10:39:21] Xoconan says, "I'd note she didn't get as far as Xomac."
  809. [10:39:21] Xoconan says, "And you keep going back to him."
  810. [10:39:21] Ellenore asks, "H-huh..?"
  811. [10:39:21] Oyaotl says, "You bring up that man. Again."
  812. [10:39:21] Oyaotl says, "I dare you."
  813. [10:39:21] Oyaotl says, "I fuckin' dare you."
  814. [10:39:21] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  815. [10:39:21] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  816. [10:39:21] Your combat experience has grown! (1 BL Gained)
  817. [10:40:12] The Witch's one remaining eye begins to take upon itself an emerald shade, the floor around her begins to grumble, tiles crack, others crumble- but all quake in fear.
  818. (Oyaotl)
  819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  821. [10:47:02] A hand came to her forehead, expression wrinkling. "Really?" She asked softly, voice having lost nearly all of its crisp tone. "Are we really going to fight over this? Right now? Is it really worth it?"
  823. She softly approached the woman through the, yet again, telekinetic magic. Honestly, if she had a crown for how many times it'd been used around her...
  825. "I'm sorry, I won't mention him again. Yes, Tragedy tried to kill you. Yes, I'm still pretty fucking angry about that, but if I can shave off one of the most powerful beings within a thousand miles as 'not my enemy', then I'm going to consider it."
  826. (Xoconan)
  827. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  829. [10:47:53] Lotlhuitl visibly flinched, green eyes widening. Silent, though she did not move from her position standing behind Xoconan.
  830. (Lotlhuitl)
  831. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  833. [10:49:36] Just some white girl in a not so white neighborhood. Backing up a few steps in fear, not of the two individually, just of a fight breaking out. Placing her hands upwards defensively offering a suggestion.
  835. "M-maybe I could make us some nice food so we can relax and sit down and talk normally! At least back in the mainland it was normal..with my family.."
  836. (Ellenore)
  837. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  839. [10:57:16] The rumbling and grumbling of the ground around them would die down with Xoconan’s approach, allowing her to close the distance between the mother and daughter. “You’re right, this is not worth fighting over.” She stated quaintly, masking her anger with a false sense of serenity and realisation.
  841. “Tend to the darling girl behind you, myself and Ellenore will pass by the stores and see if we can procure something to quell the pain. We will talk later.” She said with a newfound smile, whilst screaming angrily at the world from behind her placid mask. Slowly a bandaged hand would reach back and snag Ellenore’s own.
  843. They would be pulled along with them, but not before the Witch loomed towards Xoconan, her tone lowering itself to low growl, a muttering whisper was spoken to the youngest girl in the room.
  844. (Oyaotl)
  845. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847. [10:58:08] Oyaotl whispers something.
  848. [10:58:08] Oyaotl says, "Come Aalong, my assistant."
  849. [10:58:59] Xoconan whispers something.
  850. [10:58:59] Xoconan whispers something.
  851. [10:58:59] Oyaotl says, "Mhm."
  852. [10:59:50] Oyaotl says, "You're a good girl, but a better boy. M'sweet."
  853. [10:59:50] Xoconan says, "You should introduce me to her in more depth when you've got a chance - like what the hell you need an assistant for."
  854. [10:59:50] Xoconan says, "Never saw you as that kinda person..."
  855. [10:59:50] Lotlhuitl continues being present, and silent.
  856. (Lotlhuitl)
  857. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  859. [10:59:50] Oyaotl says, "There are rituals that this girl will come to know, that will assist us with what we discussed."
  860. [10:59:50] Ellenore says, "Uh.."
  861. [10:59:50] Oyaotl asks, "Is there not?"
  862. [11:00:41] Ellenore exclaims, "Hi there I am Ellenore, regular person!"
  863. [11:00:41] Xoconan says, "Then you're in the wrong fuckin' house."
  864. [11:00:41] Lotlhuitl snorted, despite herself.
  865. (Lotlhuitl)
  866. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  868. [11:01:32] Xoconan says, "But it's good to meet you regardless of that."
  869. [11:01:32] Ellenore asks, "Wait, you are on a gender potion?"
  870. [11:01:32] Xoconan says, "Mhm."
  871. [11:01:32] Oyaotl says, "Yes, this is my darlin' boy."
  872. [11:01:32] Ellenore blinks a few times
  873. (Ellenore)
  874. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  876. [11:01:32] Xoconan says, "Call me Xoconan."
  877. [11:02:24] Oyaotl asks, "Are we clear, m'sweet? Are we at an understanding?"
  878. [11:02:24] Oyaotl says, "Your lovely lady behind you is injured."
  879. [11:02:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Please. I'm fine. Really."
  880. [11:02:24] Ellenore says, "Hi Xocanan, I am currently, a master smith, Expert runescribe, entry alchemist."
  881. [11:02:24] Xoconan whispers something.
  882. [11:02:24] Ellenore says, "That is why she may have taken me in, though ill let her explain herself.."
  883. [11:03:15] Xoconan exclaims, "That's... A lot of skills. Anyway!"
  884. [11:03:15] Xoconan says, "Lotl! Into the room, you still never told me what happened to you."
  885. [11:03:15] Lotlhuitl says, "... very well."
  886. [11:04:06] Xoconan asks, "So- what's wrong with your arm?"
  887. [11:04:57] Lotlhuitl had gone ahead and sat down, crossing one long leg over the other. Leaning back into the chair. Gaze slooowly tracing up Xoconan's body before looking him- no, her.. in the eyes.
  888. (Lotlhuitl)
  889. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  891. [11:04:57] Lotlhuitl says, "It's been.. fried, I suppose. "
  892. [11:04:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Electricity. Not my own."
  893. [11:04:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Toka's."
  894. [11:05:48] Xoconan says, "... She better have a really good reason."
  895. [11:05:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I can't move it. It.. hurts."
  896. [11:05:48] Lotlhuitl says, "We dueled. She.. dealt me this injury. "
  897. [11:06:40] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. Noa, he.. I'm not sure what happened with him. He was furious."
  898. [11:07:31] Lotlhuitl says, "Dmex took me, I didn't see what happened."
  899. [11:07:31] Xoconan says, "... Alright, so I'll talk to her."
  900. [11:07:31] Lotlhuitl says, "Truthfully Xoconan. I.. do not think Toka is a woman of honour. I shouldn't have faced her. I know I shouldn't have."
  901. [11:08:22] Lotlhuitl says, "She goaded me. And I lost my temper."
  902. [11:08:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Maiya, too. I just.. lost my temper. I had to do something."
  903. [11:08:22] Xoconan asks, "Ah... Fuck, you're pissed off Maiya too?"
  904. [11:08:22] Xoconan says, "I'll need to talk to them before you get banished from Ezmara or something."
  905. [11:08:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Karma, likely. "
  906. [11:09:13] Lotlhuitl says, ".. I apologise. I.. didn't think. I didn't intend to cause you trouble, Xoconan. But here we are."
  907. [11:10:04] With a sigh, she tossed her staff aside with a surprising amount, or rather, lack of care. The cloak came off, sliding to the ground with, again, no care given, the girl flopping onto the single bed in the room with the attitude of someone who had not been ready for the day.
  909. "Bring me your tail so I can rub it..." She muttered, voice clearly annoyed. "We need to talk about what happened out there, too."
  910. (Xoconan)
  911. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  913. [11:18:36] Lotlhuitl's eyes had darkened for a moment. Before she blushed, anyway. The woman was exhausted. Physically and mentally. And she was in pain. She was in no condition to deny Xoconan anything he-- she might have demanded. And so she moved closer, sitting on the side of the bed with intense awkwardness for a second before shifting to lie down next to Xoconan.
  915. Still silent, she slowly slid her tail across, first, her own body, before draping it across Xoconan's. It twitched. It took considerable effort for her to keep it still, to not let it violently bat around. Especially as she knew that Xoconan was about to touch it.
  917. "I.. very well," was all that she could say.
  918. (Lotlhuitl)
  919. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  921. [11:21:10] Without even looking up, face buried in a pillow, her hand reached out almost groggily, finding the tail and wrapping delicate fingers around it. Slowly, they ran along it, gentler than normal, and taking care to run with the normal flow of hair.
  923. Even as she did it, her breath slowly evened out, the exercise clearly doing something to alleviate stress, perhaps by giving it to others given what the action would do.
  925. "What'd you feel? You were... Well- I kinda pushed you aside."
  926. (Xoconan)
  927. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  929. [11:32:16] It felt.. weird. Xoconan's hand stroking her tail.
  931. Lotlhuitl found herself trembling with the effort it required to fight the urge to, firstly, flail and or lash out at Xoconan, and secondly, go running for the hills. Powerful urges.
  933. Still.. though. Lying right on the edge of the bed, facing Xoconan. She couldn't help staring at the young woman as she ran delicate fingers through soft blue-black fur. Her ears pinned back slightly, though.. her eyes had widened. Her heart rate increasing. She.. didn't like this. Even though it wasn't, strictly speaking, entirely unpleasant.
  935. What did she feel? Confused. Oh, wait. Back with Tragedy, outside Dmex's house.
  937. "Angry." Lotlhuitl answered truthfully. And then, a moment of hesitation. She blinked, slowly letting her eyelashes rise and fall as she regarded Xoconan. "I guess, ashamed. Afraid. Reckless. In pain."
  939. Her tail twitched in Xoconan's grasp, the very tip brushing against the other girl's arm.
  941. She closed her eyes, going limp beside Xoconan.. right at the edge of the bed. "I felt angry."
  942. (Lotlhuitl)
  943. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  945. [11:35:40] Xoconan says, "If you don't like it that far on the edge, I'll slide over..."
  946. [11:35:40] Xoconan still muffled by pillow.
  947. (Xoconan)
  948. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  950. [11:35:40] Xoconan asks, "Anyway... Angry, why?"
  951. [11:35:40] Xoconan asks, "With me?"
  952. [11:36:32] Lotlhuitl says, "... perhaps."
  953. [11:36:32] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't know. <a lie>"
  954. [11:36:32] Lotlhuitl hesitated, before shifting closer.
  955. (Lotlhuitl)
  956. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  958. [11:37:23] Lotlhuitl says, "Myself. I suppose. Perhaps a little towards you."
  959. [11:37:23] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm.. an angry person, Xoconan."
  960. [11:38:14] Lotlhuitl says, "If I was stronger, you wouldn't.. nobody would treat me like they do."
  961. [11:38:14] Xoconan slides over to give more room.
  962. (Xoconan)
  963. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  965. [11:38:14] Xoconan asks, "Mm... You know I treat you like that on purpose, right?"
  966. [11:39:05] Lotlhuitl asks, "Why?"
  967. [11:39:05] Xoconan says, "You'd stagnate without something pushing you forward."
  968. [11:39:05] Xoconan continues stroking the fuzzy tail.
  969. (Xoconan)
  970. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  972. [11:39:56] Xoconan says, "So- I'm gonna be that something."
  973. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "You think I need your contempt?"
  974. [11:39:56] Xoconan says, "I think you'll be all the happier when you free yourself of it."
  975. [11:41:39] Lotlhuitl says, "... I heard Karma lying to Effigy. I.. spoke poorly. Or.. unwisely, perhaps. "
  976. [11:41:39] Lotlhuitl says, "I told Karma I hope he gets what's coming to him. I wasn't lying."
  977. [11:41:39] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. what he deserves, I think is what I actually said."
  978. [11:42:30] Lotlhuitl groans. Actually with obvious mental agony.
  979. (Lotlhuitl)
  980. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  982. [11:43:21] Xoconan sighs.
  983. (Xoconan)
  984. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  986. [11:43:21] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm.. really. Not making friends, these days, Xoconan. People really don't like me. And I know why. They've told me."
  987. [11:43:21] Xoconan says, "You don't always need friends. They're helpful, great to have around but... Not always."
  988. [11:44:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "... no?"
  989. [11:44:12] Xoconan says, "Take a guess how many friends I have."
  990. [11:44:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Mmn, thousands?"
  991. [11:44:12] Lotlhuitl says, "You seem like a likeable fellow."
  992. [11:44:12] Xoconan says, "One."
  993. [11:44:12] Xoconan says, "Noa."
  994. [11:45:04] Lotlhuitl says, "I see. "
  995. [11:45:04] Xoconan says, "Well- that's a lie. Two now, Somnus came home..."
  996. [11:45:04] Xoconan suddenly rolls over onto her back, swapping the tail to a different hand.
  997. (Xoconan)
  998. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1000. [11:45:55] Lotlhuitl becomes quiet, unmoving, her gaze still focused on Xoconan.
  1001. (Lotlhuitl)
  1002. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1004. [11:45:55] Xoconan says, "Got a lot of family. Maiya, Karma, Oyaotl."
  1005. [11:46:46] Xoconan says, "People I get along with like Dmex or Zahhual."
  1006. [11:46:46] Xoconan says, "But, friends? Not many."
  1007. [11:46:46] Lotlhuitl still silent, tail still slightly twitching in Xoconan's grasp.
  1008. (Lotlhuitl)
  1009. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1011. [11:46:46] Xoconan says, "I've actually got a question."
  1012. [11:47:37] Xoconan says, "Say we switched roles- you were the master here, or I guess mistress, whatever term you prefer."
  1013. [11:47:37] Xoconan asks, "What would you do in my place?"
  1014. [11:47:37] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1015. [11:47:37] Xoconan says, "Don't feel like you need to censor yourself, I wanna hear it."
  1016. [11:50:11] Lotlhuitl asks, "I.. what I would do to you? Or... what I would do, if I were you and dealing with myself?"
  1017. [11:50:11] Xoconan says, "Former. If we switched roles. I'm sure you've thought about it."
  1018. [11:51:02] Lotlhuitl shivered, visibly, from head to toe. Tail bristling slightly.
  1019. (Lotlhuitl)
  1020. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1022. [11:51:02] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmn.."
  1023. [11:51:53] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not so certain that's something you can just ask a girl. Aha."
  1024. [11:52:44] Lotlhuitl says, "<stalling, unsure of what to saaay>"
  1025. [11:52:44] Xoconan says, "Sure I can, I'm your master... Mistress? Man this body is weird."
  1026. [11:52:44] Xoconan says, "I'll be glad when I'm back to normal."
  1027. [11:54:27] Lotlhuitl says, "What I would do you in your place. Hm.. Well.."
  1028. [11:54:27] Lotlhuitl asks, "Honestly?"
  1029. [11:54:27] Lotlhuitl says, "I'd want you by my side."
  1030. [11:55:18] Lotlhuitl says, "It would look good, having Xoconan on my arm. "
  1031. [11:55:18] Lotlhuitl says, "<small laugh, though.. not at all joking..>"
  1032. [11:55:18] Xoconan asks, "So a trophy?"
  1033. [11:56:09] Lotlhuitl says, "I suppose. I like looking good."
  1034. [11:56:09] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. like protecting what is mine."
  1035. [11:57:52] Xoconan says, "Interesting. Maybe you'll eventually get strong enough to carry out that dream..."
  1036. [11:57:52] Xoconan says, "Or maybe not."
  1037. [11:59:34] Xoconan says, "Maybe I should start treating you like that- give you a place under my arm."
  1038. [11:59:34] Xoconan says, "You'd probably die trying to get strong enough to get out of it."
  1039. [12:00:25] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1040. [12:01:16] Lotlhuitl is silent once more.
  1041. (Lotlhuitl)
  1042. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1044. [12:02:08] Xoconan asks, "You go quiet a lot, you know that right?"
  1045. [12:02:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I know."
  1046. [12:02:08] Xoconan has switched to playing with her tail with both hands.
  1047. (Xoconan)
  1048. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1050. [12:02:59] Lotlhuitl twitched, right arm wrapped around herself as she lay there, otherwise silent..
  1051. (Lotlhuitl)
  1052. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1054. [12:04:41] Xoconan asks, "Any questions for me?"
  1055. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Do.. you honestly expect me to believe that this really is about helping me."
  1056. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Ultimately, I have to have some use to you, surely."
  1057. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl says, "You.. even said as much."
  1058. [12:07:15] Xoconan says, "Hey- I never said you had to believe me."
  1059. [12:07:15] Xoconan says, "But... I like you enough to keep you around and help you."
  1060. [12:08:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Like me.. enough? "
  1061. [12:08:57] Lotlhuitl almost laughed. Almost.
  1062. (Lotlhuitl)
  1063. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1065. [12:08:57] Xoconan says, "Hey- that means I actually like you quite a bit. You get more time with me than poor Latvia."
  1066. [12:08:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Why? I'm rude, I get into fights with your apparent family members. "
  1067. [12:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "And. Random people in town."
  1068. [12:09:48] Xoconan says, "Implying I don't."
  1069. [12:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, but you win."
  1070. [12:09:48] Xoconan says, "I started a fight in the middle of Cruxati over you."
  1071. [12:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1072. [12:10:40] Xoconan says, "Win or loss, doesn't matter. I didn't win every fight I've been in- I showed you that already."
  1073. [12:11:31] Lotlhuitl subtly shifted closer..
  1074. (Lotlhuitl)
  1075. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1077. [12:11:31] Lotlhuitl says, "I could continue to list all the reasons why I'm terrible."
  1078. [12:11:31] Lotlhuitl says, "Number one would be that if my arm didn't hurt so bad, I'd be trying to push you out of bed."
  1079. [12:12:22] Xoconan says, "Notable that you said trying."
  1080. [12:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Hah."
  1081. [12:12:22] Xoconan says, "I'd just pull you down with me."
  1082. [12:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, I mean, with the element of surprise now gone.."
  1083. [12:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Psh.."
  1084. [12:12:22] Xoconan says, "I could keep listing that I don't really care- you're not getting rid of me that easily."
  1085. [12:13:13] Lotlhuitl says, ".. I.. oh.."
  1086. [12:13:13] Lotlhuitl blinked. Surprised.
  1087. (Lotlhuitl)
  1088. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1090. [12:14:04] Xoconan asks, "Who would touch your tail if I didn't?"
  1091. [12:14:04] Xoconan strokes the tip of the tail as if to prove the point.
  1092. (Xoconan)
  1093. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1095. [12:14:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Nngn.."
  1096. [12:14:56] Lotlhuitl bumped her head against Xoconan's shoulder, continuing to make soft sounds of protest..
  1097. (Lotlhuitl)
  1098. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1100. [12:14:56] Xoconan says, "Sshhh, it's okay."
  1101. [12:15:47] Xoconan whispers: "I'm as gentle as possible with fluffy things."
  1102. [12:16:38] Lotlhuitl STARED. Distinctly blushing, slowly tilting her face towards Xoconan's.. cheek resting against Xoconan's shoulder.
  1103. (Lotlhuitl)
  1104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1106. [12:18:20] Xoconan releases the tail with a hand to tweak an ear, as gently as promised.
  1107. (Xoconan)
  1108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1110. [12:18:20] Xoconan whispers: "See? Gentle."
  1111. [12:22:36] Lotlhuitl became all tremble as Xoconan proceeded to touch her ears. For a second she had continued to stare, apparently lost for words, her very fluffy ear twitching involuntarily at the contact..
  1112. (Lotlhuitl)
  1113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1115. [12:23:28] Lotlhuitl then reached up with her right hand, attempting to capture Xoconan's own.
  1116. (Lotlhuitl)
  1117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1119. [12:23:28] Xoconan didn't bother to resist the hand, curiously watching Lotlhuitl.
  1120. (Xoconan)
  1121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1123. [12:25:10] Lotlhuitl was intensely awkward, still blushing, as she attempted to thread her fingers between Xoconan's.. attempting to hold hands. Or.. something. She was no longer looking at Xoconan, instead looking.. distinctly shifty. Awkward. Embarassed, even..
  1124. (Lotlhuitl)
  1125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1127. [12:28:35] Xoconan spreads her fingers out, pressing them against Lotl's own to web them together. They closed gently, a soft smile clear on the young womans face.
  1128. (Xoconan)
  1129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1131. [12:29:26] LOOC - Xoconan: (If you wanna dot, feel free)
  1132. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl mumbled something under her breath. Something which might have sounded an awful lot like, "this isn't completely awful, I guess." Except, that couldn't have been right. Right?
  1134. The Nagual found herself leaning in once more. Her head leaning against Xoconan's shoulder. Her ears were pinned back, her expression intensely awkward. Her body had gone stiff. There was an intense sort of tension in all her limbs, including her fluffy tail. And yet, here she was, trying to be physically affectionate. It felt weird. Truthfully, she wasn't sure if she liked it. But then again, she wasn't so certain that she 100% disliked it now. Perhaps just 99%.
  1136. "Ngngn," she grumbled, closing her eyes. She'd screwed her face up, what with how she was feeling: pretty heckin' overwhelmed.
  1137. (Lotlhuitl)
  1138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1140. [12:41:23] It was impossible *not* to be amused by how awkward this obviously was for the poor Nagual. Xoconan managed to keep her face relatively clear of it though, incase it was taken as some kind of mocking gesture. She imagined the willpower this took was... Immense.
  1142. "Alright, c'mere." She said softly. The tail was released, arm sliding underneath Lotlhuitl. With a sudden motion, aided by a light gravitic push, the Nagual would suddenly find herself pressed against Xoconans side, arm wrapped around her from underneath.
  1144. Her eyes moved over to look the Nagual in her own- or in her face if she wouldn't open her eyes. "I'll win ya over yet... I'm going to sleep." She shifted, making herself comfortable, and making no effort to free the Nagual from her grasp.
  1145. (Xoconan)
  1146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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