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Nov 26th, 2015
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  2. new nueral manipulation method unlocked:
  3. "thinning" target the broadband/connection link, usually directly at or near the target location will suffice but it can be in
  5. the brain too. manipulate broadband to extremely thin like a thin piece of string,
  7. then make it intermittent. caution: potential for accidental use on veins/arteries.
  9. the trick is to target the worm-sized nerve and make it shrink to tiny thin.
  11. new nueral manipulation method unlocked:
  12. "stasis", possibly the result of digging up an old technique, it is the response to
  14. the difficulties that arose with the thinning method in regards to spread out targets
  16. that dont meet the target criteria for successful thinning manipulation. in essence,
  18. targeting is allegedly much easier and the impact more powerful. its fairly obvious
  20. what it is: a dash of god mode and voila you can target large areas and more than one
  22. at the same time. as all you need to target is the movement of the atoms, targeting is
  24. usually fairly easy- however, a close-up can be necessary sometimes, in which case its
  26. recommended a full relaxation is used to avoid using muscles by accident as a result
  28. of trying to manipulate. caution: can cause spasms virtually anywhere, potentially of
  30. any type. sometimes you will need to nuerally connect to a nerve to use stasis so you
  32. target the nerve and this could be a line that spans your arm for example.. its just
  34. slightly different from regularly targeting as your really jacked into the system
  36. instead of just targeting an external target. its hard to describe but its almost like
  38. running the god program in a virtual desktop except instead its the nueral network.
  39. A visualisation would be a bunch of nerves shaking, and then being made still by
  41. "will" for lack of better word (literally, there are no words for this subject and so
  43. its often impossible to describe the actual differences between methods)
  44. As of writing this, the way i see it almost nothing is capable of avoiding this method
  46. if its used properly. As always, its my responsibility to always use it as a secondary
  48. response, to avoid negative reactions and spasms. This is partly due to the theory
  50. that this-and potentially any manipulation method- can cause damage in exchange for
  52. the relief they provide. the discovery of a new method, which is by the way extremely
  54. frequent, a wave of confidence over the affliction often comes about but with this one
  56. i feel a very strong sense of power over my illness. perhaps its just a matter of time
  58. before i feel that its no longer worth using, as has happened with almost all the
  60. countless other methods. though i dont usually write this much about a method. its no
  62. "midas touch"- one way in which i refer to the holy grail of being able to cure myself
  64. by manipulating my cns and/or brain but its genuinely quite close. sometimes it can
  66. feel like its not working especially if your going after a nerve cluster like in the
  68. elbows but you just have to follow it and go deeper until you find the right part to
  70. freeze. it sounds bad but if your causing spasms your probably doing it right, unless
  72. your fucking it up by clenching instead of manipulating- a common mistake which can
  74. require lots of concentration to avoid.
  75. update: I believe I have observed an important ability of this method: anaesthesia
  77. The top of the forearms (for example) where there is a nerve that frequently gets
  79. inflamed especially when using the arms alot; one observation recorded results of
  81. "unexpected" dampening. Actually I'll update that specifically right now but the back
  83. side of the arm/nerve - the notorious one (if your arm is on the keyboard then youd
  85. have to turn it over to access it). After utilization I proceeded to shut down the
  87. right arm for a couple minutes, as I usually try to do - though usually only for a
  89. long time when its bad and a nerve cluster like this one. Note this can result in the
  91. feeling of physical exhaustion in the same way other methods do. *Results confirmed
  93. the suspicions of anaesthetic-like properties the likes of which I have never seen
  95. before especially given how little effort and time the method takes to use. While I
  97. have been feeling very confident since the discovery of this method because of its
  99. effectiveness, I still just want to point out that I hold back from using it in the
  101. same way I would a drug).
  102. Further update: the test I wrote about above appeared to have longer term dampening affects, of the acute nerves, than expected. Overall energy is up and failures are down. Such an impressive effect lasting days after the manipulation, was completely unexpected and virtually unintended.
  103. Update: At the time of writing this, it feels like a delegation has been made from presumably my arms and face, to my throat, around the aft section of my voicebox. This follows from the first date I had today, which was drastically different than it would have been without stasis, and not because I used it today but because of the arm test I did regarding stasis which I wrote about above. I had way less pain in my face, arms and legs than I would have. In a sense, that test I did caused the first positive game changer ever in regards to my illness. While my neck is hurting, it almost feels like this is the pain that would accompany the pain I would be experiencing right now (drastic facial pain) if I hadn't used stasis on my arms. Its almost like several layers have been stripped away from my illness. However, the fatigue I am experiencing in my neck seems to be unique, though I could be wrong. The concern is ofcourse if there is any damage being done, is all the pain being delegated to my neck? Should I use stasis on it? What will happen if I do, further delegations? For reference, its basically the nerve you find if you put your finger into the whole between your coollar bones, as far as I can tell it runs directly south, inwards a bit and then I lose track at the end of the ribs. Particularly it hurts when I burp. Let it also be known for the record that this flare up became noticable a couple hours after the date ended and proceeded to get worse over the course of a few hours. Facial pain is probably what you'd usually expect after speaking a sentence. Maybe less. I also feel very tired, most likely as a result of the delegated nerve. Update: It is now the next day and the fatigue of the delegated nerve is still present but much better than expected, for now at least.
  104. Update: 2 days later, unexpected facial fatigue led to me using stasis which resulted in pain delegation to an obscure section between the left of the left leg and the buttocks. So obscure infact that targeting took bloody ages. Similar to last time a delegation was made, the pain was concentrated into a smaller area, and again the area chosen was seemingly random. Again, the delegation was preferable and arguably not as big a problem as the original pain it replaced. Unlike last time, I used stasis on the delegated area. It was extrememely difficult to target the obscure area because it was seemingly fine except for sharp pains that came every 5 seconds or so, which I ended up having to target in the brief time they were present. A third target (or 2nd delegation) was not found - a clearer cut case of stasis being used on a delegated area (and when im not going to bed) is now green lighted and will be researched at the next appropriate time.
  105. Update: The results are as follows. My suspicions about pain being moved somewhere else were apparently correct, and there it usually ends up more concentrated, with a throbbing pain every few seconds. So far stasis has resulted in pain (from the face and arms mostly) being transferred to: the left of the left leg, the right hand, the right shoulder and the muscle or nerve around the throat, that heads down making it painful to swallow. The delegations however, usually end up being worth the effort. The pain gets transferred into an area that (most likely) hasn't done anything to warrant the pain, and so, in the case of the shoulder for example, it just feels a bit stiff as only 1 part of it, 1 nerve is in pain as opposed to the whole thing, as it would be normally if I had overused the shoulder. This has made the pain a lot more managable, however targeting and using stasis on these areas that are seemingly randomly picked by the nervous system, is very difficult. The areas are seemingly much more obscure than what I'm used to dealing with and it really takes all my skill to successfully use stasis on them- though it does work. So, it seems there is overall less pain, but, importantly the tradeoff seems to be feeling sleepy, needing more sleep, being able to sleep quickly...
  106. The next focus of my research will be dealing with transferred pain, and focusing on the frequencies or layer of the nervous system that is passing around the pain. I guess it could be all of them and it just depends on how I use stasis but, especially given the strange nature of the transferred pain, it seems it might be all transferred into a single layer. More research will be done: stasis on the entire layer at the same time perhaps, as well as looking for other ways to use stasis without the annoying consequence of transferred pain. But yea I'll also be looking into whether or not stasis can be used on transferred pain to offer some finallity to the pain. That would be fucking nice, after all this transferred pain and fatigue seems to be the only thing standing in the way of me sort of curing my illness. Perhaps focusing on connecting to and probing nerves is a more effective way of targeting transferred pain, think I'll try that too. Oh one more thing I'll be looking into is targeting the processors- ie the brain, signals etc instead of the body.
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