
This was fun but IMVU crashed

Nov 21st, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Hey guys.))
  2. Covet: [HI! x.x Finally got Sean to go watch TV. XD]
  4. Tsaaq: ((Yesss.))
  5. Covet: [I did... no bow...but.. Steph's got an orange bow.. Hayley has a blue bow...I might have a white bow that would work....]
  6. Tsaaq: ((Better wear your bow biish.))
  7. Smokeless: [sorry im here i swear im in shop trying to find bow for dori]
  8. Candlemass: (psssttttt)
  9. Smokeless: [where are you guys at?
  10. Tsaaq: ((The field. I'm about to post in.))
  11. Tsaaq: The NWSU students began to pile into the bleachers. Reporters nearby but kept at bay. They were occupied by the students who enjoyed attention from the cameras. As the students filled the stands the football team warmed up on field. Ozzie and the coach of the football team seemingly getting into it. // “Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the students who are here for the hawks and not for the media. Go hawks! In our home game versus the Washington State Badgers. The cheerios are looking pretty great tonight.” The announcer from the sidelines spoke into the microphone. // Hayley grabbed the base of her foot and pulled her leg all the way up behind her head into a good stretch. She went to squat down on the ground to grab her pom poms, her eyes travelled to the field.
  12. Covet: [psst?]
  13. Tsaaq: ((Why tail))
  14. Alexithymiaa: (Misclicked)
  15. Smokeless: [XD]
  16. Covet: [LOL GG Steph]
  17. Smokeless: Dori took a deep breath and she streched out her legs and arms smiling and looking around at all the people. She was excited and nervous. She grabbed her pom poms and shook them out a little. she looked down at her shoes to be sure they were secured one last time. She turned looking at the players out on the feild and smiled. She was excited to cheer the team on and be part of this squad.
  18. Covet: Cadence was bouncing on her toes, keeping herself warm, as she watched the team on the field, before she turned around to look at the crown filling into the stands. // Kelsey was holding onto her pom poms going over cheers in her head. She waved at the crowd, smiling and working on that pep to get them interested. // Coach was watching the girls from a bench just below the stands. She was in athletic gear supporting the school. // Mark and Jose were stretching out spaced between the the girls evenly. Jose's attentiong on the guys out on the field. // Felix walked past the cameras shaking his head at the dorks hamming it up, He was a little stif as he made his way up the stairs to sit down, favoring his side. He pulled a bottle of pills out of his pocket and popped one into his mouth to help ease his pain, since Steph was driving home tonight.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood on the sidelines with the other girls, her poms on the ground at her feet. She'd been getting stretched out and appropriately ready for all of their cheering and stunting. Twisting a bit back and forth from her core, she stopped and jumped backward, swinging her arms and tucking her knees up to her chest to complete a full rotation to land back on her feet before kicking one leg up into the air and then jumping up, trying to be peppy. // David was standing on the side stretching, staring at the football players on the field and their butt pads. Butts. // Brad had just arrived with Connor in tow, holding the child by the hand as he stepped up the bleachers and started heading for a seat. Seeing Felix already in the stands, he walked over and sat down beside him, helping Connor to sit down on his opposite side. "Hey, are you just here for the cheerleaders too?" // Adam walked with his hands stuffed into his hoodie pocket trying to stay warm, carefully climbing the bleachers and taking the first seat on an empty section of bleachers by the end so he wasnt in anyone's way, but was still able to see Hayley because honestly he didn't care about football.-
  21. Covet: [Felix is cheering for Ozzie too]
  22. Covet: [and a couple of guys are here for the football players.. XD]
  23. Alexithymiaa: (Brad doesnt know shit about football so where hes happy for Ozzie, hes like yeah I dont care)
  24. Covet: [Just watch his sexy body Brad. XD]
  25. Tsaaq: “School spirit has had a significant decrease in light of recent events. But fortunately the football team is still going strong. There goes QB Oswaldo Estevez gathering the team into a huddle. What do you think of Coach Mckhale’s strategies this semester Joshua?” Bobby looked to the other announcer. “Lookin’ real grim Bob. With Estevez’s lackadaisical plays and Coach’s frustration, it’s looking like that Pre-Med heart throb is just quarterback in name and not talent.” Joshy rambled. “Looks like we’re about to start the game but not before the national anthem! Cause go ‘Merica.” The dorky announcer shouted. // Hayley stopped her jumping around and posed. “How’s my cheer makeup?” She asked as she pursed her lips playfully. “Look at the crowd!” Hayley went to blow a kiss to Adam. Some guy behind him looked happy af. That always happens. // Remy walked out of the vehicle, not wearing blue, orange or white. Only black. He had no interest in showing school spirit. He was there purely for support. He wavered through the crowds of students who’d only appeared at the event for interview reasons. He jumped as a reporter jumped out at him. // “You’re the team captain of the basketball team, aren’t you? Did you know that Thaddeus Wright planned and executed the rape of a cheerleader with other team players?” She shouted before shoving the mic into his face. // “How about? You wait for the fucking case to find out?” Remy asked very indignantly. “Will you be testifying at the trial?!” He heard the reporter shout as he went to walk to the bleachers and dropped down beside Felix and Brad. “Hey fellas… Yikes. I sound like Sasha.” He muttered. // “Make haste Elijah. I’m sure the game will begin soon.” Bliss said as she walked down the hall, pulling Eli with her. Bliss was fucking decked out.
  26. Covet: Cadence saw at least three of the guys sitting together, and waved at Remy. "Looks like quite the turn out." She said then looked at Hayley, "looks fucking awesome. I should have you help me for next game."// "I love it it looks so great on you." Kelsey said, "I'm sad I overslept during my nap today, didn't have much time to do a whole lot." She cringed then saw Brad and Connor sitting down next to Felix along with Remy. "Hi Kiddo!" She said waving at her son, then gave a wave to Bradley. // Felix nodded as Brad sat down, Only half hearing the announcer because the sound of the speaker was distorted with his hearing aid. "No, Ozzie's a work out buddy of mine. But That's all I really care about on the field." He laughed then looked at Remy as he came by. " How's it going, Dude?" // Connor was happily waving back at Kelsey, "Dad, Dad! look! There's Momma!" // Eli laughed as Bliss dragged him along. He had his coat on as he watched Bliss, "I'm going as fast as I can. Dress shoes suck on these floors."
  27. Smokeless: Dori smiled to hayley."You look greay Hayley." she turned dropping her pompoms as they announced they were going to be doing the national anthem. she placed her hand over her heart and stood with one arm behind her back and she waited. she shook her head to get a few strands of hair out of her face.-
  28. Alexithymiaa: -At the announcement of the national anthem, Steph walked over to Jose, sending him a smile. "Ready?" She asked, turning her back to him to ready herself for their stunt so they could salute the flag. "One, two!" She called out, grabbing for his wrists and jumping up, holding her body tightly and waiting to reach her peak before putting her hand over her heart. // David made his way over to Cadence, immediately putting his hands on her waist. "Call it out when you're ready." // Brad smiled and waved at Kelsey, nodding his head. "I see her little man. Isn't she good?" He asked him before looking to Remy and Felix. "Heyyy. Yeah honestly other than getting the ball to one end of the field or another, I have no idea what I'm watching. I'm sure Kels knows more about football than I do." // Adam smiled to Hayley when she blew him a kiss, sending her a wave in return because he didnt want to awkwardly blow her a kiss. That's weird.-
  29. Tsaaq: ((Adam the guy behind you thinks Hayley blew the kiss at him don't dick around before hilarious things happen lmao.))
  30. Alexithymiaa: (HE DOESNT SEE HIM)
  31. Tsaaq: “Yes Bobby today the national anthem is being sung by Professor Winston. She is a rockin’ lady.” Josh went to rise to his feet, nodding to his partner. “Ladies and gentleman, please rise for our national anthem. Or not. Do whatever. It’s America after all.” Bobby said. Putting his hand over his hand. As Professor Winston sang her ass off. ( // Looking worried, Ozzie and the rest of his team put their hands on their hearts for the anthem while holding their helmets. He smiled as he glanced to the crowd but then looked away once more. // Hayley grinned and shimmied her shoulders as she giggled. “Thanks guys.” She winked. “I can help if we meet up early enough?” She offered. She straightened up at the announcement of the national anthem she jogged over to stand in front of Mark. “One, two, three!” Hayley shouted as she jumped into her pop and hopefully was lifted by Mark as well because she wanted to be in sync with Steph. “Yaas, singing goals.” She whispered as she put her hand over her heart. // Steven ran onto the field. “Sorry everybody! I’m here!” He called out just as the singing began. “Come on Kels!” He urged her as he went to stand behind her and hold her waist. // “Ugh. Don’t forget. Don’t talk to any fucking reporters.” He said to Felix. “Other than that? Nothing. Getting ready for Thanksgiving.” He clapped loudly with a serious expression. “Good job girls!” He yelled to the cheerleaders then reluctantly stood. “I’ll call my dad and ask what’s happening.” He told Brad.
  32. Smokeless: [so dori gets steven right?]
  33. Smokeless: [no wait no im so lost hang on lol ]
  34. Tsaaq: ((Dori doesn't do stunts remember?))
  35. Covet: Getting into Position, as David came over, she called out, "One Two!" When she was lifted up she put her hand over her heart keeping her balance as they faced the flag. // Kelsey looked over at Steven as he finally made his way onto the field. "You were pushing." She said as she prepped and counted out to be lifted up into the air. She put a hand over her heart while listening to the powerhouse vocal for the game. // Mark got Hayley up in the air as the anthem started to play, keeping her balanced and up in the air. // Felix nodded, "I just pretend I can't hear them and walk past them. If they persist I yell at them, telling them I'm deaf, and preserving the battery life of my hearing aid. Typically works." He said with a shrug. // Eli and Bliss made it out to the stands together and found themselves a seat, over by Adam. then placed his hand over his heart until the anthem was over. // Coach Nevarez had stood up and glared at Steven as he came out to the track late, after the Anthem she called out to the squad. " Call out cheers as you want, keep your stunts safe and legal. We'll be performing our routine at halftime."
  36. Covet: [Coach grounded her because her falling on the track pavement was not happening on her watch. But she can still do the gymnastics stuff that's on the ground. Jumps, etc. ]
  37. Smokeless: [ok thats what i thought]
  38. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head towards couch once the anthem was done with. she picked up her pom poms and waved them in the air smiling and beingas preppy as she could be. She looked over at the feild as they set up for the game.
  39. Alexithymiaa: -As the anthem ended, Steph lowered her arms, calling out to Jose. "One, two!" She yelled, waiting for his pop and catching herself on his wrists on the way down. She went to grab her poms, rustling them before shaking them over her head and cheering. // David popped Cadence up for their stunt, holding her steady until the end of the anthem when he waited for her call and gave her another little pop, catching her on the waist to place her down on her feet. // Brad clapped his hands together for the girls, shaking his head. "I don't know how they do that so fast. I cant even lift myself that fast." he said with a bit of a laugh, looking to Remy and Felix. "At least that's a pretty decent plan. I'm kind of used to just walking by people trying to get my attention. I went to school in New York City before I transferred here." // Adam smiled when Eli and Bliss came over to join him in the stands. "Hey. Ya'll dressed nice and warm? It's going to get pretty cold out here, especially with the metal bleachers."-
  40. Tsaaq: “A beautiful rendition of the national anthem. And now Estevez and the visiting captain of the Badgers do the coin toss… And Estevez drops the coin. Coach picks it back up and shines it up. Annnnd Estevez makes coach drop the coin again…. They’re doing rock paper scissors and it appears even in this vein Estevez loses. Badgers start with the kick off.” Joshy rambled. “Awful, absolutely horrible.” Bobby chimed in. // Hayley did another pop so Mark could assist her with her landing. “Cheers?” Hayley repeated. Her eyes going to Adam in the stands once more. The guy behind him still thinking she was looking at him. // Steven held tight to Kelsey’s feet. “I know. I know. I was taking a pregame dump. It totally sucked. It was like I was constipated.” He whispered. // Remy went to sit once more and put his hands in coat pockets. “Welp, that’s what they practice every Monday for.” He chuckled. “I mean yeah. It’s just ever since last week it’s like nonstop. Like these people want every fucking detail they can get.” He grumbled then turned to Connor. “Sorry kid.” // “We sure are.” Bliss said as she plopped down beside Eli. “GO HAWKS!” She cheered. “Oh, poor Ozzie.” She frowned. “They’re just off to a rough start is all.”
  41. Covet: Cadence caught herself on David's wrists and landed with a bounce grabbing up her poms as she went about cheering to get the crowd going at the start of the game.Hearing coach she called out, after looking at the start of the game seeing that they were on defense first. She stood with her legs together as she clapped her poms together, trying to get the crowd to be loud, "Toughen up! Big D Big D! Toughen up, Big D !" She repeated the phrase calling it out loud.// Kelsey came down then gave Steven a shove, "Gross, details I soooo didn't need. But I guess I'm glad everything came out alright?" She grabbed her poms as a way not to talk further about Steven's bowl issues. // Jose stepped away from Steph and stood back with his hands behind his back and his feet shoulder width apart. Felix nodded, "Welcome to today's new media, got to have it right at their fingertips. It's obnoxious. // Connor looked at Remy, "It's okay Beard Dude." He said giving him a thumbs up, then went back to watching what was going on trying to figure it out. // Eli nodded, "Mhhm. Think they have a shot at winning this one?"
  42. Smokeless: Dori smiled big and she waved her pompoms about."defence! defence!" she shouted and smiled clapped her pompoms together. she looked in the crowd and she waved her pompoms at them.
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Rustling her poms together, she waited her turn to call out the next cheer. "The pressure is on! Our defense is strong! We'll rise to the test, to beat all the rest! Go hawks!" She jumped up, kicking her foot up into a heel stretch. // Brad nodded. "I'd like to say it's sickening, but really... it's sort of my industry so I don't get to say that. But I'm not nearly as slimey as journalists." He saidwith a shrug. // Adam gave an awkward shrug. "I'm not really sure what I'm watching, unfortunately. I've never been able to really follow football. I just know that when the rest of the Northwest State fans, cheer, I cheer. Beyond that, I'm flying blind a little here."-
  44. Tsaaq: “And the first play is surprisingly well put together for the Badgers. Hawks are scrambling about the field. It almost makes you wish you could fast forward to half time am I right? Get a good glance at the ” lady hawks of NWSU?” Joshy went to turn to Bobby. “Right you are Joshua. This is painful to watch. Already a touchdown and barely any time has passed on the clock. Get your heads in the game guys!”// Hayley shook her pom-poms then jumped up did a toe touch. “Wooo! Go hawks! You can do it! Throw that ball then catch that ball!” Hayley cheered, awkwardly then looked to the crowd. “Let’s do another stunt maybe?” She suggested as she turned to Mark. // “I’m sorry!” He repeated. “Yes it did. That’s why I said I was sorry for being later.”// He stifled a laugh and sputtered at Cadence. “Yeah. Big D. We all know that’s what you want.” He looked around at the other spectators. “It’s okay. She’s my wife.” Remy furrowed his eyebrows at child. “Huh.” He whispered at the kid’s easy going response. “Okay. Cool.” He nodded before glancing out to the field. “Well the game… is going good… So far.” Remy dragged out unconvincingly. // “I’m not sure. I haven’t been following the other games but… Not going well just yet.” She muttered.
  45. Covet: "I'm good for another stunt if we want." Cadence said, as she looked over at David getting herself into position to be lifted up.// Kelsey shook her head as she cheered along with the girls, seeing the opposite team get a touch down she called out, "TOUCH DOWN, TOUCH DOWN, WE WANT A TOUCHDOWN!" Seeing Steven she waved him over. // Jose walked over to Steph and smiled at her, "Intend to do something exciting?" // Mark nodded at Hayley and put his hands on her waist, waiting for her call. //"Ouch. Well they have the ball now, so maybe they can turn it around." Eli said as he put an arm around Bliss's shoulders.
  46. Smokeless: Dori turned to the football team."LEt's go hawks! "she clapped her poms together." Let's go Hawks." she smiled and made a pushing motion with her hands."push em back push em back come hawks attack attack!" she cheered for them.
  47. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smirked and nodded to Jose, planting her hands on her hips after dropping her poms to the ground. "We need to get everyone revved up. Seriously. How about that back handspring twist up into a heel stretch?" She asked him, already taking a few steps back to prepare herself some room for her back handspring. "One, two!" She called out, whipping her arms backwards and arching her back into the back handspring, leaning into his hands for the pop to ride it up while twisting around. Once up, she grabbed the arch of her foot, pulling it up into a heel stretch. // David moved in with Cadence, nodding his head. "Your call. We can do a full lib if you want?" // Brad clapped his hands together as the girls cheered, cheering for them because they looked nice and stuff. "Remy, stop justifying yourself. You're the only one concerned." // Adam nodded as he tried to follow the game, wincing at a few brutal tackles. "How does Ozzie not get hurt when three people come charging at him at once?" He asked, clearly unsure on the football thing still.-
  48. Tsaaq: Josh and Bobby went quiet. I’m assuming time passed but the fucking game was still very one sided. “Alrighty students of NWSU. Hawks: nil, and Badgers: twenty seven points. And now for what everyone was waiting for the lady hawks!” Joshy announced as the crowd roared. Ozzie looked stressed af. // She threw her hands up into a high v then grabbed her foot, pulling her leg up and moving her arms to make a bow and arrow with a smile. After making flirty eyes with Adam during her stunts but the guy behind him misinterpreting it, Hayley ran to huddle with the other girls, getting ready for their half time performance. She glanced in the crowd at Coach Nevarez. // Steven took his position and glanced between the other cheerleaders. He clapped loudly as to hype the crowd up. //”Nice…” Remy trailed off as he looked at Cadence. He sat up at the mention of half time and tapped Brad and Felix. “Here we go.” He rubbed his hands together. // “I’m pretty sure he does. But he does have a sturdy build.” Bliss turned to Eli. Smiling at Eli’s warmth. “I suppose there’s two more quarters they could catch up.”
  49. Covet: "I'm down." Cadence said calling out the counts and getting up into the air in her Lib pose. When she was back on the ground. She got into position for their halftime performance. // Kelsey heard the call for the halftime and got in her position wait for the music as it kicked up. // Nodding his head Jose, obliged and helped her through the stunt, getting her up smoothly and cleanly. He popped her back down again and moved into position for the routine // Stepping into place he heard the music kick up and started working through the routine in beat to the music as it started playing. // Felix grinned and looked at the squad, mostly Steph as he nodded at their stunts. "Damn, They look pretty good as a unit. Have they been working that hard? Maybe the football team should learn from them. Poor Ozzie. //"Yeah, there's always a chance for a comeback, if Last year's superbowl taught us anything." Eli said with a laugh, only remembering that little tidbit from the game.
  50. Alexithymiaa: -Following in suit with the other squad members, she took her place on the field in their routine, waiting for their music to start before moving in time with the beat, hitting her motions precisely and cleanly as they moved through the routine. Taking a deep breath, she started to run, throwing her arms out in front of her into a series of round off back handsprings, pushing off hard to pop herself into the air, spinning around twice and landing on her feet, ducking out of the way for the other incoming gymnastics. // Brad lifted his eyes to the field to watch the girls, raising his brows because last he checked, kelsey wasnt actually THAT good. "Wow... they really do look great. Way better than last year, thats for sure. I guess they really have been working that hard." // Adam clapped his hands together for the squad, pushing up to his feet so he could watch the only part of this game that he could actually folow. "I didnt actually watch the superbowl."-
  51. Smokeless: Dori got into position and smiled moving to the music. She had been working over time to catch up with the other girls seeing as she had missed some practice. She had gotten better with her gymnastic for sure. She moved with the squad as they had practiced.
  52. Tsaaq: “Oh man look at them out there, Bobby. A lot skinnier than the older lady hawks. Am I right? Well I mean… Meaty in all the right places.” Joshy growled over the microphone. “These are the moments that make the job worth it Joshy.” He nodded. // Hayley grinned widely, looking over to Adam as she went to wait on her cues from the music. She threw her hands upward and went to do her own gymnastics that she’d been assigned in the routine landing on her feet and getting into whatever the next formation was. // Remy nodded his head and his eyes widened. “Nice.” He whispered. “Nice.” He repeated. “GREAT JOB GIRLS!” He shouted. // Bliss looked over to Eli and shook her head as she leaned over and kissed him. “You’re so knowledgeable.” She smiled. “Go lady hawks!” She cheered as she watched them. “Wow!”
  53. Covet: Working her way through the routine Cadence was feeling plenty warm and a little out of breath by the end of it. She nailed all her gymnastics and stunts in sync with everyone else, and made sure to smile nice and big. // Thankful for the sleep she'd gotten earlier in the day, she was able to keep in time and on point with her motions, through the stunts. // Jose made sure to his all of his marks, and make sure his lifts all looked clean, and professional. As did Mark, wanting to make sure Hayley and the girls were the stars. //"Damn, they're on fire!" Felix called out, then whistled, and got up to clap, which unfortunately hurt, but he didn't feel too much of it thanks to his painkiller. //"Well thank you My Love," Eli said leaning into her kiss as he cheered and clapped for the cheerleaders who were obviously stealling the show tonight.
  54. Smokeless: Dori smiled and was glad there was alot of moving going on right now because she was really getting cold. she moved with the girls and spotted them with the boys when she needed to be and once the music finished she hit her pose.
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