
Dry Bowser Goes Donkers

May 17th, 2018
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  1. Dry Bowser was exploring the expansive New Donk City as the clear blue day suddenly gave away to a dark stormy front, with rain pouring everywhere as the white puffy clouds were replaced with black storm clouds.
  3. "How typical. Just when I was enjoying a bright sunny day, it begins a storm," Dry Bowser commented as he shrugged, letting the rain roll off his bones as he wasn't affected by it, watching the New Donkers run for cover inside the buildings as he shook his head. "What's wrong with you people? It's just rain-"
  5. The rain is not what scared the people, as Dry Bowser would find out a bit too late, with a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex smashing through one of the skyscrapers, roaring loudly as he had a pilot helmet on his head for some reason. Dry Bowser quickly pulled out some of his bones and chucked them at the T-Rex, who chomped the bones into pieces as Dry Bowser growled, the skeletal reptile not pleased with this.
  7. Dry Bowser: Are you serious? You know how long it takes to build replacement bones?
  9. The T-Rex roared as he nearly crunched down on Dry Bowser, who dashed away as he got in the nearby taxi cab, pushing the New Donker driving it out as he took off, with the T-Rex chasing him all around the rainy city as lightning began to flash and thunder started booming, with the chase and storm both becoming more intense than either needed to be.
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